Chapter 6 – the dwellings of the spirit in heavenly places

Ephesians 1:3 – Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ

Understanding the prophetic realm

The spiritual man

God reveals to us a spiritual world through the Scriptures, and it is in the Scriptures that we can find the anchor and security we need in order to walk with confidence in that world that for some is so unfamiliar.

Nevertheless, this invisible realm, which is spiritual reality, must be experienced in order to be able to move within it. The kingdom of God must be a lived experience, from which we are able to extract all the riches of his glory. It is worthless to intellectually know everything that the great men of God in the Bible lived in the spirit realm, if we cannot truly possess these things for ourselves.

It is wonderful to read that Ezekiel saw the expansion of glory in the cherubs that moved with it; but is much more extraordinary when God permits us to see it with her own spiritualize. It is fabulous to study the genres caught up to heaven, but even better to know that God can take us. Isn’t that right?

This is entering the kingdom. Jesus said:

Luke 12:32 – fear not, little flock; for it is your father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

John 18:36 – my kingdom is not of this world… As I am not of this world, neither are you of this world.

God wants us to stop thinking is earthly beings, limited to this existential plane. He wants us to think like celestial beings, as people of the kingdom, as a chosen generation, rope priesthood, a holy nation, a people acquired by God to announce his virtues, and everything that is part of the multifaceted gamut of God’s power. To enter the dimensions of the spirit is to know him personally. This is the fundamental essence of the prophetic arena.

Revelation 19:10 – for the testimony of Jesus, the essence of all revealed truth, is the spirit of prophecy.

When we talk about the prophetic, it does not refer to only speaking prophecies in church, but the everything that is in itself the invisible world.

We said before that we are spirits, that we live in a body, and that we communicate, feel, think, and operate in the natural world through the soul. We also said that every spirit has the total capacity of seeing, hearing, and experiencing the spiritual world. And we added that every spirit that has been joined with God has the total ability to see him, hear him and to move in him.

Our spirit is composed of 3 main parts: intuition, conscious, and communion with God. It is in these 3 segments that we can’t receive different kinds of revelation, as well as enter into different regions or celestial places.

When the spirit of God comes upon us in his prophetic manifestation, he is going to reveal to us something concerning the kingdom of God. He is going to reveal Christ and he is going to give us understanding of the spiritual world in general. This can be given at the intuition level, as a word, or a sensation, or a vague form of vision. In this case, it is not correct to say, thus says the Lord, as many of done due to habit, since this is very delicate, but rather to say, I have a strong feeling that… I have the sensation that…

At the conscious level, we are going to experience conviction of sin. There will be voices of warning when we’re entering the wrong path, or there will be a deep feeling of peace and security upon walking the correct path. At the communion level is where the gamut of possibilities is more diverse and complex. Here are level of revelation with him is going to be determined, as well as the type of calling in gifts that God, in his mercy, wants to manifest in us.

Visions, revelations, trances and being caught away

It is at the communion level that we are going to experience the different levels of revelation.

Prophetic impressions

These are, as the name indicates, impressions that come to our spirit. They can be very specific and hit the mark. However, they can be contaminated by our feelings, primarily, at the moment of interpretation. We cannot at these times either emphatically state, thus says the Lord.

Visions and dreams

These are clear visions during which our spiritual eyes and ears see and hear in detail. They can come while we are awake and conscious, or through dreams while we sleep. This type of prophetic manifestation, the conscience interacts with the communion, bringing discernment, in order to know the origin of what we are receiving.

The messages that come from God always will bring with them a sensation of righteousness, of peace, and of joy, even though what we are hearing or seeing might be a judgment or the warning of a catastrophe. – Note: this type of prophecy necessarily needs to be judged by prophetic or apostolic ministers.

The visions will always come in the midst of a clear consciousness of the presence of God. When the devil is interfering with messages that are apparently prophetic, they always bring with them and aftertaste of disquiet, of fear, of the feeling that something does not sit well with our conscience.

Trances and parousias

In addition to these forms of prophetic revelation, we are going to have a deeper one that is the ecstasy. Our entire spiritual body participates in this experience. It goes beyond a vision. In this form, you enter the vision itself, as if you were placed within a movie. You’re not simply an observer, but now you are a participant. This is the case that we see, for example, when Peter sees the sheet with the animals on it:

Acts 10:10 – and he became very hungry, and would’ve eaten: but while they made ready, he fell into a trance, and saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending onto them, as it had been a great sheet knit at the 4 corners, and let down to the earth: wherein were all manner of four-footed beasts of the earth, and wild bees, and creeping things, and files of the air. And there came a voice to him, rise, Peter; kill, and eat.

We also have the case of the Parolusias, a Greek word uses speak of the appearance of Jesus Christ in the old and new Testaments. This is the case of Paul on the road to Damascus, where Jesus appears to him in a shining light, revealing himself to him as Lord.

Being caught away

This is the most extraordinary kingdom experience to which God is taking his chosen ones. We said before that every spirit that is one where Jesus can hear him, see him, and experienced invisible kingdom of God. We also add that the heavens and your earth become one in Jesus. Therefore, everyone who is one with the Lord can also move in celestial dimensions as well as an earthly ones.

Jesus paid the price for us to be seated with him in heavenly places. And this is not only a position of authority that we possess theologically. Everything that Jesus conquered for us is not automatic. We have to enter into possession of each truth. For example, Jesus died for all sinners. This does not mean that everybody is already saved. Each person has to embrace the sacrifice of the cross and enter into the plan of salvation. This same thing happens when Jesus destroyed the Empire of the devil through his death. This does not mean that there are no longer demons on the earth, or that we no longer need to wage spiritual warfare. Believers have to proclaim that victory to the powers of darkness and submit themselves to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, until all of his enemies are made his footstool.

This same spiritual logic applies to the truth that we are seated with Christ in heavenly places. The Lord won the battle for us, so that we could be in those positions of authority and revelation, but we must take possession of them. Outside of salvation, which is by grace, everything else has a price tag that must be paid. And of course, truly having spiritual authority has one of the highest price takes.

Heavenly places are real. They are glorious dwellings of infinite revelation. It is the will of God that we entered them, that we be established there, and that we govern with him from the heavens, while we live here on the earth.

God is opening the heavens in a surprising way. Heavens doors are being revealed so that we may penetrate into this dimension as never before – because this has to do with the end times, not before. The manchild is being caught up in many parts of the earth, to understand how heaven governs and to be able to rein with Jesus Christ in the same way.

Is this biblical? Yes! We see it many times in the Old Testament and even in the new, because the Lord said that he had better things paired for us than for the cloud of witnesses that we see in the book of Hebrews chapter 11.

What is God telling us and how are we understanding it? There are visions and revelations that cannot be given to the servants of God on earth, but that they must be spiritually transported to heavenly places in order to receive what God wants to give them. What does this mean? We see the case of easy kill. He finds himself captive in Babylon, and God wants to reveal to him the glorious vision of his temple.

Ezekiel 40:1 – in the fourteenth year after the city was smitten, and the cell same day the hand of the Lord is upon me, and brought me further. In the visions of God brought he me into the land of Israel, and set me up on a very high mountain, by which was as the frame of a city on the south. And he brought me further, and behold, there was a man, whose appearance was like the appearance of brass, with a line of flax in his hand, and a measuring read; and he stood in the gate. And the man said enemy, son of man, behold with thine eyes, and here with thine ears, and set thine heart up on all that I show the; for to the intent that I might show them on to the art thou brought hither: declare all that thou see is to the house of Israel.

Here the profit was taken to the most important heavenly dwelling, the temple of God. He did not go to the physical and Israel, since that Temple was never built there, but to the temple of God above this nation.

The visions, then, are revelations that come to us, and the heavenly places, are places to which we are taken, and where we are established, as we will see a little later.

In the case of John, he also finds himself in captivity on the all Patmos, and the Lord is going to give him the impressive revelation of this last book in the Bible. In this complex manifestation of the prophetic, John is going to have different experiences in the spirit. He is going to hear celestial sounds, he is going to see them magnificent parousia of Christ glorified. He is going to find himself with a great quantity of angelic visitations that, in many cases, will take them to different places in the spiritual world. And he will also be, like easy go, caught away to the third heaven.

Revelations 4:1 – after this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were a trumpet talking with me; which said, come up hither, and I will show the things which must be hereafter. And immediately I was in the spirit; and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one set on the throne.

Revelation 17:1 – and there came one of the 7 angels which had the 7 veils, and talked with me, saying enemy, come hither; I will show under the the judgment of the great horror that sit upon many waters… So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness.

We also see that Paul tells about similar experiences.

Second Corinthians 12:1 – it is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations – this is in the plural – of the Lord. I knew a man in Christ about 14 years ago, – whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God north – such oh 1 caught up to the third heaven. And I knew such a man, – whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God north – how that he was caught up in the Paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for them and under.

Paul was in the third heaven and was also in Paradise, 2 different heavenly places. I think, upon study in detail the Scriptures of this great apostle, that he lived many experiences that had to do with knowing heavenly places, the dwellings of the spirit, and the dimensions of the invisible world of darkness.

Paul himself talks about Paul and the wisdom that God gave him understand heavens and the things of God, and how some of these things are difficult to understand. He himself has an extraordinary experience in the dimensions of the spirit while in prison about to be executed.

He finds himself in this extreme situation, when an angel appears in the cell and tells him to gird up his close because they’re going to leave the prison. We’re going to see here the 2 realms, the celestial and the natural, operating at the same time, and how the power the spiritual world undeniably affects the natural world.

Acts 12:8 and Angel set on him, gird the self, and bind on my sandals. And so he did. And he said on him, cast I garment about the, and follow me. And he went out, and followed him; and West not that it was true which was done by the angel; but thought he saw a vision. When they were past the first and the second Ward, they came into the iron gate that leads us onto the city; which open to them of his own accord: and they went out, and passed on through one street; and forth with the angel departed from him. And when Peter was come to himself, he said, now I know of a surety, that the Lord has sent his angel, and has delivered me out of the hand of Herod, and from all the expectation of the people of the Jews.

Peter came to himself because obviously he was in the dimension of the spirit. During this entire process, he believes that he is having a vision of ecstasy in which he and the Angel pass through the gates of the prison in a supernatural way. Differing from Paul’s experience, who does not know whether he is in the body or outside of the body, here the experience is clearly in the body.

What is occurring here is that what is being lived in the spiritual world by Peter and the Angel is reproducing itself an exact form in the natural world. The 2 dimensions are in operation at the same time. Spirit of God has the power to invade all matter, and then move it from one place to another, even passing through walls, gates, or mass of people, as Jesus did.

Luke 4:29 – and rose up, and thrust them out of the city, and let him onto the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might cast him down headlong. But he passing through the midst of them when his way.

Believe me, Jesus did not push his way through the crowd here. There was just himself against an irrational multitude who wanted to kill him. This same thing happened to Philip, when he preached to the knock on the road that goes to Gaza.

Acts 8:39 – and when they were come up out of the water, the spirit of Lord caught away Philip, that the knock so I’m no more: and he went on his way rejoicing. But Philip was found at azotus: and passing through he preached in all the cities, till he came to Caesarea.

This is moving in the kingdom of God. This is for us today and we are already living in it. The revelation began to come to me while I was in the city of aguascalientes, Mexico, preaching a conference on spiritual warfare with brother Roberto avila of Guatemala. Last night of the convention, the cloud of God’s glory enveloped us on every side. We – to preachers – decide to leave by the back door, nor not to interrupt the spirit that was manifesting himself among all the people. Upon arriving at a little room just before the exit, we stopped to wait for the event coordinator. As we waited, Roberto began to feel extremely warm, and he grabbed his chest, as someone would who is having a heart attack. And, without saying a word, he fell to the floor, as if he were dead.

That moment, an angel appeared before me. And, putting his hand upon my shoulder, he said, don’t be afraid; he is being taken heaven, but he will return shortly. I got in front of him so no one would touch him, and I told the others with Angel had told me. Soon, Roberto return, and he told us of his glorious experience.

This event began to turn over in my head, and it was soon afterwards a God would take me to heaven for the first time. The spirit revealed how truly the blood of Jesus open access to the throne of God, not only so their prayers arrived to him and we obtain mercy, but so that our spirit, which is one with him, arrives literally before his presence and celestial dimensions. God then began to take me many times before his throne and to revealed to me many things. Some of them are in this book, and I will have another opportunity right about the others, if God allows me to.

On one occasion, the Lord gave me the order to for prophets to go to have an encounter with him in the desert of New Mexico. During those 6 days, we fasted. The Lord open to us the spiritual world in an extraordinary way. We were caught away several times and one of them was very special. We had been an intense worship, when suddenly our spirits were taken before an enormous door in the heavens. Although shared this experience, which permitted us to see one another, as if we were on the earth. We could also communicate among ourselves and our voices could be heard in both dimensions.

The figure of 2 being similar to gigantic lines stood watch at the gate. Then we heard a voice that said to us, there are places which only my bride is permitted to enter, and in a cooperative way. Suddenly, the door open and a roll of gold began to unfold as a carpet before us. The passage led to a place above the throne of God. And above it other places were visible, but whose access was close to us at that moment.

Then a man appeared with the appearance of the Son of Man, under his feet, everything began to become transparent, and a new place became visible. In his place, we could see kingdoms and impressive structures, but all of them were dark and complex. We were awestruck as we saw all this, when he said, this is the place of wisdom. In this place, everything is revealed and everything comes to light. I brought year due to the battle that you are going to face against the ruler of darkness that is named the Queen of heaven, the great city that rules over the nations of the earth. This battle has to be fought from this place in the heavens. Here, none of the princes of the world have access to see or to understand. From here I’ll teach you to fight in a determinant and effective manner, and here you will be hidden from the fires of the enemy. I bring you here as many times as is necessary. The only have to request it. I will also bring many others, those who are ready to fight here.

Since that day it has been wonderful. God has brought us to that place many times in order to see from there the structures of the kingdom of darkness. From celestial places, the locations of the devil’s power, as well as his areas of weakness, become very clear. We have seen so many millions of angels assigned for battles to come, all at levels of hierarchy.

That they, God also showed us different doors in the heavens and how they opened at determined times, and then closed and then again open. Some were eternally determinant others open due to the prayers of the saints. There are also roads that unite all of the angelic activity between the heavens and the earth.

Isaiah 43:19 – all in an make away in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

This is a prophecy in a natural, but also in the spiritual. This is how Jacob saw it in Bethel:

Genesis 28:12 – in a dream, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and top of it reached the heaven: and behold Angel is a God ascending and descending on it. And, behold, the Lord stood above it… And Jacob waked out of asleep, and he said, surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not. And he was afraid, and said, how dreadful is this place! This is none other but the house of God, and this is to gate heaven.

Bethel was known from then on as a place where God manifested himself – Genesis 31:13. Ezekiel also found himself with a place like this near the chebar River, where God showed him the open heaven, and this originated a series of powerful experiences with the glory of God. Profit knew that that place was special, because he return to it frequently, and a number of his ecstasies occurred at this place.

Pat muss is another of these places. John wrote revelation, not through only one visitation, but through having been caught away a series of times. The majority of these spiritual transports were not in the body, but in the spirit. Knees occurred in a cave that was found up in a large mountain on the Ellen. Today there is a small Orthodox Church there which is part of a monastery, but all rounder virgin forest where you can go to pray. When I was there, the first thing that I noticed was that the door of heaven that God open for John is still open. It was from there that I was carried away during 7 days of ecstasy, 4 of which were inside heart of God, as I related in a previous chapter.

Therefore the history great revivals, God has opened doors in the heavens that have not yet closed. The same thing happens in places where the perv men and women of God have touched heavens and they have open.

Davis said:

Psalm 24:7 – lift up your heads, OU gates; NEB lift up, ye everlasting door; and the King of glory shall come in.

There are places upon the earth where God has established doors for his presence to manifest in extraordinary ways, and where he can summon someone to come up to the heavens. Various mountains in the Old Testament were doors of heaven, such as Mount moriah, where Abraham took his son Isaac in order to sacrifice him. And later, David used it to establish their the ark of the covenant. Mount Zion of course, Mount Sinai, Mount Carmel, where God made fire from heaven to send through Elijah, mount tabor, where Jesus was transfigured. The doors of heaven were opened near the Jordan, where Joshua passed over on dry land, and then where Elijah was caught away, body and all.

The doors of heaven united 2 dimensions, earth and heaven, so that the kingdom of God is supernaturally manifest among us. Now, Jesus said, I am the door. This means that, in him, we can arrive at heaven, not only after death, but now. The blood of Jesus literally opened that which separated the two dimensions. And he is still doing it. When we understand this, we can open the doors of heaven through the blood of Jesus in any place of the earth and the heavens will open in every manifestation of the celestial will be seen upon the earth.

We have to change our passive prayers that are simply hoping that God will do things, when in reality he gave us the authority to do them. Begin to truly pray. Honor the name of the Lord. Cry out for the heavens to open, for his kingdom to come, and for his will to be done, you will see what will begin to happen.(The greater the power and anointing, the greater the result.) And don’t be surprised if it is said to some(those chosen by him), come up hither.

Paul, who was little understood and some of his writings, spoke of this possibility of being taken the spiritual dimensions with the Lord, not only in the experience of being caught away, but as something that he also had experienced on more than one occasion. He says in his second epistle to the Corinthians, after talking about the celestial dwelling(about which we have already spoken):

Second Corinthians 5:6 – there we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: for we walk by faith, not by sight: we are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. Wherefore we labor, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him.

Now, Paul does not think it any time that while we are in this life, we are absent from the Lord. He himself stated that in him we move, and live, and have our being. He also knows with certainty that Jesus is coming to dwell in the life of the true believer. Then here it is not talking about life after death, but of moving in the dimensions of the spirit, of entering into those places of his presence, the heavenly places.

In this passage, he uses the words, we may be accepted of him. Where? In the body or outside of the body? He was referring to when we die and arrive in heaven, he would not use the words, be accepted of him, because we would have already entered heaven. After this life, you are not going to labor to be accepted of him, because, due to the righteousness of Christ, you are going to be completely accepted. Then the word labor is only valid while the option exists to fail or not to be acceptable.

Jesus tried to create a supernatural church that would move, not only in the same way that he did on the earth, but that would do even greater things because he went to the father. Greater things means a much more powerful life than the one he lived. He said:

John 16:7 – nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away.

Why? Because by the spirit we would have access to the kingdom of God. In this dispensation, in which God is revealing the dimensions of the spirit in an extraordinary way, he is allowing us to know what heavenly places means. Heaven is not an enormous plain, full of clouds, with the throne of God in the middle, and with Angels worshiping him all over the place. Heaven is composed of different places. These places are manifested in different spiritual planes, and each one reveals something different about God.

We must understand that the father is not a white bearded man, seated on a throne. God is the greatest and most diverse gamut of attributes, of unspeakable and unsearchable truths. God presents himself and manifests himself in a different form, according to the attribute or the part of his being that he wants to reveal at a determined moment. God does not have only one face; Jesus doesn’t either.

Daniel saw him as an ancient of days. Easy kill saw him as an expansive fire; John, as one similar to the Son of Man; Joshua, as a man of war. Jacob saw him face-to-face. Moses saw him in different ways. He spoke with God face-to-face, however, it is apparent that he looked somewhat different when the Lord showed Moses his glory. He had to put Moses into a cleft of the rock so he wouldn’t die. This was a much stronger experience than conversing face-to-face.

In this passage, God says to Moses:

Exodus 33:20 – now can us not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.

Now, the question is how was it that God spoke to Moses face-to-face – Exodus 33:11, but in this passage it says that a few looks at God’s face, he will die? The answer is that God has different faces, and there is one that is so terrible due to the relation with the glory that it has, that no one can see it, and live. God then decides to conjugate the 2 dimensions so that his servant can live this experience.

Exodus 33:21 – and the Lord said, behold, there is a place buying me, and thou shall stand upon a rock

Here we see 2 places, one celestial(by me) and the other natural(a rock). Now, something very strong must have manifested itself when Jehovah pronounced his name and all his goodness pass before Moses. It was so strong that Moses had to hide. Today, that glory is accessible, because the place where he hid is Jesus.

Sometimes God has allowed me to experience different manifestations of his name when he pronounces it before me. His face changes from one phase to another. It is like a sequence of visions, all different and wonderful, that manifest themselves when he makes his name re-sound.

It is a serious error when we try to imagine God.

Exodus 20:4 – thou shall not make unto the any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above

He must be perceived in the spirit. If the men of God had these experiences in the Old Testament, how much greater will they not be for us, who have Christ in us and we are one with him. The truth is very clear and simple. Open your spirit and receive it. If the heavens and earth are one in Christ Jesus, and you are one with him, the heavens and earth are one with you, then you can see and experience all that there is in heaven through Jesus.

Heaven is full of wonderful things, in which we must be established. This means taking the ability that Jesus gave us of entering into these things, seat is there, and make them our own. It is not automatic, just like taking possession of our inheritance. The door was open by Jesus, but we must pass through to the other side and take possession of that which he conquered for us. The son of God spoke of some of these places. He said:

John 14:2 – in my father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you and to myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And whether I go ye know, and the way you know.

He not only prepared the way for us after we die. Otherwise, what difference would it make uniting the heavens and the earth? If it says, you know the way,(present tense), it is referring to something that he has already shown them about his kingdom and its supernatural character.

Their very glorious places, such as the place of understanding. In this place, all of the mysteries of science are found that have been revealed to man. There is a place inside there were all of the languages of the earth are found and where you can literally move them from the invisible world to the visible. God has had me penetrate this place several times, and there I have received English and 80% of the French and Portuguese that I know. One day, God allowed me to give a teaching in Italian, because the brothers forgot to bring an interpreter. I translated for one of my companions of spiritual warfare all of the information about spiritual mapping that they were giving us in Turkish.

The Lord talks to Job about this place, and he asked him:

Job 28:20 – when Stan cometh wisdom? And where is the place of understanding question… Verse 23 – God understand that the way thereof, and he know at the place thereof.

He also inquires:

Job 38:19 – where is the way where light dwellest? And as for darkness, where is the place thereof, that thou shouldest take it to the bounds thereof, and that thou shouldest know the past to the house thereof?

In this dwelling of light, the greatest power of truth is found. There, everything is transparent, and nothing can be hidden. Truth is the purest light. God establishes you here when you are willing to walk in the most absolute transparency, speaking the truth at any cost. Here the white lies of the masked religious people do not fit. Your voice begins to operate from this place, and it has impacted converged soul. The power truth puts down every argument, when it is spoken from a celestial position.

The price of establishing yourself and this place is very high. It requires deep levels of cross, and the total destruction of your reputation. Here, even the minutest self-justification or self protection cannot enter. It is a place that exposes you continually. What is inside there, is consuming fire, but fire from which you come out as polished brass.

Here, theologies and norms of men are undone, and in order for them to be shown for what they are, not as the religious people say they are. In this place, your eyes are changed in order to know how the heavens see and not home and see. Everything spectacular about the methods of men become shallow and abominable in this place. Here there are hidden rooms of infinite revelation, unspeakable things, as Paul said.

Another wonderful place is Paradise, where you can eat the leaves of the tree of life and be healed. This tree contains everything that restoration and healing imply. It is as the prophet Joel sought, when he saw the generation that cannot be conquered:

Jolt 2:2 – as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the light, neither Shelby anymore after it, even to the years of many generations. A fire devours before them: and behind them a flame burning with: the land is as the current of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; he, and nothing shall escape them.

There fountains and lakes of peace there, where God makes the soul to rest, as it says in Psalm 23. To celestial universe is so vast that whole encyclopedias would not be enough to describe it. But the heavens are open for you, and Jesus Christ. I’ve only begun to enter the thresholds of extraordinary things, and my desire is to extend myself even further forward, to see if I succeed in apprehending that for which I was apprehended.

My most fervent prayer is a God raise a generation that knows his glory, that every person who has come to Jesus would be free of his earthly, limited understanding. That no one lights a light, hides it under a basket, says the Lord. But this is what we have done.

Oh, we have enclosed ourselves in veils, so thick with religiosity, of a mental, ineffectual Christianity, when God gave us the most powerful dimensions of his kingdom. We live proclaiming things we don’t even understand. We make earthly, so many supernatural truths that God gave us, because it is easier to be of the earth and to be in control of your world, then to be supernatural and have God be in control of your world.

I pray to God that these pages a week a thirst and an unquenchable hunger for God and that you may know him in the deep dimensions that he has for you. I bow my knees so that:

Ephesians 1:18 – the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that she may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints.

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