Courts 4-1

We are continuing to look at the court system loving of engaging God on the pathway relationship God is calling us all into deeper intimacy with him to know we are and who he is in relationship we see that flows from heaven through our spirit into the world around us but it has to go through our soul first to engage our body and the world so we’ve seen that is to be held to do that we can use the legal system of the courts of heaven to keep and open our gates and that’s what we been looking at the session and we looked at how our gateways function in that were looking at court of accusation and we look at court cases examples and the whole purpose of this really is so that we can actually see everything flows from the inside out and ultimately we want our spirit around our body encompassing us so we engage the world in a spiritual dimensions first. because everything comes into the spiritual realm and everything spiritual we just see it from the perspective that we’ve learned to see the world but God wants us to engage it through spiritual means our problem with that is that there which is another familiar spirits and different things of block our life they influence us try and control us through guilt shame condemnation memories mindsets lies hurts pains doubts fears, many different ways in which enemy tries to hinder that flow of the life of God in the river of God’s grace and mercy flowing through us is to get us to focus on our soul and get us to focus on how we’ve been shaped and changed by the events all trauma nature-nurture that affected us so we need to be free from and the soul ties that are’s soul has to our spirit is for independence and God wants us to separate those things so we seen as a recap the enemy is a legalist he has to be given permission or legal right to operate and Adam and Eve gave him that legal right Jesus came to take that back and we get to choose which pathway we follow whether we can follow the pathway of the tree of life will follow the pathway of knowledge of good and evil is a choice that God has given us if we give authority the enemy then he will use that authority against us and through us so we have to remove the enemy from our gates that we need to remove the legal right the enemy might have to be there. Zechariah 3:1-6 are Scriptures we use to indicate this is what the court system was Joshua the high priest was standing in heaven in a court and Satan was accusing him and the Lord set up a procedure where he would give us close close a righteousness that we can stand confident in that we stand in what Jesus is done on the cross and receive a verdict in our behalf as the court is rigged in our favor as we have the judge is our father and where Jesus our brother who was our and is all there but we have to engage it so we need to understand the protocols of the court the fact that we have legal right to stand there and is that we stand covered by the blood of Jesus the word of God and the love of God in a new covenant of relationship so in the courts we seen their various things we are the accused we need to engage the accuser to hear what the accusations are and get a favorable verdict so we can make pleased to the court it’s not just we do a court case on the basis of something that’s an accusation against us we can actually use things to make a plea to the call and that plea can give us good things so those please must have a legal foundation as the basis on which we make them can’t just go in there plea for anything that has done some foundation that foundation is found in the word of God and in the character and nature Jesus so we need to know who God is so we can make those please affected Psalm 23 three he guides me in paths of righteousness for his namesake everything that we do is designed to bring glory to God and to bring honor to his name therefore we can use that and plea the honor and glory of God’s name so we can use the fact that we have the authority to on a him as a way of introducing that door our lives but there are many other things we can use so the relationship that God has for us and to us is something we can use so he is in these are examples of who God is to us he is our Creator Psalm hundred 19 73 so we have access to creation because he is our Creator Romans 815 he is our father Psalm 4017 he is our helper Isaiah 6316 he is our redeemer Hebrews 211 is our brother Romans 816 he’s are co-where we to set up and he’s our Savior light and we use that we you use the fact the word of God gives you that relationship and you use that to make your plate so on on behalf of the that God is my father and I am his son I have the right of son ship their of the right to operate in authority God in my can use that if I know my relationship to God and who he is and he is my Redeemer therefore he has brought back everything that was Robin stolen and where I was in a prison if you like to redeem something is to buy it back so I’m I’ve been in prison of bondage Jesus came to the cross he broke the power of sin and death and all the curses therefore I can use that fact to see things redeemed and brought back into wholeness in life have to know the reality of who God is in my relationship to their policy lots of examples that you can put we find lots of others in the names God and who God is pleased God’s attributes now what’s in attribute it’s something that someone has that is a useful think so justice is in attribute of God you can find the Scriptures that Genesis 1825 name I 933 and because one of God’s attributes is just is that we can use justice as a basis of making a plate a plea for justice and justice in his we want the right verdict we want a result so it injustices I’ve been robbed was justice I get things restored so I can use that to bring about justice in my life compassion righteousness faithfulness covenant keeping is really important one because God keeps his promises and all the promises of God are yes in Christ and all the covenants of God are realized in Christ so they all belong to me in the new covenant to every promise that God is made in Christ finds its fulfillment in the new covenant and therefore we can use that as a plea to see those promises fulfilled in our lives for you have to know the promises you don’t know the promise how you can actually plea in it so is important to know what God said about you who he is called you to be what is given you as rights in a few do not know your rights how can you exercise if you do not want know what belongs to you as a son of God how can you claim it so God wants us to claim the things that belong to us on the basis of who he is mercy that if you need mercy it’s really good to know the God is a God of mercy lovingkindness lovingkindness is a covenant word is the word has said and it actually means that in covenant God is faithful he will never go back on a promise he is always faithful in every way towards his promises towards us so use those attributes in your place a complete the blood of Jesus because the blood of Jesus is sprinkled on the Mercy seat in heaven and gives us access into the heavenly realm so any court of law we need to know the legal right we have to stand in a court it is the blood of Jesus Hebrews 912 he entered the most holy place once for all by his own blood having obtained eternal redemption so that gives us some really good clues that what Jesus is done for us with his own blood is a sacrifice he’s gone into heaven to the most holy place presented that blood that then gives us an eternal right to enter and to come into the fullness of salvation so we have eternal redemption is not just that we will pull back once that is ongoing so that eventually we will come into everything that God wants us to have if we follow through in the process of relationship Hebrews 1019 therefore brethren since we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus so our confidence to come before a court is on the basis of what Jesus did on the cross another another verse says that he opened up his flesh will veil so that we can come through it to engage heaven so is Paul that the veil the veil between the tabernacle temple places towards that we will have access to engage God in heaven and we don’t have to die to do it physically although is very good to die to ourselves is really good access so are standing in the call is the blood of Jesus so we can plead that finish work on the cross on our behalf in accordance with God is going we can use that we can actually trade in what he’s done we can exchange everything on the cross holds the name sickness for health everything that comes from our old life guilt shame condemnation for justification sin righteousness everything that Jesus did on the cross was to bring us into the fullness of our inheritance as his children so we can plead the word of God and the promises of God you can make that as a case God you promised this one I use all the time is Matthew 633 seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added what were those things everything I need will be added if I seek first his kingdom is a good deal but you have to use that so there are times I remind God of that deal when some of the things are being added as they should be present make your position so I go and reminded hey we have a deal I seek first the kingdom and do it in the way that you said righteous way and you will be all these needs because I haven’t got time to see your kingdom into the fullness of all I’m doing is either to do with all these other things as well so I’m in a remind you of your promise that you promised to do with all these other things are going to test me up that’s of my test is a good one and from a friend of mine sheet she does the same thing she uses that Scripture and she basically runs has a hole that houses and they fund her ministry if you like and she had the estate agent bring up to say that parents who were in this house of last and they left the house in a really bad state so you can have to come up begin at the soul has a before we can rent and get social and the time to do that so God I’m coming reminded of your promise so I’m asking you to deal with the situation two days later the estate agent again phones are back into the thank you for sorting all that we can now rent at Jen done anything and yet the whole house was completely redecorated angels a very good with a paintbrush that you see these are the sorts of things you can start to see her actress out working to the kingdom when you begin to trust in God’s promises that you then begin to use the promise to make the case and it’s okay God does not mind us bringing things are reminding a tall in fact he wants us to do it so croak quote God promises reverently back to you don’t do it in a you a way which is disrespectful but do it in a way which recognizes your relationship in claiming those promises David Prescott to fulfill his promises all the time can read in the Psalms ABI where I got you promised and God remind him where he was in the promises will be fulfilled so remind God’s promises and his nature use those as a plea to get things done that there are many examples of different court cases is a really good material that they can find it on the Internet and visit is a couple really good Facebook pages that people do court case is in that you can get files and some of the things I’ve I’ve used and adapted to the use of mine so that her family children case this is an example of what you can do in dealing with family and children because we all have issues in those areas what we do that while you something you can do you need some promises Matthew 1014 Jesus all this he was indignant and said to them because the disciples was sent to bring the to because they can get in the way they were making an always or they would interrupt what Jesus was doing Jesus was quite indignant because he realized what they were doing hindering children and presenting children as something less than what God sees them as so as we set permit the children to come to me do not enter the kingdom of God belongs to such a cease so we have a promise that we got lots and Old Testament promises but is one Isaiah 5430 all your children so be taught by the great should be a peace of your children now that’s a promise but that promise is not guaranteed a mess we make the case for that promise to be at work for tickly of our children are not necessary able to make the case for themselves so his of his a case for dealing with some of the issues that may be affecting our children through their maternal and paternal generational blood that means your inheritance coming from the past so mother father grandparents their grandparents goes back a long way and so there may be some issues in our lives so father I stand before the court for righteousness and justice I stand here as your child covered by you love your word in your blood I petition the court for the cleansing of the bloodline of his child’s name then use sometimes you have to deal with the issues that cause the problem either your problems or the problems that been generation so hear some repentance prayers based on the word of God is great pray the word of God back in declaration or three because God hears his word in response to these were never comes back to him void that he sent it so all these are Scriptures you can add your own is that the Scriptures a goal gives you his promises that are specific and you know that there in your heart and you can use that to at work those things so I repent where I’ve walked in my own understanding own way without you comes in Proverbs 3 some “things you can find out whether they are yourself and find the voice of I repent father Robin my children of relationship with you in areas I don’t know there are lots of ways in which were not yet aware of the fully things which we may well become aware we going to the court again accusation so I’m just preparing the case I may hear some accusations on not like a because were not all perfect parent so we fortunately Lord I repent were unobstructed and been a stumbling block to my children therefore the next generation will I repent were not taught your waste of I repent were of not more I’ve not let him be trained in the way they should go I repent were I’ve been tired and fatigued and let things go I repent were of not let you build the house and I tried to build it myself Lord I repent and I have hindered them in coming to you I repent that are not trusted you not lean to my own understanding I repent were not listed your instruction was understanding done things my way will I repent for walking in my own self-righteousness will I repent where I have not walked in the often rude arrogant impatient mankind so none of your parents there been any of those to which are children but just in case will I remind you of the promises you would do now you take the promises and then you engage them back to God I am blessed I fear the Lord and I delight in his commandments my offspring shall be mighty generation of the upright shall be mighty light is my daughter darkness for up for the right one Chronicle 17 2327 God I remind you that my children are fruit of the womb a reward like arrows because I feel like river and I will not be put to shame Psalm 2027 325 that they were formed in my inner parts by you you not them together use their fearfully and wonderfully that frames are not hidden from you as they were being made in the secret place in the depths of the earth you so that unformed in their own form parts were written in your book every part of the there day so Psalm hundred and 39 use the Scriptures and remind God of these places for I asked that the verdict of the call be that his her mothers and fathers bloodline and spiritual inheritance will be cleansed and not held against them thank you Jesus remember things can be visited on third fourth generation and when they perpetuated ongoing generation so that maybe things are ongoing the affecting us and our children I pronounced blessing of God in salvation upon person I call them out of darkness into light and then sometimes we need to deal with things as couples become mature courts of heaven and take my stand and make my decree on behalf of my husband white I bring before the court shed blood of Jesus and I declare my wife’s husband’s innocence from his her debts because they were paid so this is something that sometimes when ticket we got our husband and wife is not yet Christian we need to do things on their behalf and sometimes things in our relationship we just need to do saying therefore is no legal rights to bind him/her for us as his family nor to bring us into slavery yes we have sinned but we have an advocate in Christ Jesus so we are clean and negative judgment cannot be pronounced upon us I decree that for the silence in the same is accusing demons who brought false accusations against us as a family because sometimes we get difficult situations do I command by the power of the Holy Spirit Satan and all that he has been accusing and attacking my wife husband our family on our planet cast and into the rock God’s of God deals and break off all your power against the Satan and all your lies and accusations I cast them down and use this power must under the jurisdiction of God that these are things that you can make your own words but take the sentiment and use it to deal with things in your everyday life’s not just a were doing great things into the church around the 20 this is daily stuff can do so you say are found to be counterfeit and illegally seek trespassing and he was sentenced to be cast out I think what I get this in the word of God Jesus did this all the time that he cast out the enemy tickly from Legion think region the gave the enemy permission to go somewhere else but he talked about they wander around the waist places looking for someone to engage so will be on our guard make sure that we deal with those things in our own life and break your power and influence is an strongholds completely against my husband wife and our family I speak for us now full deliverance healing the overcoming power of Jesus into our lives so there promises for protection and provision and blessing that you need to use to declare and decree these things so another issue is generational iniquity and this is this is one which people struggle with because of trying to identify with it but there are things in our lives which are actually traits or characteristics all things that we struggle with all bondage is that were in that have a root in history in our family line’s and that might be genetic and it also made the within iniquity within our bloodlines so there genetic and there are epigenetic factors that affect us and numbers 418 is a Scripture the Lord is slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness forgiving iniquity and traction transgressions so that is God side of it but if we do not come to receive forgiveness and deal with those things then they remain on the statute against us and the enemy can use them by but he will by no means clear the guilty visiting the iniquity of the fathers on generation to the third and fourth generations of children so that’s a legal process if we do not deal with the same then the enemy is a legal right and therefore this is a legal transaction so there are nations who were responsible for patterns of behavior in the word of God you can see the within certain nation certain characteristics were in place and they were responsible for certain patterns of behavior I’m not got time to go into it full I did this in the transformation series and you can look at it in will fill that but the kings of those nations who represented the authority of those nations actually were not sure in the genetic material and therefore their spirits is still actively trying to rule the atmosphere through culture today we live in the atmosphere under it will be careful that we don’t come under it Ephesians 612 our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the powers against the world forces of this darkness against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places so there are things in place that are designed to train control of the atmosphere the culture and who where we live and are lots that the idols in the Old Testament word just over the word of various things but they had something behind the and all idolatry pollutes and defiles so anything that we put before God can define us and pollute our lives one Corinthians 1019 what do I mean then that us things sacrificed to idols anything all that an idol is anything that but I say the things which gentle sacrifice the sacrifice demons and not to God and I do not want you to become Scherer in demons so Paul was saying be careful about what you do because it has an effect Genesis 65 and this is an illustration of what can go on when the enemy has access to pollute then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart were only evil continually at that must’ve been a terrible place to live the world where everything and the intent of every thought sometimes even continue we don’t live in a world like that because we got Christians in the world who influence the world positively but there are darkness that still in place the earth was corrupt inside of God and the earth was filled with violence God looked on the earth and behold it was corrupt after all the flesh and corrupted their way on the earth so in other words they were genetically in fuel and that’s why the flood came so bloodline and see the iniquity enables the enemy to occupy our positions of government are authority in the heavens in those in the atmosphere above and in the kingdom of God in that heavenly realm and block the flow of God coming through us into the earth through our gateways as a gateway of heaven and earth if he can block it then you are authority is diminished so we know there things that are called Dragon certain see who came from Keynes line Giants nestling see a mixture of angelic seed. Things those nations those items nations which are all the nations which occupy the promised land came from the seed of how and all those familiar spirits family spirits are all the things that affect us so how is generational line generation Genesis 10 six sons of ham will cushion misery and output and came they came in obsolete was the name of the place where there eventually was we call the promised land this is represented of our in our lives of everything that God intends us to have and then push became the father of the rod and he became a mighty one on the earth again this is looking back to the nestling that mighty ones this was beginning of the kingdom of Babel or Babylon which is a system of antique God authority on the earth which God wants us to deal with so the tower of Babel Babel came from so the promised land is an illustration of our inheritance place physical and spiritual and the items nations occupied Israel’s inheritance and were not about us and he will Start they were just let Israel back into they occupy the land they were Giants that six fingers and six toes they were pretty large white Goliath you later on some of them were significantly bigger than Goliath in those days so they were a fearful bunch and of course the 12 spies when in only two of them said hate this is our land we join/is going take the other 10 said will their joints in the land where grasshoppers can take our inheritance so they wanted around 40 years in the wilderness until another generation arose to take their inheritance and we just seen a generation aimed at a new generation begin when the days of a new beginning we have to be willing to take the giants of the land in our life to start with an in our communities once we done that so we have to take the left is Rose supposed to take possession of the land and there were definitely things that needed to be dispossessed the cities in the land and those kings in the land and you have a again is a picture of this in Genesis 1015 Canaan became the father aside in his firstborn a negotiable list of the items Jebusites Amorite girlish like him by archive sin I our invite says that are for them right on the bottle rest list you can read it but it ended up some more you know what happened to that there whole behavior was influenced by negativity so it’s really important that we understand these things so the Canaanite gods and goddesses which were from the demonic things that came out before the flood engage in all sorts of sexual activity and this is where a lot of the conversion and pollution came from so they were involved in incest and B’s devotee and they were worshipers that were involved in ritual prostitution infant sacrifice and so many other deviant activities the power sacrifices really the highest power that’s why Jesus is the greatest sacrifice therefore he is overcome all the other sacrifices but these things are still affecting people today is still affect our communities today and where there is not a godly presence and light darkness inhabits that and we need to bring light to change these things but it has to be in us first so there may well be things that we struggle within our own lives that a result of these influences which are spiritual influences from our past and their many names of those gods you finding work veil camels milk on Moloch Dagon Asherah start date and they all have spiritual do for of angelic beings behind the that were called to deal with to send a little bit heavy but I want to get it out because you don’t deal with this stuff it will still have an influence if we want to inhabit our inheritance become completely whole spirit soul and body we need to deal with those arts that now represent things in our lives and influences negative behaviors and patterns of thinking that mindsets and the struggles that we face on a daily basis those things are hindering a blocking God’s kingdom and the fullness of his provision for us so we just can’t afford to leave little strongholds or pockets of resistance that is why they had to completely wipe out the people in the land and they didn’t they made one mistake they made a covenant with some of them in the lab because they were fools the Gibeonites and if you read in the word of God you’ll see the Gibeonites became an issue right through Israel’s history until eventually they wiped them all out in the time David that’s what happens if we don’t deal with it it will become an ongoing problem in our lives and our generations and as we do so they will wrong our inheritance that’s that the design to do so ask God to show you what is there in our generation line these things are been affected by how they affect things ask God to show you do I bust ask God to show you is that things in my life that are influenced by these things from the past so we should then pray things like search me of God search my heart God try me put me on trial take me to the court shall be if there anxious thoughts mindsets which do not align with your word use that Scripture in some hundred 29 repent of our sinful behaviors identify the patterns of iniquity represented by those nations and there’s a whole list of them there 40 of them not everyone’s affected by all of them so don’t think on the good deal with the things they may just be some things that your family line has a son opening to that you may be affected by so some of you are the main ones the Hittite Drake credit fear Amorite spirit joints and obstacles some families just obstacles in their way all the time never-ending problems arising Canaanites. Spirit he falls merchants traders in other words stealing thievery things like that the use other things to make their money maybe things in family lines where families may have a history of crime this is where it comes from the parasite license some things are just families that things are facts there is no moral standards why because there’s an openness to not see anything for godly perspective his own snakes Jebusites false oppressors to these us just a few of the things as you do a lie bust to see one of the influence in my life where I think I way feel then you identify where some of these come from can look at the listening then you can then look to deal with so what we do forgive our ancestors access the mobile court of God identification except the accusations against me repent for the sin of our generations receive a mandate of divorce separating us from the effect of those in since and here’s an example of petition of divorce and a reaffirmation of covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ I declare submit this petition to the court room of heaven asking the board would hear this case I do this in the presence of father in heaven will Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit seven spirits of God and sometimes is good to do this with somebody else particular family maybe or in a situation where someone stands with you in agreement when you do this hears it and is an accountability that’s in place that will help you walk it out so you can do this with others that you use your own language when you do these things this is just an example of there is adaptation’s examples of what the people of the so this document positions the court in heaven for divorce between whatever entity or ever nation however I to King is affecting in the following entities that you may not all these but there whole list of them are not read at all of which represent the demonic forces which represent different types of things that operate in our lives as a whole list of where they came from Scripture just because if you want to see this is a scriptural thing this is where the influences are which will give you an indication what they do then here’s a whole list of Scriptures which you can use to deal with those things and identify how they might influence you and there are a policy of list in 41 I petition the court heaven that all the entities mentioned in this document I would be given back to me hundred percent of what they’ve killed stolen and destroyed from me generation you want your heritage back there things that belong to you that you have not got physically or spiritually because they were brought in past generations that should of passed on to you so is important to get those things back restoration restitution and we have a Laura restitution God has given us to give us authority to get those things back so I reaffirm my standing in the new covenant agreed with the father God Lord Jesus Christ who which was enacted by his blood before his death resurrection and ascension to heaven I declare that I been brought the price and therefore the long 100% Jesus I’m not belonging to these things I’ve learned to God I petition ancient of days to remove and destroy all DNA and RNA from on God the entities mentioned in this document my spirit soul and body hold myself essentially there may be genetic things you they were that’s why we have communion prayers to deal with the DNA and the issues within our DNA which may be genetic so there patterns or sequences within our DNA which come from other things which I mentioned are so there are many examples of court cases and court cases on the Internet one of the is from a Google heavens call created blue light beings which is a very interesting title was found that interesting but I will also court cases that they’ve done and this is one that really deals with this and just finish with this before we can opportunity of engaging ourselves father today by faith enter into the realm of your presence and by faith I send to the place of the government of your presence and to see people use different language there different ways of engaging is not always this set of things you make your own you can simplify this I can go into a call in about 20 seconds and get accusation and learn to do because I’m now very familiar with the process I don’t go through a lot of all the language and stuff because I can step in that is part of me I can engage so for me is that I call the call into session I want to the accusations in this and now I’m can receive the judgment of God I repent renounce it to give about 20 seconds done then you got a lifetime to work in that you can do it quickly when you got work it out every day to you live in the good of it so here is just examples of what others abuse make your father today I comes a high priest for my DNA and I generational line father today I stand at the government of the word of the government of your provision of your names for my life you know is it’s using the same basic principles that we use to plea to use the blood of Jesus today father in the name of Jesus I own the power of the King of one of those nations today our own this is my own sin did I stand before you Jesus in the judicial system of the courts heaven and today Jesus I confessed my sin to you Jesus is my mediator today Jesus today I asked that your word would come and judge me in this when my DNA carries a record of all their it might be and his power over my life today father in the name of Jesus I repent that I repent yielding to it I repent of my generation line yielded to it and every piece of trading that is gone over my DNA through my family line by the trading of the King all ever nation it is and whatever sin is today I confessed sin for these who stand here with me and those that stand by today by faith asked for my divorce papers from the river King it is to be brought into this court to today it is written I will serve no other God that I would have no other God before you father today I joined myself with the test me of your word and the new covenant mystic union because when I one in Christ in a in you according to my confession of the truth of your work services using the confession you don’t make a confession there’s no power see need to use the confession which is the truth today I reject every false joining with that came I joined myself with the Lordship and the kingship of the Jesus Christ he is my Savior he is my Lord he is my King I choose to become his bride I become one in union with him the whole purpose is here is when mixed is a mixture in our heart mixture in our DNA then were not pure we cannot behold this is a bring us into wholeness in these of the declaration I become one in union with him father today I asked you to judge me this areas that I will be found faultless in the responsibility for this condition of my life that father I ask you to judge the judge and fire judging glory judge it might and power and empower me to become free of liberated and this is the end goal I am free and liberated from every controlling system mindset behavior patterns sin in my life that if I own what they are why try and cover them up to me coverings myself to put the right I’m going to still be struggling and subject to the I need to be free so today what I thank you and asked you that you would judge everything that hands on the outside of your destiny some of us of any things hindrance and a waits for me entanglement that so thing that’s stopping me on see dealt I receive the papers of marriage so I can receive positive papers not just negative wants to be free from something and receiving the authority to be joined one spirit with him I agree with the I attest to it DNA and blood of Jesus and to witnesses in the core heaven so any sort of things that you might look in your life any chronic conditions in these are the things to look for chronic things that are in your parents or grandparents that are in you that don’t seem to go away they’re not just the things you do as a one-off and then you repent and it’s got these are things that are recurring cycles of behavior mindsets patterns believe they may be a result of a curse this been spoken of that family line because of those sins but those things are so she with our old identity in our new if we know are true inheritance is eternal identity than those curses no longer carry operating power is Jesus broke the curse of the Lord therefore let’s make sure that have no power of us by attention our new identity if you have hears my old identity is my new identity have a choice which one I can follow every day remember we’re crucified with Christ so we have a choice have don’t have to follow this I can follow that but here are things the whispers who say do this you this is going to disconnect feel better this will give you what you need all the still things that the house us to sin those of the things we need to deal with so James 114 15 says each one of us is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust so where does that lust come from from those influences then lust is conceived gives birth to sin when see the sin is accomplished it brings forth death all same damages and hurts us and other people that’s what God wants to set us free from these things he doesn’t want us to carry on living in bondage in control not having the power to overcome so we have to identify and deal with all those things so how we do it won’t let’s make sure we are ready to repent of our individual sense our identity with our family iniquity and before is always about forgiveness if you don’t forgive them there is no access to God’s forgiveness so we must forgive those who done things to us and for us and affected is negatively that we can renounce the patents a minute to associated with it and then use the court seven apply kingdom justice get a divorce each and it does pattern of behavior apply the blood of Jesus in communion so that’s a general pattern and everyone of us can do that so make a case presented before the judge we can do that now have a get special time so think about what do I need to be set free from what issue what reoccurring cycle make a case whether it’s the healing all for the blessings maybe you want to do something for your children always just like a set you free from us particular behavior what is the basis of our case the nature and at an eternal precepts and attributes of God evidence from his work in testimony call for justice on the basis of that and use the verdict in authorization so let’s just start to think about anything you want to deal with right now and then think about okay we’re going to convene a court case now sometimes I’ll see if it may take longer love is you may want to just get some of the things you want to do privately today like ask God for a lie bust Oracle us as recorded sometimes to deal with what is it you show me those areas which are influenced by any of these things so encourage you to close your eyes and just begin to focus just think about that any issues maybe just ask God to reveal last you father to open up heaven today and reveal any influences in our lives that come from a result of those kings or nations that have may have pass that on to us generationally through iniquity through epigenetic effects within our DNA to open that realm and give revelation to each person here of some area the you would like them to be free from to that by faith call that court mobile court into session you may use the eyes of your heart activate your imagination to picture that court and if you standing there just use your senses to send you stand in the court God is there is the judge Jesus standing with is your he takes his seat in that place of authority call for the accuser call for that nation that came that affect that sin familiar spirit associated with it just call and demand to hear the accusation you are standing under the covering of the word of God that Jesus and have a legal right flow with robes and righteousness if you feel in any way guilt shame and condemnation right now received robes and righteousness you stand in and through what Jesus did on the cross cleanse and closed new robes just listen for any accusations that may come accusation it comes authority in your mind depression feeling a sense knowing hearing directly in your spirit once you hear it and to forgive and release overcame the things yourself forgive and release and seven is a generational line forgive release generations you just hear the father is the judge make the verdict hear the world’s over that behavior that mindset whatever it is you brought not guilty receive that verdict father rights it on a document which is a legal document which is your legal right to be free separated from that behavior all mindset will bondage or addiction whatever it might be in us that judgment goes for judgment goes for against all your accuses that they know have no legal rights to accuse you again in this you give them to take the authority given to you by the word of God and the verdict place it into your life as the foundation that enables you to say no it enables you to review the evil one to take captive every thought to walk in freedom you can make a choice use that authority every day of your life to gives the enemy no more access to close the door all access as you now agree you are free you have authority as a son of God you have victory the blood of Jesus and you are an overcome you a call and your identity is to overcome to have victory to reign in life in Christ Jesus and you are seated in heavenly places to enforce that authority to see God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven is just oversee just a short example encourage you to make this a lifestyle use the authority has a son of God to stand in the core just make sure that the enemy is nothing in you Jesus said the enemy has nothing in me we want to get conformed to his image our minds renewed so we can stand as a son of God to affect the outworking we are fill our destiny in God’s kingdom can so I encourage you if you carry on with that today maybe you want to spend some time doing that again but feel free to know that you have access to use these things to get back belongs to you whatever is been stolen whatever’s been brought to you your family are generational line use your authority don’t lives in bondage under the influence of the enemy when you can be open Jesus said that he’s given us all authority over all the power of the enemy and the enemy can be under our feet so is crushing that meant

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