Chapter 9 – heavenly trading

In this chapter I want to teach about trading in the heavens and things that we can trade with because who you are in the heavens is who you are on the earth.

Jesus tore the veil

In front of me and around me is a veil that separates me from the realm of the kingdom of heaven. The Bible says that Jesus tore the veil – Matthew 27:51. This side of the veil is all that is in darkness and chaos. Through the veil is glory, light an absolute divine order, which is in his presence.

Hebrews 10:19 – therefore, brothers and sisters, we have boldness enter into the holies by the blood a Yeshua. He inaugurated a new and living way for us through the curtain – that is, his flesh.

It is not the place or the person, but it is his presence. The presence of God is not the person to God. It is like taking a sniff and saying, I can smell smoke. You know there is a fire because you can smell smoke. The presence of God is like the smoke from the fire of God. We can step through the veil into the presence of God because Jesus has torn that veil open for us. It just requires faith.


I practiced this for 21 days, praying, father by faith, I step in your presence, into the realm of the kingdom and I stand in your presence. I come through that veil and stand in it. And then father, I ascend up and down. He walks up and down is wise. So I will strengthen them in the Lord, and they shall walk up and down in his name, says the Lord – Zachariah 10:12, you are the anointed cherub that covers; and I have sent you so: you were upon the holy mountain of God; you have walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire – Ezekiel 28:14.

If you walk up and down then you can teach others, which is what you are supposed to do. Stepping in, father now I ascend by faith into the place of your presence. Now Lord, I move into the place of the government of your presence. I engage that and I descend out of the place of your presence. I descend from your presence and I step with that onto the face of the earth. As a son I deliver that presence of heaven onto the face of the earth, and I administer onto the earth what I’ve engage in brought out of heaven. You do not draw it down. You go in and you bring it down. That is heavenly trading.

How to trade

Trading in the heavens is about you going into his presence, engaging all the provision that he has, bring it down here, and releasing it in fullness around your life. So if you want to change an atmosphere you can feel the spirit, you get 100 people going in, engaging and going up into the place of his government, engaging the government the realm of heaven, engaging what is operating inside there, and then coming down. Each one brings that here onto the face of the earth, standing and beginning to release that into the atmosphere the earth. That is how you do warfare. You do not need to go at every demon. But that is mainly what the church has been taught, because few people have taught us how to administer heaven on the earth. We are administrators of heaven – trading into the realms of heaven to engage what has already been rightfully given to us in Christ, to be able to administrate it down here on the face of the earth, also, he has put all things under his feet and made him had over everything for the messianic community, which is his body, the full expression of him who fills all creation – Ephesians 1:22 – 23.

When you go in, you trade. The moment you go in, court protocol as we see in Zachariah 3 Takes place(see the courtroom of God chapter in realms of the kingdom volume 1). You step into the presence of God and through Christ become righteous. That alone will change your life if you did that every day. I come into your presence and I stand fully righteous, fully holy, fully sanctified, fully made whole by being in your presence. Lord, I lay hold of that fullness, step into this earth with that fullness, and I administrated around my life into the atmosphere, every circumstance, every crevice and cavity in every in place of my life. I administrate what I have engaged in the presence of God in full righteousness here on the face of the earth. That is going to be better than father, I bind this thing and that thing operating in my life. That is good when you are a baby Christian and you need to do that. But Yahweh wants us to become sons who administrate kingdom victory, not sons who are going around just battling the demonic. God does not want that. He wants us to mature and put away childish things – first Corinthians 13:11. The prom is that most of the church is not matured yet. And the reason is because very few people have told us that only battling the demonic is wrong.

Yahweh wants to manifest himself on the earth and you are his Kate to reveal himself through. That is trading, as we simply pray, Lord, I may broken vessel in my flesh. Your word says I am a gate so I can come into your presence, and as I come into your presence you can manifest yourself through me because I am a gate to your presence – Psalm 24:7 – 9. Effective warfare is not focusing on demons but walking with Yahweh, worshiping in tongues, bringing the kingdom as it is in heaven onto the earth.

Protocol of transitional relationship with Yahweh

Holy Spirit is a friend and we need to learn how to develop a relationship with him to then understand about developing relationship with Jesus, and then develop a relationship with the father – because each one leads to the other. But before we can develop a relationship with Holy Spirit, Jesus has got to become Lord of our lives, not just Savior. I had 2 different experiences with the Holy Spirit in the presence of Jesus. One was when I got my fire insurance and said, Jesus, forgive me. I am a sinner. The other was, now Jesus has become Lord of my life – 2 totally different experiences. Once he becomes Lord of your life, you can then learn out of his Lordship how to develop relationship, otherwise you are still doing your own thing which is like spiritual thumbsucking.

The relational protocol of transition is trading – you develop relationship with Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit then wants you to develop relationship with Jesus. Holy Spirit backs off so you can trade his relationship into Jesus. Then you develop brotherhood relationship with Jesus and he becomes your brother as well as your Lord, your king, and your Savior. Then he trades all that in so you can develop relationship with the father. The father teaches, trains and matures you. Then he trades his position and presents you to the world saying, there is my son; when he is talking, I am talking; when he is moving, I am moving. He is my mouthpiece, listen to him. The father trades his position. He never loses it, he trades it, because he wants you to become his fully fledged son so you carry his true reflection as it is in heaven and has been in the father’s plan write from the garden – Genesis 1:26 – 27.

Names of God are our provision

Yahweh is our provision. Every time we struggle with an area of provision or finances we need to engage Yahweh for his provision for our life and look to him regardless of outcomes. Your spirit man must be engaged with the names of God including Jehovah jireh, Jehovah nissi, and elohim. I am the Lord your God, your provider. You must engage his names, and the names are only found in the spirit realm in his kingdom. When you turn into it, the supply of all his names is there for you. You must engage them to set up a tone and a vibration in your being so your spirit, soul, and body come into the right tone of the supply of that name. That is why speaking Hebrew is powerful. The Hebrew language matches our DNA vibration. Every strand of human DNA matches one single sound of the Hebrew language. When they play the tone to the DNA it straightens out and becomes what it should have been. That is what monatomic element does. It gets on either side of the DNA and produces a current through the DNA, which brings it back to its former memory.

Trading floors

Yahweh wants us to engage this issue of trading. When I went to Africa the Lord laid on my heart the full revelation of a whole lot of bad things I traded. I love going to Africa. It is where I was born. I went to Namibia and I sat in the desert in namibia for a day in the dirt, feeling the vibration, and the frequency of the first creation to understand the desire of Yahweh to restore everything.

The Lord began to speak to me. First of all he began to convict me, because without repentance you have got nothing to turn from and you do not understand how much you have sinned and hurt the heart of Yahweh. That is why the cross is so important. The blood in the cross of Christ have got to be central to our whole life and walk with Yahweh. We need them; they are our 2 primary trading floors.

I began to realize that the enemy had copied a whole lot of things. As it is in heaven he has copied it so that he can present his own realm to people, then buy into it unknowingly, because he always does this in darkness.

I started to pray, father try me and see and behold in me if there be any wicked thing in me, that you would empower me to become a son because I want your glory to reside in me. I want to take on the new body you have promised me. I want it so that my DNA can begin to reflect your glory. I take the DNA of the son of God in the body and blood of Jesus, as your word says – whoever has been born of God does not sin, for his seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God – first John 3:9. So I want that Scripture manifested in my life, and I want all this junk that is in my DNA out.

And the Lord said to me, if you have done it one percent, you have done it Ian.

Well, yes, I know that, Lord.

He said, no, no, you are not hearing what I am saying. All the times that you have served in the church with the possibility that you may be made full time ministry staff because you serve the church, the care it was hung in front of your face and you gave your life, sewing into that manipulation. You were subject to a different trading floor.

When the Lord presented this to me, I thought, oh, dunghill. I’ve got so much hanging over my life now I have got to repent. When I shared it with the group that I mentor I was still in the middle of it and I said to them, listen, this is what Yahweh is doing with me and he is going to do with you what he has done with me, because as the head is, so shall the body be.

I started the process, and then the Lord said, oh, good. Let’s deal with a few more, shall we? And so he started to speak to me about other trading floors in the demonic world:tyre, athaliah, jezebel, cain, Delilah, leviathan and apollyon. When I uncovered all this I spend 6 weeks repenting as the Lord began to speak to me about the garbage that was in my life. I thought I was clean; I did not realize just how much garbage I had stored inside my soul.

To understand trading floor we need to understand what happened in the natural world to give us a blueprint of what occurs in the spirit world. Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves – Matthew 21:12. That was the first time since the fall of Adam that the spirit of Mammon had been challenged on its trading floor.

Yahweh began to speak to me about the 7 trading floors, and I want to look at them, starting with the unholy Tri-unity that developed in Israel with ethbaal, king of the sidonians; and he went and served baal and worshiped him – first being 16:30 – 31.

 ethbaals granddaughter was ahaliah who married the king of Judah. These unholy alliances brought the issue of control over worship, limited financial freedom and controlled the Army. So let us just talk about these 3 first of all because they are an unholy tri—unity that works together.

I spent weeks starting to go through the influence of the king of Tyre in my life. The king of Tyre is a demon spirit, symbolized in a man, who takes finances away from the church. Whatever you so finances into a trading floor that is not a godly trading floor, you so into the king of Tyre, which means you give that spirit power over your money. Another way we trade with the king of Tyre is when we say, I do not have enough, or I want more. It is not, I need more, but I want more. What I have is not sufficient. There is nothing wrong with saying, Lord, I cannot pay my bills, need your help, but when we start looking for avenues to try and empower ourselves that more money, there can be a driving influence coming from the king of Tyre.

The king of Tyre sacked Jerusalem and took the gold out of the temple. Then he formed the port city of Tyre by the edge of the sea, and Tyre became a trading port – a trading platform based on robbery, and setting a demonic precedent in the supernatural world for trading on face of the earth.

These demons are after the trading floor of the sons of God, because if they can bring a pollution through idolatrous worship in trading on the seed of the children’s children’s children, then they can control that trading floor forever. At the top of this little pyramid is the demon called ethbaal. Then under that is his daughter, Jezebel, which means – where is baal? Jezebel does 3 things in Israel; she takes charge of the king, she takes charge of the religious system in Israel, and then she starts to kill all the profits. In the church today we often have a Jezebel spirit that rules, governs and controls the religious concepts and systems and kills the prophets. Every time we use coercion to take up an offering or manipulate people to do something, it is witchcraft, and trading on Jezebel’s trading floor.

ezekial 28:1 – the word of the Lord came to me again, saying, Son of Man, say to the Prince of Tyre, thus says the Lord God: because your heart is lifted up, and you say, I am a God, I sit in the seats of gods, in the midst of the seas, yet you are a man, and not a God, though you set your heart is the heart of a God behold, you are wiser than Daniel! There is no secret that can be hidden from you!

There is a principle here. The Roman Catholics have a seat for the pontiff. When he sits in that seat he is speaking is God, because when you sit as a son in a seat of government you can speak as a prince or as a king, and you speak as a godlike one.

John 10:34 – Jesus answered them, is it not written in your law, I said, you are God’s – human judges representing God, not divine beings?

On the right trading floor that is good. But on a wrong trading floor, you are trading writing to a demonic kingdom. The Prince of Tyre was seen as God and he called himself God. That also happened in Paul’s day, Herod, a raid in royal apparel, sat on his throne and gave an oration to them. And the people Shouting, the voice of a God and not a man! Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him, because he did not give glory to God. And he was eaten by worms and died – acts 12:21 – 23. The same demon spirit is still operating today.

Ezekiel 28:4 – with your wisdom and your understanding you have gain riches for yourself, and gathered gold and silver into your treasuries; I your great wisdom in trade you have increased your riches, and your heart is lifted up because of your riches.

The riches come from trading, so my heart has been lifted up because of my abilities to trade to gain for myself. Wever has the gold has the glory. That is why the church does not have the gold. It is because the demonic spirit world knows the silver and the gold belongs to the children of Yahweh. If they have it they have the glory. The demonic world gains it by a false trading floor. The heavens belong to the highest bidder. How much are you trading?

Ezekiel 28:6 – therefore thus says the Lord God: because you have set your heart is the heart of a God, behold, therefore, I will bring strangers against you, the most terrible of the nations.

The terrible nation is us, bringing judgment of the word of God, which means tearing down the glory of that kingdom to establish another kingdom.

Ezekiel 28:7 – will you still say before him who slays you, I am a God? But you shall be a man, and not a God in the head of him who slays you. You shall die the death of the uncircumcised by the hand of alien; for I’ve spoken, says the Lord.

Uncircumcised means ones that do not live in covenant relationship. Circumcision is all about covenant – the shedding of blood – covenant.

The Hebrew people were circumcised by covenant, which meant they could not give their seat away or spill it on fruitfully. There seed was given holy to the purposes and presence of God, uncovered before the presence of the Lord. Yahweh says circumcise your heart so that the trading floor of your heart is fully given over to the government of heaven and you do not spell your seed onto another trading floor.

Ezekiel 28:12 – the king of Tyre… Thus says the Lord God: you were the seal of perfection, full wisdom and perfect in beauty. You are in Eden, the Garden of God; every precious stone was your covering… You were the anointed cherub who covers… I established you; you were on the holy mountain of God; you walk back and forth in the midst of fiery stones. You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, till iniquity was found in you. By the abundance of your trading you became filled with violence within, and you send; therefore I cast you as a profane thing out of the mountain of God; and I destroyed you, O covering cherub, from the midst of the fiery stones. Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor; I cast you to the ground, I laid you before kings, that they might gaze at you. You defiled your sanctuaries by the multitude of your iniquities, by the iniquity of your trading; therefore I brought fire from your midst; it devoured you, and I turned you to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all who saw you. You have become a horror, and shall be no more forever.

Iniquity can be described as whatever the eye hooks into, multiplies. Satan saw opportunity, hooked into it, and it began to multiply in him. We are the kings the word is talking about here. Satan is going to be laid before us, and we will be revealed to him as kings. Our pleasure has brass feet is that we smash his head – Revelation 2:18.

The demonic is totally and absolutely vulnerable to you and me with no answer for anything, when we stand and start trading in the right way as a king in our own mountain and in the mountain of Yahweh – in the kingdom of God inside of us, and in the kingdom of heaven, which is on the outside of us. When you and I trade on both we get the kingdom of God in the kingdom of heaven joined together – power! The father allowed the lamb to be crucified at the very beginning of the foundation of the world – Revelation 13:8. He was looking all the way down to the year000000, looking all the way down the generational line to when his son was going to be manifested here because he had set up the trade for us there.

Leviathan, cain and apollyon.

Leviathan is the twister, the provider, the one that speaks have truths. So how do we trade with it?

It can be by passing on news through social media: oh, do you know that ian does this? Have you ever heard him say that? No, but he does it. How do you know? Well, somebody said.

Social media sites can be used as some of the biggest Leviathan on trading floors of gossip the man now has on the face of the earth.

Apollyon is the spirit that resists salvation, the one that locks up the seeds of Yahweh to stop people coming into the house of God. How do we trade with Apollyon on? Every time Jesus is said, share the gospel with them; they need to know my grace and salvation, and your heart has faltered so you reasoned it away. You are then trading with the spirit of Apollyon on, playing right into its hand. Next time you come to share the gospel, your heart falters and the demon spirit says, remember last time you do not share and it did not really matter? You are trading with the spirit of Apollyon on

Revelation 9:11 – they had is king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is abaddon, but in the Greek he has the name of Apollyon.

There are some angelic creatures that operate with each of these demon spirits there are a counterpart to them. The one that deals with Apollyon on our called hunter Angels. The Bible tells us in Matthew 22:9 in Luke 14:23 that Yahweh since his servants into the highways and byways and hunts out those to bring to the bridal table. The moment you begin to make a move against Apollyon on these hunter Angels, as tall as telegraph poles, can take their position because they want to operate with the sons of God to deal with those things.

Jezebel has its basis in roots in witchcraft. Witchcraft is anything to do with manipulation, control or domination. So, wife’s, do not Nager be a dripping tap. Allow Yahweh to do what he has got to do with your husband and speak to them face to face. Husbands love your wives, because if you do not, you are submitting to the spirit of Canaan trading with it. The spirit of cane murders; if you do not love your wife, you are murdering her. The spirit of cane is all about murder. Whenever you murder someone in your heart and you speak destructively about them, you are trading on Keynes trading floor. Yahweh says do not do these things because he does not want you trading into a system that will destroy your seeds seed.

Cain is one of the worst demon spirit trading floors that the church can ever experience. What he cane do? While they were in the field, Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him – Genesis 4:8. Usually those who had the last move of Yahweh are the ones who want to murder those that are caring the new move of Yahweh because they do not want to change the way they think. We might think we do not like shaking in church or people who have the freedom to weigh flags. Have you ever been in to heaven and seen how weird heaven is? Everybody is flashing like lightning storms with these amazing colors of vibrant, frenetic ecstasy – welcome to reality!

It is called brotherly love. You are accountable for your attitude towards brother. You are accountable for what goes on inside your heart. If you murder them in your heart, Yeshua said, you have heard that it was said, you shall not commit adultery. But I tell you that everyone who looks upon woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart – Matthew 5:27 – 28. Jesus set a kingdom principle. So if you murder somebody in your heart you might as well have gone and murdered them. The spirit of cane operates through the heart of people in church life. It is the worst spirit trading floor that can operate in church. That is why some pastors leave churches – because they are controlled by a governing board that murders them, trading with the spirit of cane. The board does not lead to church, the pastor does, as the set leader Yahweh put in place to operate positionally, to bring the atmosphere of the glory of God into the church life.

The spirit of cane operates by the destructive words, actions, deeds, heart issues and thoughts of people in church life against their brothers and sisters. If you will not go and speak to someone personally, but your attitude and words murder them, then you are trading on Keynes trading floor.

Note says Jesus took his blood and he cleansed the heavens when – he went once for all into the holy of holies – heaven, not by virtue of the blood of goats and cafs, but by his own blood, having found and secured a complete redemption – an everlasting release for us – Hebrews 9:12. What did Jesus cleanse the heavens from? He cleansed it from Satan’s trading. To make a pathway for you and me to come all the way back to the ark of God and to begin to cover the Mercy seat and received a revelation from the presence of the father, to bring government back into the arena that we lost.

Every time you sacrifice your life you are trading on the sea of glass for something – Revelation 4:6. Yahweh calls us, his sons, to come before him and ask him for the nations – Psalm 2:8. Hardy asked for the nations? You surrender your life and say, Lord, here in my. The moment you say, Lord, here I am you are trading with your life or nations. It is a totally different way of praying.

Our judicial bench of 3

One time I was repenting all day. It was weird. But at the end of it, I felt so good, because repentance empowers Yahweh to become who he is, which is our judicial committee in the realm of the heaven’s. This is the father, the son and Holy Spirit, which I call the bench of 3. One of those that comes off the bench of 3 becomes a court here or whose name is Jesus. So when you start praying, I repent Jesus, he says, I come into agreement with that repentance. It is cleanse.

The devil is sweating, knowing that he is going to get beaten up tomorrow because we are busy repenting today, which means we are going to get revelation on how to destroy the demonic.

Yahweh’s desire has always been to have someone, a people, or a bride that would trade in righteousness before the throne, out of covenant relationship.

We have a frequency that tabernacles over us. Our thought life and inner life creates an atmosphere through the frequency of the vibration of our thoughts. Our DNA sings a song of our thought life as it sits up over the top of each of us and tabernacles over us.

Other trading floors

You can trade anything. I know some people who have traded television and made a choice never to watch television again, praying, father, I take this desire to watch television, I come into your presence, up to the place your presence, I step onto the sea of glass and I trade this desire for television. I traded that I might see into your kingdom. I received that capacity of sight, father. I descend back from your presence and I step into the arena here, father. Thank you that I am going to see as I have traded in faith.

We can trade reading romance magazines or Mills and Boon books. Women can get addicted to the idealized, romanticized image of a man. If we get so tied to it, no man will ever fulfill that idolized romanticized image. So the woman lives soul tied to a romanticized image of a man that she will never have fulfillment with. When a man fantasizes about idealized, erotic images of a woman, when he gets married his wife never fulfills that idealized erotic image inside him because no one can match up to that faceless thing which is a demon spirit sitting inside his soul that he is soul tied to. That is why this can cause people trouble – those romantic magazines we read that have all the gossip pages and them are those erotic things that we look at that we do not really want to look at. We need to keep short accounts with them, otherwise it gets your brain in the wrong place and that is Delilah – this is seduction or anything to do with seduction, including religion. Religion seduces you away from the truth to make you believe a lie that your system and your protocols are from heaven when they are not. It is about a religious system. That is what that Nicaean counsel was all about in 320 A.D. and it wrecked the church.

Delilah will come in trade on your desires. That is why the Bible says, whatsoever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them – Mark 11:24. Maybe Yahweh is saying you have got wrong things in your heart. It could be something like coveting your neighbor’s car, man, I covet a Nissan GTR 35. You may have a spirit of Delilah seducing you. The way that seduction works is by empowering you to believe a lie – something that is not true. That is seduction. So you could be trading with Delilah, with canine social media, with athaliah, which as a bell or with tire, by allowing yourself to be seduced into a lie. So you might now be operating with 5 trading floors on one issue!

Cleaning out your Temple – see a glass

Yahweh wants us to be free from this garbage so each of us can function as a son. I have had to clean my house out to prepare my Temple and make it so my spirit man is able to be free to receive, to give in the soul.

When you do some the serve the Lord and people say, hi, well done, it’s really great what you are doing, if you find yourself responding, yeah, it is all Jesus, the moment you say, it is all Jesus, you are rejecting their trading in your life. This means you are trading with athaliah, who wants to kill the seed of the affirmation you feel unable to receive. I say to people, thank you very much. That’s awesome, I receive that. They’re speaking good things to you. But then in the secret place after I have receive it, I pray, Lord, come into your kingdom realm, up to the place of your presence, onto the sea of glass. Father, I trade the affirmation of man for your affirmation of me as a son, and I receive it out of the kingdom today. I bring it back down here, step into this arena and release it around my life, father so that I am affirmed as your son. If you cannot receive it from people, you will never received from the father, because people are Yahweh in the flesh speaking to you – first John 4:20.

Yahweh wants us to repent of these things, and my hope is that you recognize and begin to look at where you have traded in your own life. There is a see a glass where the elders cast their crowns – Revelation 4:6, 10. That is a trading floor and what I would do is take back where I have traded. Father, wherever I’ve traded with the thought that I might be in full-time ministry by doing this I’ve traded on the desire right in the Jezebels trading floor. Lord, I repented that. I take that desire and I lay hold of it and I come into your presence, up to the place your presence, and I lay it on the sea glass and I traded for your desire for me. Lord, I come back down here with your desire, I step back into this realm and arena, and I release your desire into the atmosphere my life.

Every time we have said, I do not have enough, we have traded with the demon spirit of tire. Now you have got to understand I’ve gone through the ups and downs. But we repented of trading with the Jezebelic trading floor and all the others and made a memorial offering to the Lord. After that a prophetic guy came to the church. When Yahweh starts  taking notice, first of all the profits begin to speak it because they are testifying to what you already know is coming to pass.

He said, hey, you to over there, I don’t know what is going on but there is sevenfold return coming for what you have lost.

And we said yes! We will take that! And we got our sevenfold return.

This is daddy; out of brokenness you begin to see the salvation of God come. Where you surrender and yield, God’s memorial can come in then you trade on his trading floor. Then he can release his name and his word over your trade and begin to bring increase over it. That is why the elders traded their crowns – Revelation 4:10. They traded their government for higher government so he could bring the increase over their government. It is all about increase. Everything is about increase.

I enjoy talking about kingdom trading and all the finances that go on in the heavens because I’ve been there and watch the tables of exchange in heaven. I know how heavens finance operates. I know how the gold comes into the earth. There are things we have got to learn. The Lord has begun to teach me about trading on the sea glass in the eye of currency trading, and as a king how to dictate to currencies, which is really great.

We are administrators of a higher kingdom, and a higher order that will bring this earth into divine order. If you administrate out of heaven the earth will respond to you.

In China there are something like 85 million Christians now in the underground ecclesia. The Chinese have been taking more gold out of the ground then Americana and it is all being done by hand. A lot of it is only 6 inches under the surface of the land. This is daddy doing this. This is what happens when a son stands and begins to speak into the land. After dealing with the dragons and giants you begin to see the release of the kingdom.

Remember, to be able to engage heaven you must ascend into the place of the presence of God. There is a difference between going into the realm of the spirit and going into the higher place where you must go, which is in the place of his presence. The place of his presence is where he actually is, not just the fragrance of his presence, which is what we see here. So when we go into the realm of the spirit and we engage the kingdom, we can step into it. We must ascend into place of his presence because that is where the trading floor is.

The cross in the blood of Jesus

Just as Jesus traded in divine exchange on the cross so that we would benefit, the cross of Christ is the first place we trade, losing our garbage in trading for his glory. The cross of Jesus Christ has got to be real in your life. I went through a situation heaven to face the cross of Christ in my life. A situation happened and because I am prophetic, I was able to go back in time and go into the meeting where they were talking about me and a whole lot of things were said about my life there were not right. I decided to challenge those people, to get in their faces and deal with the demonic stuff that they were operating in. So I went to make an appointment to talk with these 2 guys face-to-face. But that appointment never happened so I was starting to get mad because I knew what went on. And yet, whenever I see them they are still saying, hi, brotherian, great to see you today, I would think, Ha, Ha, but that is not what is going on in your heart. I can see your heart and what is going on inside your life.

I was busy praying one morning and beginning to decree the word of God that it would stand over me, no is learning about some things and realm of the kingdom. Then the Lord said to me, son, I love you. I said, yes Lord. I know you do. He said, I love Jesus as well. Yes Lord, I know you did because you sent him, and we had this wonderful conversation, until the Lord said, you know, he stood before polyp and was accused and said nothing. I you prepared to say nothing?

I said, yes Lord, I will say nothing. I’ll be the good Christian and say nothing. And that was it.

But as I came out of my prayer time, the demonic arguments rushed in, Ian you need to justify yourself. You need to get in their face and tell them.

But the Lord said…

Ian, you need to justify yourself. Ian, they treat you like dirt. They disrespect to you are.

Yeah, but he said…

They really disrespect who you are. In a week went past with this demon whispering this into my your.

Each time I thought, I’m going to…

Yahweh said, are you prepared to die?

I said, yes, so it meant I needed to walk to the cross and begin to trade with the cross here.

So in this thing would come whispering in my ear, I would say, father, I nail this thing to the cross in the name of Jesus. I take it’s power in his voice. It is a liar. It decrees the things that are not born out of the voice and the heart of Yahweh. I crucify you on the cross. I thought when I did that once it would stop. But no – it happened 700 times a day! Father, I take this thing in the name of Jesus I bind you. Week after week after week after week – 6 months into it I was still in the middle of this horrendous war with dunghill heaped all around me, sitting on my donkey asking, oh Lord, what is this? I’m supposed to die at the cross – it is supposed to flee for me. Then Lord said, you are caring your cross, and he asked me, why do you go to the cross?

I said, Lord, to deal with all my garbage.

Yeah, but why do you go?

I said, well Lord, to hang it there.

He repeated the question, yeah, but why do you go?

Well Lord, I do not know. You know. I need you to tell me.

Then he said, to go through it, because what is on the other side is to freedom. And so you have got to use your experience as a springboard to engage the cross and go beyond it to the freedom.

Now my whole life began to change. Instead of waiting for those things to come so I could fight them, I was waiting and welcoming them to come to springboard me into relationship with the father. So they would come and whisper in my ear and I would go whack and suddenly I was in the spirit realm. Now throughout today I was starting to walk in the spirit because this thing would whisper in my your to engage me, which would springboard me into the presence of God. I spent a year trading my sin at the cross of Christ, trading the whispers of the demons at his cross, taking my life, dying to it in trading for his life on the other side to receive internal life. That thing will never have another anchor my life because I want intimacy with the father more than I want that thing speaking to me.

At the end of that year I had an encounter with Yahweh in the dark cloud where I saw, for the first time a person of Yahweh face-to-face(see the chapter the dark cloud in the realms of the kingdom volume 1) I spoke with the person a Yahweh.

First time I saw him I cannot lift my eyes up because all my religious theology said, if I see Yahweh I’m going to die, but boy, I wanted to look. Took me 4 times going there before I look. When I did look it was, wow! Looking at that. I’m going into eternity, but look at that face changing. It was wonderful, but the first time I saw him he was crying. There were these tears dripping on the floor.

In my heart is said, Lord, what is going on? Are you crying?

He said to me, son, it is been a long time since anybody has been here.

I tell you it broke my heart. That is how much Yahweh has desired relationship with the sons of men and we have not chased them. The cross is an important trading floor for us.

The blood of Christ

We need to engage the blood of Christ and at the end of this chapter we are going to have communion, and we will follow through in trading on this important trading floor of divine exchange.

When people drop money into baskets around conference halls there trading into revelation. This is a heavenly trading floor. Trading into revelation is a good thing because you give according to what Yahweh has laid on your heart, not what you have been manipulated to feel guilty about. Every time you so out of guilt or manipulation and give out of a religious system, it is about control. So you give 10% every week thinking, I have given my 10%, I expect Yahweh to give me back! That is trading into a religious system, which brings you under control. So you are giving your money to Jezebels trading floor.

terumah and tithing are Old Testament principles. Giving and offerings are New Testament principles that mean more than the original. We give 10% and think we are doing well. I gave 10% this week. Well no wonder you are not being bless, because you are not giving terumah and more.

The blood of Christ needs to be applied to every aspect of your life. It is a place of exchange where you exchange your DNA for his. The blood of Jesus is not just the nip in the sip of a cup on a Sunday morning. It is about the record of the DNA of the son of God that was given to the face of the earth. Yahweh gave his DNA to the earth so that you and I could become sons born of his DNA. That is why the Bible says in first John – no one who has been born from God practices sin, because God seeds abides in him – first John 3:9. Your DNA has been converted to the true DNA of Yahweh your father. It says – anyone born of God does not keep on sending… And the evil one cannot touch him – first John 5:18. So if you find yourself being hit or slimed by demons it is because you have not got enough of the blood of Jesus. You need to start taking communion more than once a week or once a month – 2 or 3 times a day – engaging the reality of the transference of the residents of the DNA in the frequency and record of who Yahweh is into your body, so your body can’t digest it and take on the image of that record. That is why we have communion; it is a very powerful trading floor.

The crown of thorns the Jesus wore is another trading floor. You have your own trading floors in your heart in your mountain and you have got to deal with all these things. Nehemiah 13 talks about the priestly room for storing the wine, corn and oil, which is all about abundance, that was given to Tobiah, which was so wrong because he was a Gentile using it unlawfully.

Yahweh wants us to rule on the mountains. The Bible says,

Isaiah 2:2 – now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it.

Yahweh wants to manifest the glory of the mountain of his throne up here on every single one of these mountains, to bring proper government into what was, what is, and what is to come. Yahweh wants the ecclesia to come into the reality of what it means to trade in the heavens.

Trading on the sea glass

Trading in the heavens takes practice; you may not feel anything but that does not mean to say nothing has happened; just means you have not caught up with the fact that you have done something – it requires faith. It may seem like a weird thing to go up into his presence, go on to the sea of glass and trade, then come back down here, step out and release it. But you are learning a pathway of entry into the realm of heaven. The more you practice the pathway, the faster you can go. So you can ascend and descend. That is why the Bible says, angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man – John 1:51. You can go up and down. The more you learn the pathway the quicker you can do it, the more you can trade, the easier it is to trade in the faster you can trade. There are times when I specifically so everything down because I want to enjoy the journey. But there are times when you do not have time to enjoy the journey, you have just got to trade.

Sometimes when I cannot mow the lawns I sit at my computer and pretend I am at my computer. The issue is I’m trading up and down – communicating and engaging the kingdom, walking in the spirit, seeing things, going there, standing on the sea of glass and sinking into it. One of the times I turned up on the sea of glass and I sank into it, because you are a trade yourself. You trade yourself as a living sacrifice that the glory would flow through your life into the world that is around you. So I stood on the sea of glass and I traded myself. All that was left behind was just a few stones. I prayed, Lord, that is not much to trade with, is it really?

I’m trading as a living stones so I left my stone there because I want to become a pillar – Revelation 3:12 – not just a stone. So I traded, Lord, this little stone for a pillar. Then I realize, wait a minute, in Eden, in the river there are many stones. I wonder if I can get some of those, stick them in my belly and take them on the sea glass? So I went into Eden, walked on the river and took some stones. Because the more you get the better you feel. So I took his big belly full to trade and came back up into the place of his presence and went on to the sea of glass. Lord, I’m trading stones of heaven! That is what they are there for. Just go and do it, it is fun!


Please get some bread and wine or juice for yourself.

I would like to present an offering. If you do not have any money to give I would ask you to borrow a coin from somebody. I would really like you to have something because I want you to trade with your offering. As you take communion I want us to trade.

When you put your offering in, do not just throw it in – allow your heart to feel.

Father, with what I have here I’m trading into the revelations I’ve received; I’m trading into the heavens for our nation; I’m trading for the glory of God to fill our nation here.

Father, today we have come into agreement with your word, which says that if I eat this body and drink his blood I’m going to live forever. Father, we come into agreement with your word that this is the record of Yahweh and that as I eat it and drink it I am partaking of the father who is in heaven. Lord, today I acknowledge that, as this goes into my body, the resurrection life and the ability to live forever and to be raised in that last day in resurrection power is going into my body. I will receive the record in my DNA of this, your DNA. The divine exchange will occur inside of my life with this glory that I now hold in my hand.

Father, today I eat freely, willingly and with full knowledge of what I’m doing, looking to the author and finisher of my faith, that in this there is everlasting life.

I want you to hold the communion up and year now.

Lord, in this there is a sacrifice in an offering and we present your body on the sea glass. Father, today we trade in the heavens with the blood and body of Jesus Christ. We trade in the heavens for our nation in the name of Jesus.

Father, we want to lift the finances that have been given. Father, we take them with the blood and body of Jesus onto the sea of glass and we buy a nation with what we have given – in the body and blood of Jesus, and the finances that we have given and of our time. Father, we buy a nation in the realm of the spirit tonight in the name of Jesus. Father, we offered up as a trade in heaven; we offer it up as a trade of what you have given us. We offered up to buy silver and gold for this nation.

Lord, as we we drink, we drink the power of eternal life. Lord, we receive it in our bodies today. As we eat I asked that the glory of eternal life would flood my being and penetrate into the atmosphere around me right now in the name of Jesus Christ.

let’s eat.

Lets stand begin to pray in the spirit. I want you to get your spirit man wrapped around this revelation that we each now have in our bellies the blood in the body of Jesus that brings life to us as spirit beings.

Father, reach in and I brood over the record that is now in my body. I brood over it today and I call forth the life that is within it. I call forth all the power of the resurrection life. In the name of Jesus Christ I call forth all the healing power that is in that body. Father, I ask you to bless my body as it digests this substance, that the record will penetrate into my DNA so that I would be changed into your image from glory to glory.

Father, today we reach into the realm of your kingdom and we draw the abundance of the house of wine around our lives to testify of the abandonment to your glory into your presence. Father, receive out of the kingdom realm. Father, I asked that the chancellors would bring the wine bottles out of all that we need to drink in this record would come around our lives, that we would drink and drink and drink into the record becomes satisfied inside of us, in the name of Jesus.

Father, let the Saints of old testify, let the Angels of Yahweh witness and testify. Father, let the 7 spirits of God witness and testify in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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