The Deliverance of Philip

The powers of darkness are extremely aware of how important it is to affect human beings in infancy. In this time of such fragility, they try to put hooks in children’s souls so they can use them later and drag them toward their corrupt plans.

Rose had a high-risk pregnancy. At different times, she suffered blood loss. She and her husband took the authority of Jesus Christ over it and the doctor encouraged them, saying that everything was going to be alright. Then Philip was born. There were no problems at birth. The boy was beautiful and appeared to be healthy; however, when he was about a year old, they began to notice that he wasn’t developing normally. His eyes had a vacant look, and he could not hold his head up straight. Every time they gave him solid food, he couldn’t swallow it and would spit it out. He had tantrums for no apparent reason. Little by little, Philip’s parents arrived at the conclusion that none of his five senses worked properly. His arms fell limp at his sides, he had no strength, and his legs would not hold him up. He did not produce any sounds when we encouraged him to talk.

At his soul level, there was total chaos. It was as though he didn’t have feelings and entered states of panic over almost anything. His hypersensitivity and his extreme reactions made daily life very difficult. Philip’s capacity to understand was also affected. It seemed that every day brought a different nightmare. Philip’s parents knew they shouldn’t lose hope, and the Holy Spirit helped them see things through God’s eyes.

They always spoke blessings over Philip and God’s plans for his life. They kept their eyes on the Most High, not allowing the enemy to rob them of the joy of their son, but no matter how hard they tried to persevere in prayer, the defeats were evident. One day, they heard me speak on “Setting the Captives Free” and were touched by the teaching. They knew that what they were facing with Philip was beyond the scope of the traditional deliverance and divine healing approaches practiced today. Then they asked us to help them get into the Spirit and see where their little one was being held captive. We agreed, and they proceeded to penetrate the prophetic dimensions. Soon, the Lord manifested on His throne and opened the spiritual realm to begin our search.

The first thing they saw was a room with walls made of blood. There were dead bodies everywhere, but they didn’t see Philip. The Lord told them that this was just the entrance and that they had to go in deeper. We arrived at a place where there was a mountain of crevices covered with written generational curses. Philip’s father began to ask forgiveness for the iniquity of his ancestors and to cancel the curses. As he prayed, they began to disappear. The Lord led us to a place full of fleshy membranes that made up some kind of prisons. It was there that we found their son. Part of his spirit was trapped behind these membranes; his father fought like a warrior to get him out of there. As the boy’s father, he took authority and commanded that prison to open. He called with great force for Philip to be set free. The membranes began to draw back; it looked like skin was tearing as they began to open. Then I took the boy spiritually from his cell, but an enormous demon of death came between us. I fought him in a fierce struggle until the power of Jesus gave the victory. The boy came out covered in blood, as though he had been born from that place. Then his father took him in his arms and blessed him as a father would bless his newborn son. They commanded Philip’s spirit to integrate with his being and ordered his soul and his body to come into alignment. The Lord made us understand that during the pregnancy, Philip’s spirit had not been able to properly assemble with his soul and body because it had been held captive.

He showed us the spirit is designed to fit the soul and body the way a hand fits into a glove. If the spirit does not fill certain areas, they become deflated, much like a balloon with the air let out of it or a glove worn on a hand without fingers.

There were parts of Philip’s body and soul that were empty; now his freed spirit had to fill them out. This entire experience was carried out in the Spirit without the boy being present in the house with us; He was visiting with his grandparents. When they brought him home his parents prayed over him to establish everything that happened in the invisible world. That night he went to bed with no visible change. But the next morning, he awoke crying like a newborn baby. Yet, they began to see accelerated changes: he ate solid food for the first time; he regained his balance; he was able to stand up. I instructed them to speak Philip’s spirit every day and command it to fill his body and soul until there was total victory. As they did so, the Lord showed them that a part of Philip’s spirit was asleep, although it was free. They also saw that one part of his brain was connected, while another part was not. They prayed with great power when they saw this and they blew life into his spirit. Suddenly, thousands of glittering particles appeared and began to connect each part of his brain. Emphatically, they declared that the mind of Christ be established in him. After this, they began to see surprising development in their son month after month. Even the bones of his face changed, giving him the face of a normal child. Today, he plays, laughs, runs, rides a bicycle, and goes to school. He learned to read quickly and enjoys it. His sensitivity that was very unstable became normal. Now, he is a happy, loving, and sociable boy. He is very sweet and has a great sense of humor. The work of God is not complete in him, but they continue to see daily progress. During this process, Philip’s parents have seen the incomparable love of God. They have learned to take the authority that they have in Jesus over every evil spirit in order to cast it out of their lives and the lives of their family. They have appropriated the promises of God for their lives and have paved the way for His miracles to manifest in the lives of their children. They have proclaimed life. God has given them a powerful key, teaching them about prophetic deliverance from captivity. This teaching has definitely touched their lives, Philip’s life, and that of their entire family. To God be the glory.

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