Welcome to the Cabin

As believers, we can be caught up In Him, to form the canopy or cloud that God hides Himself in. By updrafts of His grace, His glory is revealed through the obscurity and mystery of our lives. We form the living vapour in the cloud of His Presence as we participate with Him where He… Continue reading Welcome to the Cabin

Vulnerable – Real Believers

Vulnerable is to be exposed to the possibility of being harmed either physically or emotionally. Our all-powerful God is vulnerable. He gave His creation the power to choose, to create and destroy. He even gave us the power to reject Him. This all existent God became vulnerable in the garden to play and commune with… Continue reading Vulnerable – Real Believers

Veils of embrace

Have you ever stood behind a waterfall?  When you step under it, you cannot help but get saturated.  So it is, as we step through the veils into engaging His presence and the reality of His kingdom. We become soaked in the tangible residue of His presence.  The time we invest in and choices we… Continue reading Veils of embrace

Threshold of Wonder

January 11, 2014 by Milly·Comments Off on Threshold of Wonder The past 6 months have been rather a whirlwind of Holy Spirit lead travel around the Globe.  Seeing promises released into the heart of nations and seeing creation and weather patterns respond.  My time has been stretched and writing sparse but His faithfulness is to… Continue reading Threshold of Wonder

The Reconciled Bride

July 30, 2012 by Milly·Comments Off on The Reconciled Bride Reconciliation is something that has been carrying weight in my heart. To see man reconciled to God, and to see man reconciled with each other. The message of the Cross. However for man to be reconciled with each other, there needs to be a blueprint. As… Continue reading The Reconciled Bride

The Garden of His desire

January 3, 2016 by Milly·Comments Off on The Garden of His desire I recently asked the Lord “What are your dreams?” He smiled and took my hand. As I took ahold of it we were in a beautiful garden.  I looked around at the vastness and intricacies that I could see and asked Him “Is… Continue reading The Garden of His desire

The Fragrant Cross

November 25, 2011 by Milly·1 Comment One night in 2011 whilst in worship, I was caught up into Jesus body as He hung on the Cross. I in Him, Him in I The weight, the agony, the stretching, tearing sound of silence with intermittent wails echoing in the soulish realm around. On the verge of… Continue reading The Fragrant Cross

The Eternal Seal of Sonship

In a vision, I saw Jesus dancing and spinning. There was such joy in His eyes and a rainbow robe gliding from His shoulders; overshadowing with color, the cities and landscape across the Globe.  As I looked closer, I saw that the robe was actually comprised of Believers.  Just as Joseph in the Old Testament… Continue reading The Eternal Seal of Sonship

The Elastic Army

A peculiar people Stretched OUT of their own limitations to dwell out of eternity Those who have offered up their hearts , minds, desires and even past hurts.  The rigidity; of callous and brittle independence all been offered up to Him in extreme yet mostly hidden acts of humility. Through trials and continual surrender, they have laid out their lives… Continue reading The Elastic Army

The Beauty of the Son

I am so excited to introduce a new and very precious voice to Cabin Academy.  These  treasures of wisdom are shared from the dear heart of Ann Wangari who I have been discipling for almost 3 years.  Her hunger for Him and life of faithfulness to the Lord and His beloveds is amazing.  She lives and breathes Jesus.… Continue reading The Beauty of the Son

The altar awaits

I love life in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit yet the longer I walk with them, the more I realize that I don’t know Him at all! He continually astonishes and is completely secure in His radical-ness. He finds it highly amusing to demolish my prefabricated belief systems in just a few words. … Continue reading The altar awaits

Promise and Proposal

Encompassed in a love story that was spoken of in ancient times.  Promised through a blood covenant with an Iraqi who was a friend of God. As Abraham yielded to the promise in faith.  God Himself walked amongst the pieces of broken flesh. Sealed with the most precious Blood covenant of the Lamb. Jesus body was likewise pierced… Continue reading Promise and Proposal

Return to innocence

Holy holy goodness such an honor to be here. Such an honor to be a administrator of his presence. a that an honour to know  him . Lord direct right now. so thankful that the Lord brought my brother in the spirit. been such fun to ask him to bring ,that whole realm is just… Continue reading Return to innocence

Being spirit and truth

 Such beautiful worship. It is always a struggle for me during worship, especially when I know I am speaking. It is a battle because I don’t want to go to far in because I have to try and hold it together, so I can put words together. So I was trying to come back, reading… Continue reading Being spirit and truth

Living Scars

His Living Scars are victory lasers Revealing light that we may function in freedom. Complete, as sons. No matter how broken we may have been in the past or present. Let us not run from heartache. For He seeks us out in the wounds of our soul Dare to trust Him with your pain; that it… Continue reading Living Scars


Okay so there are basically doors of opportunity which the father presents to us throughout our journey where our choices prove the defining factor. so many times we miss these doors because they’re just so tiny you know they’re easily passed by especially with all the glory and the wonder of heaven our roles and… Continue reading LITTLE DOORS

His Rest Assured

I have missed you!  The past few months I have been stretched into new places with Him. Expansion is a time to be treasured and monopolized. It certainly left me relying on new levels of grace and stripped me of self-dependency. For anyone that has done a skydive, you will know that the initial thrill or… Continue reading His Rest Assured

His Glory in our complexity

He made us complex creatures in order to reveal the very complexity and detail of the kingdom of heaven (where we came from).  Maybe we have only experienced this in the negative sense through (our own and others); broken soul issues. Perhaps we have experienced people with destructive thought patterns like a yarn of tangled… Continue reading His Glory in our complexity

He encompasses eternity and there… He hid us

In Him I went somewhere today that was unlike anything I have seen on the earth. My infantile steps wading through the substance of Wisdom. Overwhelmingly dense and yet purely delightful. Pausing in wonder.  Words were not required. The atmosphere of His everlasting Love; envelopes and teaches us His Ways. We tread softly… For the intensity… Continue reading He encompasses eternity and there… He hid us

Hatching the mysteries of heaven

The heavenly realms are the ultimate; interactive learning experience. It is where we are taught the oracles of God and the protocols of His Kingdom. We present ourselves by faith in humility and hunger and the journey begins. Spirit to spirit we receive downloads of infused knowledge. Revelation draws back the curtains to a view… Continue reading Hatching the mysteries of heaven

God’s Grace is Beyond

2 Cor 12:9 AMP But He said to me, My grace (My favor and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough for you [sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully]; for My strength and power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) and show themselves most effective in [your] weakness. Therefore, I will… Continue reading God’s Grace is Beyond

First Love

1 John 4:19 we love because he first loved us. God is love. We can only love when encountering His first love for us. Before the foundation of the world the lamb was slain. His love has never ever diminished even He foreknew the fall of men. Not that we chose Him but He chose… Continue reading First Love

Fear of the Lord

I was terrified yet ecstatic when i first met the spirit of the Fear of the Lord.  He overshadowed me with the looming enormity of eternity. This was an encounter that provoked a response. I had longed to go further and deeper and now I was completely incapacitated. I had glimpsed of my Fathers goodness,… Continue reading Fear of the Lord

Exposing Glory

My default is to chat about being a prism of His Presence. I get so excited at the reality of being In Him and Him in us.  I admit it is somewhat of an anchor point for me.  But also a hidden truth with an invitation to engage, that I don’t think we have fully… Continue reading Exposing Glory


I was in the Spirit on Christmas day and witnessed the swirling fusion of two realms. The light and glory of heaven penetrating the fallen state of earth. Revelation birthed into darkened understanding. Eternity literally birthed into time and space, not to be limited by it, but to supercede it. The initial terror of the… Continue reading EMMANUEL

Diamonds in paper bags

Priceless treasures Found in humble packages He hides in places we least expect His preconceived kindness Gives us the opportunity to welcome Him To love our neighbour is to wash His feet Have a giggle and a bite to eat That extra minute to find spare change Or just to smile at Him on the… Continue reading Diamonds in paper bags

Conduits of Divine Favor

We are destined to be conduits of the Fathers favor to flow freely into the earth. Divine favor Living channels from the eternal into the temporal. We are powerful in that He gave us the choice in directing the flow. I discovered recently that in 1802 a french man named Albert Mattheu drew up a… Continue reading Conduits of Divine Favor

Come out

Come out, is a cry from His Spirit to ours.  Come out and live from the inside out, in every aspect of our lives and in all that we do.  When we live from the inside out, we allow who Christ is in each of us to be clearly displayed.  This is a courageous thing… Continue reading Come out

Becoming Love

I spent several years overseas in a variety of places. Single-minded to His call to the nations. To follow Him, lovesick, willing to do anything for Him. In the process and by the tutorship of the Holy Spirit and other gifted ministers of His Grace, I learnt on the job. Preaching the gospel, healing the… Continue reading Becoming Love

Beautiful mind – out of ours into His

Renewing of the mind is the desire driven meditation on the person of God. However sometimes our thought-life can be hijacked by circumstantial meditation. Also known as “worry”.  Worry is idolatry because we hold that in higher regard than His Lordship.   Unfortunately worrying or any other form of destructive thought process becomes a bad habit.… Continue reading Beautiful mind – out of ours into His

A Kingdom of Honor

Honor until fairly recently has been alien to many church cultures where control has been prevalent and where flattery has been presented as honor. But we are learning the ways of the Royal house and the good way of honor is being filtered and established slowly through generations. It is becoming more talked about and… Continue reading A Kingdom of Honor

A key called simplicity

I find myself ever baffled by the mystery of His provision. Take Salvation for example.  It is impossible to achieve, and yet received so easily through the simplicity of our agreement.  A mystery!  His marvelous Kingdom operates through mystery and simplicity. Some of the greatest miracles I have seen have appeared to have been remarkably easy, yet practically… Continue reading A key called simplicity