Coming into an age of honesty

How is this story of repentance and sanctification that is coming to us now different from the old way in the days when Jonathan Edwards wrote a book on repentance?

The word repentance is metanoia, the root of the word is metanoeo which consists of two words 1-close associate with.2- thoughts coming into your consciousness.

Repentance is the result of revelation from God flowing into our mind though anointed thoughts by walking in intimacy with God.

And sanctification is basically being set apart unto love. Most Christians do not understand holiness.

There was much hypocrisy in the church but now we are coming into an age of honesty. We are not trying to cover up anything but reaching out and desiring God and that is why God meets us.

In this walk with God you are coming to the place where you don’t say, “We believe in holy sanctification; here I am, I’m perfect,” and know you are covering up something. No one is covering up a thing. Everyone is being as honest and open as they possibly can be without being obnoxious about it. They are crying for grace saying, “Here I am, Lord, meet my needs.”

As far as this walk is concerned, it doesn’t make any difference what anyone has done or what they have been hung up in—that doesn’t limit them or restrict them in the least. All that is required is to believe God and walk in the grace of God. Who needs to cover up anything?

You know, the day is coming when you will see one of your brothers stumble in a grevious thing. You would have run them out of the church in days past, and they would never have been able to lift their head. Those people can now get down and say, “God, I’m sorry, I’m sorry for the sin I’ve committed and for the example I have set before the Body. Lord, cleanse me,” and the Body will bless them; the Lord will lift them up and they will go right on.

This isn’t the day that you have to be infallible; but it is the day that you have to believe God. And when you start believing God, He will start counting it to you for righteousness and it won’t be very long before you are walking pretty straight. God will help you with that. Don’t let anything discourage you. You say, “I slipped and stumbled; I don’t have a prayer.” Yes, you do. You open your heart to God. The day of grace is the day of openness to the Lord. But don’t condone the thing; don’t excuse it; don’t cover it up. Don’t be a hypocrite; don’t back away from it. Open your heart to God. Say, “God, help me with the thing,” and He will help you.

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