God loves the initiative. It is important to note that all our steps are ordered by the Lord, and he delights in seeing us-led by the Spirit-Psalm 37: 23. He takes great pleasure in planning our lives. Jeremiah 29: 11-for I know the plans that I have towards you, says the Lord, plans for your… Continue reading Guidance and direction
Category: Led by the Spirit
Led by the Spirit
Being conscious of what God wants to do aligns us with him and builds our resistance to the schemes of the enemy. As we resist what the devil wants to do, a desire forms to utterly defeat him. A passionate love for Jesus, combined with an intense hatred of the enemy, pushes us into alignment… Continue reading Led by the Spirit
Assurance, not guidance
One man who benefited from understanding the will of God was Gideon(cutter). At the time, Israel was not being faithful to God. In fact, the nation had done such evil in his sight that he had given them into the hands of the Midianites. Things were so bad in Israel that the people were hiding… Continue reading Assurance, not guidance
The course of change
God is teaching us to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. The carefulness with which we follow the Lord is important, but even that effort can become only a legalistic and religious form. A generation ago, a book was written teaching Christians to be imitators of Christ, to try to decide what Jesus would… Continue reading The course of change
Living now!
We all should have one motto: We are living our life now! We are not living it in the future, but in the present. If you have many years behind you, do not live like someone who is waiting to retire and die. Satan may remind you that you are not as active as you… Continue reading Living now!
Sooner or later!
The time you spend waiting on the Lord is never wasted. You may be frustrated by the stacks of work you have to do, but you will be blessed if you are dedicated to wait on the Lord first. If you have a sense of true values, you know that your time with the Lord… Continue reading Sooner or later!