We never exit worship

Passion is the discovery of what is true and empowering about God’s personality. This touches our emotions and releases revelation. Key insights are released and become possibilities that empower our faith. Worship in that context is the permission to become lost in the rhythm of God’s heartbeat. The father is never passive in worship. He… Continue reading We never exit worship

Are you aware of Him?

Our singing and our praising the Lord has gone through several phases. God certainly is not a God of ruts. If there is anything that tends to deteriorate, it is the spirit of worship through sameness. The greatest worshipers of all time were men like David, and he was continually giving himself to the invention… Continue reading Are you aware of Him?

The kingdom is His oneness

We had been saying, “We’re in the Kingdom! We’re in the Kingdom!” And we really were, to some extent; but the Kingdom is characterized by relationships. All the relationships, as they had existed, began to sharply deteriorate. The relationships which God wanted to endure in the Kingdom, He devastated so completely that they came to… Continue reading The kingdom is His oneness

“One answer for a thousand problems”

This Word sets forth a vision, a revelation from the Scriptures, which will combine the relationship of worship and warfare with certain requirements God wants from each of us in Body ministry. In Colossians 3:16–17 we find truths which are very necessary for our hearts in relationship to our walk with the Lord and our… Continue reading “One answer for a thousand problems”

They prophesied with harps

In this message we will explore the history of music in the Old Testament, particularly those aspects which relate to what God has promised to bring forth today. In Isaiah 26:18–20, the prophet speaks of the travail of the end time and the worship that will accompany the breakthrough into resurrection life. We were pregnant,… Continue reading They prophesied with harps

The initiative is ours

Every time the saints of God gather together in this end time, it becomes more and more important that we move further into what God wants. We must not dillydally around and merely have another meeting, but we must touch God and reach in for ourselves and each other with all of our heart. The… Continue reading The initiative is ours

What He is to us

We are concerned about giving God our deep dedication and our full consecration, but if that is the sole basis of our relationship with Him, we tend to feel insecure. And that may be the reason why some believers do feel insecure. It is true that the Lord demands a great deal of us, but… Continue reading What He is to us

The fixed focus

The leaders carry the service, but the people must also be aware of what is taking place. When you stand in the service as individuals who have come in with all your thoughts going around in your mind, the service will not reach a very high level. As you wait on the Lord, there must… Continue reading The fixed focus

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The priority of worship

If Christ were to stand in our midst today, He would be singing praises unto the Father. The writer of Hebrews quotes from the Old Testament (Psalms 22:22), applying this Scripture to Jesus Christ: … He is not ashamed to call them brethren, saying, “I will proclaim Thy name to My brethren, in the midst… Continue reading The priority of worship

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Worship from the heart

When we set our heart upon the Lord, then the psalms that we sing are very beautiful, even though they may not be perfect technically. As we increase our worship, it is pleasing to God. Worship is in our will. The great sins against worship are withdrawal, rebellion, stubbornness, and pride. Pride is actually an… Continue reading Worship from the heart

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He has to be Lord

When you come to worship, your distractions are always obvious. You are not oppressed, but you are very much focused on all the things that are surfacing in your own life. What does God really want from you? He wants you to love Him with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your… Continue reading He has to be Lord

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No audience allowed!

INSTRUCTIONS ON WORSHIP PARTICIPATION In this walk with God, when each man does his own thing or has an audience, it is old order. When someone sings or prophesies, it belongs to the Walk only if they are an expression of the whole body and the whole body is participating with them. When you have… Continue reading No audience allowed!

In His presence

Exhortation When you come to worship the Lord, it is very necessary that you get rid of any restraints and open your spirit completely to the Lord. Rebuke anything that has disturbed you during the day and say, “I will not suffer that feeling or emotion to restrain me any longer.” Get rid of any… Continue reading In His presence

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Make Him a throne 1

Let us consider Psalm 22:3 from two different versions. King James: But Thou art holy, oh Thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. New American Standard: Yet Thou are holy, O Thou who art enthroned upon the praises of Israel. In Hebrews 13:15, we read about offering to the Lord our praises, the sacrifice of… Continue reading Make Him a throne 1

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The true worshiper

But the hour cometh and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for such doth the Father seek to be his worshippers. John 4:23.  We may have a lot of problems and battles. But even if we could solve twelve different problems for you—before the month was… Continue reading The true worshiper

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Expressing our faith in worship

The Lord is speaking to His chosen remnant today. By revelation and prophecy His Spirit assures us that our Lord has endowed us with divine authority to fulfill now the ministry of judgment and exploits. Our awareness of our destiny is growing. Our absolute acceptance of His promises is essential. We are to be His… Continue reading Expressing our faith in worship

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Delivered to be his worshipers

Do you believe in the selfishness of God? God has a right to be selfish for all glory and praise belong to Him. He has brought forth this creation for a purpose, and it is important for us to understand it. The book of Ephesians explains God’s purpose in sending His Son, the second person… Continue reading Delivered to be his worshipers

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Focusing on the Lord

No worship or praise to the Lord is ever wasted; however, when a service does not have clear-cut guidance, then everyone is going in his own direction, and that is a sure guarantee that nothing will happen in the service. Every minute should count. Every moment should be effective in going some place in the… Continue reading Focusing on the Lord

Be sensitive to God

Cornelius was a centurion, an officer in the Roman army, a professional soldier. However, we are not as interested in this phase of his life as in the fact that he was a devout man, and one who feared God with all his household, and gave many alms to the Jewish people, and prayed to… Continue reading Be sensitive to God

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The song of Moses and the Lamb

In Exodus 15, we find the song of Moses which is one of the earliest of the songs found in the Scriptures. These early songs were always songs of victory.  As civilization deteriorated (from the head of gold down through the silver and the other symbolic stages depicted in Nebuchadnezzar’s vision in Daniel 2:31–35), we… Continue reading The song of Moses and the Lamb

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Mantle of Praise!

Isaiah 61:1–7 is one of the outstanding prophecies about the Kingdom because it relates to the Kingdom of God as it first comes forth. The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,… Continue reading Mantle of Praise!

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Changing the atmosphere

The Lord has that unique ability to feel our pain. To worship Him in the midst of a dark place brings Him incredible joy-this move’s His heart deeply-what a privilege! What is worship? It is a bowing down, it is surrendering our life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and magnifying who he is in… Continue reading Changing the atmosphere

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Seven principles of worship

Malachi is the last prophet of the Old Testament, and in his book there are glimpses of the hour in which we are living. In Malachi’s day there had ceased to be any real worship of the Lord. The people had profaned His altars and had given unto the Lord the lame of the flock… Continue reading Seven principles of worship

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Your will is a key to worship

You must understand that there are many facets to your being. Your will is a part of your soul, of your mind, of your emotions, a part of your spirit, and is probably the only thing that transcends all of them. With the set of your will, you can control your emotions. With your will… Continue reading Your will is a key to worship

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Make Him a throne

We will consider Psalm 22:3 from two different versions. King James says, But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. The New American Standard Bible reads, Yet Thou art holy, O Thou who art enthroned upon the praises of Israel. Inhabitest, to be enthroned, the Hebrew word means to sit down;… Continue reading Make Him a throne

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Worship without distraction

A walk with God begins with a revelation of the Lord, and it is the worshiper who will come into that revelation. With each deeper step in revelation there is a corresponding step into deeper worship. Those who will walk with God are those who set themselves to follow on to know the Lord with… Continue reading Worship without distraction

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We wash before we worship

Now even the first covenant had regulations of divine worship and the earthly sanctuary. For there was a tabernacle prepared, the outer one, in which were the lampstand and the table and the sacred bread; this is called the holy place. And behind the second veil, there was a tabernacle which is called the Holy… Continue reading We wash before we worship

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The veil-and one step beyond

One cannot understand the book of Revelation unless he has a good concept of the book of Ezekiel, for the spirit of Ezekiel was very much with John on the Isle of Patmos. The imagery and the symbols of Revelation are never understood until one understands the Old Testament prophets. Even in the marvelous messages… Continue reading The veil-and one step beyond

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Let Him breathe on me

Worship the Lord with a spirit of anticipation. Let the Spirit fill you again and again. About the time that your heart says, “This is all I can receive from the Lord today,” answer, “No, that’s a lie. I can have twice as much.” Then start all over again, anticipating a double portion. When you… Continue reading Let Him breathe on me

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The pure worship

Malachi, the last recorded prophet of the Old Testament, has an amazing message, telling what God will do in the end time. It contains little reference to the first coming of Christ, but much is portrayed of the times and events of His second coming. For from the rising of the sun even unto the… Continue reading The pure worship

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