The big factor that makes the difference is that you learn how to draw on God. You learn how to draw from the Lord Jesus Christ to be the blessing to you.

When your faith reaches out to take of the body and blood of Jesus Christ you are drawing on the great reserves that God has made for your life. That is your life, what you become, what you will be right now at this moment, the release from the things of the past.

When God gives you something, take it. Don’t go through a motion; don’t make a ritual out of it. Make it something that you’re taking.

What you’re going to become, you’re going to become because the Lord enables you. What you do is because He helps you to do it.

At our greatest peak we fall short because God made a big area in every one of us that will never be complete without Him.

You do the very best that you can, but you always know it’s not going to be enough without you take His help and you always become one who is drawing on that provision.

Appropriation means I’m going to take what God gives me, what He’s provided. That’s going to be the difference between what I lack, what I can never be by myself.

What makes the difference between eating a piece of bread and drinking a sip of wine, and the miracle life of God? It’s faith—you believe.

That moment of appropriation can be the miracle turning point of your life when you learn from God how to draw of His free grace.

Victory is not an event; it is a fulfillment of a state of spirit.

John 12–18; Luke 5:5; II Chronicles 20

The maimed, the halt and the blind are moving in on this one. We’ve been through so much; half of us come here half devastated.

God has brought us right down to a very humble place. I’d say that 90 percent of the people here have been brought to a place of desperation without it affecting their faith. Desperation with great faith.

The extremity that God puts us in is so that our faith will open up His provision.

When God puts you in a corner it’s because He’s going to do something through you and your faith can reach out to it.

You don’t realize how much this is a warfare against principalities and powers. I don’t think that you realize yet that we’re not fighting against flesh and blood.


This continual prayer is doing something that is very unusual.

I felt the pressure today, but I felt like it came at us and was being repelled.

I felt a new dimension in the spirit world of assault like we’ve never felt before.

Every time we break through it won’t be because the world has laid down regulations and we maneuvered and worked around, but it’s because we found a higher principle, something superior that even they can’t contest.

You’re going to be surprised how many things are going to happen to you individually that you didn’t even bother to pray about.

This is a time ordained that could be a preview of the Parousia, the time of His presence, when we break into those things that were reserved, set aside for us for this hour.


I am impressed with how simple everything was when you read about it in the Scriptures and how complicated it becomes when you try to make it work in your own life. It ought to be just a simple matter of saying, “Lord, that’s it.”

We’ve a few answers, but we must be very realistic about it. We are going to break through to the simplicity and the reality of the Scriptures. We’ll not accept anything else.

We don’t have to see a miracle, but we must have faith that we really have received the miracle breakthrough.

We’re looking for these impasses to be broken, for this gospel of the Kingdom to go forth into all the world.

The nephilim spirit is going to be broken. I don’t know how it’s going to come. I couldn’t tell you, “This is the way God’s going to do it,” except one thing I know. I have the assurance in my heart that when these few days of prayer are over with, the whole thing will be broken.

I want to move into the miracle state. I don’t want to settle for one deliverance; I want to live in that state of health and breakthrough toward resurrection life. I want another realm.

We want a resurrection. We don’t want to talk about how good the corpse looks. We’re not looking for any kind of illusion of victory.

The Word of God has to prevail. There has to be that breakthrough, that we who have believed that Word see such a thrust by virtue of our faith in the Word that that Word literally breaks down every barrier.

I won’t accept something that’s in the miracle realm if it isn’t bringing us into a new level of a walk with God, to a life in the Spirit.

This devastation has been for a purpose—that God would have some people that He can use, and replace the arrogant and the proud.

At this time there is no such thing as a moving of God without a corresponding purpose of judgment in the earth. It’s going to come.

We’re pressing into a new level of life where He’s going to be glorified. But that doesn’t mean we’re doing it with an arrogance or just to win. We’re doing it because it’s time that the Book worked, totally and completely.

The first siege was our efforts to break through to the Lord. But if this is the siege of victory, we’re standing here worshiping the Lord and giving Him a chance to break through to us.


The question is, is this siege a struggle or a matter of seizing the victory? Is the battle to break through or is the battle to lay hold of the victory? Is victory attained or appropriated?


We’re believing for the breakthrough to come, God to be glorified, and He’ll take care of the personality angles and the nephilim spirit and all the rest of it.

In the first siege we had conflicts and rivalry in leadership; we had mistrust. We had everything being battled. We don’t have that this time. There’s an amazing submission one to another. For the first time we’ve come to the theocratic approach—God is ruling over this.


The initiative of faith plus the dealings of the Lord have put us in a position where we’re looking up and letting God do it. Faith has led us into the devastation, and the devastation brought us into a positioning before God.


The guidelines for this were very simple. We’re going to stand and believe God; we’re here to receive. We’re not here to struggle through to something. Every principle that has been laid down in this whole thing of the Kingdom is being challenged.

We’re standing here to receive from the Lord. But there’s a negative side of it. We stand here to receive from the Lord, but we are totally rejecting anything the enemy throws at us.

There’s a satanic attack that’s hitting, and before it’s over with the enemy’s going to try to hit every one of you.

We accept victory by faith, not by what we see, not by what we feel, but we accept it because of the Word.

If we accept the victory Christ gives us, we have to reject the lie that Satan produces that we don’t have it. Which means we have to totally reject every symptom, every demonic assault against us.

You have to experience the extent of the warfare before you can understand that that warfare is only resolved by the fact that the victory has been won.

The appropriation of the victory has to be a rejection, a total rejection, utterly refusing the assault the enemy’s bringing against you.

To accept victory, you have to reject conflict. What we’re actually seeing is a reviewing of the principles that we’ve been learning within the last few weeks, last few months.

Do you realize what Satan’s trying to do with the fruitfulness of this siege? He’s trying to hit you with the fiery blast, fiery darts, doubts to get you to back off so that you are not going to be fruitful. All we have to do is reject that.

The power to reject, the authority to reject, is as great as the ability and the authority to accept.

I have such a witness that everything we’ve gone through in the past has been an illusion, a lie from the enemy.

You can’t believe in anything that you feel. Don’t believe the encouragement of circumstances nor the discouragement of circumstances.

What God is saying is, “Don’t be moved by anything except one thing.” He said, “I’ve given you the victory.” Thanks be unto God who hath given us the victory.

The enemy knows he’s defeated, but he’s defeated the minute that you know he’s defeated.

We’ve all been put through the desolation, some for weeks, some for months, and some of us have been into it and could almost number it by years—ready for this moment of victory.

Every church in the Kingdom will benefit from it.

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