The transformed life

Jesus has food to give you that will sustain and heal you. This bread I give you: if you eat it you will live forever. I am the Bread of Life, and all that I am is available to you.” Eating with the Lord, Fellowship with the Lord is, and should always be, our lifelong… Continue reading The transformed life

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Flaming sword

The lord placed a flaming sword which turned every way; it looked like a ball of fire to form a barrier, to not allow passing through the fallen nature of Adam, representing the D.N.A of the human race. God is a consuming fire; this fire separates that which is not like His Spirit from entering… Continue reading Flaming sword

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Purged, purified and refined

Dear Master, we come with confidence before You, knowing that the word that You give is not a product of our minds or thinking. Neither do we receive it that we might ponder over it as one who has heard a philosophical truth. These are days, Lord, that the flow of Thy word comes to… Continue reading Purged, purified and refined

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Spiritual cannibalism

In the Body of Christ there must be the life flow of Christ from one member to another in an openness without any walls. There must be a deep sense of appropriating from one another and giving to one another in purity. A pure flow exists when there is a determination not to draw life… Continue reading Spiritual cannibalism

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Adapting to change

MATTHEW 9:16-17 16. No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse. 17 Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and… Continue reading Adapting to change

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The imperceptible change

Imagine yourself on a beautiful clear day, out in a sailboat, gliding smoothly along on a quiet lake. If you look around once in awhile at the place where you started, you see the shoreline fading away into the distance. Both the distant past and new horizons are opening up to us. It’s almost as… Continue reading The imperceptible change

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Transforming ourselves

Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit. II Corinthians 3:17–18. This… Continue reading Transforming ourselves

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Transforming our emotions

As we enter into the Presence of God we can literally feel His emotions, we can feel His love for us, and we can feel His joy and peace. As we learn how to walk in the Spirit, His emotions are continually flowing into and out of us. As we tune into the Lord, we… Continue reading Transforming our emotions

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Being Transformed

The primary work of the Holy Spirit is to transform us into the Image of Jesus Christ. It is His ministry to sanctify our soul. Only He is able to save us from the power of sin. Transformation is a change of life form; it is a change from death into life. It describes the… Continue reading Being Transformed

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The primary work of the Holy Spirit is to transform us into the Image of Jesus Christ. It is His ministry to sanctify our soul. Only He is able to save us from the power of sin. Transformation is a change of life form; it is a change from death into life. It describes the… Continue reading Transformed

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Our identity

The whole issue of our identity is about our coming into full maturity. Hebrews 10: 14 For by one offering he hath perfected (past-perfect tense-the finished result of the action, To complete, make perfect by reaching the intended goal, a spiritual condition brought about by the action) forever (two words in the Greek 1- motion… Continue reading Our identity

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The engrafted word

Transformation is a change of life form. How are we changed into another person? James 1: 21Wherefore , lay apart all filthiness and superfluity  of naughtiness, and receive  with meekness  the engrafted (émphutos; to implant, from emphúō – to implant, which is from 1- en -intimate union with 2 phúō to germinate, to grow or… Continue reading The engrafted word

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Kingdom transfer

Transfer- to transfer is the removal or conveyance of something from one place or person to another. In the kingdom of God there are certain spiritual laws or principles that govern it; one of those principles is transference. In order to walk with God we are going to need to learn how the principle of… Continue reading Kingdom transfer

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