Continuing with the looking at how we engage God, how we have intimacy with him through a relationship of deeper and deeper revelation of who he is, of who we are, we cannot know ourselves truly without knowing him and in knowing him he reveals who we are and that brings us back to a restoration of God’s desire that we would be with him engaging heaven but heaven would flow through us to fill the earth which is what he told Adam and eve to do in the beginning. And so over the past sessions we been looking at the sum of legal aspects and judicial aspect of heaven so that we can use that system of heavenly government to actually change our lives, open our gates flow from the inside out in a lifestyle. so were at the point where were looking at cleansing the gateways and part three of transformation through communion. so using the power of the body and blood of Jesus to open our gateways in order to see a flow of life, so that the river of life flowing out of our first love gate in our intimacy with God can touch the world, bringing the kingdom of God around us, through us, to bring life where ever we go. But if there’s nothing flowing out of our spirit then there is no life to bring. So we must have a flow and therefore be willing to open up our gates. So we’ve looked at the fact that transformation or transfiguration, the root word is metamorphosis where one thing changes to another. A Caterpillar changes into a butterfly. A tadpole changes into a frog. They are stages of transformation that takes place. And they operate at different levels. A spiritual and dimensional level opens up so that we can change by engaging beyond the veil. We sing about it, actually about having the boundaries removed and having the veils opened up, so that we can engage in a different dimension with God. And our soul, our emotions, our mind, our memory being transformed and our physical body, our DNA both genetically and the actual encoded information and epigenetic and triggers and switches within. And the purpose of this it talks about in Romans 8:16, the Holy Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are children of God and if were children, then we are heirs of God. So to understand what it actually means to be a heir of God will take a long time to actually comprehend, it will take an eternity. but if we are then that means we have the authority and power that he has, to administer the kingdom, because God’s kingdom is His rule .we are heirs in with him, so we can be glorified with him, if were willing to go through the process of being changed. Now that’s where most people get stuck, well it’s a bit hard I really do not want to go through all this stuff. Why do I have to get all these things cleansed? Why do I have to deal with my DNA? Didn’t god just do it all on the cross? well Jesus did do everything on the cross, but we have to appropriate it, we have to apply it to our lives, so that we can come into alignment with what He did. and then it goes on to say for consider that the sufferings of this present time, talking about our transformation are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is going to be revealed in us. so God is going to reveal himself and reveal us in glory in a manifestation of his presence. and in verse 19 it says and this is the reason that God wants to bring us into this place, for the anxious longing of creation that means the whole created order the heavens and the earth are eagerly waiting for the revealing of the sons of God. God wants to reveal us as those heirs as his sons, for creation was subjected to futility not willingly but because of him who subjected it in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its slavery to corruption. And the whole laws of entropy in the created order means everything is degrading in one sense. God wants to set us free from that into the glory the freedom of the glory of the children of God so into a reflection of who we are because he is given us responsibility for the created order both the heavens and the earth. So we been looking at declarations that we have, to applying the body and blood of Jesus in communion. Different names for it. Now those statements that are on those declarations we all birthed out of mikes personal experience. So what I would encourage you to do is take them as a template to form your own faith filled words because don’t just repeat my words. Don’t just think that if you say these things it will work. you have to have faith mixed with what you do, so you need to know what it means for make your own words, know the heart and meaning behind these things, so that you can apply it to your own life in the words that you speak to bring change, to bring transformation to you. It will work as long as the words we speak are full of faith. We have to eat his flesh and drink his blood, so that we will not die but live forever. John six Jesus said I engage the DNA of God; I embrace the transforming power of the body and blood of Jesus. I engage the record containing the light, sound, frequency of God’s image for transfiguration, that witch it contains when we eat it. I embrace the record of the dimensions of the kingdom released in my body by the DNA of God, the fullness of God’s rule bringing healing health and wholeness engaging us in the dimensions of god’s kingdom. I engage the DNA record and apply it to all my bones, the health and wholeness to remove all negative epigenetic hereditary switches. Another words those things that have been encoded within our DNA to negatively affect us. Iniquity is one of them. I speak to my marrow and command it to be a new source of blood. because the life of the flesh is in the blood and the life of the blood is in the marrow so if we have new marrow then actually we have new blood and our blood can actually transfigured, transform our lives. so the DNA of our cells can be transfigured to live forever. Declaration- I apply the frequency of God’s DNA to transform me into the image of Jesus. i command every genetic record to be transformed and my DNA to be resequenced into alignment with my eternal image. so there is a record that is in my DNA, there is a eternal record of who God created me to be and we need to have the power of the body and blood of Jesus to change us from the record that I was and where I am now into the record that God always had for me, and that is into the image of Jesus the son. so I would become a son and that means the image that God has for me as a son. Every one of us has an unique individual image that God is created us with. Because we’re all uniquely wonderfully and fearfully made by God and all of us have a destiny and all of us have a purpose. We need to find that, and there are things that hinder us in that purpose. so Ian Clayton uses DNA as an acronym for divine nature assimilated which means we can become like God that’s what a son of God must be like. You don’t have a son that is not like you. So God wants sons that are like him. so Genesis 1:26 God said let us make man in our image according to our likeness so that was the statement that God made that was his intention. Romans 8:29 for those he foreknew he also predestined to become conformed to the image of his son so even Adam and Eve would’ve still have to been conformed to the image of his son because they were predestined like all of us are that’s God’s desire for us. he’s given us free will to choose whether we follow that pathway into the tree of life or the pathway of eternal life or we follow the pathway of the knowledge of good and evil. Which is us trying to form our own image or beings shaped by the image of the world so Adam originally had a trickle strand helix strand DNA with three strands that represent body soul and spirit made in the image of God. God has 3×3 strands father son and spirit, each with three strands. three from the father three from Jesus three from the Holy Spirit and they each have programmable transformational characteristics and we can take on the characteristics of God take on their likeness, be like them not just physically, it is not a physical thing. it is actually a spiritual and a thing of the soul so that we would carry the fruit of the spirit for instance which is a representation of who God is by nature and it goes on into more of that. so Adam was created with the potential to become a fully mature son of God if he was willing to embrace the nine strands of DNA that represent the fullness of God, mike is going to go into this in more detail when we look at the dance floor and how we engage this. but just giving you some basic background information. so added to his three strands then there would be 12 strands and that’s why there are 12 stones on the breastplate of the high priest. And only nine stones covering Satan’s body. so Satan have the role of reflecting out the nine stones to Adam and Eve so they would take on that those nine and become 12 which is the fullness of god. So Adam and Eve were sinless but not yet perfected or conformed. Romans 12:2 says do not be conformed to the world, and they chose to be conformed to the world and all of us have been born into that because we were born in sin and sharpened in iniquity, we had no choice. we were shaped because Adam made the choice for us on behalf of the human race and we been born into that race conformed to a mold or pattern through the DNA that we received from our parents chromosomes that’s where we get the pattern from our past so we’re destined to be conformed to a different eternal image not the image that we have recorded within our heart. Hebrews 1:3 is talking about Jesus he is the radiance of God’s glory, the father’s glory and the exact representation of his nature and he upholds all things by the word of his power. so Jesus brought creation into being and holds it all together and he is a representation of God and we are joint heirs with him so we need to take on the same image Colossians 115 he is the image of the invisible God the firstborn of all creation God designed that we would be like him and he was just the one who started it now course the whole thing got derailed so that we need to get back on track acts 17:28 for in him we live and move and exist, we actually exist within God but that doesn’t mean that we are like him and he wants us to actually embrace the reality of our relationship with him so we can become like him. Ephesians 4:6 one God and father of all and over all and in all and through all. so he must be in everything so we can connect to God in every thing but it’s not an impersonal force but a relationship. Hebrews 7:3 says and it is talking about the order of melchizedek and Melchizedek as in representing sons of God without father without mother without genealogy having neither beginning of days or end of life that describes our spirit from a temporal perspective, it was created in eternity but brought into time and space and it was made like the son of God. so our spirit is a light being made like God but the problem is we have genealogy that comes from father and mother so we need to deal with that genealogy so we can get our correct genealogy from the image that was encoded within our light, our spirit. so our DNA literally has two songs, one composed by God in eternity and encoded within our spirit in light one produced by the coming together of our parents two sets of 23 chromosomes and encoded in our heart, now whose song are we going to align ourselves too. Because they vibrate at different frequencies they carry a different tune. DNA music actually has been developed since the early 70s. geneticist found it was easier to actually read long strings of DNA if they were assigned to musical pitches so each of the 22 amino acids were assigned a pitch and therefore they began to decode things and make music out of it to identify it and there are websites that you can send your DNA to and they’ll send you your song in music and you can choose what sort of music you would like it in classical music rock music Rap music, whatever. when these patterns are translated it, they become like melodies and rhythms. 13;39
so DNA music is an opportunity of engaging the complexity of our life that I want the right song listen to a song which was be encoded with negative things so in reality hearing are sound what would it be like what would it be like if you heard the sound of your DNA where would the music be composed from would it be a wonderful harmonious stand or would it be a discordant mess while depends really on how much translation we take place because our DNA is being transformed so that our song will deter be determined by how much comes from heaven and how much comes if you like so our DNA has something within it but we need to engage with so think of God’s DNA as a frequency of musical notes and God’s DNA is made up of a nine know frequency or seven notes to form a harmonious that some to us and he wants us to hear that song the deep calling to deep our spirit drawn to him because he singing to us and we talk about it with the thing about it dance with me to the soluble salts is a song is been written by God for each of us and it’s like a wonderful orchestra operated Symphony we need to be playing and have that song playing in our lives so we need us resolve restored from the chaos and disharmony of our parents DNA because we have disharmony passed on to us in that so the are slicing the new song written and composed God’s heart eternity which will be no makeup when we all come together and play our songs a wonderful harmonious sound and being in heaven and I’ve been in heaven where I’ve heard that sound and were felt part of that sound and it’s just an amazing sound is like very difficult to describe his is not like any music that we could create on earth but actually has stands the bar all of us coming together in harmony so God’s voice is vibrating within all things a strings energy a string theory just sort of alludes to that and literally his grace his divine power is holding everything together it’s the voice of God his power holding everything together so there’s a living force within us which is limitless empowered knowledge of potential that is not impersonal force but it’s a relationship with God so like this when the force must be awakened and be strong in us so that we can fulfill our destiny to restore peace and rule the universe and for those you know that Star Wars is coming a month on a lot of that stuff is been as God basis in truth it’s just been presented in a way which doesn’t come from a Christian worldview but doesn’t mean that is not truth in God is in everything and is in us and we are connected to him he wants a personal relationship with him not just a impersonal one so we can engage true life and be transformed so another statement in in our statement of how we apply the body but Jesus I command every genetic record to be transformed and my DNA to be resequenced into the aligned with my eternal image so his a book which God is written this has this wonderful sandal song in it or things written in it and I need to align myself with that book not from the book that was written by my parents so I apply the blood of Jesus to transform all in your genetic material and we make that statement be transformed so there is in your genetic material the potential he was in our DNA at it get that while when I started to work at this in terms of applying communion every day and I began to engage God in it and out revelation of what it was which weather statements came from I had flashbacks into where the impure genetic material was inserted into my ancestors genetic material into that code so it was pre-flood so it was personal and I flashbacks to it when I would stand over there and take the bread and juice because I opened myself for God to reveal is there anything in my DNA that needs purification a refining because refining is not just about our soul or our character or attitudes is that everything right down to our DNA and I have these flashbacks is a really horrible things and it really took me back first few times I have done but then I would see those things and I would own the and the give my ancestors will be involved in any of it and then I would apply the body and blood of Jesus to that specific memory and then I had flashbacks of where iniquity was epigenetic me and it is triggers to my ancestors DNA through iniquity being passed on the third fourth generation and it being written repeated over generation so it became encoded as those epigenetic triggers that we saw last week were looking at how epidemic factors are added to us I started to see where those were added weather patterns of sin came from so that I could actually apply it and there were certain things in my life that I gone through all the other things about I got deliverance you I had inner healing I applied all the other things that we did and still there was something that as big was talking about earlier just seem to send you down a pattern of pathway behavior sometimes is dinner when it is come from what I do that will mean thinking about it and all of a sudden I’m down this path and it wasn’t until I dealt with the genetic and epigenetic factors in my DNA those things stopped so sometimes you have to do it at the deepest level sometimes you can deal with it by dealing with familiar spirits other things that are operating sometimes you have to deal with it at that genetic level and so when you engage communion ask God to unveil is there anything in my DNA that I need to do that whether this stuff come from Genesis 150 I will put any between you and the woman this was God speaking to Satan and I am between your seed and her seed so now all of a sudden Satan as a seed and the woman has a seed the one and what is he talking about will children that’s what seed is in the Bible their children so they were to sorts of seed appeared how they appear well because Adam and Eve gave then DNA to same and he had the knowledge to genetically engineer it just where all edge genetically engineered mortified information comes by the way so same put in place to strategies to prevent the seed of woman ever being born because this was the prophecy that the Messiah was coming to win the battle so it’s he could for that thing then he would not be crushed under the foot of God so he put these two strategies in place firstly traded with Adam needs DNA to acquire human DNA great is OC and secondly he tried to play the seat will see so came was genetically modified 50% servant see and he killed angel able hundred percent human seed and he demonstrated the true nature of his father which was in Adam the same and Jesus confirmed this actually when he accused the Pharisees of being from that seat of their father the devil having the same murderous underlying characteristics as he was a liar and a murderer from the beginning so this is where it came from initially so that may well be part of our DNA if it is well you want that you DNA know so let’s get rid of it Matthew 1338 Jesus again talking about the parable but talking about spiritual truths the sons of the evil one in the parable our tears are Satan sons not just spiritually but genetically so there are things that Satan sold into the kingdom it says into the world to carry his record to actually oppose God’s kingdom and Jesus described it as wheat and tares they look like wheat but there actually coming from a different source so Satan is always tried to wipe at the seed knowing that that your seed would be his undoing and if you computer and if you can make it impure then he would stop it dealing with him so on the cross Jesus actually fulfilled that Genesis 3 prophecy by destroying Satan’s work in breaking his power of us so now his body and blood as in communion has the power and record to deal with what happened in Genesis 3 which is the introduction of the wrong seed the enemy also another plan to pollute the seed Genesis 6 want to know came about when men began to multiply in the face the land daughters report to the the sons of God saw the daughters of men were beautiful and they took wives themselves whom whoever they chose so there was something now where the sons of God are going to do with the daughters of men the sons of God with a what your angels spoken of in Jude and you can read that in the book of Enoch but is mentioned you the angels who did not keep their own domain but abandoned their proper abode he is kept in eternal bonds under darkness for judgment of the great day they can come out because that chained up because they did something so bad he doesn’t want it repeated so what they do Genesis 64 Tenafly we on the earth in these days the nestling were their offspring when the sons of God came to the daughters of men they bore children to them that this is just using language of that they could understand the understand genetic manipulation will genetic encoding or overshadowing and splicing to genetic material it understand that so they soar them as the children of these offspring that they use female the name mixed it with angelic DNA to form hybrids with the nestling so they were the mighty men of old men of renowned we have we have mythology surrounding all the mythology of the demigods and the Greek mythology in the realm of mythology and all that stuff and the Titans and all those things actually have truth underneath it is that’s what these men were then the Lord saw the wickedness of man was great on the earth and every attempt and full of his heart was only evil continually we think it’s bad now I think of every thought and everything being evil continually no let up the rest but it’s no wonder that yet to deal with it which is why the flood came to in the book of Enoch 200 what your angels were sent to our to fulfill Lucifer’s role which would’ve been to God and bring man into transformation but he abandoned that role because he saw man’s destiny was to rule the heavens and the earth and he wanted that for himself so he traded that with all the other angels third of the angel angelic host and they fell following that same lie and then he trapped Adam and Eve so those angels were sent to actually help us but man started worshiping the and they fell the angels fell because of the attention that they were gone you can read the whole story in the book of Enoch in fall and they took for women of themselves humankind to produce these genetic hybrids so the nestling with a hybrid offspring of those four angels and human women they didn’t have human spirits the original method did not have human spirits because only human spirits can be in pure human people Adam and Eve were made in the image of God but within 12 to 1500 years there were only evil continually is terrible so God have to deal with it otherwise they could be no seed that would’ve been nope your seed left therefore know Jesus therefore no salvation so we have to deal with it that’s what seems will surely God is his heart God he wipes a whole planet he was only dealing with in your seed so Genesis 66 to 10 here is the solution Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord thank God he did otherwise we would not be here and these are the records of the generations of Noah know was a righteous man blameless in his in generations he was pure he was the only your DNA left is all the rest was polluted and it says Noah walked with God and that’s exactly the same terminology that Enoch walked with God and what it Enoch walked with God in heaven and on earth so Noah was way more than what the Bible and Sunday school stories per tray because we have an image of Noah from our Bibles stood Sundays door is in and is not the true Noah so Noah walked in the realms of the spirit like you not blameless he was pure we do know that his wife of course and we know nobody sons the course of his wife wasn’t sure which is why after the flood there was a re-incurred personal nestling giants in the land so Genesis 9 if you look at ham and how he behaved will see the his behavior was prompted by his genetic material which is why we go into a lot of this in detail in the transformation series of you want to know more about it all the specifics each of these things are in one session and is pulling together bits of it today so we can apply it to what we doing in communion so literally Lord descended from those three children so our DNA may well be polluted if it is that’s doing it may be there are things within our DNA which are ready to be switched on which may well affect us if you miss then our effectiveness now so if you think will hatch out of the anything my DNA make sure you don’t need surprises been strongly so we need to deal with it so we can become genetically pure so we can become like the order of Melchizedek framed in the image of God not framed in the generations of our parents so literally genetic material can be modified be taken resequence and we know that that is the case because they’re actually doing it scientifically today so DNA can also be epigenetic be changed and trauma repeated unconfessed sin producing iniquity we looked at that following the pathway of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil rather than the tree of life all seed has been genetically modified from God pattern none of us are actually like what God intended us to be so will got some work to do somewhere our DNA needs purifying and refining the first generation bathroom with the offspring of those four angels and they were mixed genetically with human beings so you had initially that 50-50 but every generation then mated with pure humans reduce the level of that thing within us so we may only a little bit is how many generations are we from the snow was family and more talking about for 5000 years so servant cetyl Cedar came angelic seed method seed angelic high animal hybrids that they didn’t just mix with humans they genetically modified because with animals we get that again in the myths of the centaurs in the Minotaur’s and all those briefings all those things that’s not just made up they actually have a basis in truth before the flood soul of the left were wiped out there spirits are still around today we call them demons so there humans they were human spirits there were unclean spirits and we have them still around their still roaming around the earth looking for someone to occupied to outwork their personality through that before the flood the population and it if you look at genetic studies in population mechanics in terms of formula they reckon there was anywhere between eight and 35 billion people so there’s a lot around a lot of demons around and they are looking to influence us they are controlled by fallen angels and they want to control you and me that’s why familiar spirits are so difficult to deal with that designed to control us let’s make sure we do so where will let information about genetic material manipulation come from didn’t come from God because God actually said he expressly commands the things can only reproduce after their kind to the should know be no mixing of species within genetically modified material that may be some stuff where it helps us in terms of producing good seed hybrids in terms of F1 hybrids of plants and that’s all within species and is no problem between things within species being defined but with outside species like putting from DNA within our genetically modified crops or other things to enhance the is forbidden and is actually completely outside of God’s plan and purpose so it must come from the enemies plan so be careful with genetically modified stuff you can eat it make sure he purify it first which is why we say grace say grace that I speak into everything I need commanded it to be conformed into the image of God’s truth and life in it so it’s gonna feed me good stuff so I speak transformation even into my food so don’t eat stuff which is coming from a wrong source but have the authority and power to speak life into it to change it the enemy is not stop trying to wipe out the seat because we are the sons of God to be manifested on the earth so he wants to stop us being manifested by affecting our life so all GM manipulation is a bit and I encourage you to look at that and there are other ways the enemies look to do this alien abductions one believe in aliens as things that are from other planets but there other dimensional beings every angel comes in a different dimension so there are abductions to get hold of DNA transfer human humanism is a whole movement to follow the pathway of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to create transhumance humans which of modified genetically to be stronger better in everybody else some of them we called super soldiers programs to develop stronger people using grim technologies that room stands for genetics robotics information technology and nanotechnology and a lot of is going on in the world right now to create a hybrid that will be the next step in devolution so they set is actually just Satan’s plan to pollute the seat we don’t need to be involved we need to be revolved back into the original back into what God says so let’s get hold of this Hebrew seven free without father without mother without genealogy having another beginner days of the end of life made like the son of God that’s who we need to become like so us soul and body needs to be aligned with what our spirit already it’s in light the order of Melchizedek must be genetically pure so the next stage I apply the blood of Jesus to all iniquitous genetic patterns be cleansed so all these and at iniquitous patterns in me I want them cleansed so I call my genetic material to resonate with the DNA of God and come into alignment my eternal image when you saying these things know what they mean otherwise they just words Psalm 51 five behold I was shaped in iniquity and in seeing did my mother conceive me so there’s something that the actually we’ve all received we need to deal with it Exodus 34 seven visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and on the grandchildren to the third and fourth generation that’s what happened as a result send this unconfessed and repented it creates iniquitous patterns Lamentations 57 our father sin that an are no more is we who abort their iniquities so they gone dead and buried who was still suffering we don’t need to so let’s make sure we deal with anything that we’ve received from our parents and their parents and their parents that until we are pure so transgression involves guilt the sinful nature involves condemnation separation from God and sin leaves a reproach and we all suffer from that we feel blame disgraced discredit shame and humiliation scorn and disapproval we feel rejected when we sin that works against God’s favor it works against us actually knowing were worthy of God’s blessings because it stops us in Ourselves Way, God sees us as we see ourselves Way were shaped by our behavior not by the truth of God God wants us to know these dealt with the reproach of our past dealt with on the cross whether it’s in my family line or whether it’s in the he’s dealt with it on the cross there for a need to apply the power of the cross through communion to change it so iniquity is the motive of things in us that sin which creates the desire which then forms the transgression so there’s a motive in us something that forms a desire why we do things will actually all those desires a really desired based and we need God but we try and find every other thing to fulfill the whole fill the whole is there is missing because God were separated from so every sin is it actually a pride of people who want God that is looking for him in the wrong place that forms transgression which leads to more iniquity and you get disciples vicious circle what happens we need to break those cycles so the Hebrew word for iniquity is three letters Avon represents and I a hook fish multiplying giving the sense whatever the hope I’ve looks into multiplies so most sin is comes from what we look at and that triggers something which puts our emotions into play are and we then have a desire which then we at work in the transgression we need to deal with those initial things that in her event that leads to a pattern of repentance and if this and repented all it can leave that weakness within our lives and in our family line through genetic changes so let’s deal with it let’s deal with that pathway which is turning us away from the path of God is designed for us God has a destiny for everyone of us is not to be out worked if were on the wrong path so let’s make sure on the right path all of us need to be transformed so that we can leave behind anything that’s been shaped from our family line’s so we can actually be changed into the image that God has the eternal destiny the image of the glory of God son ship son ship is what God’s desire is for us so iniquity can result in those epigenetic changes we saw last time so let’s make sure we speak to them if we open ourselves up and ask God to reveal search my heart of God and see if there’s any wicked way me if there any anxious thoughts if there’s anything in my heart let’s be open and proactive to do that so that we have the word of God according Hebrews 412 is living active and sharper than any two-edged sword so we apply the truth when we engage communion to bring transformation to these things so I call my genetic material to resonate with the DNA of God to come into alignment my eternal image so that’s what that’s why we state that fact a wanted to be live in eternity so then I choose to bear the record which is that eternal record my eternal image conformed to the likeness of my father and brother in heaven white so I can be transfigured to radiate their glory becomes my glory me being a light to the world you being a light to the world his rule called to be the light of the world when Jesus was here he was the light of the world and he actually said that you are going to become the light of the world how we ever going to be the light of the world if were not radiate in the right light what we radiating from our lives what light we given off is it light or is it our we need to be radiating light radiating glory so the pattern will record is actually who I was created to be Psalm hundred and 39 verse 16 your eyes to see my unformed substance and in your book were all written the days that were ordained for me before ever one of them was now how precious of the sum of your thoughts how fast of a it’s like God has these amazing thoughts are all recorded in our book are scroll we need to get hold of it and become like it so search me of God let’s be active and proactive about it let’s deal with those iniquitous ways so that we can start following the everlasting way the path of the tree of life next statement let the breath of God be breathed into my life transform me into a living being joined to the Lord and one spirit with it that’s comes in one Corinthians 617 the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with him so is a process of being joined in intimacy and relationship so that life that God has can be in us to the breath of life Genesis 27 the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and he became a living being so I was created a spiritual being as we all were but he became a living being when God breathed his breath into heaven the something different from being a spiritual being and a living being as a living being a spirit soul and body all working together and completely integrated in harmonious unison is not what most of us can say about our lives is God’s intention when Adam sinned he became a human being and most of us of ended up human being doings as we get all our identity not from being but in doing he lost his status as a living being he lost his status as a spiritual being because he was now separated from the soul and God that God through being born again enables us to be reintegrated and brought back into son our all born human beings but with a destiny to be a living being Jesus was born living being in the image of God from the beginning he came into human body entirely from God up your egg and sperm as Mary was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit God knows how to do this stuff as well not just the enemy so Jesus came as the second Adam one of victory on the cross defeated all the principalities powers and all the other don’t forces took back the keys of death and health overcame everything so we could now come into life so his victory gives us the capacity to be born again come into a relationship with God and reclaim our destiny so we can be reconnected as a spirit soul and body once again is a living being at the breath of life in us radiating the glory of God that’s God’s desire so we need to go beyond just being a spirit being to be a living being so that we can have God’s life in us reconnected with heaven flowing heaven onto the earth the river of life flowing through us creating life forever it goes is that God has a purpose for us in doing this so as a living being we have access to the record of our destiny that scroll of our destiny can start to vibrate in us with a frequency aligned to God and then we can come into alignment produces a sound we resonate with so we can be transformed into alignment with it today as we embrace the power of God we embrace communion that step in and speak life when we speak those words when we take the bread and juice let’s apply that truth that’s embrace the truth of what’s there and speak life to ourselves mix faith with it engage it open up our heart and allow God to bring change and transformation you so that that DNA that image or video a few weeks ago step in and engage the DNA of God for transformation and change so that we can be established and grow into the full image of God and then