Communion 2-1

Part of engaging God is engaging God in every aspect of our lives, he is not just interested in the spiritual aspect or we can do for him, he is interested in everything. so he wants an intimacy with us in that relationship which opens up realms that we don’t even understand yet to us. so God desires to be flowing from the inside because he’s in us and therefore connected to heaven and our spirit soul and body is the conduit if you like for God’s glory and his grace and mercy and love and everything to touch the world and the created order that we are in. and over the past few months we been looking at the legal judicial court and again a good testimony today of taking authority in a court and applying it to change and arrange situations according to God’s purposes rather than anything else. and we need to understand that so that we can keep our gateways of our spirit soul and body open so that we can have a flow of heaven around us and we been looking at various aspects of that and we are on the third stage which is cleansing the gateways and we looked at familiar spirits cleansing the specific gateways and how we use trauma to bring transformation and now we are looking at transformation through communion and three parts so today’s part two of that. and the key is that our first love gate connected to God’s kingdom within us we have to open every day to allow the river of life to flow out to invite God to be on the throne of our lives to yoke ourselves to Jesus in intimacy. so we learn from him because he’s gentle and humble in heart. and so everything can flow out of those gateways to the world around us and psalm 139: 23 says search me of oh God know my heart try me and know my anxious thoughts see if there is any hurtful or wicked or idolatrous way (depending on which translation you read) and lead me in the everlasting way. and the everlasting way is the way that God established in eternity for our lives we could call it our destiny that is connected to who we were before we were here and we need to reconnect with that. so we can be proactive and we can engage everything that is blocking our gateways or is negatively affecting our identity .

If we’re getting identity from the world and our past experiences in this realm then we are going to be conformed to the world and it says in Romans 12:1,2 don’t be conformed to the world. we need to be transformed by the renewing of our minds that’s a process renewing. it doesn’t just get renewed. We have to renew it by embracing the truth and there are many different ways including communion to actually do that. so transformation transfiguration metamorphosis all the same words can take place at different levels many different levels, in fact. spiritual and dimensional transformation. our soul emotions mind memory our physical body our DNA both genetically and epigenetically can all be transformed. and most of us have only dealt with the spiritual side of it. now we started to deal with the soul side of it and now we need to move on to the body side of it and our DNA to see full transformation .

Romans 8:16 the Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, now that is a really important thing to get hold of. because if were children of God we have the right to certain things because we’re now in his family adopted into the family of God. so that our earthly family is limited to earthly things but our heavenly family is not and we need to connect with that. and if children heirs also heirs of God. Now I don’t think we really fully understand what that means but where learning and embracing it in a deeper level. To be an heir of God a fellow heir with Christ if indeed we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him. And it’s the suffering bit that we struggle with. Now suffering isn’t sickness and sin and all that stuff.

 Suffering in this sense, is actually applying the truth of who we actually are, to the stuff where we believe, and the lies and things that conform us to something which isn’t what God wants for our lives.

And there is a process and that process Jesus went to the cross and he died so that we can live. We need to embrace the cross and apply that to our lives so that through the cross we can be transformed. die to the old way and embrace a new way and literally be glorified.

 Now in time past people thought glorification was only possible when you die, because glory was seen as heaven. Well actually heaven isn’t glory, glory is the atmosphere of heaven, but it’s not heaven itself. so to be glorified with him is something we can do now. for I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us. So again don’t think about it as, well one day in heaven I am going to see a whole lot of amazing things. Actually look at this is something that happens now.

We need to break the mindsets that put everything off when we die physically. Because as we saw last week we don’t need to die physically if we embrace the truth of abundant life in Christ. so we need to understand that glory. because that glory has an implication to everything it goes on in verse 19 for the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. So the whole of creation is looking, waiting for us to come into the fullness of our son ship our inheritance our eternal destiny in God. for the creation was subjected to futility not willingly but because of him who subjected it in hope, and we are its hope. now you might look at yourself and hope he is not relying on me.  well actually God is relying on us. because he’s chosen to use human elements in his kingdom. He’s chosen to make us fellow heirs with him and heirs of God. He’s chosen to bring man into his kingdom government. So he’s chosen to limit what he does and give his son ship to us so that we can actually be coheirs in his kingdom.

 verse 21 that creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God.

 So it is our glory who we were created to be to represent and reflect and radiate God’s image that will bring freedom to the whole of creation when we start to take our position of son ship. So it’s really important that we get hold of that truth and see us transformed and transfigured metamorphosed from pure human beings to more than that.

 Because we were light beings, spirit beings in eternity. we became living beings and that living being unfortunately because of the fall became a human being and most of us are human doings rather than beings.

 so we need to get back into that who are we in eternity so that we can align ourselves with that and truly become who God has created us to become.

 so were all connected to the created order generationally through our genetics and vibrationaly and frequentially. those words I probally made up but they actually mean something to me.

 because were connected on a whole different level than we think. so even the frequency of the planet were connected to and it is a lower frequency than it should be and as we come into a higher frequency which is that true alignment to who we really are that will raise the frequency the planet bring it back into the whole created place it should be within God’s perspective so that we can actually transform the rest of everything. so we need to understand how to deal with that connection with the created order so we can be free from the negative side of it and then we can start to apply the positive.

 so we need to come be free from the negative records encoded within us because of our past connections generationally so genetically we can trace our heritage to Adam and Eve and the sin of the garden pathway of good and evil that they took which is that is what we’re have recorded within our physical DNA so were connected to creations groan and it’s low-frequency we need to reconnect with who we were in the what was of eternity and that’s where we were created as thoughts in the mind of God the vast sum of his thoughts it was all recorded in a book in a scroll which will see is tied to our DNA. so to be set free from corruption brought into the liberty and the glory of our true eternal destiny and identity as sons of God is what this process is all about and if we’re not bothered about the process then were not going to get the results. so if we don’t actually suffer in other words put some effort in and actually apply this then will always got what we always got we will continue to get what we always got unless we change it change the source that directs what we get in our lives so applying the body and blood of Jesus last week we looked at these three statements from the sheet

9.58 that we have as some declarations. Now when I made these declarations I didn’t know what I was doing most of the time. I just recorded what my spirit was leading me to say. then afterwards I began to meditate and find out what it meant .so the first one we saw last week I eat your flesh, drink your blood so I will not die and live forever John six I engage in the DNA of God and embrace the transforming power of the body and blood of Jesus I engage the record containing the light sign frequency of God’s image the transfiguration we looked at that last week so this week I embrace the record of the dimensions of the kingdom released in my body by the DNA of God and I’ve no idea what that meant when I wrote it now I do because I’ve pursued entering into what my spirit release connected to God I engage in that DNA record applied to my bones the health and wholeness to remove all negative epigenetic hereditary switches which is what that was talking about and we can look at how we deal with those when you come from I speak to my marrow and command it to be a new source of blood that will transform the DMA my cell so I can be transfigured in different so those three statements are statements that come by revelation but they have both scientific and biblical truth behind it can look at both so I embrace the record of the dimensions of the kingdom so what are they that the dimensions of the King will kingdom is God’s rule so there are dimensions or aspects and places where God rules and that is released to me when I engage in the truth of who I am when I know who I am I have access to places and things that I didn’t before God wants to unveil open those aspects Matthew 2818 Jesus came up and spoke to them and this is happened after he is gone back into heaven had been sat down at the right hand of the father right and the of the ancient of days and was given a kingdom and he is been given that kingdom to the saints read about that in Daniel is all authority is been given to me in heaven on earth now how much authority is all authority everything and where in the heavens and the earth so there’s nothing that God’s kingdom can touch but is not automatic it has to be applied because there is opposition to God’s kingdom trying to start God’s will and purpose be at work both on the earth and in the heavens and in the atmosphere the earth so Matthew 1228 this is when Jesus came the kingdom aspect of the dimension of that kingdom came with him if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God and the kingdom of God is come upon you so there was an aspect of that dimension of earthly dimension which came upon the and then he said this Matthew 10 72 his disciples as you go breach saying the kingdom of heaven is it and heal the sick raise the dead cleanse the lepers cast out demons freely you’ve received so I imagine they receive all those things and freely you give so that is the dimension that we need to engage so where the rule of God in our lives is actually a manifestation of peace and wholeness to bring us back into wholeness so that we are reintegrated into who we really are so the dimensions of the kingdom our physical visits physical dimension to it and are demonstrated in the works of Jesus are history and in us and through us in the power salvation that is the power of the works in us and we demonstrate that power when we minister to others giving it away freely so so so the word for salvation these to save to keep safe and sound to rescue will deliver from danger of destruction to make well heal restored to health and wholeness as a good deal of most of us are not really received the full aspect of salvation we receive will I’m going to be forgiven for my past sins this so much more to salvation God wants to bring us into the dimensions of the kingdom are also spiritual and heavenly and are demonstrated in the governmental positions of authority that in the heavens you can see those as the greater works of Jesus as a son of God who says we would do one Timothy 615 he who is the blessed and only sovereign that’s all the authority has the king of kings and Lord of lords so who’s the King and all that is Lord of thinking old us so this dimensions authority of kingship and lordship and son ship which operates in the realms of heaven so that can be out worked on the earth your kingdom come your be done on earth as it is in heaven and we get to be involved in the as it is in heaven in the dimensions of the kingdom Zechariah 37 is the a description of that process and this was spoken to Joshua the high priest when he was in the courts of heaven thus says the Lord host if you will walk in my ways here and if you over for my service there then you also govern my house which is a kingdom governmental authority position and have charge of my courts not just go into the courts but actually have charge of how they function which is beginning to take place and I will grant you free access among these who are standing here in the assemblies and the cancels of God or aspects of God’s kingdom and their described in different ways and we’ve used many diagrams to describe in the past that one which is about the different realms of heaven and how they connected dimensionally in our courts operate in their how you can engage wisdom signs and how that’s operates in time and space with this and light and dark in God’s kingdom how that is patterned after the tabernacle in heaven is patterned after that where we can engage that process of Zechariah 3 and at work in that realm where we can as lords on mountains authority positions of authority begin to take authority for our mountains spheres that we been given as individuals and begin to administrate that there spiritual position of block that we have to deal with that in that realm and start to open the everlasting doors over our lives also we seen that we can access the ancient path another dimension the goes back into God’s heart eternity we can step into what is engage what was and then we will begin to create what will be because were supposed to be history makers but actually align history with eternity so we need to access that is also other dimensions of things Metatron skew some of you engage that been in that fuller expression of that showing the different dimensions of the kingdom and dimensional aspects is that and some of you again of engage some of the dimensions of that from a an encounter perspective God is opening up those realms for us to engage way beyond what we can imagine thing just looking at the natural realm so there realms of the spirit and God wants to open up to us okay I engage the DNA record and apply it to my bones the health and wholeness to remove all negative epigenetic hereditary switches that some of these are a mouthful and they were for me until I really got hold meant Hebrews 412 for the word of God is living active sharper than any two-edged sword piercing as far as a division of soul and spirit both bones and marrow and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart that’s a process of transformation one of the processes is actually looking at the bones in the marrow so what is the source of life Genesis 223 said this man said to him about Eve this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh is something about the bones which is is important Joshua 2011 his bones a full of youthful vigor while we do one that so is possible Proverbs 38 it will be healing to your body and refreshment to your bones so this something about the bones that we need to engage in central was Adam’s third DNA strand to the light strand to be separated so that you lost contact with the wavelengths of the image of God that was within his spirit so encoded within that light strand DNA was that which was to bring the rest of his body into alignment soul and body together as his spirit was around him on the outside of his body at that time before before the wrong pathway separated them from his spirit which went inside separated from God and separated from soul and body so most of us of just operated to soul and body until we get born again in that light strand gets three in reengage with us and with God and then starts to bring transformation but then it says that is a battle between the spirit and the flesh for control which is why we need to deal with that in a gateways of our lives so DNA the ox he ribonucleic acid is now the human blueprint rather than the light DNA our physical DNA is what’s imprinted with the codes that form us so is made up of nucleic acids a system of extremely complex molecules filled with information that borders or codes our physical existence now I’m not going to be limited by what’s in my physical DNA because that came from a wrong source Adam and eves sin so I need to transform it a DNA strand is 2.5 nm which is 1 billionth of a meter hair is 50,000 nm so it’s pretty small actually oneself DNA if you uncoil it is 6 to 10 feet long one cell if you look at the DNA and look at the letters within DNA is there different proteins and codons and things which are encoded would stretch if you pull it out from the pole to the equator the earth us so long letters in one cell the nucleotide bases within our DNA will be the letters the codons would be words that genes would be sentences so DNA would be a book instruction book of life so who’s writing it whose encoded it is the issue how is it actually being read is our body will read that book and form what it reads so dependent on what’s in that book will determine what we like so if where shaped by that book that’s why physically we look like we do because were receiving that from our parents and grandparents and great pants at you right back to Adam and that’s affected actually the physical makeup of our DNA and what our DNA can do on our physical body next week will look at how that can be changed so DNA is not responsible for the construction of our body but also services data storage and is a communication network we now only have 3% of our DNA which is active to encode the physical order that we can see so 3% does what you can see 97% can do an awful lot more than what you can see that we’ve not been learn how to engage that 97% there things within that 97 said that actually of the things that we need to get dealt with and changed so 97 of our DNA which seem in a used to call and redundant DNA or junk DNA they now realize that that is true and a few things I was sharing for five years ago that DNA now that actually come out through well that’s always what happens the science cruise the truth of the word of God cruise what God is doing and if it isn’t alignment is because science is not yet discovered the truth so from the 26 letters of our natural outfit that in various sequences we have 43 volumes of the Britannica encyclopedia 280 million words that’s 10% of the information is in you DNA one strand in our DNA they recently discovered that there of bio photons is an interesting subject but light energy spirit is part of the engagement with what our DNA is in terms of light they discovered there is light within our DNA our blood actually against some scientists say is made up of congealed light with his frequency slowed down enough for it to carry information that our body can come and use Russian scientists were working on the human genome project and they discovered that there was language and syntax within that 97% of DNA that could be changed resequence and re-encoded by frequency sounds and words that are used different things to do that they expose DNA to sound frequency patterns on a laser beam they influence the DNA frequency and that’s the genetic information itself people try to do gene splicing physically splicing genes and that’s what most of the Western world it the Russians actually took a different track and they looked at sounded frequency and words in light to actually change the sequence of DNA and bring healing to parts of the DNA which actually were out of order so our DNA can be reprogrammed a program by language by words by thoughts is the correct frequencies are being used and applied which is what we do when we embrace communion applying the truth with those frequencies to our DNA so we can therefore use our words and thoughts applied incorrect faith frequencies but you have to have faith is the correct frequency to see this work as we take communion and bring about that transformation in our lives recent research is even on the that as confirmed that there are areas of DNA which has triggers and switches that can be turned on and off for example by the environment by words by trauma of the things and that’s what turn on our genetic with epigenetic abilities and weaknesses so there are things within that DNA that switches on that say sickness for arthritis or diabetes or other things that we received as a hereditary thing from our generational line and there are if the certain conditions come about those switches switch on and you get diabetes if that’s in your genetic makeup if you let’s say the wrong the don’t look at yourself you can trigger that quicker than would normally take place or you can deal with it so it’s no longer that’s enough to get it just the preferable option new switch is for triggers can be formed in our DNA not just inherited and this is what they’ve now discovered these things are not used to think everything happened you in the pollution by millions of years and chance and everything was just a chance thing now they discovered that genetic changes our: mutations because that sounds bad but if there negative probably is that but if the positive them have to be that can be good therefore we can actually have within one generation changes within our DNA then can be passed on to the next generation good and that so it’s really up to us to see our DNA is correct for so we can be conformed to the image of God and again become transfigured beings of light is our DNA has the capacity to be resequenced isn’t fixed the frequency of that encoded record of God DNA as he carries the master record if you like that we are patterned after because were made in his image form in his likeness the frequency of the words we think and speak form a powerful art of agreement the when we mix that with the power within body brother Jesus is has tremendous transformational authority to act now and the genetics is a study of the field of genetics this is just the definition from the dictionary feel the genetics of cellular and physiological phenotype trait variations of label that is that are caused by external or environmental factors that switch genes on and off effect how cells read jeans instead of being caused by changes in the DNA sequence the used to think that you could change the DNA sequence to change everything you don’t have to changes take place that affect things that’s what happens within a generation within our lives so unlike genetic space and the changes in the DNA sequence the genotype changes in the gene expression also your phenotype up and just have other courses other things effect it which are environmental things like words of trauma or chemicals or radiation has the power to affect change within our genetic makeup and things the Bible says sin curses and iniquity have the power to be passed on because they are attached to our DNA and change within one generation addictions also have the capacity to be passed on in this way because certain genes with memories attached actually forms switches that switch on addiction and switch it off’s what’s important to deal with it is a professor Marcus temporary was a pediatric geneticist at University College London said several statements recent studies provide and they been doing studies into this epigenetic stuff provide compelling evidence for the biological transmission of memory so memory can actually be stored in encoded within our DNA memory of words traumas experiences can be encoded and passed on therefore inherited by further generations and when engage with spiritually familiar spirits and other things can turbocharge that process another thing he said it addresses constitutional fearfulness is highly relevant to phobias anxiety posttraumatic stress disorders plus the controversial subject of transmission of memory of ancestral experiences them the generations the things that we’ve known and been ministering to terms the deliverance of the things for years scientists are now coming out confirming that this is what’s taking place he also said it’s high time public health researchers took more human transgenerational responses seriously I suspect we will not understand the rising neuropsychiatric disorders or obesity diabetes metabolic disruptions generally without taking a multigenerational approach again scientists confirming what the Bible teaches what we been teaching for quite a long time epigenetic concerns inheritance of gene expression that can be affect present behavior and pass things on so your behavior if it is attached your DNA is very hard to break which is why we need to apply something with the power greater power to break a chemical tag known as epigenetic market is attached to DNA subsequently tells a cell to use or ignore a particular gene so these things are markers that can be applied negatively or positively so the most common of these markers is known as a methyl group or alkali dry for vision of it is a scientific background because some people like that some people just think actually and I was looking at the place eyes and actually I need to know that some people like it and some people just think I want to use the truth that is that so when it finds itself to DNA by personal methylation it prevents proteins being added to the gene as a result turns it off as a picture of what goes on so went that said earlier about the black spot she sort of DNA you can see that there are epigenetic tags that are attached to DNA has been sports those little things those of the things that switch on and off and trigger and switch things within our DNA to affect our physical body send become outwork whether their sicknesses or other things disease is other things can be triggered addictions and other things can be triggered actually by this pathway so what do we do we need to deal with it and then the next statement is I speak to my marrow commanded to be a new source of blood that will transform the DNA of my cells so I can be transfigured and live forever I don’t have to be the same so what is the matter represent what is the blood do how is my body transformed that go back to an Old Testament prophecy Ezekiel 37 45 10 Scriptures that again he said to me prophesy over these bones and say to the old dry bones hear the word of the Lord that we have a solid some of the missing and the you is a song is now about those bones those bones those dry bones the reality is they are bones can hear the words of the Lord and be changed and it says I will cause breath to enter you that doesn’t dress more winter body was just bones that you may come to life so it’s the life which within the bones that she is the source I prophesied and I as he commanded me and Brent came into the the bones and they came to life and stood on their feet and exceedingly great army I would say there’s a sons of God manifested on the earth when the life of God is in the DNA into the marrow and bring life which is beyond what we normally have we need to apply it so the breath is not as into the physical body into the bones in the middle bones is the marrow which is the source of life and the source of blood we speak to our bones the breath would enter into a marrow and transform us which is the words we speak so when God breathed into Adam and Eve became a living being the breath of God was his words he spoke into Adam and what Adam do spoke back and so he received God’s words and spoke them out to frame existence through his words so when we speak and apply the body of Jesus we speak or breathe into the bones and the marrow of the genetic level is what we doing we can say be transformed into the image Jesus be genetically purified and transformed from 1° of glory to another transfigured to radiate glory again that’s what the word of God sense were changed from 1° of glory to another we become more like him as our DNA is actually change in the source changes literally your body is constantly replacing old cells with new ones at a rate of millions percent fat by the time I finish reading the sentence 50 million of your cells will died of been replaced by others is another 50 million another 50 million and a 50 million is a lot going on within us some lost through where 10 some just reach the end of their life and some deliberately self-destructive some don’t change so red blood cells there for about four months white blood cells live for an average of the year bask in cells that two or three weeks and got a rough deal is as local the dust around: cells actually got it really rough they only last about four days we got all the junk going through them I guess 12 brain cells typically last an entire lifetime and neurons within the central cortex for example not replace the tool when they die so we need to make sure what we got in our mind is the truth in that because we got a limited number of cells within our minds in our brain but there other cells which are so she that which can be replaced which is good so what is going on to be the source of that replacement what is encoding what cells get replaced and what they been replaced with as themselves replaced by something different and you’re being changed to 50 million cells a day then the year thing how many cells could be aligned with something eternal rather than something natural if you change the source of what is encoding that information that replaces ourselves so we can apply the frequency or pattern of the truth of our eternal identity recorded in the body but he Jesus to our DNA so our body can be transfigured with cells formed from a different DNA record of heaven you have to DNase while you get a bone marrow transplant and when you get a bone marrow transplant the DNA of your blood is different from the DNA of your cells so the DNA of your blood can actually change the DNA of your cells if you learn how to do it by applying it to the marrow within the bones is the source of blood which engages the whole body so once our blood is programmed it flows out through a whole system and network of veins and arteries and computer is and stuff like that to touch every part of us our organs every cell of our body the only part that doesn’t actually get blood is our spinal column which is where our spirit resides interestingly enough so technically the hematopoietic component of our bone marrow produces approximately 500 billion blood cells per day so is a lot of cells that can be formed from a new source which is the bone marrow’s vascular system as a conduit to the body’s circulation system so that is sent out to the body to encode the body effectively so bone marrow is also keeping in of the emphatic system to synthesize the for our body’s immune system so we want truth within our lymphatic system which will bring health and wholeness to our body where sectors can come from genetic material from generations or from God’s eternal heart and truth for us so the bone marrow transplants change the DNA of someone’s blood bone marrow transformation to do the same thing through communion we can transform our bone marrow through communion to then change the blood and flow out this is what happens Leviticus 1711 for the life of the flesh is in the blood and I’ve given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls for is the blood by reason of the life that makes atonement so the life which is in the body but Jesus has power to atonement deal with Adams generational line Hebrews 922 all things are friends with blood without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness one John 17 if we walk in the light as he himself is in the light of blood of Jesus himself his son cleanses us more sin what light we walk in it is not talking about physical light is talking about a spirit God is spirit God is light Bethel light carries information which can change us if were step in the right light not created light like the sun but creative light who God is totally different speed operates in so literally we can take the body and blood of Jesus eat it apply life to our marrow the source of life within our bones and speak words of life to company when we take immediate don’t just take a bit of bread and the juice and for in your absence again it you have to speak in faith using the words that you know are true to change things all our blood flows through the heart interestingly Proverbs 23 seven says as a man thinks in his heart so is he is you actually do most of your thinking in your mind that’s just where your conscious thoughts our your subconscious mind is your heart actually when they do electrical measurements they measure activity around the brain about a foot away wears around the heart it put seven electromagnetic field about 10 feet away 10 times more within the heart so is really important to know what’s going on in the heart so that old blood is program by hereditary and generational encoded information so you just get the same old same old same old as it goes round or the blood through what’s in the marrow and going through the heart can be program by the renewed mind and heart with truth for transformation of our bodies which is why we need to get the truth in our hearts is a picture of the heart pumps all the stuff all around the body that’s a physical thing but actually there is something spiritually which takes place in that so our lungs literally surprised breath contain oxygen through the primary veins to our heart pumps alternated blood to our brain body through the interior are two arterial system the system returns blood by the heart to the lungs you carry our tree goes round and ran around around it stops you’re in trouble and his thoughts for four minutes pumping blood to your brain generally you end up brain-dead because it has to have that information the oxygen is contained think of your spiritual life and how important it is to you to receive the same spiritual breath to your spirit so this is essentially the rhythm of life both physically and spiritually the breath or spirit is drawn from God flows in the river of life to our hearts programs our mind with the truth we breathing from God and frame our lives in that eternal truth so we just don’t need oxygen going around our blood need the breath of God the spirit flowing around our body engaging truth bring transformation that the highs for chambers and will look at that in the next aspect we get onto so few weeks time in terms of the four aspects of chambers of the heart that we need to engage in the garden of the heart dance floor the soaking room the bridal chamber and will see that that’s a process of intimacy and transformation the literally we draw from the spirit that spirit gets past to our mind and body and then it gets drawn back to the spirit for more we breathe in and out were not just reading natural air if we know how to engage the life of the spirit can breathe the breath of God and that can actually go around our bodies and carries with it the record of our scroll destiny for eternity change and bring us into agreement and alignment Scripture Proverbs 420 my son give attention to my words incline your ear to my sayings do not let them depart from your site keep them in the midst of your heart how do you get the truth of God’s word into the midst of your heart we don’t myriads of teaching on that about meditation is how we get the truth in our hearts why is it so important to keep in the midst of our heart for 22 for their life to those who find them and health to all their body again Scripture teaching this truth to bring wholeness health to our body watch over your heart with all diligence in other words really do this to be diligent means to apply something watch over your heart with all diligence for from it flow the springs of life so life literally flows in this way to bring us into the fullness of who we are in God so whenever we don’t just limited to our Sunday for a special time when ever you eat you can see this I am taking the body and blood of Jesus and applying this to my life you you don’t have to say grace as in okay I’m going to do this you can do that apply grace which is the divine enabling power of God every time you eat and drink by in faith taking this and applying it with the words that are spirit and life speaking to our marrow applying the DNA of God to transform our DNA into the eternal image of God that’s our destiny we can do this all the time the more you do it more effective it’s going to be the more human the living and walking by faith and not by sight which is literally what that means were walking by faith in the truth is contained in God’s words not by our natural eyes so when we take the body and blood of Jesus by faith our conscious engagement causes the waves the possibility member is talking about waves wavelengths of God’s thoughts about us because all those thoughts that he has the vast sum of those thoughts are waves the possibility until they actually become matter or formed in us to become reality otherwise they just thoughts we want thoughts to become truth and out work so the life of God in the sand frequency of vibration fragrance are all accessible when we take communion by faith so as you do this today apply the bread and juice engage it by faith try doing in different place go into the realms of the spirit as we said last week going to the dance for your heart going to the garden sit down see that table set before you in the presence of your enemies take that food and apply it go into the heavenly tabernacle go into the temple as we saw last week and go to the altar and get your DNA through saw in the video step into that place and get unraveled and purified as you taken apply the blood and use do it speak healthy bones speak into your bones with that life speak to that epigenetic triggers reprogram your marrow to change the DNA of your body I speak speaking faith filled words that start with us things are on the sheet but make your own make your own should you develop your own words let your spirit speak so you can write it out looking at the was that me then you as you take it apply it meditate on it that truth will be revealed to you don’t just take my words make your own so speak to those hereditary switches is like that said she did to the RI arthritis in our family line and the pain when speak to anything could be depression addiction command those things to be changed to be related command every memory encoded epigenetic need to be purged from your DNA memories of trauma memories of your past generations passed on to you which of affected each of us speak to them and command them to be changed so engage your DNA go into that realm of heaven and see it purified and refined so that you can actually start to be transfigured to radiate light as a son of God manifested on the earth to bring the answer to creations grow to change it transform men

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