The governing church

Revelation 12:5 – and she brought forth a man child, who was the rule all nations with a rod iron: and her child was caught up on the God, and to his throne.

God is calling the church to govern the earth. The establishment of the kingdom of God implies one government that will replace another government, that is, the Devils.

Revelation 12:1 – and there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of 12 stars: and she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having 7 heads and 10 horns, and 7 grounds upon his heads. And his tale drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragons stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to do lower her child as soon as it was born. And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod iron: and her child was caught up in the God, and to his throne.

I can see the church, a body of believers in which the glory of YHVH shines. This is a church of prayer, that groans and cries out in order to give birth to a generation that will govern the nations with a rod of iron. This church understands that intercession must be made to the end, that is willing to suffer the pains of childbirth to see the sons of God manifested upon the earth.

Paul said:

Galatians 4:19 – My little children, for whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you.

It is a conquering church, that will enter the breach and will fight awesome battles against the devil in order to give birth to the true kingdom of God on the earth. She has the heart of God. She wants to give birth to the plans and designs of God and does not settle for anything less.

It is a church of sleepless nights and fastings, a true mother who is concerned about her son who is about to be born. It is an apostolic and prophetic church, where the heart of the fathers is for their children, and the heart of the children is for their fathers.

She is about to give birth to what the devil hates most. This man child is one who will conquer his entire empire, because he is seated on the throne of God.

Who is this son, so desired by the woman? It is the church, the sons of the kingdom, the strong people that Joel saw, who have never been and will never again be in any other generation, it is the 42 generation. These are people of the fire of God, who cannot be defeated, who, even if they were to fall upon a sword, it would not harm them, the army of God who devastates the territories of the devil. No one escapes from her hand, because she governs and is victorious.

They are the radiant people that Isaiah saw, upon whom the glory of God rests, and kings walk in the brightness of their light, whose resplendence attracts everything towards itself, because God himself is seen in them, and the riches of the world are brought to them – Isaiah 60.

Jesus speaks to John in different ways about this generation. He says:

Revelation 3:14 – and unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write

This represents the present-day church, the church at large, the church of the twentieth first century. It is a church that feels that it has arrived at its finest hour, that has tremendous preachers. Its theology reaches incredible heights, its praise, too. Stadiums are filled, thousands of people are added to the ranks. This church feels satisfied, and it says, I have no need of anything.

Unfortunately, heaven does not see things the same as the earth does. And while we are dazzled by the huge crowds and man show, from above, the perspective and point of view is quite different.

The Lord, watching from the heights, says, from here, from on high, you look unfortunate, miserable, poor, blind, and naked. Your lukewarm attitude and your apathy make me nauseous. So I advise you to buy from me gold, refined in the fire, that you might be rich, and white clothing with which to dress yourself, that the shame of your nakedness would not be discovered, and anoint your eyes with eye salve so you might see. I chastise all those I love. Be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will enter into him and I will feast with him and he with me. To him that conquers I will allow him to sit with me on my throne, as I have conquered, and I have sat down with my father on his throne – Revelation 3:17.

Your God is making a strong call, to an integral Reformation. We have totally lost our way and the church finds itself in a deplorable spiritual situation. It’s lukewarm attitude, it’s apathy, it’s lack of integrity to walk in truth, makes the Lord want to vomit her from his mouth.

Nevertheless, it is from within his church, disabled in his eyes, that God is calling this son who will govern with him, that reminiscent of 7000 – a figurative number, that Elijah saw who have not bowed their knees to the rudiments of this world.

We see this glorious trumpet blast in the final part of the passage where Jesus touches the door of our lives. This verse, that we use to bring the gospel to the lost, has nothing to do with unbelievers, but today’s church.

Notice how, from the latter church, conquerors arise and sit with him on his throne:

Revelation 12:5 – her child was caught up on the God, and to his throne.

Here we see the open manifestation of the kingdom upon this newborn generation. Everything begins with a sincere repentance of all of the areas of our indifference and spiritual lukewarmness. Then there is an innate communion with Jesus. This dinner, mentioned in Revelation 3, is a covenant meal, and encounter of love, a date between spouses, of intimate friends. And then, he takes you by the hand and truly makes you enter into heavenly places.

The heavenly places are places that exist in the dimensions of his kingdom, where one can enter, where God literally is drawing his bride to the third heaven, so that we can see, understand and enjoy his kingdom. This is life in the kingdom. This is the inheritance of those who love Jesus. Today, I have already lost count of the times I have been taken to extraordinary places and celestial dimensions.

One thing is saying that we are seated in heavenly places with Christ, and another that you are categorically translated there, when he begins to shine upon you, and you feel his hand in yours, raising you up on high and seeding you with him upon his throne. One thing is to fight battles, from below, proclaiming all the verses that you know, and another is to fight from the throne of God.

This is what the devil is afraid of, that men and women would be seated with Jesus, upon the seat of his government. These are those who will conquer over all of the forces of evil and govern with Christ now and in his reign to come. From the moment that this manchild is raised for God, to govern from on high, a battle in the heavens is loosed in which Michael rises up the fight – Revelation 12.

This manchild, this glorious church, begins to see from God’s perspective. It begins to have an understanding of the kingdom in a precise way, since it can see celestial dimensions with open face. This church has taken position in the place of authority, where it cannot be conquered. This is the same battle that Daniel saw, which looses times of great anguish that the earth will live, where the wise ones will shine as stars forever and eternity, and they will be times of great harvest – Daniel 12.

And in Revelation it says:

Revelation 12:7 – and there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought against his angels, and prevailed not; neither was there place found anymore in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which to see with the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brother and his cast down, which accuse them before our God day and night.

Although the battle takes place in heaven, the Saints on the earth, the manchild, are the ones that determine and are victorious, since it says:

Revelation 12:11 – and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb, by the word of their testimony; and a love not their lives unto the death.

Notice that when the glorious church, the man child, takes its position in heavenly places, sitting upon the throne, one begins to see salvation, true power, and authority on the earth. And it is when the kingdom of God is manifest upon the earth.

This generation of the manchild conquerors with the power of the blood. This is with a deep knowledge of the sacrifice of Christ. She is drunk of the blood of the lamb. This means that she has bonded with the life, with the light that proceeds from the blood. She is drunk from all the low of total surrender contained in the blood, and for that reason, she loves in a way that cannot be overcome. She loves her neighbor to the very death. She is the greatest power in the universe, and love is the power that destroys the devil.

The manchild conquerors with the word of his testimony. This does not refer to the testimony of salvation, but to life that literally testifies to the kingdom of God. When this is are those that bring evidence of what they have seen and heard of the glory of God. Their works in the presence of God in our lives bear witness that they are and they live in Christ and for Christ, and the spirit moves with power in their lives.

Who are this man child?

Now, how does God call and choose this generation? We saw that he is knocking on the door the heart of the apathetic, insensitive church that is the present day church and his instructions are:

Buy from me gold tried in the fire

He says, by for me gold tried in the fire. When he says by, it implies a price to be paid. If salvation is free through faith, taking possession and places of government with Christ is not that way. Paul wrote: if we suffer, we shall also reign with him – second Timothy 2:12.

Gold refers to celestial wisdom, the comprehension of the kingdom, entering levels of fire that consumed the veils the dull our understanding and that do not permit us to see with open face. Gold that is refined in the fire, is gold that spends a long time immersed in the intense heat that burns the draw’s.

One thing is to find ourselves with the fire of a ministerial call, with the burning bush of the presence of God, that takes us away from the priorities of the world and submerges us in the work of God, and another is to climb the mountain that burns with fire. The first fire dazzles, attracts, and makes you fall prostate in barefoot before his holiness. The second fire has the price of scaling the steep, smoking mountain with thunder and lightning. This is the mountain where the one arriving at its peak finds oneself with the designs it produce the glory of God to descend among the people.

This is the mountain where the darkness and tempest are felt, where one can no longer hear the voice of men, so only the voice of God is heard. To this fire, one must climb alone. To arrive, one must cross dense clouds, then feel as if everything were shaking under one’s feet. It is when you entered the dimensions of God, that everything earthly is shaken and crack to make you understand that there is nothing stable and eternal upon the earth. But when you arrive up there, when you pay the price of finding yourself with the wisdom from of on high, then you see him with open face, his brilliant face over yours. You can never again return earth, or appreciate the perishing things over which blind men fight in their covetousness. It is there that you hear him say:

Proverbs 8:17 – I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. Riches and honor are with me; yea, durable riches and righteousness. My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver. I lead in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment: that I may cause those that love me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures.

By for me white raiment

Now that we are talking about a glorious calling to sit on the throne of God, I see that the close that are mentioned here are something much more powerful than the close of salvation. We see the church, the woman who gives birth to the manchild, cries out with labor pains, in the anguish of her enlightenment.

Paul also speaks about these clothes, which are not acquired simply by asking forgiveness of our sins, but they imply the whole process of giving birth. He writes:

Second Corinthians 5:1 – for we know that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this we grown, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven: if so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked. For we that are in this Tabernacle do grown, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life.

Apparently, it seems like it is saying that when we die, we will have a spiritual body. But I do not believe that this is the meaning of this word, since we do not half to grown in order to have an eternal, spiritual body. We already have one. For me, it is talking here about something incredibly deep and worthy of consideration. These are some close that Paul himself has to grown with anguish in order for them to be formed. It is a celestial dwelling that is manufactured in an upon us, that causes the mortal to be absorbed by life. It is the very presence of God that close the sons of the kingdom.

This is the heavenly dwelling they gave Peter the ability to walk upon water, pass through the walls of the jail with the Angel, and that his shadow would heal the sick. It is the celestial, united with the earthly. These are to close it Adam war in paradise, those that let him know he was closed before God. It is the image of God formed again in us.

It is this union of the heavens and the earth, the earthly body united with the celestial habitation, that gives us access to see, to experience in the move ourselves within the 2 dimensions, that of the invisible kingdom and, of course, that of the natural world.

Paul had experiences in which he said, I don’t know whether in the body are outside of the body, I was caught away to paradise – paraphrased. Paul understood something that he needed to obtain by groaning with anguish. When Jesus speaks of this celestial dwelling in the human being, as I mentioned in chapter 7, he also implies a process of seeking, and of deep love for God.

John 14:20 – and that they shall know that I am in the from my father, and ye in me, and I in you. He that hath my commandments, and keep it them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. Judith Seth under him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that doubt will manifest myself undoes, and not unto the world? Jesus answered and said under him, if a man love me, he will keep my words: and my father will love him, and we will come under him, and make our abode with him.

We notice that here Jesus talks about a manifestation that is not in a generic form to the world, but to those that love him. Here it is not referring to someone who said the sinners prayer to receive Jesus as their Savior, but to those with changed hearts, who were obedient to the word because they love Jesus.

What Paul prayed with groans of anguish is that this manifestation would come upon those that love Jesus so that they would be clothed with the dwelling or abode of God upon mankind. This celestial habitation is formed in us in the measure that we look at the glory of God with open face. This is the divine provision for us to be transformed into his image.

Once you enter into the kingdom of God, it begins to grow in you. Jesus said that the kingdom is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. It grew and became a large tree, and the birds of the the heavens made their nests and its branches.

Anoint your eyes with eye salve that you might see

This eyesalve refers to the waters of life that come from intimate communion with the spirit, and wash the eyes of our heart. This means that they are going to change the way we see things. Saul of Tarsus was a man with a deep divine jealousy and a love for God that was willing to give all for him. Nevertheless, his vision was twisted. The eyes of his understanding were blinded to perceive the designs of God. He could not grab hold of the will of God, or know it, because the eyes of his heart were seeing erroneous sleep.

When he encountered the glory of God in the road to Damascus, and Jesus appeared to him with a shining light, his natural eyes were affected and he can no longer see. God wanted to give him new eyes, a new way of seeing things. He wanted his eyes to be blinded to the human, natural way of seeing, so we could see with the God’s eyes. Jesus said:

Luke 11:33 – no man, when he had lighted a candle, put if it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in May see the light.

Matthew 6:22 – the light of the body is the eye: if therefore thy I be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the darkness that is in the be darkness, how great is that darkness!

Luke 11:36 – if the whole body therefore be full of light, having no part dark, the whole shall be full of light, as when the bright shining of a candle does give it the light.

Here Jesus is not referring to external things that you see what your eyes, but to that which is inside of us that make us perceive things in one way or another. In the spiritual world, there exists a light that is darkness. It is light that proceeds from death, and distorts all things. It is this dark shining that blinds the understanding so that we do not see as God sees.

Job describes this light, saying:

Job 10:21 – before I go whence I shall not return, even to the land of darkness and the shadow of death; a land of darkness, as darkness it self; and of the shadow of death, without any order, and where the light is as darkness.

This is the light that illuminates the fleshly soul. The flesh is death and it is darkness. It is this deep darkness that is accumulating on the inside of the soul, telling the understanding so that the light of the glory of Christ cannot shine. It blinds the eyes of the spirit and we cannot see God.

Jesus said:

Matthew 5:8 – Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

The way in which our eyes are going to see, depends then on the purity of our heart. The pure heart and the kind I are the ones that see as God sees. They are eyes of love; they are redemptive eyes, eyes that see according to truth and righteousness. The eyes of God do not look at external things, but to the things that are behind them. They do not look at the appearance of human beings, at the external form of their works, but at the essence, at the heart of man; at their motives, more than their actions.

Man sees in a structured way, according to what he has learned from life or from the scars in his heart. Man sees things in one way or another, according to his educational and doctrinal background. The narrower the way of thinking, the more square and inflexible his way of seeing and perceiving things will be. The less he has been exposed to loving and receiving love, the more rigid and intolerant he will be.

God sees in different levels and facets, and his thought is ample and full possibilities, like the diffraction of light, because love and mercy are like that. For example, when so persecuted the church, the entire body of believers of his day saw him as the worst of mankind. But God saw him from different angels, because he loved him:

1 – on the one hand, he reprimanded him for his crimes and his persecution of believers.

2 – on the other hand, he was in wonder, and was moved by his zeal and faith.

3 – he loved Saul’s boldness, diligence for learning, and his devotion to keeping the law.

While the entire church hated him, God knew that at that all that horrible man need it was a touch to his eyes, and he would change the direction of the steps. That is why Jesus said:

Matthew 19:30 – but many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.

God is not see his man sees. He is not dazzled with that which dazzles man. He does not judge with a human heart, but with righteous judgment. The books in heaven are being written very differently from the monthly reports of the church. One story might be printed in the popular Christian magazines, talking about the glory that fell when Rev. so-and-so preach. And in heaven, and might have been record it something like this: your angels made your glory to send, oh father, when they were touched by the fervent heart of your intercessor that cried out for you in such and such church. In one Angel asked another, listen! And who is preaching? I don’t know, he was covered in darkness. I can see him.

Maybe on the outside, we are successful people, or we feel like we are great ministers because we are popular, or because the people admire us. But God wants to show us how to see as he sees, that we would see and walk in truth as he conceives it to be, in the light of his eyes.

One example of this, is an experience that I had some time ago. I was in the city of new Laredo in Mexico. We were in the midst of an extraordinary presence of God in the convention where I was preaching with other servants, when the angel of the Lord descended, and he touched my 4 head. At that moment, I fell to the floor, and my spirit was caught way to heaven. From above, the Lord showed me how he saw the service from his perspective.

I looked down and everything was seen as light and shadows. The people in the preacher were seen clearly. But the words, the thoughts and what happened was manifested in light of different colors and in dark shadows. Richard Hayes, who was preaching, was taking up the offering. I did not hear the words, but I saw the light that went out of his mouth. It was very beautiful.

Suddenly, a dark red shadow entered. It was a demon of greed and financial fear. The light that had begun to touch the heads of the people became hazy on many of them. Pastor Hayes continued speaking, and the light that went out of him crumbled that spirit.

I observed attentively. Richard then said something. I don’t know what, because I only saw light; I didn’t hear words. And all the people raise their hands, holding their offerings. I then saw something that dumbfounded me. From a few hands, very few, went forth rays of light that arrived where I was with the Lord, but the offering of all of the rest turned into a black smoke that spread out from between the fingers of the people.

Maybe on earth the people thought they were offering something great, but in the heavens, the offering given with personal ambition, or with a wrong heart, doesn’t even pass through the ceiling. We have to be sincere with ourselves and see further than the external forms of things, learning to see as God sees. The word says:

Titus 1:15 – onto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even her mind and conscience is defiled.

Unbelief, which produces a mind that cannot perceive or enter into spiritual spears, comes from corruption in the area of the soul and also the spirit. Corruption is a result of injury, a heart in the heart that did not heal, but became a decayed wound. This cauterize is the heart, closes it, and makes it insensitive to certain or to all areas of the spirit. The heart is the bond between the spirit and the consciousness of man.

Carnal ground, as we saw previously, is in darkness in this order. That is why a carnal heart cannot be a channel for the pure light that comes from the spirit, because all their circuits – to say it in some fashion – are in disarray and are atrophied.

First Corinthians 2:14 – but the natural man receive is not the things of the Spirit of God: for their foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

He also adds: next paragraph first Corinthians 2:9 – but as it is written, eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his spirit: for the Spirit searches all things, ye, the deep things of God.

There are people today that want to find human logic and everything to hear from God. And if there intellect cannot process it, because it seems crazy to them, then they refuted as something that does not come from God.

God is revealing new things that sound strange, because I has not seen them, and ear has not heard them, and they have not entered into the heart of man. But they come from the depths of God. This internal corruption, which unfortunately is still in all us, is the true, internal prison from which God wants to liberate us. Is what holds us prisoner, and limited thoughts, and a lack of faith. It is what makes us seek natural solutions to our problems, when we have a kingdom in our midst where everything is possible. It is what needs to be consumed by the fire of the spirit. It is what needs to be renewed by the water of life, the I solve of God, to make us again docile and pure of heart.

Children are born, and their spirits, having recently left God, seek love somewhere. The only thing that a baby knows is that he left the womb of love and love is the only thing that satisfies him. Then, little by little, the world, pain, the rejection that we all live, construct walls of protection around his heart.

For some, the suffering caused by life’s blows is so painful that, unconsciously, they withdraw within themselves. They decide in their hearts never again to feel the pain of not finding love, or of being rejected by those who they decided to love. The heart becomes reduced in size and it becomes of stone. It becomes full of walls, built by decisions of self protection, shyness and deep fear. Fear is the number 1 enemy of love. Fear is that which displaces love in order to take its place.

This is the corruption of the soul. This is what holds the soul of millions of people prisoner who cannot enter the supernatural kingdom of God. It is necessary to be brave and open one’s heart again. And it is going to hurt. Yes, this step hurts a lot, because you have to use a chisel and the rock and scrape it in order to heal the decayed wounds of the heart. And then you must allow God to renew it as the heart of a child.

Loving others is an ointment that heals the heart and you become as a little child, who believes all things, because love believes all things. Without this purity, without this returning to first in a sense, in which we believed everything, we cannot enter into the kingdom of God or see the Lord.

Matthew 18:3 – that time Jesus answered and said, I think the, oh father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou has hid these things from the wise and prudent, the nest revealed them on the babes.

The generation of light, the manchild, the governing church, the one who sits with Jesus on his throne, is a church with a pure heart.

Even since I understood this, it is with boldness that I seek in my mind and in my heart the areas of corruption, the areas were unbelief could stop me from taking certain steps in the kingdom of God. What God has for us in his kingdom is so great. He said that greater things we would do, because he went to the father. This is the time in which all past generations desire to live, but that God is giving to us.

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