PROPHESY I AM… Is calling you to a new dimension of the power and place of the Spirit. Where truth is the gateway to experience and encounters with me release the wisdom of my ways. I’m calling you to walk in the power of my perception about you. For your life to be governed by… Continue reading A new dimension
Category: Prophecies
Create an internal environment
Beloved, environment is critical to development. It is time for you to rise up and occupy a new place in the Spirit. When you rest in my affection, what can you imagine? Allow my Spirit to stir up your heart to think in a new way. I will enlighten the inner man of your heart.… Continue reading Create an internal environment
Prophecy 17
Behold, O flock of God, thou art at the threshold of great things that the Lord has promised thee. Shall not the searchings of thy heart be greater than all of the searchings that the Lord has brought to thee as thou shalt stand at the threshold of possessing and entering into the thing that… Continue reading Prophecy 17
Prophecy 15
This is a Living Word born out of Psalms 125, 34, 35 and 37. Behold, there is no want to them that trust in the Lord, but the Lord causes them day unto day to be satisfied with His goodness. He taketh even the evil that befalleth them and turneth it into victory. Behold, He… Continue reading Prophecy 15
Prophecy 14
There is a Word that is to come unto the people of the Lord in this day, and how shall that Word come forth? Shall it be born of a fleshly enthusiasm in thine heart? Shall it be born in the midst of thy cries unto the Lord in trials? Nay, it shall come as… Continue reading Prophecy 14
Exhortation and prophecy
We are going to grasp a new concept of how to deal with sin. We have approached it wrong. We must minister to people who have been overtaken in a fault or a sin with the same simple faith with which we would lay hands upon them to heal them, and take dominion over their… Continue reading Exhortation and prophecy
Prophecy 12
The Spirit of the Lord is constantly speaking unity to the house of the Lord. He is saying, “Ye shall not walk divided. Ye shall no longer look upon thyself as an individual, but ye shall look upon thyself as part of a Body” (Ephesians 2:19–22). Ye shall prepare thy hearts to walk together. So… Continue reading Prophecy 12
Prophecy 11
This is a Living Word born out of Psalms 125, 34, 35 and 37. Behold, there is no want to them that trust in the Lord, but the Lord causes them day unto day to be satisfied with His goodness. He taketh even the evil that befalleth them and turneth it into victory. Behold, He… Continue reading Prophecy 11
Prophecy 8
The Lord hath a Word for thee. For thou art no longer under the shepherds who are hirelings that shall forsake thee in the day of battle. Behold, they shall run from thee when the trouble comes; they shall forsake thee in the hour of thy need (John 10:12–13). But the Lord raises up shepherds… Continue reading Prophecy 8
Prophecy 7
Let all of your hearts take courage, for know that if the Lord brings a person within this Body and ye look upon his need and ye become burdened, then thy burden shall always be with a rejoicing of faith; for God brought him in that He might establish him in what He brought forth.… Continue reading Prophecy 7
Prophecy 6
Rejoice in the Lord who hath raised thee up together; and thou shalt perceive in the days to come that none of thee shall arise to walk in the Lord perfectly save that thou shalt see that thy brother and thy sister shall be thine instructor in the Lord. Behold how they shall help thee,… Continue reading Prophecy 6
Prophecy 5
Behold, the Lord speaketh unto thee a thing that has been hidden from the hearts of men. For hast thou not read in the Word of the Lord that men passed through the veil and so they came into the presence of the Lord? Hast thou not read in the Word of the Lord that… Continue reading Prophecy 5
Prophecy 4
Surely the Lord would make known unto thee that which has been the downfall, a snare and a trap unto God’s people in the past. Hast thou not known many assemblies and many people in whom the Spirit of the Lord has moved, and yet thou shalt look upon them today, and it is as… Continue reading Prophecy 4
Prophecy 3
Behold, thou shalt not let thine eye fail to see the vision afar off. Thou shalt not turn thine heart away from the Words which the Lord speaketh unto thee of these days. For the Lord has spoken of glorious things and has set before thee a day like unto which men have not walked… Continue reading Prophecy 3
Sealed unto God a living word
This is a day of heaviness that comes in the eve of battle, a day when the armies of the Lord have seen how they have prevailed in the field; and they gather their strength and organize their forces and prepare for the next assault. It is a day of joy and of the anticipation… Continue reading Sealed unto God a living word
A prophetic proclamation
What are the sounds that we hear? It sounds like the noise of a battle, like the clamor of those who are engaged in a death struggle. Nay, it is not the sound of a death struggle; it is the sound of a birthing. Sons are come to birth, and travail is in the land.… Continue reading A prophetic proclamation
A prophetic proclamation on liberty for the citizens of His kingdom
Come alive! Lift up your hearts. Strengthen the feeble knees. Let none say that his labor is vain in the Lord. Be steadfast and immovable, because the Lord bringeth forth even that which is the reward of thy labors prematurely. Even as ye plow the ground, does not the Lord cause thee also to reap… Continue reading A prophetic proclamation on liberty for the citizens of His kingdom
Prophecy 1
For thou hast not come to a day that thy heart should turn back because of adversity. Neither hast thou come to a day that thou should look upon the mountain and quake with fear. But thou shalt have faith to move that mountain in the name of the Lord. Thou shalt not go by… Continue reading Prophecy 1
Our strength and prosperity in the Lord
Thou shalt behold a strange truth that the Lord shall bring thee. Shalt thou look at what thy God hath wrought in thee and be unmindful of all the circumstances that have hemmed thee in? Behold, saith the Lord, look unto Me, for I have not given thee wisdom that thou knowest the answer to… Continue reading Our strength and prosperity in the Lord
Overflowing blessing
This is a day of victory unto the people of the Lord. It is a day in which the Lord shall bless thee. Yea, in the midst of calamities, in the midst of the things that shall befall the whole face of the earth, shall it not be thy joy in the Lord that shall… Continue reading Overflowing blessing
Blessed indeed
Thou shalt rejoice that the Lord has brought unto thee a day of fullness and not a day of scarcity. The Lord has brought unto thee the day in which thou art vessels that overflow with the blessing of the Lord. Rejoice that the glory and the excellency of the Lord shall be found in… Continue reading Blessed indeed
Cast off the chains
Doth not the Lord look upon thy heart? Doth He not see the chains that yet ye bear? But for freedom hath the Lord set thee free, that every band and every yoke should be broken and that every limitation that thou hast upon thy life should be removed. Is it the Lord that hath… Continue reading Cast off the chains
Rivers of living water
Behold the promise of the Lord shall no more be deferred, neither shall the enemy be able to hinder, for behold His going forth is as sure as the morning. The day hath come that the Lord thy God shall bless and shall rain a double portion upon those that hath sought the Lord and… Continue reading Rivers of living water
Walk forward in freedom
Behold this is the day of deliverance that the Lord bringeth forth unto His people. The Lord purposes that He shall move through His people and He shall loose them from all of their bondages. He shall loose them from those things which have been a stumbling block and an offense, and whatsoever hath restrained… Continue reading Walk forward in freedom
This shall be a day in which the Lord shall bless thee and ye shall stand in His Presence. Ye shall find in thy spirit that thou shalt cleave unto the Lord, and the blessing and the wisdom of the Lord shall flow unto thee. Yea, the Lord hath made this appointment with thee and… Continue reading Prophecy
The word of our testimony
The book of Revelation speaks about the victory of a Christian. And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb, and because of the word of their testimony. Revelation 12:11. The most powerful agent in our victory is the blood of Jesus Christ which was shed for us, because in the shedding of… Continue reading The word of our testimony
“Is it not the Lord that hath positioned us at the transition of the ages? Is it not the Lord who by His Spirit has caused us to reach in to the powers of the age to come? He hath given us a commission that we might pull down strongholds. He hath commissioned us to… Continue reading POSITIONED IN VICTORY
Put your confidence in the Lord
Blessed are the people whose trust is in the Lord, who shall not regard the sight of their eye, nor the hearing of their ear. They shall not be moved by any of these things, but their trust is in the word of the Lord. Blessed are they that walk according to the word of… Continue reading Put your confidence in the Lord
Loosed to flow
Yea, we prophesy the release of God’s people from all their limitations. These things that have been sowed for a little while, like chaff in the budding grain of wheat, now is the time to see it separated. You need no more the days of restriction to teach you obedience to the Lord or to… Continue reading Loosed to flow
Prophecies concerning the New Year
Each year at this time the Lord lays before us certain guidelines. The Spirit has again been speaking through the prophecies of the things that will come to pass during the coming year. The year before us will be a year of persecution. We are already experiencing it in a few rumbles, but the stage… Continue reading Prophecies concerning the New Year
Brought forth in His righteousness
There shall not be within thee anything that would withdraw from all that the Lord would set before thee. It is a time that the Lord would remove from thee even thy fears—not the fear of facing the enemy, but the fear of the deep dealings of the Lord, the fear of what you would… Continue reading Brought forth in His righteousness
“Ye that have ears to hear the trumpet”
It is a day of victory that the Lord has set before His people. Therefore let your hearts be glad today and let there be joyful praise unto the Lord. Let there come forth that which is zealous before the face of the Lord, to praise Him and adore Him and to walk in all… Continue reading “Ye that have ears to hear the trumpet”
The day hath dawned
The Lord would speak unto the people of the Lord and bring unto them the sure knowledge that though they have walked in the midst of trials and battles, they must set the Lord always before them. Let them be mindful of His presence, that He is the Captain of their salvation, and they shall… Continue reading The day hath dawned
A living word
No longer let the prophecies of the Lord stand in abeyance. No longer let the promise of thy God be a thing that lies dormant in thy heart. Reach forth unto the Lord thy God and claim that there shall be a performance of all that He has spoken. Claim that thy heart shall be… Continue reading A living word
It is a day of blessing. Doth not the clouds of blessing hover over thee, O house of the Lord? Hath not the Lord heard the days of your prayers and your supplication before Him, and given witness to your spirit, that behold, the answer cometh? Thou shalt continue to persevere in prayer. Yea, thou… Continue reading Prophecies
Prepare your hearts
Lord, we glorify Thee; we prophesy Thy word before all the people. It is the hour when Babylon shall tremble and her walls shall come down, because Lord, Thou hast ordained that through the word of God spoken through the mouth of Thy servants it shall be performed. Even as it hath begun, the Lord… Continue reading Prepare your hearts
Rejoice, for all things are made new
The Lord filleth the mouth of His people with joy and rejoicing. When they cry unto Him, “What shall we say, Lord? What shall we prophesy?” The Lord says, “Let your heart be glad and prophesy the victory of the Lord.” Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Let not… Continue reading Rejoice, for all things are made new
God hath made thee a winner
Shall it not be a joy unto your heart that you shall behold from day unto day that which the Lord has spoken unfold before thine eyes? Yet thy heart hath rejoiced in it by faith. When thou hast only embraced the thing afar off, it has yet been a joy and a delight to… Continue reading God hath made thee a winner
Greater days
GREATER DAYS Has this not been a day in which the Lord has challenged thy faith, saying, “Wilt thou believe the Word of the Lord or nay?” Say not in your heart, “Behold, I would that I could have lived in the days in which the Lord did perform signs and wonders; when they could… Continue reading Greater days
Instructed in the way
The blessing of the Lord is with us. It is the Lord that hath brought thee to a day in which all that hath gone before thee hath prepared thy heart to walk before the Lord without limitation. Hast thou seen the days of oppression and the days of schooling where the Lord did teach… Continue reading Instructed in the way
Don’t rig it for God
We get the idea that we have to rig it for God to make it easy for Him to work miracles. That’s human nature. For example, we’ll be very careful that there’s a bucket of water we can kick over on the fleece we laid out the night before. You don’t have to rig it… Continue reading Don’t rig it for God
The Lord is thy keeper
Is not the Lord nigh unto them that cry unto Him? His ear is not heavy; behold, His eye is continually upon them. Hath He not written thee and engraved thee upon the palm of His hand to remember thee forever? Is He not the Lord that holdeth the book of remembrance of all them… Continue reading The Lord is thy keeper
Put away fear from they heart
It is a day that the Lord should say, “Will you dwell in fears? Will you draw back from the thing that God has spoken unto thee?” He has spoken of days of rejoicing and singing. He has spoken again of the songs of Miriam upon the shores of the victorious walk that the Lord… Continue reading Put away fear from they heart
Being renewed
This is the day that the Lord would say to thy heart again and again: Be renewed, O house of the Lord. Be ye strong, ye that bear My name. Rise up and possess the things that are before thee, for the victories that you have won are but the beginning. Let not hope be… Continue reading Being renewed
The Lord is faithful
Thou shall not say in thy heart that the Lord hath rejected thee, that He looketh not upon thy condition. Thou shalt not say in thy heart, “I am forgotten of the Lord. He remembereth me not.” Thou shalt say in thy heart, “Behold, the Lord is faithful. If I wander in the way of… Continue reading The Lord is faithful
No good thing will he withhold
Let the hearts of the people rejoice because these are days that the Lord speaketh victory to His people. It is not a time of defeat for them, but it is the time of the manifestation of the victory of the Lord. It is not a thing that thy heart has assumed that ye might… Continue reading No good thing will he withhold
The lame shall take a prey
It is the day that the Lord hath said unto thine heart by the prophet, “The lame shall take a prey.” Thou shalt not be concerned with thine own weakness, but thou shalt be renewed in the Lord, for the man that limps and is lame—the lame, the halt and the blind—shall take the prey… Continue reading The lame shall take a prey
He hath brought thee into a day of release
The Spirit of the Lord bringeth the Word to prophecy concerning the deception that is broken; prophecy concerning the judgment that cometh; the victory that is thine. There shall no longer be concealed the work of the enemy; ye shall not find that in the hour of battle thou knowest not what manner of conflict… Continue reading He hath brought thee into a day of release
The good pleasure of God
Blessed are they that are humble before the Lord, that walk as the meek of the earth. Shall they not inherit the earth? Is not the blessing of the Lord upon them? The day of the good pleasure of the Lord cometh upon the earth and you shall rejoice in it. Let thy heart say,… Continue reading The good pleasure of God
Declare your victory
It is the day of the victory of the Lord. It comes forth unto us in a manner we have not seen here before. Let not your heart be dismayed. No longer, no longer look for the signs of rain. No longer look for the cloud the size of a man’s hand; but stand ye… Continue reading Declare your victory
Inherit thy blessings
This is a day of victory unto the people of the Lord, and not a day of terror. Thy heart shall not fail thee for fear for looking after the things that shall come to pass upon the earth, for the Lord God is thy refuge. You are not children of the night that you… Continue reading Inherit thy blessings
Inherit they blessings
INHERIT THY BLESSINGS This is a day of victory unto the people of the Lord, and not a day of terror. Thy heart shall not fail thee for fear for looking after the things that shall come to pass upon the earth, for the Lord God is thy refuge. You are not children of the… Continue reading Inherit they blessings
Labor to enter His rest
This is the hour that the Lord hath prepared for thee to walk in. For shalt thou say, “Because the promise of the Lord hath lighted upon me, the word has been prophesied over me, therefore I shall walk in the blessing of the Lord”? Nay, the Lord hath given thee the land and He… Continue reading Labor to enter His rest
Days of preparation
These are days of preparation for what the Lord shall bring forth in our midst. It is not a time to be fearful or to draw back. It is not a time that thou shall not be fully exposed unto the Lord and the moving of His Spirit as He searcheth the heart and prepareth… Continue reading Days of preparation
Day of visitation
A new day hath dawned unto the people of the Lord, a day of good tidings unto the remnant. Yea, it is a time of visitation in which the Lord cometh unto the children of men once again. Does He not walk among them? Does He not possess them? Does He not bring to pass… Continue reading Day of visitation
Set you heart upon the Lord
Let your hearts be lifted up unto the Lord. Let the Lord’s blessing be upon thee to perceive how great is your God, how His heart is extended toward thee in compassion, His longsuffering endureth through the ages. Behold, how the hand of the Lord hath lifted thee up and He hath known thee, He… Continue reading Set you heart upon the Lord
The new Joshua generation
Thou art as those who have gone forth and have spied out the land and have seen it when it was not to be seen and have seen what the Lord hath brought up in thy midst, and He has surely led thee into it. Even as the Lord hath destroyed out from among thee… Continue reading The new Joshua generation
Altogether faithful
Let the words of the Lord be in thy mouth continually. Day unto day and night unto night, glorify ye the Lord in song and praise. How near is the Lord unto thee and how mindful of thee. He hath engraven thee upon the palms of His hands. He hath forsaken thee not. Yea, thou… Continue reading Altogether faithful
Destined for victory
We shall worship the Lord and prophesy, for the Body cometh together to be strengthened mutually by what each shall bring forth in the Spirit. Behold, the battle is given to thee to prevail over all the enemy. This is thy heritage in the Lord. Thy destiny is that thou shalt walk in the victory… Continue reading Destined for victory
Immunity given
This is the hour in which the Lord is establishing thee. See how carefully the Lord exposes those things within thy heart, thy soul and body through which the enemy hath been able to hit thee. See how carefully He exposes them, so that He may deal with them and meet the deep repentance within… Continue reading Immunity given
Pressing toward the mark
O house of God, doth not the Lord loose from thee the bands that have oppressed thee? Doth He not take away from thee the things that have been a hindrance to thee? Thou art no more hemmed in, for the Lord shall set thee in a large place. Thou art no more restricted and… Continue reading Pressing toward the mark