Create through me, thy servant


Just thank Him for it by speaking it out loud. It is that simple.

We are in the midst of something here that I am very much wanting to convey to you. We have been in a transition period for so long that for a while it looked almost like a vacuum.

But before you can get the deliverance that the Lord wants you to have, the old leaven has to be swept out of even the corners (I Corinthians 5:7).

You have to be ready for something that is totally new, something that is different from anything you have known before. I don’t know if you are aware that there is an emerging new pattern and order.

We are coming into more and more of the Kingdom coming together, the family of the Father coming together and participating in their inheritance. It’s a refusal to accept doctrine without reality.

It’s a rejection of the big “wait” system: “Wait a while; perhaps God will do it.” And it is becoming an insistence that God is going to do something for you now.

We are not commanding God, just speaking out loud what He has already spoken is our reality.

The Ministry Of Christ Had Three Aspects: Prophet, Priest, And King

In studying the Word of the Lord, the Scriptures, you come up with the conclusion that the ministry of Christ that was prophesied in the Old Testament seemed to have three aspects to it that were distinct and yet deeply intertwined with each other. He came forth as prophet, and priest, and king. There are instances in the gospels where He is referred to as a prophet (Matthew 21:46; Mark 6:15; John 4:19; 9:17). The Scriptures also refer to Him as the priest who offered up Himself once for all (Hebrews 10:12–14); and as a priest He ever lives to make intercession for us (Hebrews 7:24–25). And as a king we know that all the kingdoms of this world are to become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ (Revelation 11:15). So you dare not talk in scriptural terms of Jesus Christ being only your Savior. He has to be the One who speaks, who is the Word of God. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us. John 1:1, 14a, KJV. You have to see Him as the personification of the Word. He became the Word just as He wants us to become living oracles of God, that we too are to speak the Word of the Lord.

The ministry of the prophet and the ministry of the priest were in Christ, ever living to make intercession. Isaiah 53 closes with this amazing prophecy that Christ would see His travail (Isaiah 53:11–12). As the days of the Kingdom come, we are beginning to witness that ministry of the prophet and that Living Word that we are to speak. We are seeing that ministry of the priest and the travail to bring forth the will of God. And we are seeing that amazing thing that if He is King, He is King of kings; if He is Lord, He is Lord of lords (I Timothy 6:15; Revelation 17:14; 19:16). He commits to us the authority: “In My name you do these things (Matthew 28:18–20; Mark 16:17–18). So the ministry of the prophet, the priest, and the king begins to define itself as we move a little deeper into these days of the Kingdom.

I Would Like To Teach You What The Prophetic, Anointed Level Of Ministry Must Be

I believe that the time has come for us to have a new level of the School of Prophets, and I would like to have you pray with me about it. I would like to take the shepherds; I would like to take those who are in administration, which is very definitely related to His being King over all and Lord over all; I would like to have those who become the spokesmen to declare the Word of the Lord to the people—I would like to bring you together and begin to teach you what the prophetic, anointed level of ministry must be. There is no reason why we should delay any longer. You have to have all three of these ministries—prophet, priest, and king—coming forth from Christ through the ministries of the Kingdom.

We Have To Be Able To Exercise The Control

I would like to start a ministry school—but more than a ministry school, a school of prophets, priests, and kings. There has to be a change; you cannot have an administrator who is good at keeping books and making decisions business-wise, and let it stop there. You cannot have somebody get up and raise an offering who doesn’t have faith to loose it—when the bills are paid, they are all going to be paid. Someplace it has to hook into what Ephesians calls it—an administration suitable for that dispensation (Ephesians 1:10). We have to have it. We have to be able to loose and to bind, to exercise the control (Matthew 18:18–19). The Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ must come forth (Revelation 11:15).

We Are Demanding Instant Reality

I am going to tell you right now, if you cannot handle what I am saying, then back off for a while and pray about it; meditate on it. We have had a lot of steps that were difficult to take, but this one may be even more difficult—we are demanding instant reality.

If You Are In Control, You Can Command A Miracle

“What are you going to teach us?” I am going to tell you what the Lord has done for you—His provision. I am going to dwell with the commissions that are to be fulfilled in you. I am going to deal with what you can become, and you are reluctant to accept it. I am going to tell you what you can do. The only thing I am not going to do is to tell you where you can go, because this is all going to be a very positive situation. If you are in control, you can command a miracle.

We Have An Ability To Cop Out, But We Also Have An Ability To Decide To Live The Life God Spoke Over Us

There has been a great deal of a cop-out.

Years ago, someone was talking on a television program, an authority talked about the fact that at the age of eighty, your brain cells send out little spurs and begin to reproduce themselves. But it also spoke about the cop-out that people begin to face, sometimes as early as age forty to sixty, in which their will to live disappears. Their unwillingness to cope with their problems actually leads them to receive certain physical problems.

The television program talked about how people can come to the place where, because they refuse to face a certain situation, their memory blanks out. Put them in another situation and their memory comes back. Put them back in the situation they didn’t want to face and they lose their memory again. We have an ability to cop out and decide that we are going to stop living. But I tell you before the Lord, we also have an ability to decide that we are going to live the life God spoke over us.

You Can Accept The Aging Process Or You Can Reverse It

Copping out is a form of unbelief, but there is a way that we can get into the thing that God wants for us. You can accept the aging process, or you can reverse it. The Lord was speaking to me about something. He said, “Many organs of the body are known to have the ability to reproduce themselves.” And I know that is true because I know that there have been cases where someone had a finger or two cut off and grew new ones.

Within the nucleus of every cell in the body there exists every gene to become any other organ. It’s just that after a certain stage of development, certain genes become repressed to where they don’t work. Scientists have studied for years to try to figure out how they can remove the repression to get a certain cell to grow a different organ.

It’s fantastic. That is exactly what the Lord has been speaking about. Now this was the Word God gave: “If we have faith, we can command any organ of our body to be renewed.” And if the scientists believe that and are looking for it to work, why can’t we believe that in faith we can reach through to it?

God Did Not Intend For Any Of His Creation To Be Subject To Futility

You see, what we are facing is the fact that God does not intend for any of His creation to remain in subjection to futility (Romans 8:19–22). Romans 8 teaches that all creation must be released from futility. And somewhere along the line, you are going to have to face it: “I have copped out long enough. I have been a cop-out. From now on I am going to start living; I am going to believe that I can recover.” You say, “Well, I’ve been sick.” Dump it. You can come to the place where you can be renewed. “He redeemeth thy life from destruction, so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s” (Psalm 103:4–5).

Repent Because You Have Not Believed The Provision And The Privileges That Are Really Yours

Go back and read some of the simple psalms—really read them and speak them out loud, there is power that is released through the words of our mouth!

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget none of His benefits; who pardons all your iniquities; who heals all your diseases; who redeems your life from the pit; who crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion; who satisfies your years with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle. Psalm 103:2–6.

A few verses like that and you go through a dual experience. One of the experiences is that you get a high: “Isn’t that wonderful?” And then you face the fact that there is something within you, inherent within your body, which does not apply it. And you have to begin that process of repentance because you have not believed the provisions and the privileges that are really yours. All that He has done for you, all that He commissions you to do—it’s all yours. Don’t say, “Well, I tried hard, and I grew old and feeble, and I can’t do what was set before me.” Yes, you can.

We Can Go Through Various Things Because We Are Not Actually Determined To Live Fully The Life That God Sets Before Us

With all of the Words that God has given, we still exist as individuals who can just draw back, and we can forget. We can age faster than we should. We can go through various things, because we are not actually determined to live fully the life that God sets before us. I am wondering how many people have prophecies over them—and what you need to do is get down and say, “God forgive me for giving up when You have provided so many things for me to do, to be, to become.”

The Initiative Of Faith Comes From A Commission Or A Promise From God

We are facing a reality here, that the initiative of faith comes from a commission or a promise from God. What is really needed is for us to stop quoting Scriptures and expounding gleanings, and to get to the place where in the spirit we as Prophets, Priests, and Kings, create the reality in the natural world we live in. We are coming into the closest flow to God speaking in the first person that has existed for centuries. Speak it into existence! Begin to prophesy the Word of the Lord!

I use to go into the courts of heaven in the realm of the spirit, but never got the results manifested in the natural realm I desired. But there have been so many things that I have spoken out loud from my spirit that have come to pass in the natural, but my mind was not involved in it, I just spoke it, and then when I saw the manifestation, I remembered when I prayed that-Wow! It became a reality in the natural realm.

You Have The Promises, But You Are Not Moving Into Them

Joshua 1:8 says, “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.” Earlier in the chapter it says, “Nobody is going to be able to stand before you all the days of your life” (verse 5). And old Joshua went out. The promise was, “Wherever the sole of your foot treads shall be yours” (Deuteronomy 11:24).

You have the promises, but you are not moving into them. Get your feet moving, because you can stand on Jordan’s stormy banks and look over to see the promised land and never get it. Walk through the land and possess it, no matter what you have to do. You may walk around the city and yell it down (Joshua 6:3–5, 20–21), or cope with a thousand problems; but it’s yours if you will take it. It’s the initiative of faith. There has to be some point where we realize that God never did a thing but what he gave a Word and demanded that people act on it. Faith becomes an action, not a simple assent to a truth: “Well, yes, I believe that God did say that.” That is a cop-out again. Go get it! You have to believe this.

The Only Reason You Have Sin In Your Life Is Because You Have Unbelief

There is a certain thing that we call by some good name: “We’re being patient; we’re waiting before the Lord; someday it will come to pass”—not realizing that passivity is a form of unbelief, and unbelief is the greatest form of sin against God that we know of. You say, “Well I have a lot of problems. I have sin in my life.” The only reason you have sin in your life is because you have unbelief. He died for your sins (Romans 5:8; I Corinthians 15:3–4). Believe it! Why go around with all this self-guilt? Get rid of it. Come on, let’s have faith.

Some Of You Should Be In Travail To Get Rid Of This Unbelief That Is In Your Heart

Travail can have two purposes. Travail can liberate a life that is being created and formed within you; or travail can eliminate a dead fetus before it destroys the whole mother.

Why do I say that? Because I think some of you should be in travail to get rid of this unbelief that is in your heart. It’s like two things coexisting. They use the term, “stillborn,” meaning that when it is born, it doesn’t breathe; it doesn’t live. I think there comes a time for delivery, and we have to just stand and shout with Paul: “God didn’t give us this spirit of fear” (II Timothy 1:7). Intimidation is terminal deadly. Sooner or later the devil will get you and he will destroy you, if he can just get you to be intimidated and fearful. In the book of Revelation, the fearful and the unbelieving lead the parade into hell (Revelation 21:8).

Faith Is Never Passive

The thing you must face is that faith is never passive. How many say, “I’ve got to wake up and start living. I’ve got to start claiming some things from God. I’m going to do it! I’m not going to submit to this intimidation, this fearfulness.” Something has to get ahold of you, that you realize that God is just waiting for you to turn Him loose. He has done it all. You say, “Well, there is the mountain.” Yes, but you have the key right here in this scripture (Matthew 21:21). Move it.

You Are Going To Make It Now

Unbelief is faith in death. Faith in Christ knows that He is the resurrection and the life (John 11:25). Don’t try and reason it out; that is what it is. Let’s have it. A lot of you who have been just hanging on by the skin of your teeth, you are going to make it now; you are going to be free. Prophecies are being fulfilled in more and more people every day—breakthrough is coming; the remnant is coming alive. The bones are rattling, and the muscles are coming; an exceeding great army is on us! (Ezekiel 37:7–10.) Victory is ours; lets loose ourselves into it.

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