
God is not present past; he is present future, he has dealt with our past upon the cross.

Hebrews 10: 14 For by one offering he hath perfected (past-perfect tense-the finished result of the action, To complete, make perfect by reaching the intended goal) forever (two words in the Greek 1- motion into 2- continuing throughout eternity, continually, perpetual- the word is only used 4 times in the book of hebrews) them that are sanctified (continuous or repeated action, to make clean and pure, to set apart exclusively for Gods use).

When our spirit is generated with the Life of God, when our spirit becomes alive to God or born again, at that moment in time, the finished work of the cross becomes effective in our lives in the time realm. We become a new creation and have a brand new start.

We have two relationships with God, one in the time realm and one in eternity. In eternity our spirit has been perfected, but in the time realm it has to grow and be developed.

In eternity God see’s us in Christ already perfected. Our life upon the earth has already been lived. The question is did we fulfill the book-scroll that was written before time began?

Once we enter into eternity, we encounter the person of God and are changed through exposure to his person. Our spirit is made perfect through his essence being transferred into us.

His person and his presence are two different things. His presence is what changes us, but we experience that presence in different degrees, depending upon how much of it we absorb. Our spirit is like a sponge that absorbs the presence of God.

We have a destiny that has been pre-written upon a scroll, and the Holy Spirit reveals it to us step by step as he shows us our future, the good works that we are to walk in.

In eternity our life upon the earth has already been lived. But in order to fulfill our destiny upon the earth, the Holy Spirit has to show us who we are in the time realm in the future, so that we can bring that identity into our present and start walking in it.

So God is present future, not present-past. He has already dealt with our past, so we have to deal with it and get closure. This is why we have to confess our sin, to say the same thing about it that God does.

1 john 1: 9If we confess (continuous action subject to a condition, to agree, declare openly, say the same thing God says) our sins ( missing the mark, an offense in relation to God with emphasis on guilt), he is faithful (Worthy of belief, trust, or confidence) and just( Righteous) to forgive (To send forth or away, let go from oneself) us our sins, and to cleanse( momentary action subject to a condition- free from defilement)us from all( totality-the whole) unrighteousness(wrong; iniquity, falsehood, deceitfulness ).

We are not asking God to forgive us, he has already forgiven us, we are saying the same thing about the offensive thing that God does, and applying the blood of Christ to it, so that there is no shame or guilt in us that can cloud the flow of God’s life into us.

God does not see what is wrong with us, what we are not, but what is missing in us of his nature or character. The Holy Spirit is showing us who we are in Christ. We are seeing the future version of us that doesn’t struggle with that area of life anymore.

When we miss the mark and yield to the flesh, we need to learn how to wait upon the Lord. The Holy Spirit reveals to us the unrighteousness in us, the iniquity, or that area of the self-life that is being threatened, hurt or interfered with that is causing us to react the way that we do.

It is through the cleansing work of the Holy Spirit that we are delivered and healed from that which is hurting our soul, so that we can begin to put on our new identity in Christ.

God is not dealing with our sin; he is dealing with our righteousness, the next part of us that’s emerging. Unrighteousness in us is being cleansed and displaced by the righteousness of God being outworked in our life. Righteousness is accounted to us and then outworked in our life. Jesus is our righteousness, and is being formed in us when we become present-future with God.

A lot of our inner problems we grow out of because the thought of sin is foolishness and God does not withhold any good thing from us when we learn how to walk with Him.

God is too pure to look upon sin; he is filled with life and is focused on bringing us into the next phase and the next season of our identity and destiny in Him.

The lord appeared to Abraham and told him, this time next year you’ll have a son. We have two relationships with God we have a relationship with God in the now but we also have a relationship with God in the future.

In order to walk with God we have to see into the future, we have to see where we are going, but we also have to see the next step we have to take in order to get there.

When God brings prophecy into our life, what he does is he speaks forth our future- who we are in the future.  This is why it is so important to get all our spirit, soul and body gates cleansed, and whole and flowing so that we can begin to see who we are in the future. Whatever we can begin to see in the future, we can become in the present.

Once we get the eyes of our spirit and soul open, we can begin to experience accelerated growth. We become what we behold.

Phil 3:13 but this one thing I do(emphatic-only one, forgetting(continuous, not to remember, pay no attention to) those things which are behind(a looking backward), and reaching forth unto those things(continuous, to stretch oneself forward upon) which are before( a place, in front of, in the presence of),14 I press(occurring now, to pursue with eagerness and diligence in order to obtain) toward (motion, direction, aim-purpose-end)the mark(goal, end ,what we see the father do) for the prize (reward)of the high(upward, the place above) calling (invitation)of God in Christ Jesus.

Being present-past means that we are allowing things from our history to affect our present. This is called baggage. We cannot fulfill our destiny when we are looking at baggage. In order to fulfill our destiny we are going to need some luggage to take with us on this journey.  Luggage is all the divine attribute of God’s nature and abilities that we need to be able to see so that we can put them on in order to walk in the living works predestined for us to walk in.

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