Category: Warriors
Zion revolutionaries
For the Kingdom of God to come forth in our lives, and the world around us, we must speak only His Word and walk in the victory of His Spirit. His Spirit is the Spirit that has overcome the world, the flesh and the devil and has ascended on high and is seated on the… Continue reading Zion revolutionaries
Your intimacy intimidates the enemy
A strong breakthrough spirit was on Caleb and Joshua-Number 13 and 14. Moses had sent 12 spies, including Caleb and Joshua, into the promised land. Ten of them returned with bad reports; they let their mind and emotions heighten fear among the people. In Numbers 13:27 – 29, they highlighted every difficulty the Israelites would… Continue reading Your intimacy intimidates the enemy
Your emotions reveal your destiny
The Lord loves everything about us that he has created. We are being restored in his image, and it is very good. The Lord gave us emotions so that we could experience him, the kingdom, and life in the fullest way possible. Our positive emotions create in us the opportunity to discover God, inspire other… Continue reading Your emotions reveal your destiny
Weakness cannot prevent us from overcoming
We are never asked to live from a negative. We are always hugely encouraged to trust, be in faith, and believe. God believes the best about us even though we are constantly in transition. We are in Christ, learning to be Christ like. We are being changed from one degree of glory to another. We… Continue reading Weakness cannot prevent us from overcoming
We are anchored by purpose
In battle, spiritual warriors are able to speak with utter confidence about God’s ability. In every circumstance, they keep their gaze fixed on God. The story of the three Hebrew exiles in Daniel 3 is a perfect example of this principle. Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego refused to bow before a large statue of King Nebuchadnezzar,… Continue reading We are anchored by purpose
Warriors prove God’s dominance
The Old Testament is full of examples of the Spirit of God coming upon an individual for the purpose of breakthrough and deliverance. In 2 Chronicles 20, for example, Judah was under siege by 3 powerful nations. The Hebrews were so terrified that they gathered together to beg God for help, their children clinging to… Continue reading Warriors prove God’s dominance
Warriors look for treasure
The key to any spiritual victory is to think like the Lord. Perception is everything. Spiritual warriors need to be God conscious. The difference between Elisha and his servant in 2 Kings 6 was that one was focused only on earthly issues while the other was concerned with what God was doing. Elisha saw beyond… Continue reading Warriors look for treasure
Warriors have a royal perspective
David was a man who understood and was strengthened by the power of God. Even as a young man, he knew that no battle was impossible with God on his side. It is this courage that has made his stories famous, and his victory over Goliath in 1st Samuel 17 being the most notable. Goliath… Continue reading Warriors have a royal perspective
Warrior’s breakthrough for others
In 2 Samuel 23, we see a prototype of these spiritual warriors in the stories of David’s mighty men. Long before he was King, David had lived in caves and fought skirmishes against all types of enemies. Along the way, key men joined his cause. Some were mercenaries, others were outcasts. Most just loved a… Continue reading Warrior’s breakthrough for others
Waking up your inner man
There is an activation I like to do that really develops the muscles of faith by rejoicing. Whenever we are developing people for life in the spirit are preparing them for battle, confidence and boldness must always be part of the training. Read this activation through twice before you do it. Do it with all… Continue reading Waking up your inner man
Understanding crisis and process
God seeks the pleasure of our company, and he wants us to live in that place forever. Spiritual warriors know that every situation has been designed for us to discover God’s presence and find appropriate access, using our circumstances. Confidence in his nature is our entry point, always. To live in his presence with confidence… Continue reading Understanding crisis and process
To manifest means to make visible.
Manifestation of the spirit occurs when we are God conscience, that is, when we are more aware of him then we are of ourselves. When we understand that everything, we need to succeed spiritually is already inside of us, we become fully focused on letting God do his work. We can draw out that provision… Continue reading To manifest means to make visible.
The world is crying out for heroes.
Every culture has its icons – legends to become larger-than-life as their story is told and retold. In days past, these heroes have often been war and political figures whose images are burned in our minds eye. In Western nations like great Britain, the United States, and Canada, we can picture them clearly; Winston Churchill… Continue reading The world is crying out for heroes.
The water level is rising
The water level is rising. I am measuring you for a blessing. The enemy is measuring you for your destruction. I have measured you for your increase. The water level is rising around your life and circumstances. As you partner with me in this new day, I will soak your life with a fresh outpouring… Continue reading The water level is rising
The two routes into alignment
Father uses two ways to develop us. They both take the same amount of time, energy and discipline. The route we take is always set by the Lord. We can ask him for our preference, but he will choose the route that he believes is most beneficial for us at this time. The first is… Continue reading The two routes into alignment
The mystery of godliness
Grace is the opening up of a new place so that we can live responsibly in alignment with the father, through Jesus Christ, by the Holy Spirit. Spiritual warriors perfect the art of bouncing back. They know that a crisis leads to elevation. What is trying to take us down will, in fact, cause us… Continue reading The mystery of godliness
The art of thinking powerfully
In Romans 12:1 – 2, Paul laid out the importance of leading with our spirit, not our soul: I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be… Continue reading The art of thinking powerfully
Strengths and weaknesses are a paradox
Praise helps us to live in the right place. God is our inheritance – his nature is irrepressible and indomitable. He cannot be overcome. Our confession of faith must be in line with these truths about God’s strength and provision, not our present condition. Our confession should revolve around who he is, not with who… Continue reading Strengths and weaknesses are a paradox
The ability to still the clamor within our heart and mind is a key part of a spiritual warrior’s character. To be quite in God, even in the face of adversity, is a challenge. Warriors cannot move out of panic; they must operate out of peace and rest. Demons can roar, people can scream, panic… Continue reading Stillness
Standing in the forefront of the battle
Spiritual warriors play a different role than a Christian soldier; they are a completely different breed. They are on special assignment, charged with specific God–led initiatives against the enemy. Spiritual warriors are the special forces of the kingdom, going out against the enemy in advance of the church. Out there, they battle and hold ground… Continue reading Standing in the forefront of the battle
Spiritual warriors change atmospheres
Every Christian is called at the very least to be a soldier in the Army of God. Soldiers are called to counter evil with the overwhelming, overcoming good that flows from a heart in love with God. No matter what situation a Christian soldiers is in, they must live from their spirit. Soldiers bless everyone… Continue reading Spiritual warriors change atmospheres
Signs of nonalignment
Spiritual warriors must be able to recognize when they are not living and moving in partnership with the Holy Spirit. The Lord has an impressive impact on our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states when he is present with us. Physically, it can be something as simple as loss of appetite. Tension and stress fill… Continue reading Signs of nonalignment
Seeing beyond the natural realm.
Elisha was a powerful spiritual warrior in his time, leading the charge against God’s enemies. In 2nd Kings 6, he single-handedly stopped the king of Syria from defeating Israel. The prophet kept receiving words of knowledge about the Syrians’ plan. He even knew what was being said in secret meetings in the king’s palace bedroom,… Continue reading Seeing beyond the natural realm.
Rest: the warrior’s greatest weapon
It is not violence that propels these spiritual warriors forward. Ironically, they breakthrough enemy lines through their own ability to rest in the Lord. These mighty men and women live in a state of untroubled calm and rest despite every annoyance thrown their way. While the enemy dishes out chaos and accusation, spiritual warriors are… Continue reading Rest: the warrior’s greatest weapon
On this journey of life, we have choices to make in terms of how we are going to show up. What will we reveal to others about God, and about our relationship with him? We can choose, for example, optimism or discouragement. We can choose to become positive by using our will properly or to… Continue reading Resilience
Releasing the warrior!
Read this word silently four times. Firstly, read it through normally. Catch the cadence of it. Allow pictures to form in your heart. See yourself as a warrior. Hear God’s voice to your heart. Secondly, read it through peacefully. Come to as much peace as you are able and read it slowly, gently, from within… Continue reading Releasing the warrior!
Preoccupied with Jesus
The Lord bless you, and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance on you, and give you peace – numbers 6:24 to 26. What a wonderful, poetic expression: the Lord make his face shine upon you. That’s the best description of… Continue reading Preoccupied with Jesus
A new dimension
PROPHESY I AM… Is calling you to a new dimension of the power and place of the Spirit. Where truth is the gateway to experience and encounters with me release the wisdom of my ways. I’m calling you to walk in the power of my perception about you. For your life to be governed by… Continue reading A new dimension
Create an internal environment
Beloved, environment is critical to development. It is time for you to rise up and occupy a new place in the Spirit. When you rest in my affection, what can you imagine? Allow my Spirit to stir up your heart to think in a new way. I will enlighten the inner man of your heart.… Continue reading Create an internal environment
The rights of an overcomer
Come up higher. Occupy a higher place in my affection. A higher place of sensitivity in the Spirit is awaiting you. This is my promise to you; the place in your life where you have been struggling in will become the place of your greatest encounter with me. These difficulties will now tell you a… Continue reading The rights of an overcomer
This is how it works
The faster you move, the more you will encounter, and the more you will be transformed. I’m calling you to an ascendant lifestyle, to learn the disciplines of a resurrected life. I will teach you how to rejoice in the throne room. You shall be enthusiastically immersed in throne room praise. You will partake of… Continue reading This is how it works
Rise up a warrior
My beloved, this is a time of new beginnings. I am promoting you in the Spirit. I’m drawing you up to a new place of encounter. As a foot soldier, you have fought well. You have tasted the sweetness of victory in the ashes of defeat. You have learned to preserve. You have embraced a… Continue reading Rise up a warrior
Becoming warrior class
A warrior spirit is my gift to you. A Warrior mindset is your gift to me. Warrior lifestyle is our partnership… Together. Allow my Spirit… Who is your helper… To forge a renewed mind in you… that is warrior class. A warrior mindset is always focused on victory. It allows no possibility of defeat. It… Continue reading Becoming warrior class
New depths of habitation
Behold, I make my face shine upon you. I am delighted in you… Remain there. Abide in my keeping power. Dwell in the place of fullness… Which is perpetual blessing. My grace overwhelms everything you are not so that I may fully gaze on you, my beloved, and my beauty. And your heart shall melt… Continue reading New depths of habitation
Overcoming a poverty spirit
I am removing a poverty spirit from your heart. A poverty spirit keeps you trapped in a lower form of being. Poverty is not about economic deficiency. True poverty is the acceptance of meager possibility. There can be a poverty of imagination. A deficiency in courage. A death in personal vision. A barrenness in the… Continue reading Overcoming a poverty spirit
Be thrilled with your tutor
I will teach you the lesson of beauty. The beauty of having a right spirit in union with me. It is a great life I’ve given you. I will teach you how to abide in me, the joy of dwelling in me, and the beauty of just being in me and with me You must… Continue reading Be thrilled with your tutor
Meekness: your secret weapon
While the word warrior conjures up images of strength and power, meekness is actually the secret weapon of a spiritual warrior. When we learn how to be a Lamb before God, we grow in spiritual authority. Go your way; behold, I send you out as lambs among wolves, Jesus told his disciples in Luke 10:3.… Continue reading Meekness: your secret weapon
It is undoubtedly true that we are the passion of God’s heart. When he looks at us, his heart is overwhelmed by love. This is as much true of us in our fallen state as it is through our place in Christ. Romans 5:8 states, God demonstrates his own love towards us, in that while… Continue reading Listening
Led by the Spirit
Being conscious of what God wants to do aligns us with him and builds our resistance to the schemes of the enemy. As we resist what the devil wants to do, a desire forms to utterly defeat him. A passionate love for Jesus, combined with an intense hatred of the enemy, pushes us into alignment… Continue reading Led by the Spirit
Knowledge without experience is not truth
A warrior is a seeker after truth. We want freedom above all else. We seek to release captives. To open blind eyes and create an awareness of God in all his beauty and excellence. Warriors want territory. They seek a land of their own. They want the city, the region, the state/Province, the country and… Continue reading Knowledge without experience is not truth
Raising our awareness of what God is doing also produces a heightened level of intuition, the instinctive ability to pinpoint something. A strong sense of intuition allows us to take an ax to the root of the trees around us, rather than focusing on the branches. We learn the cause, not the effect. We gain… Continue reading Intuition
Internal frame of reference
Too many Christians have no frame of reference for God. They have no internal, personalized experience or expression of God’s presence. Their experience is mostly physical and mental, or what is called soulish in nature. Because it is physical and mental, it depends on physical and mental stimuli to exist. But the spirit is so… Continue reading Internal frame of reference
Intensified experience
The Holy Spirit loves consistency. He grows it in us by magnifying the wonderful nature of God. He will focus our intention on a single aspect of God’s nature and magnify the truth for us. My testimony is that God is the kindest person I’ve ever met. The father began specifically to teach me about… Continue reading Intensified experience
Inner atmosphere determines outer environment
Manifesting our spirit to reveal what God has put inside of us is a deliberate act of faith. Warriors reveal their inner being in order to confront the enemy and help God do what he wants to do. Something exists inside each of us that must rise up in the face of trouble. We see… Continue reading Inner atmosphere determines outer environment
Great leaders produce kingdom people
A church that is top down led – that is not permission giving; that does not allow the people to dream or encounter God fully for themselves – can never produce a warrior. In truth, people who want more of God are going to leave these inferior houses to seek the Lord and his greatness.… Continue reading Great leaders produce kingdom people
God schedules our conflicts
God will organize people and design events just to give us the opportunity to grow in the fruit of the Spirit and in his grace. When we are in alignment with him, we see these opportunities for growth clearly. If we are out of sync, we usually respond too harshly. 1 Corinthians 2; 9 makes… Continue reading God schedules our conflicts
Frustration does not exist in the kingdom. It is a device of the world, a negative construct contrary to the nature of God. Frustration is an admission that we are baffled, checked, blocked, neutralized in faith – by people, circumstances, and opposition. Frustration legitimizes negative emotions, giving them a place in our experience. Frustration is… Continue reading Frustration
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need-Hebrews 4:16. Spiritual warriors come boldly to God’s throne room, knowing both their own role and his will. A Christian becomes a spiritual warrior through encounter. In that moment, the believer becomes… Continue reading Fearlessness
Faith’s partnership with the will
When God’s truth, faith and will, are put together, they are enough to create a move of God in our spirit. The key is to continually remind ourselves what is true about the nature of God. I am constantly awed by the kindness of God in my life. His kindness is just too real for… Continue reading Faith’s partnership with the will
Evidence of true alignment
In a word, alignment looks like health. A properly aligned spiritual warrior is rested for a fight. We are willing to be involved with God; we arrive early to the battle and leave late. We have physical commitment and energy to do something. We are willing to perform physical tasks to make it easier for… Continue reading Evidence of true alignment
Everything leads to Majesty
We are in the process, aided by the Holy Spirit, of discovering a Revelation of God so profound, it governs every facet of our lives. In line with these perceptions, we cultivate experiences of God’s nature that empower us to breakthrough obstacles, overcome the enemy, and overwhelmed human opposition with the goodness of God. When… Continue reading Everything leads to Majesty
Enduring in the face of overwhelming odds is only possible because the strength of God’s grip on us. This is the source of our confidence – we know he will never let us go, no matter what. The will of God is to be for us. 1st John 5; 14 -This is the confidence we… Continue reading Endurance
Do not blur your focus
Spiritual warriors require outstanding focus. The enemy wants nothing more than to break our concentration on the things of God. He knows that basking in the light of God’s nature grows us stronger every day, and the enemy wants to put a stop to it. We must focus on our God-given assignment, pouring our time,… Continue reading Do not blur your focus
Digging out a well
Manifesting your spirit is a spiritual discipline, one explained by Jesus himself in John 7:37 – 39: Manifesting our spirit is when the life of God is flowing through our spirit into our soul and body and then it overflows through us to out into the world, touching people with the presence of God! Awesome!… Continue reading Digging out a well
Difference between anger and assertiveness
Spiritual warriors are not aggressive; they are assertive in a powerful way. When you partake of the nature of God you cannot be angry in the way you once were. It takes a lot for God to get angry, he is very slow in this regard. If he does get angry, it’s momentary and always… Continue reading Difference between anger and assertiveness
Developing consistency
There is no such thing as a quick fix or a magic formula. It Takes real commitment to create a positive transformation. The majority of people attending conferences around the world see no improvement in their lives. Some of that is because the content of ministry is poor. Mostly though, people do not take time… Continue reading Developing consistency
Declaring your commitment
I have been both privileged and dismayed in my experience of churches. The churches that I love have these things in common: they allow people to be themselves, and they have characters that are strong, unique, pleasant, and yet dangerous to the kingdom of darkness. They see themselves as relational communities where family and friendship… Continue reading Declaring your commitment
Contentment: the outward expression of an inward glory
Powerful mentors gaze at the Lord with a childlike simplicity and wonder. They have an innocence about them – a simple purity, humility, grace, and a deep abiding love for Jesus that was naked to the eye, a visible passion that ruled each day. I cried out for that – fasted and prayed, hungered for… Continue reading Contentment: the outward expression of an inward glory
Confidence is the hallmark
A hallmark is a distinctive feature, signifying excellence. It is the stamp imprinted onto gold and silver that declares its purity, and therefore its value. Similarly, it is a huge indicator of a spiritual warrior’s true worth to the community in which God has placed him. Warriors are people who confidently make choices about where… Continue reading Confidence is the hallmark
Boldness and humility
Scripture and Revelation are two key confidence builders in the spiritual warrior’s life. God carefully puts his words into our lives to provoke us to look at him. All too often, we get distracted by his hand, wondering what he is doing. But he wants us to look him in the eye – to talk… Continue reading Boldness and humility
All warriors are anti-religion
Heaven will always confront man-made spirituality. The best place for the enemy to hide is always in the guise of something spiritual. He masquerades as an angel of light. As we saw in the time of Jesus, he was constantly opposed by religious people who are fronting a system that they themselves had developed over… Continue reading All warriors are anti-religion
Alignment is majestic
He that is in you is greater than he that is in the world – 1 John 4; 4- because whatever is born of God overcomes the world – 1 John 5; 4. As he is so are we in this world – 1 John4; 17. If alignment is not focused on magnificence it is… Continue reading Alignment is majestic
Alignment creates breakthrough.
There are two battles we face in any personal issue. The first is to become free, and the second is to stay free. We’ve all seen people who received a breakthrough but who did not maintain it. There is no breakthrough without follow-through. There is a situation involving David that wonderfully illustrates this principal. Now… Continue reading Alignment creates breakthrough.
Agree with your trainer!
Most believers do not practice agreement between themselves and the work of the Holy Spirit. They can be Soulish, led mostly by their feelings, and heavily influenced by rational thinking. They do not live by the Spirit because they usually use logic to talk themselves out of the spiritual dimension. But God rarely employees a… Continue reading Agree with your trainer!
The warrior’s perception of reality
Spiritual warriors do not get distracted; they are focused on waiting on God. Their eyes are searching for him in every situation. Where is God? What does he want to do? They allow themselves to be drawn by the Spirit. Because these warriors know how to find God in even the most difficult situations, they… Continue reading The warrior’s perception of reality
The celebratory lifestyle
Joy, praise, rejoicing, and thanksgiving are all forms of the celebratory lifestyle that make it easier to enter the secret place in times of difficulty. Warriors practice being at rest. It is customary for them to spend excess time in worship. Rejoicing is their breath – a joyful, simple lifting of the heart in praise… Continue reading The celebratory lifestyle
A revelatory capacity to receive
If our spirituality matters, it matters most under pressure. The Lord is with us always; he never leaves nor forsakes us – Hebrews 13:5. He is our rock, and ever present help in times of trouble – Psalm 27:5. He lifts us up above our enemies – Psalm 27:6. He sustains us. His willingness to… Continue reading A revelatory capacity to receive