Cut out of the mountain

There are many facets to the work that God is doing in the earth today. Unless you have anointed eyes to see the purity of it, you may stumble, and because of human rationalization, misinterpret much of what God does.

 To avoid such a human viewpoint, determine to be totally one with what God sets before you and to be totally one with the Body of Christ.

When a person is deceived, it is impossible for them to see clearly. If you are honest before God, you do not want to walk in deception; however, you can slide so deeply into it that you really do not know that you are deceived.

Something has to break any deception, or you will eventually lose out with God. Luke 12:48 tells us, “To whom much is given, much is required.” The greater the Word from God that you have received, the greater your jeopardy if you fail to walk in it.

Terminology is one thing which causes many people to stumble. A certain term may irritate you very much. If you try to figure it out in your mind, instead of opening your heart to a revelation of that term, the irritation can become like an infected sore, and great deception can then enter your heart.

An example of terminology that has caused some people offense is the revelation which God has given that there will be no “big people” in the Kingdom of God—only “little people.”

If you do not realize the humility that God is requiring, you may become offended and angry in your spirit, wondering, “Just who are the ‘big people’ and the ‘little people’ supposed to be?”

This is especially true if you are in a position of authority. John 13 tells us how Jesus girded Himself with a towel and washed the disciples’ feet. Even though He was the greatest among them, He served them. He was showing that if you want to be anything in the Kingdom, you serve your brothers and sisters. There will be no “big shots” in the Kingdom. No one will have a special, elevated position. The more authority you are given the more you serve.

What was in Judas’ spirit that caused him to turn away when he found out that he could not have a special place? He had already become very upset when Jesus allowed the woman to break the alabaster box and pour the precious ointment on His feet (John 12:3–8).

Then when Judas learned that he had to serve in a lowly position and wash people’s feet, it was too much for him—he turned away. Satan entered his heart, and deception swallowed him up. He betrayed the Lord.

God is making it very clear to us that there is only one fold, one Shepherd, one Spirit. There are no “big shots.” God is bringing forth the Body of Christ without the kind of leaders that we have known in the past. His people will be led by the Spirit through vessels who are so submissive that the collective mantle of anointing can rest upon any brother or sister.

Perhaps you have had a position of leadership in another church before God called you into this deeper walk with Him; and now you wonder, “How long am I going to have to sit here? When are they going to set me in as an elder or give me an important position?” That in itself is a form of deception.

Perhaps you have a promise over your life that you are to walk as a prophet or a pastor, but that promise has not yet come to pass. The promise is valid, but the way to its fulfillment will never be the way you have worked it out in your mind.

When you receive a promise, you tend to immediately get an idea in the mind as to how it will come to pass. Then the Holy Spirit has to shatter all human fantasies before the promise can be fulfilled.

In this day, the anointing will rest upon submissive vessels who are bonded to the revelation of the door-opener ministry that God has given to this generation. What God has set before us will not work any other way.

One of the greatest battles we face is the war against our perceiving in depth. This war against the Body of Christ is launched by a demonic realm of spirits that are headed by the nephilim. We are not overly emphasizing the spiritual battle; however, we must be aware of what is taking place because it is in this awareness that we have the potential of seeing Christ’s total victory manifested.

For this reason we must continue reaching into God, interceding, and demanding to see His will done. We cannot rest or withdraw; we must persist to see the total breakthrough of God’s will and believe for the Holy Spirit to bring forth a remnant who truly know the voice of the Lord.

If there is to be deliverance in that remnant, then they themselves must be first-partakers of that deliverance (Joel 2:32, KJV). It is not an expression of unbelief to say that we are not yet fully delivered. God wants to give us a great deal more than we have. To the extent that we are submissive to Christ and He is truly Lord over our lives, to that extent we will have authority when we use Christ’s name.

Genesis 6:1–4 describes the nephilim: Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose. Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

Do not think that the nephilim existed only before the flood. The Word plainly states that they existed then, and also afterward. Numbers 13:33 tells us that the sons of Anak were part of the nephilim. When the children of Israel went in to possess Canaan, Joshua took the hill country and drove out the sons of Anak (Joshua 11:21). This was long after the flood.

Daniel 2 records Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and its interpretation which the Lord showed to Daniel. This dream was given to Nebuchadnezzar to show him what would take place in the future; and it is very much related to the breakthroughs we are believing for in this day.

In verses 36–45 we read: “This was the dream; now we shall tell its interpretation before the king. You, O king, are the king of kings, to whom the God of heaven has given the kingdom, the power, the strength, and the glory; and wherever the sons of men dwell, or the beasts of the field, or the birds of the sky, He has given them into your hand and has caused you to rule over them all. You are the head of gold.” Daniel called Nebuchadnezzar “the king of kings”; yet the head of gold is also a type of Christ’s Kingdom, the true Kingdom which is to come. He is the King of kings (Revelation 17:14).

“And after you there will arise another kingdom inferior to you, then another third kingdom of bronze, which will rule over all the earth. Then there will be a fourth kingdom as strong as iron; inasmuch as iron crushes and shatters all things, so, like iron that breaks in pieces, it will crush and break all these in pieces.

“And in that you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, it will be a divided kingdom; but it will have in it the toughness of iron, inasmuch as you saw the iron mixed with common clay. And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of pottery, so some of the kingdom will be strong and part of it will be brittle.”

This last kingdom, partly of iron and partly of clay, represents a mixture of nephilim force and humankind. Every nation in the world today, politically speaking, is under some degree of nephilim control which comes through a human channel.

“And in that you saw the iron mixed with common clay, they will combine with one another in the seed of men.” This describes the combining of nephilim with human spirits who have given themselves over to Satan to become nephilim channels to destroy, or to thwart, or to try and swallow up the manchild, like the dragon of Revelation 12:4. But we know that they will not be effective because we know what the rest of the Book declares.

“But they will not adhere to one another, even as iron does not combine with pottery. And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will not be left for another people; it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever. Inasmuch as you saw that a stone was cut out of the mountain without hands and that it crushed the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold, the great God has made known to the king what will take place in the future; so the dream is true, and its interpretation is trustworthy.”

The stone cut out of the mountain (the kingdom) represents the remnant that God is raising up in this day. No bible school can produce this remnant. Instead, God is taking people who have turned away from the deadness of traditional Christianity because they are hungry for a real walk with Him. Regardless of age, background, or promises over their lives, they persistently knock on the door, because they know that the Lord said, “Knock, and it shall be opened” (Matthew 7:7).

This persistence will bring them into such a great release and freedom that God will finally have a remnant of people who are totally uninhibited, who have no fear of man and no conditioning of traditional religion to contaminate the pure flow of His Spirit.

Instead, they will have a perfect revelation of the corporate Christ coming forth. Not one nephilim force or spirit will be able to exalt itself against the purity, the anointing, and the authority that come forth through a remnant who are bonded together in His family spirit and in singleness of heart.

When Pharaoh tried to compromise with Moses about letting only a few of the Israelites leave Egypt to worship God, Moses replied, “Not one hoof will be left behind” (Exodus 10:26). Some of those who died in the wilderness probably would have been just as well off if they had stayed in Egypt and died there, instead of going only a little way into the wilderness to die.

The same is true of a walk with God in this day. It is not enough just to leave the traditional order if we fail to walk on with God; we must completely possess the Kingdom. Pray that a spirit of true revelation will rest upon you so that God can give you a fresh picture of what walking with Him in the end time is all about. This is especially necessary if you have been exposed to the Living Word for a long time. Do not merely accept truths doctrinally, that is, in your mind. To do this is deadly. You can know the right answers about something and yet have a wrong spirit, and that wrong spirit negates everything about you that is right.

Instead of approaching the Word mentally and taking offense at something which you do not understand, open your heart to revelation. Whenever God moves to establish something new in the earth, He raises up a human channel of His Word and gives direction through that vessel. Nothing that is positive or creative comes to a person independently of that vessel. Does that statement disturb you? You may have received good things from the Lord independently of the apostolic ministry that God has established; but unless you come into submission to that ministry of authority, you will walk in lawlessness.

Without submission to divine authority in the heart of the hearer, there is not enough direction, perception, or revelation to produce maturity. In order to reach maturity, you must have the same mind that God has given the apostolic ministry—the mind of Christ.

Determine to walk in unity with the Body. The trick of the nephilim, and those who are sympathetic to them, is to cause you to be contentious over things that are not real issues. When that spirit lays hold of an individual or a nucleus of people, it produces in them a negative outlook on things, so that regardless of what happens or who does it, a critical spirit permeates through to put everything down. It is deadly, but it will not be effective; if we bond together and continue our intercession, our violence of spirit, and our intense believing, we will attain the goal we are seeking. We will see the futility that is upon creation broken. We will see sons come forth in resurrection life (Romans 8:19–23). We dare not back off. If we do, there is absolutely no place to go.

Do not drag your feet when it comes to walking in all the apostolic Word that God is speaking. If you believed that there was revelation, perception, and direction in that Word when you first came into this walk in the Spirit, then make sure that you are not “dragging an anchor” or resisting the direction that this Word is heading now. Let your sails out completely. Believe that God knew what He was doing when He called you to walk into His Kingdom.

You can live in several different states of awareness, one of which is deception. If you are under deception, you are simply on the wrong track, walking in the wrong direction. Another state of awareness is that you do the best you can, but you have no revelation. When you hear the Living Word, you want to believe it, and you try to believe it; but you struggle with it because you do not have revelation. Sooner or later that will cause you trouble too, because the Word has to be real to you. It must be a revelation from God to your heart.

There is another state in which you have revelation, but you need a deliverance because you are being hindered and blocked from walking in it. Those are the weights Paul spoke of. The best state is to “throw aside every weight and the sin that does so easily beset you, and run with endurance the race that is set before you” (Hebrews 12:1).

Paul pleaded with the Romans, “By the mercies of God, present yourselves a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service” (Romans 12:1, KJV). Weymouth has a better translation: “your spiritual mode of worship.” We dare not fall into mere ritualism in our service unto the Lord. Our mode of worship is a singing heart. Our approach to God must be this: “Here we are, Lord. Are we what You are looking for today in Your search for worshipers? We are here to worship You in Spirit and in truth.”

The Lord is bringing forth a holy priesthood in the earth—His sons who will pull down religious Babylon and bring exaltation to the name of the Lord. That priesthood is a stumbling block to the religious world, just as the Lord Jesus Christ Himself was a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense (I Peter 2:8). Not one time has God ever brought forth something that was acceptable to religious people. He always deals with the world that way. What He brings forth is alive, and therefore we have a continuous struggle with it.

Religious people take God’s world as it is and then paint images of it. They are image creators, and that is the greatest idolatry of all. It is no worse to worship an image of the Virgin Mary or of the other saints, than it is to stand behind a pulpit and, in the name of Christ, present a Christ that does not even exist, an image of a walk with God that does not embrace the reality of the cross, but instead tries to make it something easy to accept.

We have not yet completely recovered from the decline and fall of the Church. We have not yet reached that place of restoration where we truly believe and worship as the early Church did. Too many Christians still equate deadness with reverence. They cannot even stay awake in church, and attendance becomes a ritualistic duty. God is delivering us from that. New expressions of wholehearted worship are coming forth. We are breaking into freedom, and how offensive it is to religious thinking!

Paul urges us to “keep the Passover with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth, without the leaven of malice and wickedness” (I Corinthians 5:8). Christ our Passover must become very real to us. We will be the pure priesthood, the prophets who create utter disaster and devastation upon the religious, political, economic, financial, and social structure of the whole world. God is creating a free people who have the anointing and the authority to speak a clear Word and see it come to pass.

God is releasing an anointed Word even through the mouths of young children. In their worship and intercession, many of them are moving on a higher spiritual level than some of the adults. Because of the free climate which comes as a result of the intercession, the children are able to move right into a level that many adults have spent a lifetime trying to attain. The Kingdom churches are really cradles for the liberty of the sons of God.

Do not get your eyes on a brother’s flesh. If you do, it is a sure sign that you are reacting in the flesh yourself. Do not be caught in the pharisaic spirit that despises someone who is violently seeking God out of the yearning and hunger of his heart. Do not let a brother’s mannerisms cause you to have a bad spirit and to bring crosscurrents into the Body. The intensity and the hunger for God that are being expressed are the things which will keep us out of deception in the days to come.

I Peter 4:7–8 tells us, The end of all things is at hand; therefore, be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer. Then he emphasizes, Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another… Why is an intense love needed in the last days? Because in the world there will be no love. The end time is characterized by an absence of the love of God; instead, the whole world will be filled with hate. Men’s hearts will fail them for fear (Luke 21:26). Because of abounding iniquity, the love of many will wax cold (Matthew 24:12).

We are not immune to that. The buildup of the nephilim force causes iniquity to abound, so that love begins to wax cold. Matthew 24 describes what happens when love grows cold. Brother will rise up against brother to slay each other. The spirit of betrayal, the Judas spirit, will be in the earth. The same nephilim force that betrayed the Lord would, if it were possible, betray the Christ that is coming forth in the earth and see Him crucified again.

This is why we hunger so intensely for the Lord. Like Paul, we become beside ourselves (II Corinthians 5:13). Our hunger is a disgrace, a reproach that we bear. The Jews considered it a shame for a man to wear long hair (I Corinthians 11:14). Nevertheless, those who dedicated themselves to the Lord took the vow of a Nazarite, which required that they not cut their hair for the time of their service (Numbers 6:5). Samuel was one who took that vow, and all the days of his life, a razor never touched his head (I Samuel 1:11). In the eyes of the people he bore a reproach, even though the elders of the cities that he entered came out to meet him in fear and trembling, asking, “Do you come in peace?” (I Samuel 16:4.) The same reproach rests on the prophets that God is bringing forth today. Do not be afraid of it. Do not withdraw from the thing that the world, or even your brethren at times, might scorn, because the job must be done.

What does it take to bring release from futility? Exodus 2:23–24 tells us that the cries went up from the Israelites because of their bondage. The Lord heard their groanings, and He sent a deliverer to them. He remembered His covenant that He had made with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob.

Those people began groaning in the first place because they were in the brick pits, laboring under futility and under the bondage of the taskmasters. Pharaoh had instituted a never-ending cycle of oppression and futility against them.

Pharaoh was a nephilim, a channel for the nephilim spirit. He was raised up to oppress the people of God and to keep them in bondage, laboring day after day under futility.

What broke the futility? They began to cry out to Jehovah, saying, “God, remember Your promises! Remember Your promises! Don’t let us languish in this oppression!” Then Jehovah heard their prayers and sent a deliverer.

This is exactly what we are facing today. We feel the oppressions of the nephilim spirit, and we cry, “God, remember the Word You have spoken.”

While the children of Israel were making the transition from Egypt into the promised land, Amalek attacked them in their weakness. This is the same tactic the nephilim use against us today. But we will bring the judgments of Christ on the nephilim spirits that have sown discord among the brethren, that have come to divide the lambs and to slaughter God’s people while they are moving in to possess His promises.

Let us rise up as one man to prophesy against the nephilim spirit. Let there be no tolerance in our spirits toward the Laodicean lukewarmness that tries to affix itself to us. Instead, let us be filled with a hunger after God and a fervency of love, so that in the midst of the heaviest battle, we will not betray one another. We will not break ranks or thrust one another through (Joel 2:7–8). Instead, we will be the solid, united Body of Christ, the delivered remnant that can reach into resurrection life.

It is not unscriptural for us to expect Christ to live in us and to speak forth through us. In no way are we seeking for a man to be adulated or exalted. We are simply believing Galatians 2:20–21a: I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. I do not frustrate the grace of God. Religious people love to quote that Scripture, but how arrogantly they persecute someone who walks in it!

Orthodoxy always tries to suppress the truth. A person who has been raised under an orthodox, fundamental interpretation of the Scriptures may have a struggle against limits of that conditioning. It might even cause him to reject a revelation simply because it does not measure up to traditional doctrinal standards.

We cannot be in bondage to the pharisaic attitude that prevails in the religious world. We must see an end to the haunting, tormenting spirit that constantly wars as the Holy Spirit speaks revelation, that spirit which seeks to make us doubt that revelation and to feel that we are missing the straight line which orthodoxy has developed out of the Word of God. Yet the orthodox, religious people do not even know what Christ is all about. They are preaching a Christ that never existed; they are speaking about a God they have never seen or touched.

People who study homiletics and hermeneutics know all the rules of how to build a sermon; but when a Word from God comes, they reject it immediately because it is not in an acceptable form. However, the Living Word is not designed to impress or to reach the pharisaic, legalistic, orthodox, church-oriented mind. It is the lame, the halt, and the blind who partake of the feast. Those who were first invited were not worthy, so God opened the door to bring in the outcasts (Luke 14:16–24).

The only thing that can stop you from walking with God is you yourself. You cannot use mental knowledge to walk with God. Simply accept what God speaks and walk in it. Submit yourself to God. Open your heart to Him. If you have a problem accepting something, ask Him to help you. Let Him deal with every potential or tendency in your heart that would cause you to be open to crosscurrents or to cater to them. Be committed to unity, to oneness with the Body. Guard against every crack or openness that allows a truth to be perverted. Do not even give the enemy a chance. Let there be no openness at all in your heart to what he does.

The key to this is love. We have not yet learned even the basics of the intensity of love that God is bringing. The pure, deep flow of love will compel people to bow before the Lord. When you are totally in love with what God is doing, you will not have an openness even to listen to one who is trying to create a crosscurrent. Your own dedication and focus on the Lord will enable God to deal with the one who has dull perception or who is wavering in his dedication.

We do not need to spend a lot of time focused on problems. If we spend our time seeking God and believing for the breakthrough, we can inject the Word of the Lord into every situation. People who are temporarily dragging behind because of a lack of perception or commitment will be confronted by that Word. Those who have it in their hearts to walk with God will be brought right in; and those who do not will be dealt with.

Day by day, God is giving clearer, more accurate revelation about the process by which the nephilim channels have been able to assault the anointed of the Lord. This battle is much more than just Christians against sinners. It is a head-on, final confrontation between the sons of God and the sons of Satan—the network of nephilim which affect the entire earth.

We know that the sons of God are those in whom the nature of God is growing stronger and stronger. Christ is coming forth in a many-membered Body. This is what the sons of God really are—the Son coming to maturity in many sons.

What is a nephilim? Genesis 6:4 tells us that the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, who bore children to them. This is not speaking of degenerate sons of God coming down from heaven to fornicate with women on this earth. The translators of the Scriptures realized that this was speaking about a supernatural nature, about people who have something of Satan in their nature. The result is that the genes are mixed up.

This is where the giants of old came from, the men of renown who broke through to control and dominate the world (Genesis 6:4). The sons of Anak were part of the nephilim (Numbers 13:33). They were the giants that stood against Joshua. All of this we understand from the Scriptures.

A nephilim can be born in the way described in Genesis 6; but most of them are sons of Satan by covenant, just as you are a child of God by covenant. You have opened your heart to the new covenant of the blood of Christ that has cleansed you and given you a new birth. Without this new birth into the nature of God, no one can enter the Kingdom of God. In a sense, we are reaching the Kingdom level of being born again, and we can see the Kingdom. We can seriously question the experience of someone who cannot see the Kingdom, because “unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God” (John 3:3). It comes by revelation, which is the result of a new birth.

The opposite is true of the nephilim. Satan is desirous of taking over all the kingdoms of the world. When he tempted Christ, he said, “Bow down and worship me, and I will give You all the kingdoms. They are mine to give You” (Matthew 4:8–9). He had usurped the place where Christ has the right to rule in His many-membered Body. That is why the nephilim spirits have to come down. They are deeply entrenched in every field—publications, politics, finances, religion.

A nephilim has a satanic nature which has been wrought in him. This is not the same as devil possession. When a man is devil possessed, the demon can be cast out, but the nephilim spirit cannot be cast out because it is what the individual is; it is his nature, and that cannot be cast out. It is something “in the seed of men” (Daniel 2:43), not a spirit that came later. That is why there is such a belligerent war. The Holy Spirit does not inspire anyone to pray for the salvation of a nephilim.

It is unscriptural for a nephilim to live. We can trace this throughout the Word of God. Pharaoh, the sons of Anak whom Joshua confronted, Goliath, Jezebel, Judas—all of them had to die. Remember that Paul said concerning Alexander the coppersmith, “The Lord reward him according to his works” (II Timothy 4:14). They were all unrepentant channels. In Revelation 2:21 the Lord said, “I gave Jezebel time and space to repent, but she refused.”

We do not pray for the salvation of Satan, nor do we pray for the salvation of that which is one with Satan. Instead, we pray for the destruction of Satan! Psalm 58:10 tells us that the righteous will wash their feet in the blood of the wicked, the unrepentant. We are of a different seed; we are of Christ’s seed. No matter how many times we make mistakes, we are of Christ’s holy seed because we have the repentant quality in our hearts. We may err, but we love God, and so we repent and humble ourselves.

Satan cannot humble himself, nor will that which is kindred with Satan humble itself before God. We are not praying for salvation for the nephilim channels because there is no salvation without repentance. We are praying, “Wrath to whom wrath is due, mercy to whom mercy is due.” We render recompense to every man according to his work (Romans 2:6).

The job of taking the Kingdom rests upon the shoulders of the faithful remnant. Hebrews 10:12–13 tells us that Christ, after He had offered one sacrifice for sin for all time, sat down at the right hand of God, waiting from that time onward until His enemies be made a footstool for His feet. His work is complete and now He is waiting until the sons make His enemies His footstool. Nevertheless, while He sits, He ever lives to make intercession for us (Hebrews 7:25). All that we are doing is bringing us close to Christ and to the Kingdom so that we can participate in the intercession of Christ. We are the channels by which Christ’s intercession will fill the earth; and that will bring His enemies down under His feet. We do not preach the Word of God. We speak it! We proclaim it! We become the oracles of God in the earth!