People who are always looking for a shortcut seldom pass the tests of God. The test is the shortcut. The key is the test that God gives us so that we can receive, become, inherit what he sees over us. Testing is always linked to the development of our obedience-2 Corinthians 2: 9; 10: 5.… Continue reading The key is the test
Category: Testings
When you’re facing a crisis, remember what Jesus said to His disciples the night before His crucifixion: “Let not your heart be troubled” (John 14:1). Imagine what it would have been like to be one of Jesus’ disciples at the end. They watched as He was arrested, beaten, and crucified. All their hopes and dreams were rooted… Continue reading Crisis
You must pass the tests before you can graduate
2 CHRONICLES 32:31 God left him, to try him, that he might know all that was in his heart. The system of passing tests is a kingdom principle which we need to understand. However, it is somewhat different to the secular educational system that often requires a student to just memorize information. Most of the… Continue reading You must pass the tests before you can graduate
Are you passing God’s tests?
The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord. When we come into a walk with God we come under the dealings of the Lord. What are the dealings of the Lord? Is is the transformation process where we go from grace to grace, faith to faith, strength to strength, Glory to Glory.… Continue reading Are you passing God’s tests?
We are in the midst of days in which many troubles stalk the land. We are in the days of persecution and bigotry. But we are also in the days of great revelation from the Lord, which is unique to this transition period of ages that we are in. In the midst of it, we… Continue reading Unthankful
Lord, why parole satan?
In the book of Revelation we read about the conclusion of the whole conflict of the ages. Don’t you love to read about how it is all going to turn out? It is important for us to see what God says in His Word will be the conclusion of this great conflict that has gone… Continue reading Lord, why parole satan?
Lord, we get your point!
(Get your matches ready—this Word is going to explode! I know what is going to happen—we are going to have services in which God gives us exact revelation and direction. But He will not do that until we are ready. When the Word comes, it is like a train, with one thing hooked onto another.… Continue reading Lord, we get your point!
Do we have enough?
If we could project ourselves five or six months into the future, and then look back to this present time, we would probably come to one basic, inevitable conclusion—the same conclusion we would reach if we now looked back five or six months. Each one of us would have to say, “God, help me. I… Continue reading Do we have enough?
The right level
For several years, the Word of the Lord has been emphasizing the importance of right relationships. We have learned that we are vulnerable if our relationships are not right. This truth is important to each one of us, because everything that will function properly in the Kingdom of God will be related to it. We… Continue reading The right level
The ups and downs
At times every believer in Christ Jesus must have thought, “If only I could understand what God is doing in my life! Or if I could even know whether or not the present circumstances in my life are of God—maybe it is the devil, or perhaps it is only my friends or relatives that are… Continue reading The ups and downs
Christ alone shall be exalted
When changes come in our lives, our reaction can be insecurity and fear. Within the local church we may go through testings which cannot be defined as normal church situations. Actually, God may be moving to bring us all into a different state, a different spiritual climate or condition. If we look to the Scriptures… Continue reading Christ alone shall be exalted
Fix your hope on grace
We want to possess everything that God has set before us. To that end, let us revive our hopes and visions and dreams. Let us leave our foxholes of passivity and charge over the top! In his first Epistle, Peter tells us how we can do this. Blessed be the God and Father of our… Continue reading Fix your hope on grace
Baby, you are going to fly!
Our Lord does not make mistakes. He knows exactly what He is doing, and He is doing everything right. At one time or another, He places each of us in a very difficult position, and we may not know which way to turn. We know that we love the Lord very much and we are… Continue reading Baby, you are going to fly!
A promise with a problem
One of the greatest conflicts you have in walking with God is the conflict with God Himself. How can He be so gracious to you and yet so contrary? There is a principle you must see in God’s dealings with you. Usually God’s Word comes in two forms: first, the precepts and the commandments of… Continue reading A promise with a problem
It’s done! and by the Lord God it will stay done!
One of the deadliest enemies of our walking in God’s promises is the state of passively coexisting with the enemy. Our own hearts must stop submitting to situations that are not right. We have come to the time of which Jesus spoke, when the angels are to be sent to the four corners of the… Continue reading It’s done! and by the Lord God it will stay done!
In the shadow of the Almighty
Psalm 91 speaks of a man blessed of God who isn’t afraid, even though arrows are flying by day and terror by night. This isn’t a picture of a serene life. I doubt whether any of us who walk with God could survive under the pressures we have entered into, if we did not look… Continue reading In the shadow of the Almighty
Behold the sunrise!
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was waste and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that… Continue reading Behold the sunrise!
As though some strange thing were happening
In every generation, every century in which Christ’s people walk upon this earth, the dealings are different, and the circumstances are different. They go through different experiences, and yet when you apply the Scripture to them, you never fail to apply it to the present generation just the same as you could apply it to… Continue reading As though some strange thing were happening
The testing of all who are set in the body
When a man has been set aside for a ministry, and he and his family are going through testings, they really need to be in the house of the Lord. The ministry may be tempted to withdraw and seek the Lord to meet him. But while the fire is being put to him he had… Continue reading The testing of all who are set in the body
The fiery ordeal
The end of all things is at hand; therefore, be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer. Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. Be hospitable to one another without complaint. As each one has received a special gift, employ it… Continue reading The fiery ordeal
From the bitter comes the sweet
Do you know what people used to do on the farm to grow delicious, sweet, juicy strawberries? They would put manure on them. Do you know what the Indians used to do in order to get some of the most amazing corn ever grown? (Corn, or maize, as they called it is indigenous to America—no… Continue reading From the bitter comes the sweet
And let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9. This fainting doesn’t mean literally passing out. Isaiah 40:28–31 says, Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard? The everlasting God, Jehovah, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is… Continue reading Sifting
There is something strange happening to you
Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing; so that also at the revelation of His glory, you may rejoice with exultation.… Continue reading There is something strange happening to you
Are you earth bound?
The Bible always comes alive to our hearts in a special way during a period of afflictions and testings. How can we hope to understand some of David’s cries in the Psalms unless we also experience the same deep afflictions and testings, the same despair he felt when he saw the arrogance and prosperity of… Continue reading Are you earth bound?