Covenants of God

Jesus Christ wants to do something that is going to change us and affect our lives for eternity. Everything we do today is a dressing room for tomorrow and Yahweh is going to enable us to come to him and received from him so that when we do come there we are already clothed in his likeness. Yahweh wants to engage us more than we want to engage him. He wants to get hold of us and shake us so that we can begin to stand underneath the anointing that he needs to be released into our communities.

Hebrews 12:27 – those things that can be shaken will be removed and taken away, namely, the first creation. As a result, those things that remain cannot be shaken.

Holy Spirit will not come to an un-purified vessel, but he will flow through a sanctified vessel. That means someone that was so full of garbage in their life but brought it under the anointing, under the government and under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and from there he says; now I have got a vessel. Many people say that Yahweh is going to come and give us new wineskins. That is not actually what the Bible says. The Greek word that is used for a new wineskin by Paul in the Bible is anakainoo – which means made new again. Yahweh is not going to give you a new wineskin; he is going to make you new again. There are some things that Yahweh has given us in the word that we need to learn how to use, to anakainoo ourselves.

In this chapter I’m going to teach on a subject that I have found to be a fundamental foundation in my life, to be able to access the realm of the kingdom and walk with the presence of Yahweh, experiencing him in a very real way: covenants of Yahweh.

Hosea 4:6 – my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

 It is that lack of knowledge that robs us of the inheritance they Yahweh has for us in these covenants, so I want to just lay some things out that we need to understand and because they are weapons of war against the enemy. Yahweh wants to use these covenants around our lives to facilitate his move in us and through us.

The covenant of adoption has been included in the realms of the kingdom volume 1 in the gateways and 7 spirits a Yahweh chapters. I want to look at the covenant of promise and the covenant of the blood of Jesus in this chapter.

A covenant is a binding agreement between 2 parties. The closest thing that we have today to this understanding is the covenant of marriage. In Old Testament times the covenant was far more in depth than ours are today. Usually there was an exchange made from one to the other, a promise made or something that was given. Jesus Christ was the supreme sacrifice that sealed our position as heirs to the throne and the kingdom of Yahweh.

From a Hebrew perspective a covenant says, everything I have that belongs to me and is at my personal disposal is yours and is at your disposal when I sign that document. So when you get attacked I will come and rescue you and help you fight; when you go through hell, I will walk through hell with you; when you walk on the mountain tops and rejoice I will walk with you.

1 Corinthians 12:26 – if one part of the body suffers, all the other parts suffer with it. Or if one part of the body is honored (glorified), all the other parts share its honor (rejoice with it). Right at the very beginning, Yahweh made a covenant with Adam and Eve and told them – be fruitful and multiply. Populate the earth. I make you trustees of my estate, so care for my creation and rule over the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, and every creature that roams across the earth – Genesis 1:28. Right there Yahweh made a binding covenant between himself and man.

A covenant needs to be sealed with something; the Bible says,( he has also appropriated and acknowledged us as his) by putting his seal upon us and giving us his Holy Spirit in our hearts as the security deposit and guarantee (of the fulfillment of the promise ) second Corinthians 1:22. That seal is the power of attorney for you to call on the help of Yahweh anytime you need it. The power of attorney says, with all that I have in the power of my ring I have set a seal of life that is going to be displayed around your life and is available for you to call upon.

The covenant of promise

Genesis 15:5 – then God led Abraham outside and said, look at the sky – heavens. There are so many stars you cannot count them. Your descendents – seed also will be too many to count. Abraham believed – put his trust/faith in the Lord. And the Lord accepted Abraham’s faith, and that faith made him right with God… Abraham fell into a deep sleep. While he was asleep, a very terrible – or frightening darkness came. Then the Lord said to Abraham… You, Abraham, will die – go to your father/ancestors in peace and will be buried at an old age. After your great great grandchildren are born – after the fourth generation, your people will come to this land here again… After the sun went down, it was very dark. Suddenly a smoking fire pot and a blazing torch – fire and smoke often represent God – passed between the half’s of the dead animals – pieces; a self curse ritual; by passing between the pieces of the sacrifice, one vowed to keep an agreement or suffer the same fate as the animals. So on that day the Lord made an agreement – cut a covenant/treaty – with Abraham and said, I will give to your descendents – seed the land between the rivers of Egypt and the great river Euphrates.

There was a binding agreement between Yahweh and Abraham. When Yahweh made a covenant with Abraham there was a power that was released in the realm of the spirit that enabled him and those with him to have victory because Yahweh was with them.

Stars speak of heavenly rulership. There were 2 seeds that were promised Abraham. One was the earthly seed, Lessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendents as the stars of heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore – Genesis 22:17. The second one is the covenant where Yahweh began to show Abraham the promise of the positional power that Israel was going to come into, Yahweh said to him – count the stars if you are able to number them… So shall your descendents be – Genesis 15:5. The first promise is for positional power, to rule over the earth, to get back what Satan took from Adam. This covenant speaks of the heavenly seed and mandates us to dispossess any observer that may have a hold over the area of the stewardship that Adam lost but Yahweh has given us through Jesus Christ. Yahweh has given us power in this covenant to assert our dominion in that area and kick the usurper out; power to assert dominion and operate in the realm of the kingdom to take away the dominion of the demonic world that has held us bound. The spirit world is real even though many of us try to ignore it by putting our head in the sand, which gives our backside the opportunity to be kicked by the devil. You cannot ignore the spirit world, so Yahweh has given us the ability to deal with it.

The second promise says, I will give to your descendents – seed the land – Genesis 15:18. Yahweh was talking about a very natural seed and a very natural land, but there is a very spiritual application to this promise:

Genesis 15:18 – on the same data Lord made a covenant – pledge, promise – with Abraham, saying, dear descendents I’ve given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great Euphrates – the land of – the Canaanites and the can use I’s in the chronometer bites in the heat tides and the parasites in the raffle I’m the Amorites and the Canaanites in the girder just sites and the Jebusites.

An interesting thing about this is that one of those groups of people was not a nation – that is the rephaim, which were a race of giants. The rephaim existed in Israel’s day but Israel gain the victory over them all.

They were not a nation that possessed a place, land or position. Wherever they went they were known as the Lords of the earth. In a covenant Yahweh gave Abraham dominion over the highest spiritual principality that exerted pressure on the earth in his day, giving Abraham the authority and the mandate to go in there and kick the rephaim out.

Yahweh has given that to us today to go in there and kick them out. I do not know how many times I had read this verse until the Lord said, look and see. So I began to do a study on the giants of the earth, which was a very interesting journey.

I can remember beginning to look into some information about these giants and how they were present in Noah’s day. A femurwas discovered and documented in some records as being 6 feet long. A femur is the thigh bone in the leg. No wonder the Israelites said, there we saw the giants – that is descendents of anak came from the giants; and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight – numbers 13:33. Those beings had already come out of the demonic realm, as the Bible says – there were giants on earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came into the daughters of men in a or children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renowned – Genesis 6:4. I wonder what happened to their spirits when they died.

The ecclesia needs to understand that Yahweh is going to bring us to a place where we will have positional dominion, not just over a city, but over the tectonic plates of the earth; and that is our job to exert the authority that Yahweh has given us in the heavenly places, which is the realm of dominion where authority is exercised from.

About 3 or 4 years ago now, in my preparation time to go to a particular nation, I pressed into the realm of the spirit to see what was going on because I wanted to see the things that I would be contending with. I have dominion and I want to know that when I go somewhere, I’m going to be cloaked with the armor of Yahweh, stand in my role and spiritual influences are going to bow the knee because Yahweh made a covenant that has given me the right to exert authority.

Some people say that we cannot do that because a corporate anointing is needed, but it is the individual believers unknowing thing that enables us to bring the corporate anointing to release the earth from wrong power and control.

I can remember pushing in one day and coming up against a veil in the realm of the spirit that I’d never seen before and I did not understand. When I do not understand something I persistently push and until it breaks, as I want to know what is behind it, because Yahweh has given me access as a son to the realm of the kingdom. As I pushed into this Bailey tore open and there was a demonic creature behind it. This creature was the most magnificent thing I’d ever seen. People talk about territorial spirits, but those would be way down the food chain.’s I can remember looking at this thing and seeing the throne that it sat on, the realm of dominion that it had over an area of this planet, and the dominion that it had over a particular nation. I remember looking at it and thinking, Lord, is this what you are going to bring us into? I went, haaaaaaah, and it heard me. As it turned around I saw such hatred in its eyes, but behind its eyes also saw fear because it had been seen for the first time.

When Yahweh begins to show you something in the spirit realm, you come into the inheritance of the covenant of promise because Yahweh has given us the heavenly places to rule within.

The covenant of promise mandates us for war, By empowering us to execute judgment to dispossess and kick out the enemy. Yahweh gave his people, Israel, the land; but they had to possess it, and dispossess who and what was there. This covenant brought Old Testament Israel and brings us today into all that Abraham had. It brings us under this blessing. Thus the anointing that flowed from Abraham can come upon us as well. It mandates us to exercise dominion over all that Yahweh has given us.

The covenant of promise enables us to do the work that Abraham did. It released Israel to go and dispossess all that was in that land. There is coming a Caleb generation. People have spoken about the Joshua generation and the Joshua generation is doing a good job, but I am waiting, because I am a Caleb, I want to giants. Caleb went to Joshua in that day and said to him – and now, look, the Lord has let me live, just as he said, these 45 years… I am 85 years old today. I’m still as strong today… For war and for going out and coming in. So now, give me this hill country about which the Lord spoke that day, for you heard on that they that the – giant light – Anakim–( Longnecked- anak= neck) were there, with great fortified cities; perhaps the Lord will be with me, and I’ll and I shall drive them out just as the Lord said! – Joshua 14:10 – 12. And Caleb took the high places.

The Bible says that we will do the works that Abraham did. The word of Yahweh quickened in us builds life and produces faith in Jesus is the quickening spirit.


1-Faith is something that is imputed into us, it’s the story of how faith was credited to Abraham was not recorded for him and him alone, but it was written for all of us who would one day be credited for having faith in God, the one who raised Jesus our Lord from the realm of the dead. He was delivered over to death for our trespasses and raised so that we might be made right with God.

2 – faith produces righteousness,’s he did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what he had promised he was also able to perform. And therefore it was accounted to him for righteousness – Romans 4:20 – 22. The word says that Yahweh imputes righteousness by faith. Yahweh shows up and breathes into your spirit life. That is why the word says, the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain – Galatians 2:20 – 21. It is not your faith but it is his faith in what he has given you, operating in you that enables you to live the life of a Christian. It is not in your own strength and you have got to build faith as well.

3 – faith produces obedience. Abraham’s obedience enables us to come underneath the covering of the blessing. Because of Jesus’s obedience at the cross we are able to come into his obedience and experience the provision of obedience within us.

4 – faith produces provision. The covenant brings us into the blessings of being able to see the provision of Yahweh a long time before we receive it, so we are able to understand and receive that provision out of the realm of the kingdom to possess the promise of Yahweh.

The devil hates me talking on this subject. Glory! It is our excessively great pleasure and privilege to stand on the face of the devil, but you can only do it through a relationship with Jesus Christ. If you try to connect with any others spirit world or spirit realm outside of Jesus Christ, you are connecting with a demonic world. Access the Yahweh is by Jesus; there is no other gateway but Jesus. It is all about him and the price he paid. This is the only faith in the world where Yahweh came looking for man. All the others are man’s efforts trying to find salvation.

5 – faith brings protection. The word says this. I will bless those who bless you, and I will place a curse on those who harm – or curse you. And all the people – families; clans – on earth will be blessed through you – the promises of the Abraham it covenant – Genesis 12:3. That covenant brings us into the realm of anointing that stops the demonic world laying its claw upon our life.

Because I am under a covenant, the covenant and the power that is in it is my protection. As I am protected by that covenant, there is provision there to invoke and release anointing and the power of Yahweh on my behalf, and so I hold that covenant up in the spirit world, praying:

father, according to this covenant that I have walked through, according to the grafted seed of Abraham that exists in my life, the covenant that says those who curse you, I will curse father, I stand on that today.

When we hold that covenant up in the spirit world we know that, – the curse without cause does not come in alight – on the undeserving – Proverbs 26:2. So anything which is a curse that has no legal right to a light goes back to where it has come from, because without a cause a curse cannot stay.

A curse defeated

Some time ago I walked through a situation where a witches circle painted a curse in the called symbols in animal blood all over the front of a church wall. I know the symbols and what they are used for and I know what the curse was. They had left a sacrificial knife with blood all over it and the animals dismembered parts were laid in front of the church. Most Christians would wash it away, pretend it had not happened and not tell anyone. I said, glory to the Lord! Because we win. You see, if you get intimidated by the demonic world, it will put you out of position and then it has got possession of your power. So I went with the pastor to see what Yahweh would do.

When we got there, we wash the blood off the wall and took the objects away. We burn the sacrificial knife, hammered in bent it before throwing it in the rubbish bin because I love doing things that destroyed demonic power. We also burn the pieces of the animal. Then we prayed:

Father, let this come up as a fragrance, that your glory would come into it and you would smite the enemy with the very curse they’ve laid on us, because the covenant says those that curse you, I will curse. I felt led to tell the pastor that it would take 3 days, and then we would see Yahweh begin to move.

In those 3 days we took our stand and held the covenant up praying:

Father we stand under that covenant and we decree that any curse without a cause cannot alight, we stand under the provision and protection of the power of that covenant. Lord, let it be according to your word.

On the third day, one of the people who was an open gate prophetically in the church, suddenly had a revelation as the Lord shoulder, in the realm of the spirit, what had happened that night: a huge warning Angel had come into the witches circle and had started picking the people up and throwing them around the room until there was so much fear in that room that they all ran out. This prophetic sister saw this happen in her vision and shared it with us.

Right then I knew that Yahweh was starting to move. 10 minutes later we got a phone call saying, hi, please can you help me, I was one of the people that laid a curse upon your church. Last night something happen to us and I am so afraid, please, what do I need to do? I want to ask your forgiveness, what do I need to do? She said, we will not go back because we are so afraid in the coven has broken up. Please help me. What do I do? So I was able to lead her through the sinners prayer and she got saved.

A curse that is invoked in the wrong way cannot alight; it goes back to where it has come from. That is why I am not afraid of the spirit world, because I know the provision of the covenant of Yahweh through Jesus Christ are my life. Yahweh has given it to us. If you can be intimidated by demon they are going to put you out of position, and position is everything.

The keys that are given through this covenant cannot be earned. We must receive them by faith. So how do we come into the covenant promise? What do we do?

The Bible says, whatever things you ask for in prayer – in accordance with God’s will, believe – with confident trust – that you have received them, and they will be given to you – Mark 11:24. Remember you cannot connect with Yahweh except through Jesus and so if you try to pray in you connect with a spirit world that is outside of the presence of Yahweh you will be connecting with the demonic world. We must take ownership of our needs and asked for them to be met according to the word of Yahweh.

Spirit, soul and body

The Bible says, the Lord said to Abraham, bring me a 3-year-old cow, a 3-year-old gold, a 3-year-old male sheep – ram, a dove – turtledove, and in pigeon – Genesis 15:9.

It says these animals for sacrifice were 3 years old and 3 speaks of resurrection. I have first speaks of the body, us she goat speaks of the soul, the RAM speaks of the spirit, a turtledove speaks of the power of the spirit of Yahweh in a pigeon speaks of the power of our spirit life. It’s these things were a covenant that Abraham made.

Genesis 15:10 – Abraham brought them all to God. Then Abram killed the animals and cut each of them into 2 pieces – split them down the middle, laying each half opposite the other half. But he did not cut the birds in half. Later large birds – or birds of prey – flew down to eat the animals – carcasses, but Abraham chased them away – perhaps representing later enemies of Israel. As the sun was going down – settling, Abraham fell into a deep sleep. While he was asleep, and very terrible – or frightening – darkness came… After the sun went down, it was very dark. Suddenly a smoking fire pot in a blazing torch – fire and smoke often represent God – passed between the haves of the dead animals – pieces; self curse ritual; by passing between the pieces of the sacrifice, one vowed to keep an agreement or suffer the same fate as the animals. So on that day the Lord made an agreement – cut a covenant/treaty; with Abraham.

In Abraham’s day when someone made a covenant it required 2 people to pass between the covenant. Abraham did not walk through that covenant. Abraham was asleep but saw Yahweh pass through the sacrifices. Yahweh is waiting for us through the seed upon us, to walk with him through our own body, soul and spirit, to come into the position of the covenant.

The Bible says, a smoking fire pot in a blazing torch pass between the halves of the sacrifice. The smoking lamp is described as the incense that the priest used. Usually they had a lamp that they used to throw in the holy of holies and smoke would come out of it forming a cloud that the presence a Yahweh could come into. The burning lamp speaks of your prayers, it speaks of the way you pray and what you build for the presence of Yahweh to come into. The furnace speaks of the glory of Yahweh and so your prayer and the glory of Yahweh are the things that you are going to need to walk with through your covenant, which is your body, your soul and your spirit.

In the New Testament the Bible says, therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies – dedicating all of yourselves, set apart – as a living sacrifice, holy and well pleasing to God – Romans 12:1.

Only when a sacrifice was acceptable did the 2 parties walk through it. Now it is interesting that, large birds – or birds of prey – flew down to eat the animals – carcasses, but Abraham chased them away – Genesis 15:11. The sense of the words, to drive them away means with force and persistence into you possess the promise of the provision that is in your land. Pursuing Yahweh is what it is all about.

When you begin to lay your body, soul and spirit out for the presence a Yahweh to invade and walk-through, expect there to be a war. It happened with Abraham, it is going to happen with you. The battle goes something like this: it was difficult… It was impossible… Then it was done. Possession of the covenant goes from dreaming to faith, then to assurance, then to encounter and then into position to receive.

The Bible says, so if you are presenting your offering at the altar, and while there you remember that your brother has something – such as a gravy answer legitimate complaint – against you, leave your offering there at the altar and go. First make peace with your brother, and then come and present your offering – Matthew 5:23 – 24. One of the hindrances facing necklace see a coming into possession of the promise in these covenants is the attitude we have towards our brother and sister.

Your family has a body life, a soul life in the spirit life; your church as a body life, a soul life in a spirit life; your city has a body life, a soul life in the spirit life; your nation has a body life, a soul life in the spirit life. Yahweh wants to walk through the mall, but it starts first with you possessing the promise of the covenant. First year in Jerusalem, then beyond to Judaica and Samaria, and finally to the furthest places on earth – acts 1:8.

It is all about position, positioning ourselves for our promise and coming into the provision of the power related to it. There are some aspects of importance in the process of possession of this covenant. It takes work. In those days all they had were knives and it would take approximately 2 or 3 hours to divide an animal.

Our problem is that many of us have never walked through these covenants with Yahweh. Unless you walk through them do not expect to have the provision of the power that is behind them. Yahweh wants us to possess these covenants and hold them inside our hearts because they are places of exchange. All that is mine is his and all that he has becomes mine. As you can see – it is a really greedy covenant. So all that I have remains mine, but all of his is mine now too. But then all that I have become his, and all that is his remains his anyway. I am greedy when it comes to the power of the provision of these covenants, because I want it all. I do not just one a little piece.

You have got to get hold of the word Yahweh, embrace it, lay hold of it and engage it until it begins to work for your life. When you engage something it is not a shell or timid action. Engaging something is an aggressive action. The Bible says, from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence assault, and violent men seize it by force – as a precious prize – Matthew 11:12. You’ve got to be forceful when you lay hold of the word of Yahweh and forceful with the spirit world, into you possess the promise that is in it. Laying hold of the word of Yahweh is not a nice meat, timid thing. We need to speak it into being: father, I thank you that I walk in that, with a totally different attitude behind it that calls things that did not exist into existence – Romans 4:17. Yahweh wants us to lay hold of what he has for us in his promises.

One of the ways of possessing the covenant is prayer. Prayer is the working part of coming into possession and dividing your body, soul and spirit, so that the power of Yahweh can work through it. With this reading the word and holding the word in the spirit world; meditating upon the word until the revelation of what is in it becomes yours; holding it and building a picture until you can invade the realm of the kingdom and step into that realm. You have got to guard it by strongly praying in the Holy Spirit, building your spirit man until there is a vibrant process of life coming out of your spirit. People say to me, how do you get so much energy? Well, I just lock into the Holy Spirit where my power comes from and put my finger in the spiritual power socket.

Dear I began to work on this covenant in my life I got hit by lightning and I lived to tell the tale. I had always been wondering about how to go into the spirit and Yahweh just open the door. So for a fraction of a second when the blue light hit the building, I was standing on the roof and pouring rain, totally wet, holding a letter that went down to the ground. This lightning went boom and did $65,000 worth of damage to all the electrics in my building, the lightning went boom and I went crack as I found a gateway!

You spend time praying in tongues and begin to remember what happened and push in the moment the door opens. Once you have been there, you can go there again. When you go there again the access route gets faster for the next time.

The covenant of the blood of Jesus.

Yahweh has a lot a names including Jehovah Gyro, our provider and Jehovah nisi, our victory in battle, promising the full supply of everything that is in his name, all that he carries, every bit of power, dominion, might, authority and provision in the name. We carry that covenant but because of the blood of Jesus; it is sealed upon our lives through Yahweh’s desire to bring us back into his name, because he wants a family that bears his name.

You must know that you were redeemed from you the useless way of living inherited by tradition from your forefathers, not with corruptible things such as silver and gold but you are purchased with the precious blood of Jesus like that of a sacrificial lamb without blemish or spot. It is true that he is chosen and foreordained you before the foundation of the world but he was brought out to public view in these last days at the end the times for the sake you. Through him you believe in God, who was raised up from the dead and gave him honor and glory, so that your faith and hope are centered and rest in God’s – first Peter 1:18

Without the shedding of Jesus blood there would have been no rising from the dead. Rising from the dead is not about just having a relationship with Yahweh; it is raising you out of the death of the record of the DNA of your life, raising you into something different; that is resurrection. I’m looking forward to having a body like Jesus had on the mountain – Matthew 17:1 – 2.

Life in the blood of Jesus

leviticus 17:11 – for the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I’ve given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul. Therefore I said to the children of Israel, no one among you shall eat blood, nor shall any stranger who dwells among you eat blood.’s

This says that the life of the flesh is in the blood; and the blood dwells the soul of Yahweh’s son. Jesus said I’m the way the truth and the life. – John 14:6 to have life you have got to have an expression in life; and expression is dictated by what your soul symbolizes; who you are is dictated by your soul, not by your body. It is read by your body, but are so his feelings, it is emotions, choice, will, mind and imagination woven inside it; that begins to display who you are. Jesus is blood carries the soul of Christ life in it, wanting you to display that life to the world around you.

The cause of Jesus’s obedience to the father’s will, he sanctifies our disobedience, uniting our will with his. Because of his obedience to the father’s will, I’m able to embrace his will, in the place of mine. In that blood covenant when Jesus gave his life, with that life Jesus surrendered his will so that my disobedience can embrace his well and say, father, I’m willing. I’m willing to die for you, Jesus. It is not my will then, it is Jesus’s will. Galatians 2:20 – life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith in the son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. It is not our faith, it is by the faith of the sun a Yahweh who gave himself for you and me. That is how we live, by his faith, because we cannot do anything of ourselves. Yahweh does everything for us and says, here’s my part, all I want to surrender.

When we yoke ourselves to that covenant, the resurrection power that is in it becomes ours. There is resurrection life in that covenant that will raise us up and the dead places of our life. I’ve learned that a right demanded from someone is a never ending grave. It is a grave without ends on it, and many of us are caught in rights of life.

Cleansing power

Hebrews 13:20 – now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant make you complete in every good work to do his will.

The blood opens the grave; where Jesus Christ blood is there is resurrection power. The blood of Jesus deals with the power center allies by changing it from one thing, cleansing it and making it into something different. This is a really disgusting fact but it is true: when you work on motors as a mechanic your hands get really greasy. If you were to take a bucket of blood and wash your hands in that blood, every single bit of dirt and oil would come off your hands. This is a natural fact, you would have taken filthy dirty greasy hands that need cleaning and scouring agents to get the grease off them, and washing in that blood would remove the stain on your completely. That is in the natural, how much more true is in the spiritual. When we wash ourselves in the blood, this removes the stain of the record of sin that is in our lives; and how much more powers in us to apply to our lives by faith when we have communion?

When you take communion you are taking the washing power the blood of Jesus into your body, to clean you from the inside out, because it is from the inside that you and I change, not from the outside. That is why we eat it and drink it, because Yahweh wants to conform us on the inside; the same power that raised Christ from the dead is now working in you to conform you into the image of the sun a Yahweh.

He raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit… Romans 8:11 Who will transform our lowly body that it may be conform to his glorious body – Philippians 3:21

The blood redeems us by resurrection power, recounts is us and joins us together again with the presence a Yahweh, bringing unity.

Romans 3:24 – being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, who got set forth as a proper tissue nation by his blood, through faith, to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed.

First John 1:7 – what if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanses us from all sin.

The Bible says here that the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all our sin; is there anything left outside of all? When the Bible says all it means all. So you can look at the worst thing you have done and say all, you can look at the foulest thing you have done in the deepest darkest secret of your heart and you can say to it all. All my sin. When the word says it cleanses you it means it has gone, without record. You cannot be seen and it cannot be called upon.

Often when the enemy gets into our minds, hearts and lives it is to accuse us. The only reason he can accuse you is because you have not put your all under the blood of Jesus. Everything is done in the realm of the spirit. When you make the blood of Jesus your all, the enemy has no grounds for accusation against your life. The accuser goes into the courtroom and Jesus says, all. Speak to the hand! You present yourself in the realm of the spirit and start to do warfare, the demon shout, arrrr! And you say, all. Speak to the hand! Why? Because father’s hand is in your hand.

The blood of Jesus sets us in the service.

Hebrews 9:14 – how much more so the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God.

It did work is doing your own thing; wherever you have done your own thing the blood of Christ is available the set you to serve the living God. You go from serving yourself to serving Yahweh. But you have got to apply it to your life; it takes effort to do that, it is called the cross.

The blood of Jesus cleanses our conscience from dead works. The conscience is a vital ingredient in your soul, it is one of the gateways of the soul. The conscience can be seared; the blood of Jesus heals your conscience and brings a God consciousness into your life; an awareness of the presence of Yahweh. Some people ask me if I am always aware the presence a Yahweh. Yes I am. As he moves I want to follow; it is not because I am so good, it is because my conscience has been cleanse and I want to stay near purity. I want to find the fountain of the purity of heaven and that is in the presence a Yahweh.

Hebrews 10:19 – therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by new and living way which he consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, his flesh, and having a high priest over the house of God, but a straw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.

You cannot come into the glory of the presence of Yahweh and enter into the holy place of Yahweh unless you have applied the blood of Jesus to your life.

The priests knew very well what would happen. They used to go in just once a year, but the Bible says we can come boldly before him anytime.

Hebrews 10:19 – therefore, brothers and sisters, we have boldness to enter into the holies by the blood of Yeshua. He in order rated a new and living way for us through the curtain – that is, his flesh.

Wing come boldly into his presence, we can trespass in there because of the blood; because it has given us power to go there; it is given us authority and mandated us to go there. The priest used to have sacrifices to do over a long period of days; they used to take animal blood and sprinkle it over everything to go through this religious process of cleansing. The priest knew if the blood was not acceptable he would become a crisp. They used to where these little tiny bells on the base of the robes so that when they moved around, the poor guys on the outside knew that they were still alive. They used to tie a rope to the high priest ankle because if that blood was not acceptable, he would die inside their knees guys were not allowed to go in there, even if the high priest was dead. They would pull them out by the role. They knew about the blood, they knew about its cleansing power and what it would do to set us in the place, to enable us to come before the glory.

John 6:53 – then Jesus said to them, most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I’ll raise them up at the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He’ll eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him.

The blood of Jesus leads us into resurrection life. When we take communion we are partakers of the very essence a Yahweh which releases resurrection life in us.

Revelation 12:11 – and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.

When we have the blood we can go anywhere, even right into the the very to hell. You go anywhere because the blood gives you access. The reason many people have struggled in spiritual warfare is because of their lack of knowledge of the blood of Jesus and what it gives you access to. Devil scream when you turn up and you are covered in the blood of Christ because they see their end. They are tormented by the power the blood because they see their judgment. You symbolize all that they wanted but could never have and they hate you for it. But they cannot touch you because when you are under that blood the evil one touches you not – first John 5:18.

The blood of Jesus produces the nature of the kingdom in us and around us; it makes us of vessels equip for war; it makes us purified for position as hairs; it makes us vessels mandated for dominion; it makes us vessels clothed with righteousness; makes us vessels prepared for power. So what does it mean for you and me today?

For you and I to live under the covenant of the blood of Jesus means that we have dominion, we have power, we have position; we have righteousness, we have preparation; we have all that we need in his name over our lives. The name and the blood of Jesus becomes a banner that tells the enemy, don’t come near me!

Doing the stuff

So how do we do this? We do it by taking communion in faith. You’ve got to exercise it by faith because it pleases the father to see you do something in faith – believing that it is going to happen; believing that there is a reality you are stepping into when you take it. When I apply to my life I step into the reality of all the provision that Yahweh has for me. I get excited about this because it means that when I’m covered in the blood of Jesus I represent the worst nightmare to the enemy. The nightmare that says, Jehovah nisi, Jehovah Rothrock, Jehovah test to do, Jehovah Gyro… The enemy does not see you, he sees God! Because the covenant brings you into the provision of all that is God’s.

We enter into this by prayer; prayer is not just saying words. The Bible says,… The kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force – Matthew 11:12. The forceful ones enforce it and bring it down. So when you pray about the blood of Jesus it is, father, thank you for the blood! The blood applies to my life in changes me into a son that has dominion! Yahweh wants to change us and make us into who we should have been per our faith confession; yoking ourselves to something that is not necessarily seen with the eye. Father I you don’t myself to the blood of Jesus, are you up myself to it today in Jesus name! Instead of praying with resignation, oh Lord I carry the yoke of the blood in my spouse is my cross. It is about your personal walk with Yahweh, not about your relationship with somebody else.

We meditate, which is not sitting there with your legs crossed going ummm. It is not sitting there focusing on a rock and thinking you are going to get life out of it, because you will connect with the realm that is in darkness. Meditating means having your mind, heart, thoughts and desires so captivated with the object of your desire that you believe you have it. When I am praying about being yoke to the blood of Jesus over my life, I see this great big thing come down over my life; and that leads me into the kingdom of heaven because wherever the blood of Jesus is I am yoke to the kingdom of heaven. I am yoke to the glory, to the provision of the names of God, to his power into the anointing.

Engage the kingdom

Take something about this teaching that has really spoken to you and for 5 minutes, pray in tongues with your mind focused on that point or aspect, drawing in yoking yourself to displaying it. You need to have your mind engage so that you are not just praying in tongues robotically. It means focusing into where the kingdom of God is within you; engaging the kingdom inside you and extending that kingdom to begin to believe to be yoked to the portion of what you are seeing. Whatever you see, you can have… According to your faith, let it be done for you – Matthew 9:29. This is a major principle: whatever the eye hooks into multiplies; whatever you see will multiply in your life so you can have it.

Father I want to get hold of this thing! This reality is going to be mine! Hold onto it and pull on it.

The Bible says,… The kingdom of God is within you – Luke 17:21. It is this kingdom I’m looking to manifest on the outside of me. I’m not looking for some thing to come out of heaven to me to touch my life. I’m looking to take what is in me, to release it around my life, to change my life. So I am engaging the kingdom of God that is within me; that is where my spirit is, where the flow of the glory is coming from the inside of me to the outside of me. Carry on praying with that knowledge.

The word says that we overcome by the blood of the lamb – Revelation 12:11. Take a secret area of your life that you have wrestled with, presented before the Lord and declare the blood of Jesus over that thing in your life. This is about your personal life, not about Jane or John down the road, this is about you. With the focus inside your mind and heart, God it is the blood of Jesus that gives me the victory; it is your blood, I overcome this by the blood of the lamb; I declare the blood of Jesus over this; this thing is redeemed from that power by the blood of Jesus, it is under the blood, hallelujah! And simultaneously pray in tongues. You can go in and out of this and you do not have to get all spiritual to do it.

There is another aspect to the blood. In the provision in Christ my feet are like fine brass; I have shoes of brass on; which means when I stand on his head, he is not going to bruise my heel because my feet are like fine brass to the enemy. Which means I can do whatever I like with him; in fact, I’m going to enjoy standing over him because he has tormented my life enough. Now it is our turn to stay up all over him.

In Genesis, Yahweh said to the devil, what you have done carries great consequences. Now you are curse… You will writhe on your belly forever, consuming the dust out of which man was made. I will make you in your brood enemies of the woman and all her children; the woman’s child will stomp your head, and you will strike his heel. – Genesis 3:14 – 15.

In Revelation it says, I saw… One like the Son of Man… His head and hair were like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes like a flame of fire; his feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace – Revelation 1:12 – 15.

The issue you prayed under the blood, see that thing under your feet; you are standing on top of it with victory in your mouth and in your heart; with the desire of Yahweh to see that thing defeated in your life as you pray in tongues. Hallelujah!

I guarantee you, if you do this every day for 21 days, your life will begin to change; because you are applying what the word says it is potentially possible for us in our personal lives today.


I’m going to get you to do one thing, and that is to begin to yoke yourself to the presence of the Holy Spirit, and what I do when I yoke myself to the presence of God is, in my mind’s eye I see a yoke coming over me, like this. Then it income passes around my body and around my life and then what I do is I stepped next to the Holy Spirit like this and I latch onto his yoke. I latch onto his yoke in his presence.

So what I’m going to get you to do is to pray in tongues and I want you to seat yourself in the place where your spirit man is, spend 5 minutes doing that and then we are going to begin to turn to the Holy Spirit. While you are praying in tongues, in your mind, I want you to begin to ask him, Lord, I want to be yoked to you. Holy Spirit, I want to be yoked to you because you lead me to Jesus, and Jesus I want to be yoked to you because you are going to lead me to the father.

I’m going to get you to begin to pray, and I’m going to begin to get you to put over your life the yoke of the Holy Spirit. Lord I yoke myself to your presence, Lord, I want to be led by you into all truth, I yoke myself to your presence. You’ve got to set your heart and begin to desire, begin to allow the desire to rise up inside you. Lord, I want to be yoked to you, Holy Spirit I want to be yoked.

Lord I want to be yoked to your glory, Holy Spirit I want to be yoked to you. Lord I want to be yoked to you. Lord I desired to be yoked to you as my Rabbi. Holy Spirit I desire to be yoked to you as my Rabbi. Lord I turn to you today. Lord I take your yoke, I take your yoke over my life today and I joined myself with your desire for me. I joined myself with your presence today. Lord I yoke myself to you. Holy Spirit I yoke myself to your desire for my life. I yoke myself to your destiny for my life. I yoke myself to the truth about my life. I yoke myself to your purpose for my life. Lord, I yoke myself to you today. Holy Spirit thank you. Thank you that you are my leader and my guide, and you will lead me into all truth. Holy Spirit thank you. Thank you Holy Spirit that I can hear your voice, that I can feel your glory in your prompting. Lord, I choose to respond to your voice today. Lord you are the only one, you are the only one that I choose to give the right to guide me. Holy Spirit thank you. Holy Spirit thank you, that I’m going to hear you, that I’m going to be close to you and you will be close to me, because all that you have is not my disposal, and Lord all that I have I give to you and make at your disposal. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord.

You go through and do this with Jesus and do it with the father.

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