Chapter 3 – familiar spirits

The word familiar means: to be deeply acquainted with, to be well known, to be intimate or excessively informal. The Hebrew word that is used in the Bible to describe a familiar spirit is pronounced obe. Translated into English it means a leather bottle. It occurs 17 times in the Bible to mean bottle made of animal skin, or familiar spirit/medium or one who mutters.

These leather bottles are very supple, so that they would be able to fit into hidden areas of a person’s pack and would mold around their back without causing them harm or showing on the outside. These leather bottles were designed to be carried in the desert and really dry regions so the person had water to drink. They would conform to odd shapes and could squeeze into little hidden nooks and crannies to be hidden or carried in places that made them very difficult to find, especially if people were going into war, so that in the battlefield they had a way of storing essential water.    

A leather bottle would be used to carry essential water and would be under a protective covering that the enemy would not be able to get through to. Similarly in our lives when a demonic spirit attaches to our soul, as a familiar spirit, they come and they attach deep inside our souls with a huge covering over them that stops Yahweh accessing those areas of us. Often, when we are in dry places, we drink from other fountains that are outside of the presence of God and the place where we can connect with the glory of God in our spirit.

Just to give you some background, a familiar spirit is a particular type of spirit so named because of its chief characteristic, familiarity with a person, their sin and their behavior. Often in a relationship, the sharing of intimate areas through communication with one another forms a bond that grows between two people. A familiar spirit bonds itself in the same way to us by becoming familiar. This demonic spirit bonds itself to the very nature of the soul of a person, through life’s struggles, through repetitive sin and hidden thought patterns, getting into the intimate hidden areas of our lives. They will always remain in the dark but be very personally involved in the life of a person. Because a familiar spirits chief characteristic is the medium of communication, such familiar spirits often speak to us through our thought life and imagination. Oftentimes they come as the little whispers that we hear. Little whispers that go like this, they don’t really like you, do they? She really hates you or didn’t you know your mother didn’t like you?

Familiar spirits want to remain hidden inside of our lives so that they can influence us and sit in that place of our need so that we will drink from their water source and from the faculty of their sin and their power. In that place, as we are drinking from them, we find that we get connected and actually become tied to them. So instead of finding the voice of Yahweh and being able to release his life and his Spirit around us we release something else and it is from the attachments of familiar spirits through our lives.

– some people say, ask the mediums and fortunetellers – necromancers; spiritualist), who whispered ( or chirp) and mutter (using incantations to call up spirits) first Samuel 28:8 – 11, what to do. But I tell you that people should ask their God for help. Isaiah 8:19

Those familiar spirits provide information. They are called familiar spirits because their chief characteristic is relational connection to information about your life. We often have the familiarity and closeness of a relationship with these demon spirits that Lodge inside our soul and connect to us, influencing the way we think and behave. They can often be the driving force behind repetitive sin cycles. Where there is sexual misconduct or sexual connection outside marriage, demonic familiar spirits Lodge into those areas of our lives and drive us into promiscuity. Familiar spirits drive us into sexual connection and then our soul gets tied to that person. As we are driven into wrong connection with person after person our soul gets scattered and those demon spirits attach unto that scattering of our soul, preventing us from being able to form proper deep committed connections with Yahweh or with the one that we were designed to marry.

Familiar spirits Lodge deep inside of us and often we do not even know they are there. The only way I began to recognize them was as I began to challenge the voices that I would hear inside myself.

Discerning the voice of familiar spirits

To identify the voice of a familiar spirit inside your brain:

1 – Does it produce life?

 2 – Has it got love in it?

3 – is it Yahweh centered and is it word centered?

If the answer is no to each of these questions, then the voice has its roots in the voice of a familiar spirit.

Those familiar spirits are often attached to the areas of sin we live in. They are controllers that encourage and form the bondages or strongholds being established towards a certain sin pattern or a bent towards a certain type of sin.

They are intimate activators, tempting an individual to fall into sin or to yield to a particular type of sin nature. These things get inside our spirit and Lodge there, shut us down and make us afraid. Often they are the things and say, Yahweh won’t accept you, you’re a sinner. You fell into sin yesterday, how do you think father feels about you doing that again and again and again, you know he doesn’t love you because you do that.

Have you had thoughts like that? The issue is not that they assail your life; they issue is the way you respond to them. Eventually you can silence the voice of the stranger, and that is what they are. They are the stranger’s voices in the sheepfold inside your own soul that speak to you, being affirmation outside of the presence of the glory and power of Yahweh.

John 10:1 – most assuredly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. Yet they will by no means follow a stranger but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers… The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

I really want to expose these things because so many Christians hear the voice of familiar spirits and they do not know how to silence them or to shut them down in the spirit world so they can begin to actively hear the voice of Yahweh speaking to them in a correct way.


A familiar spirit is a demon spirit that expresses itself through and in the life of a person. They are very common where witchcraft is involved. Witchcraft does not only mean the issue of mediums or direct occult influence, but it also involves control, domination and manipulation.

You may find that inside your mind, familiar spirits will come and they will speak to you saying things like, you don’t have to take that. Or, how do you think it feels to be like that?  Or they will come into someone’s mind and say, you must have control of your family, don’t you know your wife must submit to you?

The familiar spirit avoids the issue of telling the husband that he must love his wife first and lay down his life for her – Ephesians 5:25. Familiar spirits know part of the truth and use the law to bring a false control or governing influence over our lives to make us respond, which makes us fall into sin. They do not know the whole truth, they just want to keep our spirit man bound and locked up. Often familiar spirits are found around harassing circumstances. They would rob our faith; they steal our hope and destroy our beliefs and who we are supposed to be.

A person called a medium or a fortuneteller will have familiar spirits that use them and speak through them. The word of God tells us that those who have familiar spirits are defiled by them.

Leviticus 19:31 – give no regard to mediums and familiar spirit; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them: I’m the Lord your God.

Now, sometimes people will think they see a dead loved one appear to them, and they will say oh, I saw my auntie the other day. Well they did not see their auntie, it says that… It is destined that men die only once, and after that comes judgment – Hebrews 9:27. Without salvation through Jesus you live, you die and you go straight to hell. But the demonic spirits attach to your life – familiar spirits – are so familiar with your character, your personality, your responses in the intimate areas of your life for you struggle that they begin to take on your image. So the thing that you see appearing to you is a familiar demonic spirit that was attached to a person’s life before they died. The familiar spirit comes visiting because it has a generational access through the gate of generational sin to connect with your life.

These things are real because we live in a spirit world, but we need to learn that the spirit realm is subject to us and there are ways to deal with them.

Leviticus 20:27 says those who have familiar spirits must be put to death. This verse speaks of us in our lives today in the areas of our brokenness, where there are familiar spirit attachments. Those areas of our lives must be put to death through the power of Yahweh in connection with the cross of Christ. We must allow Yahweh to work his way into those areas of our lives to cause destruction to the strongholds in the embattlements that form in our spirit.

Luke 11:21 when a strong man armed to keeps his palace, his goods are in peace: but when a stronger then he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he takes from him all his armor in which he trusted, and divides his spoils.

The word strongman means one who has a fortress, or embattlement established in the life of a person, where he can hold them captive in control what goes in and out of his life.

The chief characteristic of familiar spirits is deception. This is the main way they stay and operate through and around a person’s life. Usually we accept them as, oh, that’s just my lot in life. I’m just like that. This gives them the right to lodge inside our soul because we do not want that part of our life brought into and under the hand of Yahweh. This enables them to entangle and ensnare the lives of believers as well as nonbelievers. I have found it nonbelievers are more subject to the workings of familiar spirits. That is why you find in nightclubs that demon spirits attach to the soul life or the atmosphere and begin to influence people. Their goal is to cause the soul of a person to be scattered, and so they attached to the spirit and soul life. As they begin to influence people there is a sense of promiscuity and lust that becomes a drive from the need for intimacy. These types of driven-ness are really what familiar spirits want to express through a person’s life.

In a Christians life they drive us in the areas of our sin. There are sin habit patterns that we form in our lives, and in those sin habit patterns we are bowing down to demon spirits saying, here is my sacrifice to you today, receive it from my hand. I know this is pretty blunt, but it is the truth. Whenever you find yourself being driven like that, you need to look for the source. You will generally find it has some type of familiar spirit attachment that will remain hidden until it can express its desire through a person. When you send, you actually allow a spirit being to express its desire through you.

Counterfeit for Holy Spirit

A familiar spirit is a direct counterfeit for the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit comforts, directs, reveals, empowers and leads us to Christ, and who we are and God, but the helper – comforter, advocate, intercessor, counselor, strengthener, standby – the Holy Spirit whom the father will send in my name – in my place, to represent me and act on my behalf – he will teach you all things – John 14:26.

A familiar spirit demands… That they may come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will – second Timothy 2:26.

It comforts us in our sin – stand up against all the schemes and the strategies and the seats of the devil – Ephesians 6:11.

It hides us from the truth – the God of this world – Satan – has blinded the minds of the unbelieving to prevent them from seeing the illuminating light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is in the image of God – second Corinthians 4:4.

Familiar spirits to file us and remind us of our sin nature. When you clean spirit… Bring 7 other spirits more evil than itself, and they go in – the person – and lived there; and the last state of that person becomes worse than the first – Luke 11:24 – 26.

Familiar spirits are the accusers that bring condemnation and make us want to hide – the accuser of our – believing – brothers and sisters has been thrown down – at last – he accuses them and keeps bringing charges – of sinful behavior – against them before our God day and night – Revelation 12:10.

Holy Spirit convicts us and leads us to repentance and walking in the light: when he comes, he will convict the world about sin, righteousness, and judgment: concerning sin, because they do not believe in me – John 16:8 – 9. In the body of Christ today you will find that people do not want to be open with their sin because there is a big finger pointing at them inside themselves. They hear it saying, don’t tell anyone, because if you tell them, what will they think of you? That is the voice of a familiar spirit attachment to a person’s soul. The word says, if we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of his son Joshua purifies us from all sin – first John 1:7.

Familiar spirits want you to remain in darkness in the areas of your vulnerability so that they can keep access to your soul to maintain you making sacrifices to them by listening to their voice. As you read this, if you find yourself hearing, no, I don’t really want to do that, examine the voice, as the word says – do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God – first John 4:1. Does it produce life? Does it produce the character of Yahweh – peace, love and joy? If it does not, where is it from?

Maybe it is a demon spirit, attached to your soul, speaking in your mind, attached to the familiar cycles of your sin that controls and drives you. Familiar spirits are often the driving force that is behind the sin nature that makes us desire to sin and to keep our sin hidden, stopping Yahweh and others from walking with us through our lives because these familiar spirits want to walk with us through our life. They want us to hold her hand instead of holding the father’s hand and allowing him to walk in our lives.

How do we identify the effects of familiar spirits

1 – what do you do in secret? Your behavior in secret is an indicator of what is residing in your spirit.

2 – what is our behavior around others, particularly in regard to gossip? People who gossip in churches often have familiar spirits attached to them because information to a familiar spirit is power.

People who are controlled by familiar spirits and gossip to one another can form a coalition together in the spirit as to demon’s neck, creating judgment together in agreement against another.

Those voices of familiar spirits speak in our minds and hearts, becoming so familiar with our habit patterns in the processes of our thought lives that they ensnare us, enslave us and establish and embattlement and a fortress inside our soul. We need those fortresses inside ourselves to be assailed, identified, torn down in the voices silenced in Jesus name.

3 – what are the hidden thought patterns that go on inside your mind where no one sees except you and God? Thought patterns in flickering images often have attachments of familiar spirits to them. We become soul tied to the familiar spirit and feed from it instead of from the presence of God. Fantasies, pornography, and fantasy role-play in our minds where we are always the fastest car driver, the highest and fastest ball thrower, the best mother, and the best in whatever situation. Those things sometimes have connections to familiar spirits because they live in our fantasies and want us to believe something that we are not. To make you live out of the spirit realm they create by feeding you false information, because it comforts your soul. This image, imagination or false fantasy makes you feel good so you commune with it and sit there drinking from it thinking, yeah that would be really great… Imagine driving that thing. For a wooden that be great, just driving the car down the road. Can you imagine sitting inside it? You get caught in the fantasy, and it is this voice that actively works with that fantasy that draws you away from the voice of Yahweh.

The little whispers that come into our thought life and imagination are the work of familiar spirits, especially when a form of sin or a suggestion the sin is involved. Demons say in our minds, people can see it, so it doesn’t really matter, does it? Doesn’t really matter if you sin, well God will forgive you, won’t he? Those voices are the voices of familiar spirits in our minds. We need to exercise dominion and take authority over them.

Often these whispers can be heard in the first person. Things like, I really need that; I wonder what they are thinking; I wonder if they are talking about me? Their aim is to wind you up in rejection, so it lacks you up from commuting and keeping an open spirit and connection towards the presence of Yahweh.

When you deal with the power of familiar spirit, it becomes easier to hear and discern the voice of Holy Spirit because your mind is not cluttered and crowded with the hidden thought patterns that produce death in us. When our minds and hearts are free from the clutter of these voices it becomes very easy to tune our spirit man into different flows of the anointing and heavenly realms of the kingdom that Yahweh exists in and expresses himself through. It enables us to connect and commune with Yahweh in a much clearer and easier way. One of the reasons many of us do not hear from Yahweh is because our ears are blocked by familiar spirit attachments that do not want us to hear the words of freedom, liberty and love that Yahweh brings to release to us.

Discipleship mentoring

In the group we mentor and disciple we have training times of connection with Yahweh. We take young people away for an impact weekend in one of the sessions is about how to hear the love whispers of the father. We teach them about it and then we send them away and encourage them to begin to commune and connect with the father. In that place they hear the father say things like, I love you, I want you to draw close to me, I want you to hold me, son/daughter. I want you to learn of me and connect with me. I have many things I want to tell you. The voice of the father never stops wooing us. Our father’s voice woos us like a lover – therefore, behold, I will allude her, will bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfort to her – Hosea 2:14. The promise that our ears are often deafened in indifferent to hear the voice of our father wooing us.


Our sin cycles often produce a chemical release inside her body called dopamine. Dopamine produces a sense of well-being, of feeling satisfied, or a pleasure reward. When familiar spirits are attached, dopamine is released in her life when we draw on the habit pattern of sin, which brings a sense of fulfillment. The interesting thing is that it has been chemically proven in laboratories that a person who is connected to Yahweh in a deep, intimate and meaningful way also has dopamine release into their bloodstream when they begin to commune with him. This brings a sense of belonging, acceptance, kinship and security and breaks the power that sin has on us because we find another security and another way to have our needs met. We are a spirit being with a soul in a physical body. Our body needs can be met in a place of deep communion in connection with the presence of Yahweh. We need to learn to connect with him and pursue him into every secret place for life. We must allow Yahweh to captivate us so that all that matters is him. We must allow him to treasure and captivate our hearts so that our heart is tuned towards the voice of Holy Spirit. That does not come by you disciplining your flesh; it comes by you focusing and connecting with the presence of Yahweh inside you. Then out of that connection comes a release of the power and the glory of Yahweh to transform and transfigure your soul and bring you into a different place of communion with him. It brings great contentment to know that Yahweh has said, son, I love you.

Familiar spirits are the enemies of the cross and our number 1 personal enemy. They will always remind us of what you and I are in the normal and natural life and hinder us walking into who we are – the spirit life of Yahweh.


Rejection, loneliness, abandonment, isolation and the fear of the opinions of other people are some of the familiar spirits that assail our lives in waves. Self-pity is generated inside of us out of a deep need, rejection and loneliness. Familiar spirits of self-pity suggest things like, you hate yourself, don’t you? They often dwell around the need of affirmation of people, so they will affirm us by saying things like, you’re just great art you? The little whispers flicker in and out of our brain, and in and out of our ear. The little spirits become so familiar with our habit patterns in areas of our lives that we struggle with, that they influence and shut us down, blocking are communing and connecting with Yahweh. Very often they will come and their voices will be a lot louder when we are a lot lower in the spirit. When your spirit life is not very active, you may find that you are assailed by voices that seem to go on in your mind and you do not know why they are there. Some people say, well that’s just my lot in life, and inside of you this thing with say, yeah it is. It doesn’t really matter, does?

You may have different things that assail you. Some people have tormenting thoughts about death. That is a familiar spirit that is attached to them making them think that way. Whatever captivate your mind captivates you. If you can identify the emotional fruit the voice creates inside of you then you can identify the spirit that is connected to it. It may be a spirit of luster spirit of hate. When you are feeling rejection and a voice in your feelings speaks about rejection it is a spirit of rejection. When it speaks to you about loneliness and isolation, it is a spirit of loneliness and isolation. They are very easy to identify. Name it for what it is. Call it what it is and allow the Holy Spirit and the presence of Yahweh to work in your life.

When I was a new born again Christian I would come into a crowd of people and I would not speak to anybody. If anybody was to approach me I would look at the ground so I would not connect with them. It was a spirit that at that stage had captivated and caught my soul, but as I began to identify its habit patterns and its power I found that there were some things that I could use to break its hold.

When that spirit would come to me and say, they don’t want to speak to you anyway; they’re not really interested in you, immediately I would start to withdraw from people. That withdrawal is drawing away from connection with the people who can help, where you can meet and have meaningful relationship, instead of connecting in a relationship with a demonic spirit to drive ship. Then I would feel self-hatred and I would think, man why am I doing this? I hate myself when I do that. Have you ever said that? That is the work of a familiar spirit.

Then I would begin to feel ashamed of the way I responded because I hated myself. How can I hate myself when my father loves me? And the familiar spirit would say, well, how can he love you if you hate yourself? Don’t you know you’re supposed to love yourself? And so the pattern would continue.

Then I would go to things like feeling sorry but without true repentance because I did not know what I was dealing with. So I would come to the place of feeling remorse and then say, father I think you that somehow I can walk free of this thing, not really repenting but coming to an emotional place and just going through a cycle of religious works. The next time the same process starts all over again with thoughts and fantasies of dreaming of the potential.

It is like to cycle of violence that is in a man’s life when in an abusive situation; he will go through exactly the same things because the spirit of violence is a familiar spirit to them that makes him behave in a certain sense cycle.

False alters

I’m one of those people who loves to have pictures to work with in the spirit. I have got this secret place in the spirit realm that the Lord and I go and meet together. One day when I was finished communing with the Lord in that place, as I came out of that place, across for me and the spirit was this other high place within altar on it and inside of me I got really offended. I said, how dare somebody in the spirit set up an altar to a demon spirit right where I communing connect with Yahweh? The Lord said to me, you put it there.

We have familiar spirits in the high places of our soul. Whenever we go into a sin cycle we are making a sacrifice in that high place in our life to that demon spirit that destroys the anointing and increase from glory to glory in the Lord.

I understand that there are Valley experiences that the word says can become a place life – Isaiah 41:18 – because the Valley is where the life is. But when people go into the valleys and experienced death and destruction, heartache and pain, they often find that familiar spirits that are in the high places are controlling the walk through the valley places. If you are having a hard time it may be because you have demon spirits connected to your soul in the high places and you have never torn down the idols in the alters out of the spirit realm.

We are spirit beings and alters must be torn down in the spirit realm. You cannot just think about it, you must actively name those things and tear down the places inside your spirit where you have made sacrifices to those demon spirits.

The next time I went up to that high place of communion with Yahweh in the spirit realm I went across and kick the other altered down. These sin patterns form a path in the spirit to the place of sacrifice so you have to build a new path of connectedness with Yahweh, tearing down that altar and building a new place of communion. Then that place becomes a place of connection with Yahweh instead of connection with the demon spirit. It is hard work, it does not just go click and you are free from it. You need to crucify the flesh habit pattern, speaking and decreeing into the spirit power and breaking its hold and influence, so that Yahweh can bring you into a place of communion. Sometimes I found I would be halfway round that sin cycle before I would recognize that I was in it. But with every one of those there is another pathway off it to the place encounter with Yahweh.

First Corinthians 10:13 – but remember this – the wrong desires that come into your life aren’t anything new and different. Many others have faced exactly the same problems before you. And no temptation is irresistible. You can trust God to keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can’t stand up against the, for he has promised this and will do what he says. He will show you how to escape temptations power so you can bear up patiently against it.

I purposed in the spirit realm to begin to build a place of encounter with Yahweh and so, instead of being a loud voice inside me, the familiar spirit became a pursuing voice that was on the outside of me. Then I set up boundary lines in the spirit of love, joy and peace, and when I felt those voices begin to assail those boundary lines I would not allow them access to my spirit. We are spirit beings and we function in the spirit world. We are able to exert pressure on the spirit world to bring change, to influence our lives to godliness.

Provocative looks

I find that when a young person dresses are asked provocatively, it can be a familiar spirit related to rejection saying inside of them, I want people to look at me so I feel good or, do that because it will make you feel good. There is nothing wrong with looking attractive, but what are the voices behind it? Deal with the voice and then the person that is within will begin to show on the outside.

We need to realize that Yahweh wants to enable and equip us to overcome as Jesus says – in me you may have perfect peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous – be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy – I have overcome the world – my conquest is accomplished, my victory abiding – John 16:33. We need to wage a personal war against these spirits, their function in their operation around our lives. Usually I have found there are certain areas in the lives of believers where these cycles are present. We must see them as a personal adversary to our life in God. One started on this path the battle can often become quite intense with the cycles increasing and becoming more frequent. If this occurs, I have found that one on one personal confession adds in destroying these cycles and the power and hold of these familiar spirits over our lives and is of great benefit to us.

Contending against the spirit’s

We must see a familiar spirit as a somebody, not just a something that is in the ethereal world out there somewhere. It is a spirit being that does not have a body to express itself through and therefore it uses you to express itself to the world around you. It is an entity. When you can identify the emotion, you can name the entity, it’s character, it’s personality, and its traits.

When you can identify clearly, you can go to war clearly. I want to teach you to be very sharp in the way you pray, not using a great big broad bat and trying to break through something. The sharper it is the easier it is going to go through. The more specifically we pray, the more Yahweh is licensed to move on our behalf. When you are praying about these things you need to be very sharp and very specific in the way you contend with them, fighting in the spirit and contending against their control, the Kring into them and breaking the power the sin cycle. You need to actively war against these things in the spirit to tear them down. We must take the word in the spirit realm and enforce the judgment of God against those things that rule against us because it is God’s judgment that breaks the power of sin and death in our lives and it is God’s righteousness that births us into life.

Possessing the land next paragraph the good thing about it is, once you go in and you spoil that strongman, the word says you take them captive and spoil his goods. That means you can run over everything he has ever done and throw away the rubbish, make a new connection in a new place and allow the Holy Spirit to become your strongman. This is something you need to apply in the spirit. I asked Holy Spirit to become my strong man, to become the gatekeeper of my spirit, soul and body, so that no demon spirit can enter in the gates of my spirit, soul and body. I speak very specifically into the gates of my spirit, soul and body so that Holy Spirit will become the gatekeeper. This is because where he is gatekeeper, demon spirits cannot set. But you must go in. The word tells us Yahweh said Israel – be strong in go in and take possession of the land – Deuteronomy 11:8. The word pose S actually means to dispossess that which is already there. Do not allow circumstances and the seeming great weight of the thing to encompass and shut your soul down.

We need to work through the process of confession, identifying clearly our body, soul and spirit gates that are personally shot or accessed by these spirits. Are so gates our conscience, reason, imagination, mind, emotions, choice and will.

Our body gates are the eye gate – site, irrigate – hearing, mouth gate – taste, nose gate – smell and feel gate – touch.

I would find out which areas of my gateways have been accessed by these spirits. Sometimes you know when you are going to the shops or you are walking down the street and you get a whiff of a fantastic smell and think, oh I really would like that. It is a familiar spirit of gluttony. Call it what it is! There is a voice inside he you saying, when that taste nice? It has attached to your nasal passages, which stimulates the desire for something inside your bloodstream and release chemicals that make your stomach grumble and you think, yeah, I would love that. So if you are addicted to food and addicted to those smells of food that drive you, it is because there is a familiar spirit sitting on the nasal gateway of your life that shuts you down, that gets into your conscience and blocks your conscience from knowing that it is wrong to respond to food like that. One way to break that kind of thing is to go on a fast. That will soon tell you what devils are hanging around your life.

It is similar with unclean spirits. When a person’s life is connected to an unclean spirit, all they have to do is walk past a shop and they will see picture in the thing in your eyes go, wow, look at that! Inside of them they are feeling, no, no, no, no! But the thing inside them says, you’ll enjoy that. No one will see, no one will know, it is actually a familiar spirit connected to the eye gateway that drives them and pushes them to look at pornography.

We need to understand that we are spirit beings and we have authority to take dominion over these things.

Battles are one by one victory at a time. Keep the focus to get each victory and then when you have that victory go on to the next one, and the next one, and the next one, and allow the cry to arise inside of you, I want my land back! You must possess your soul under the land of Yahweh and subdue it.

One of the roots that I have identified is the need to be loved by others, the need to be accepted by others and the need to be needed by others. Now there is nothing wrong with those when they are in God. But when they become an in ordinate desire in the voice of the familiar spirit is a driving thing that we have to be needed by others and we will do anything to be needed by others including coming into a place of adultery, coming into the place of fantasy, lust, you name it, it is the drive that is indicative of a demon spirit attachment to our souls.

Yahweh wants to bring us to liberty so that we can walk free from the bindings of these spirits and be free to express the power in the life of Yahweh in the spirit world around us. It is familiar spirits in the house of God operating over the life’s of people that have caused so many men of God the phone to adultery. Now I am not afraid of praying with women, but if I’m going to get in a one-on-one counseling situation with a woman either have my wife or one of the other people in the body that I am mentoring to stand with me so that there are 2 that can be a witness.

Be wise but do not be afraid of the spirit world; we have dominion over it. So many of us back away from the demonic in the spirit realm because we fear that maybe the devil is bigger than we are. We have more power as sons of God than the biggest demon has ever got inside its life, but because of the fear the enemy many people have drawn away from spiritual warfare.

Seated in heavenly places

There has been a major focus on territorial spirits. That is a layer underneath Celestial spirits. Yahweh wants us to exert his dominion over those celestial beings. I call them governing spirits over territories, I mean like half of the United States. One of these spirits sits over Los Angeles; I’ve seen it, a celestial demon spirit. Not a terrestrial or territorial spirit. The ecclesia goes from revelation to revelation and in the place of revelation that Yahweh is bringing us to very shortly, I believe that as a body internationally, there are going to be men and women who will be able to stand in the spirit in that realm and depose the thing that has controlled the river that is supposed to flow out of this arena. Yahweh wants the body of Christ to rise to that place of dominion and I do not mean that it is a place of pride. It is a place of establishing that seat of authority. God’s word says we are seated in heavenly places – Ephesians 2:6. A heavenly place is a celestial place where the dominion of the kingdom of God is exerted. The word says we are seated in Christ. The word also says, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, we could spirits and demon spirits in these heavenly places – Ephesians 6:12. It is the same realm but I believe it is Yahweh who has kept that realm hidden from us because the ecclesia has not been ready to come to that place of Sun ship yet, but it is starting. Here it from a profit – it is starting in the body of Christ.

When I see what Yahweh is doing and Holy Spirit is doing then I know what he is working on and what he wants to bring the ecclesia to. Instead of going into the city it takes me 2 or 3 days to begin to feel the wings of the Holy Spirit and what he is working on in the spirit realm and what he wants to establish to bring the ecclesia to next. Yahweh wants positional authority of dominion and he is doing a fast work in his kingdom to bring us to the place of dominion so we can take authority over these spirits that have exerted dominion over the realms of the natural world.

When you change the spirit realm you will change the natural realm. I do not even worry about the natural realm. As far as I am concerned it is in ignorance. It is something that is totally subject to the spirit realm. That is why, as spirit beings, we need to get in the spirit and work from the spirit realm over the earth. If you change the spiritual, you will change the natural.

I want to teach this to give you an idea of how to pray. That was my wife’s idea. A wife is a very practical lady, and she says – you must give these people something to work with and pray into.

While the first thing to do is recognize that we have an issue. Each one of those areas of the cycle I would speak into, I would decree it’s broken power. I would decree it cleansed by the blood of Jesus. I would decree it crucified in the cross and in Christ Jesus. I would destroy it with the word of God, praying strongly in tongues to dismantle and smash the altar that I had set up, which would be right in the middle of that sentence cycle where I would unknowingly be making the sacrifice to this demon; I would depose it out of its place of authority in my life – see courtroom of God chapter in realms of the kingdom volume 1.

Finally, the word says, if we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of his son Yeshua purifies us from all sin – first John 1:7.

Deliverance is only 5% of the work. The other 95% is the restoration of the broken breaches in your life, where you must take up your cross and crucify that flesh nature inside you. Deliverance breaks the drive, but it is the cross that breaks the need. The demon spirit drives and makes you desire something with an inordinate affection, but it is the cross that breaks the need for it so you can crucify those needs. Come before the father and ask him to identify and show you the areas that familiar spirits are attached to your life. Take that cycle of prayer illustrated above so that you can see the kind of thing I work with and work with the familiar spirits and to you have clearly identified all your sin patterns and then go to war on them. If you find you cannot get victory over your sin patterns, go and confess them to somebody else who can stand with you and take authority over the spirit that drives you. Sometimes I find that you can dispossess a spirit power by doing strong warfare over it in your own soul. But sometimes you need someone to stand with you so that you to agree, and so just ask Holy Spirit, Lord, what do you want me to do? Then go to war.


Father I ask that the word would have stripped bare and naked the attachments of familiar spirits in the lives of each person reading this. Lord I asked that your spirit and your anointing would come in with fire Lord, with glory and anointing and begin to enable these men and women to stand up in the spirit to contend for their souls. My God, I asked that in the spirit world the battle would begin to finally go for them. Father, in the spirit world I hold the rod of authority, the rod of iron, the rod of dominion up in the spirit over these things in her life’s, so that as they begin to discover them that they will find access ways to be able to build a place of communion in connection with your presence and intimacy in Jesus name Amen.

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