Confidence through abiding

The key element in determining the will God is always confidence. The father does what is right all the time, and he is amazing in his consistency and faithfulness. He always finishes what he starts (Hebrews 12: 2), and we can absolutely trust that he will complete his work and purpose in us (Philippians 1:6).

Holding on to our confidence is the major part of being mentored by the Holy Spirit. Good coaches always impart personal conviction that the goal, set before us can be achieved. Mentors provide assurance. Our personal security is built upon our own understanding of who God is for us (Hebrews 3: 6, 14).

Assurance allows us to become. The Holy Spirit stimulates our inner man to stand up on the inside of us with a smile and a confident assurance of the love of the father.

Abiding in Christ is a major source for confidence (1 John 2: 28). It guarantees that we won’t step back into a place of doubt or mistrust. No condemnation means that we are free to move about the Kingdom in confidence (1 John 3: 21).

To walk we must take a step. Stepping forward and also stepping back into our spirit, when our soul comes to the forefront of our consciousness.

The Kingdom is a sphere we can live in, we are free to do certain things in the Kingdom. The Kingdom has boundaries, we enter it and then we are to abide in it.

The will of God is never about doubt; it’s always about discovery. Everything about God is potentially open to explore. The will of God is not a mystery. It is relational. It is true that there are times when situations do not work out as we have planned or purposed. We often cannot see the end from the beginning. We may only have enough light to take the next step. If God’s will is relational, then our confidence lies in becoming like him, not just in our own version of a successful outcome.

We must trust. As we abide, our confidence continues to increase. We are certain of God’s will being done even if the outcome is not what we would prefer. He sees more, he knows more.

When we allow his will to be relational, we are saying that to become like him through our present circumstances is a higher priority than just receiving a successful result.

When we make that a priority, confidence is always the outcome-full assurance of salvation. To be made in the image of God is everything to us. All our circumstances carry that relational priority. We are becoming partakers of Christ, and we discover God’s will more readily when we share his priority.

As we face all life relationally in Christ, we can receive peace, rest, and joy. The love of God is ever present. We are learning to become like Jesus. As he is, so are we in the world (1 John 4: 17). The will of God then becomes something that we don’t have to look for because confidence is a part of the relationship (1 John 5: 14-15).

Sonship is our priority. All true sons are confident in the father’s character. There is a godly routine that the Holy Spirit employs consistently in his relationship with us. He encourages our heart. He renews our mind. We enter a dialogue with him so that we can learn to ask properly. He teaches us to pursue and go after God in all our circumstances. We learn to discover provision and power. We get to call ourselves up to a new relational level. We fight from victory not, towards it.

We develop confidence and cease from striving. The will of God is a settled issue when our relationship with the Lord is our first priority. Whenever people ask me for a prophetic word about the will God for their lives, I know that prophecy will not help that.

The problem is that their relationship is off track and must be restored. I’m very happy to pray for their relationship to be upgraded and for them to learn the lessons of dwelling in God.

Worshippers abide. It’s what we do best. All ministries should have a context that empowers them to release people to abide. It’s the key discipline of the New Testament.

We all want to know and experience what it is to be flooded by God’s majesty on any given day. To do that, we must be willing to expose and enjoy our weaknesses; For it is there that we are made strong.

I encourage you to put yourself into the way of the Lord, and just relax there. Allow your relationship with him to be the top priority of your life. Guidance will naturally flow out of that intimacy with him.

I want to live simply before God. Prophecy is a bonus for me; I trust his nature enough to get along without a prophetic word for my life. I don’t tend to get intimidated by things because I’m too busy being fascinated by Jesus. When things go wrong in my life, I just watch Jesus’s moving in my life and wonder how he’s going to get me through this time.

God is bigger than my sin, my stupidity, my ignorance, and my personality. I’m just a normal guy coming into alignment with someone divine and majestic, who has plans for me that have not yet entered into my imagination. Life doesn’t need to be anymore complicated than that.

When we let God be God, we can walk with him in joy, peace, safety and wisdom.

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