City church/regional center qualities

A city church should be a proclamation and demonstration of the vision of the Apostolic team that resides there. It needs to include:

1- A group of Apostolic men and women with their recognized leader among them, so that they can truly become an Apostolic center. The city church or regional center is a rich Resource Center with all the Ephesians 4: 11 ministries functioning together.

2- Prophetic men and women who can prophecy God’s vision and strategize with the apostles to determine the God-given practical steps to fulfill their vision.

3- A gathering of other Ephesians 4: 11 ministries, namely evangelists, pastors, and teachers who are under Apostolic government and will work with the apostles and prophets to fulfill the vision. The fundamental life of the city church is fueled by prayer so that a fully developed Apostolic prayer center, functioning like David’s Tabernacle, becomes a powerhouse that drives all ministry that goes out from the center. A city church will have a group of satellite-internet local churches in the wider region to relate to it, but are not functionally part of it on a daily basis.

Although the satellite churches would be too far away to be functionally part of the city church, they would remain in good relationship to the Apostolic ministries in the city church and would receive regular visits from the Apostolic team and they’re representatives. They would endeavor to come and participate in the special events of the city church. These local churches would grow in numbers and maturity from the input they regularly received from the apostles and prophets and other Ephesians: 4: 11 ministries and their delegates of the city church.

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