Dealing with spiritual attack

Yahweh is doing things on the face of the earth that are really different from our past experiences. He really wants to change us and create in us a new heart; I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you – Ezekiel 36:26, so that he can release his heart onto the face of the earth through us. Yahweh is about to change everything in and through us.

Because of sin, the heavens were realigned to the chaos that Satan is in. It is our job to realign heavens and bring them back into the divine order that Yahweh created them in.

Romans 8:18 – I consider that the sufferings of this present time(this present life ) are not worth being compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in us and for us and conferred on us! For (even the whole) creation (all nature) waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God sons to be made known (waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their Son ship)… That nature (creation) itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and corruption (and gain an entrance) into the glorious freedom of God’s children.

With the knowledge of all that the father has done, when you begin to understand the full truth of what the devil tried to do, it will give you such a hatred for him and everything that he stands for that whenever Satan shows up you just want to crush him! The devil tried to take away our inheritance – his job was to kill it, rob it and take it from us so that we would have nothing and he would have everything. The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy – John 10:10

When it says that – the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all they chose – Genesis 6:2. The sons of God were in the first creation; God created sons, male and female and one body. That is why they left their first estate – Jude 1:6 – they wanted to be able to make a name for themselves, because there was a greater inheritance in this arena then in their arena. The first time that God separated male and female from one body was when he took Eve out of Adam – Genesis 2:22 – and the kingdom of the earth was made.

When the son or daughter of a Hebrew family married a Gentile, after the bride and bridegroom had come out of the Huppah, they would take diamond, gold and sapphire dust and throw it over the bride and bridegroom as the power of endowment and their acceptance and sanctification of the marriage. Did you wonder why gold, diamonds, sapphires and precious stones are showing up? The father has just gone whoosh – I sanctify the marriage in my son to you.…

Isaiah 62:5-And as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you .

 I have 5 or 6 of these stones. They can come out of our body, or show up on the floor, they get dropped by angels as the kingdom opens up and fall out of the realm of the spirit. Gold dust shows up. Why? Because the father can do that – that is just who he is. The streets of heaven are blue and they are paved like gold, transparent gold…

 Exodus 24:10They saw the God of Israel. And there was under his feet as it were a paved work of sapphire stone, and it was like the very heavens in its clarity .

In its purest form, if you hold gold up to the sun, it is transparent. In comparison, the gold here on earth is junk; pure gold is a bluey color; monatomic elemental gold is protein gold, that is what Adam was made out of and it is a conductor of light.

The New Jerusalem coming down from heaven is going to sit in a gold ring. Is going to be placed in a marriage band around the atmosphere of the earth.

Revelation 21:2 – then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

It will be up there and you will see it but only those who have walked though way of the kingdom will be able to ascend into it. If you do not learn how to ascend now, you will never learn how to ascend then. I have seen the New Jerusalem, it is wonderful, it is a fantastic thing, it sits on a rock with many different layers of precious stones; it is just amazing.

There are secrets that Yahweh is unlocking from the angelic arena that were ours, and Yahweh is bringing them to the face of the earth.

I had a very interesting angel come into my room one night and he just happened to leave a feather behind. It was really amazing; I’ve seen them once or twice before – the Angels that bring the circular feathers are all about government. I’ve seen them white and blue, and there are some pink ones as well. Our God is an amazing God. He does little things just to say, hey, this is real, this is not just some imaginative trip that were going on.

The veil between the natural world and the spirit world is getting thinner and things are starting to manifest out of the spirit world. It is wonderful but it has got to happen: the world has got to see that Yahweh is God and he is Lord – so he is going to do amazing things.

This angel came and talked to me about a whole lot of governmental things in the realm of the kingdom, heaven, how it all functions and how we govern out of heaven; the protocols of the kingdom and manifestations of government on the earth – as it is in heaven onto the earth – Matthew 6:10. It was a very good conversation that lasted a couple of hours and I woke up in the morning and there was that feather sitting on my bed – thank you Jesus!

Displacing the kingdom of darkness

I want to look at dealing with spiritual attack; I have already taught on how to build a strong spirit in realms of the kingdom volume 1, so if attack starts to happen you can stand up in your spirit and begin to deal with the thing that comes around you. When the demonic spirit world sees the glory begin to rest on a person, it will try to shut the light down. Demons know that if they can shut the light down they will shut you out of the kingdom and stop that light shining. Light displaces darkness so they want darkness and not light because they all know that they came out of darkness.

The Bible says, my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge – Hosea 4:6. It is not for lack of knowledge of the demonic world that they are destroyed – there is so much knowledge of the demonic world. It is for lack of knowledge of the realm of the kingdom that we risk being destroyed.

We do not understand the kingdom that we have inherited: the power, the dominion, the authority, the righteousness, holiness, the purity and the sanctification of that kingdom. We do not understand, and because we lack knowledge of those things, we get destroyed.

There is wrestling in you when you start extending the borders of your tent pegs – Isaiah 54:2 – 5, because the demonic world knows that if you lift your tent pegs up and stick them out there, they have lost that much more room. They do not like losing kingdom, so they will do everything they can to make you focus on them. I’ve learned to turn deeper into the kingdom and practice kingdom realities more, because that will displace the demonic. Once I have done that, I then step out of that and now, I bind you in Jesus name. I do not try to bind them and deal with the demonic world until I’ve gone into the kingdom. This is a weighty revelationI do not try to deal with the demonic realm until I’ve gone into heaven, because without going into heaven you have no glory. The only way you can deal with the demonic world, which is darkness, is out of the glory, because the glory is light.

John 1:5-The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overpowered it.

Yahweh wants to transition us out of our engagement with iniquity, because whatever the eye hooks into multiplies. Yahweh wants to draw us away from the garbage we are used to feeding ourselves – Matthew 5:29, and engage us into the kingdom so that it becomes something that is so Lodged and entrenched within us that we live out of that arena. Then once we live out of the kingdom arena we can stand in this fallen arena and bring divine order to it. When you have been in heaven, you step out of the realm of the kingdom, step into this world and all that is there exudes in power out of your life, with spirit beams of glory light coming out of your body.

The devil does not want you to live as a son, he wants you to live in the record of what you have been, not who you are eternally. This present age is what you are made in, it is not who you are. Who you are is there in heaven. As I am in the father (John 14:20 ) I am in heaven; as I live out of that arena I am in heaven and I live out of the power of that arena. It is the lack of the knowledge of that which destroys me; but the enemy has got us to focus on the lack of knowledge of the demonic structures of the world in the systems of the demonic realm instead.

Ignorance of the mandate of heaven over your life, ignorance of the power of the kingdom manifesting through your life and ignorance of the glory that we are supposed to walk in is what causes us to be destroyed. If we have the power of the mandate of Yahweh, and we are fully aware of who we are and what we stand in, it will be revealed in everything we do.

The kingdom realm is very important for us to understand.

2 Corinthians 2:11- lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.

The word devices can also be translated purposes, thoughts and intents. A device can also be a covert operation against the believer. The devil’s thoughts and intents are to stop you engaging heaven; his devices are to stop you going there, therefore you feel unholy and unrighteous.

The devil does not want you to go there because he knows that the moment you turn up there you are going to be made clean (Zechariah 3:5) and then he will have no power over your life. The greatest thing we can talk about and engage is the kingdom of God. We must go into the kingdom, because in the kingdom is our rest, and out of that place of rest comes the government of Yahweh in our lives. Then there is a place for that government to sit on our lives and then to manifest through us into the world around us, to bring that government onto the face of the earth.

You will become like whatever you look at

We have looked at the enemy too much and whatever you look at you become like – why look into the darkness?

One thing I really love about the kingdom realm is that once you learn to go in and out of it you can engage it and it does not take long. It is a pathway; everything in the realm of the spirit is about a pathway – a learned process. The way you learn in the natural arena is the same way you learn about the things of the spirit. Yahweh wants us to unlearn the garbage we have learned and to learn a new pathway. I used to live in Africa as a little child; we do not have TV in those days in Africa, so we used to make our own amusements. One of the most entertaining things we would do was to find the pathway the Africans were using up a hillside. I had no idea why the pathways go 25 meters this way and 25 m that way, when it is only 3 m to the top – I can never figure that out. So we used to take a little hoe and remove the grass, change the path and put stones in the old path. Then we would watch locals coming along. It was hilarious – their brains were so used to the old path that you would see a few of them walking around the stones.

Finally they would get the idea that it was shorter this way and they would start using the new path, so the grass grew over the old path as though it had never been there.

 It is like that in the spirit; we have got to learn new pathways. We need to make new pathways for the neutrons in our brains to be able to hold and function out of the realm of the kingdom and the things of the glory of God. We need to have our mind renewed.

 Romans 12:2- be transformed from the inside out by renewing your mind. As a result, you will be able to discern what God wills.

Having our mind renewed means making new neuron pathways in our brain that agree with the realm of the kingdom instead of the world that we live in and the processes of learning we have been born into.

We are snared in the record of what we are made in – our parent’s image.

 2 Timothy 2:26- that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.

A snare can also mean a trap arrest strategies set by the enemy to capture you and keep you captive or to make you a prisoner of war. In the next chapter I want to teach about the devil’s trophy room, where we can go and get back what has been stolen from our life’s, hallelujah!

Ascent into the glory

Ephesians 6:12 – for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Spiritual attack can happen when something that is seated in a heavenly place tries to override your dominion. You must first ascend and then you can descend.

Spiritual attack comes as the enemy tries to override your authority and as you bring that authority or mandate he tries to remind you of your sin. How weak, how vulnerable and how pathetic you are as a little worm with human DNA sitting inside of you, instead of the glorious creature manifesting Yahweh inside of you, that you are called to be in Christ.

So he tries to stop us being mandated by Yahweh, manifesting the glory of the presence a Yahweh around us, to shut our open heaven; he tries to close it down, but the way to keep an open heaven is to go up again. Then you come down again, and every time you are in the glory presence you take your swords.

Satan was made as a covering cherub; and music is important to the demonic realm. They use it because of who Satan was: he had all the instruments and the capacity in his being to be able to make music. The Bible talks about the pipes and timbrels that were in is being:

 Ezekiel 28:13-you were in Eden, the Garden of God; every precious stone was your covering… The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day that you were created.

This talks about these things actually in his being; he did not have to play an instrument, he was the instrument. We do not have to make anything, we already are the thing. It is empowering to understand this I do not have to try to become something, I already am. If I am in Christ, I am in the father (John 14:20), therefore I already am invited to manifest his glory. When Moses asked, who shall I say sends me?… God said to Moses, I am that I am – Exodus 3:14.

 As I am there, I am here. Because I am in Yahweh, when the spirit world sees me, they see I am that I am. So when people say to me, who are you? I am that I am. When the spirit world comes to you, you say, I am that I am. two different patterns, so when you present yourself in the world, you are a gate of eternity because Jesus is the gate ( John 10:9 ) and I am like Jesus: Jesus is the firstborn of many who are just like Jesus – Romans 8:29.

 We carry the same realm of eternity he does, because the Bible says Yahweh puts eternity inside our hearts – Ecclesiastes 3:11.

So you have an arena to the whole of eternity that sits inside of you and you are a gate for people to see the realm of eternity. As I am here, I am there, because when people see me here fully manifesting eternity, I am there.

When the spirit world comes around me, I can go into I am that I am. Now that is power, if you can get that revelation and work on it. I have spent days over months meditating around this stuff, standing there praying, father I thank you that I am that I am: as it is in heaven, so it is upon the earth; as I am in you, you are in me; as you are in me, I am in you; as it is in heaven, so it is on the earth.

 Again, this is a pathway to learn engaging the kingdom. The more you learn that pathway, the easier it gets for the glory to manifest around your life. The more you engage it, the glory begins to manifest around you and the spirit world sees the shift of time and space happening as you step outside of time and space and it goes crack!

You step outside of time and space and stand as a supernatural spirit being in the natural world. Now that is power; and if you want power, you do not just ask for, you go and you become it, because Jesus has already said, all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore – Matthew 28:18 – 19.

So he has fully endowed us with the complete power to be in this natural world and step outside of time and space to become a supernatural spiritual being in the realm of the spirit. Then you can see the whole of your nation, because you are stepping outside of time and space. You can see the whole of the realm of the kingdom and what is going on in the face of the earth; you can step up outside of it and you see the whole moving of the face of the earth, although you can be here in the natural world and yet totally absent to where you are. You step into another arena: you step into the father because he is outside of time and space; you step into the reality of the glory of his kingdom, therefore the whole of this world. The Bible says Adam was given dominion over the whole world.

 Genesis 1:26 then God said, let us make man in our image, according to our likeness; let them have dominion… Over all the earth.

That means Adam could hold the whole Earth inside his spirit man; Adam could encompass the whole realm of the spirit and take the whole sphere of the earth into himself. This is one issue to spend time cogitating and meditating over. We have got to turn the cogs inside our spirit being to engage the truth of the reality of what Yahweh wants to bring us.

We have tried to coin some new words to describe the kingdom realms, because the earthly vocabulary that we use does not describe some of the heavenly stuff. If you can get the reality of what I am talking about – as I am in heaven so I am on the earth – then your life will change, because you will see yourself in heaven and so you will walk in heaven on the earth; and you will walk out of heaven into the earth. So wherever you move, heaven slides into time and space there with you; and Jesus says, I am with you – Matthew 28:20.

People say, Jesus was casting out demons the other day… Jesus was healing. No – you were doing it, it is your spirit that is doing it, but Jesus is with you. He is not doing it, you are doing it, he has given you dominion to go and do it. Jesus is not going to do it, he has already done it; he is now telling you to reveal that. You become Jesus on the earth and you become a door of eternity – John 10:9.

One day I was dealing with some giants and trying to get to grips with who I was in the kingdom realm. The lord just said, open your being. I said, what  do you mean open my being? He said, you are a door of eternity, open your being and see what happens.

I can remember standing in an arena with all the kingdom around me, mountains and the whole spirit realm; I could see the demonic world, which is the kingdom that Jesus was shown: the devil took him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory – Matthew 4:8.

It Does not say the kingdoms of the earth. Jesus was shown the kingdoms of the spirit world whoever rules in the realms of the kingdoms of the spirit world rules on the face of the earth.

I’ve also wrestled with dragons in the earth and won. The reason I won is because I know who I am and I have a legal right to go and do that.

The church has predominantly wrestled in one realm and all its warfare in the last 60 – 100 years and that is on the earthly plane. The Bible says, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth – Philippians 2: 10.

 The church has wrestled primarily with the things that are on the earth and we have wondered why we have never had lasting revival are seen the glory of God manifesting. It is because we have never learned to wrestle with the things that are in heaven. I do not just mean in the atmosphere around the earth, that word heaven means the celestial realm and you and I can go there.

Under the earth is the other realm that has to bow the knee, and the only way it is going to bow the knee is if we go there. We as a church have usually only wrestled on one level and have wondered why we have failed. I’ve been on a journey of discovery with some of these things but they are not taught because of religious disapproval.

When you have dealt with a dragon then you have got its lair. Everything in its lair is what is promised to the sons of God. It is called a trophy room of the devil – that is what dragons look after. You and I have access to those trophy rooms

 Matthew 12:29 or how can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house.

You and I need to go and take back those things promised to us in many of those things are in the earth. They are displayed to the kingdom in darkness as a trophy. The devil likes talking them out and I wait for when he brings them out because then it is even easier to get hold of them.( See the chapter entitled the trophy room of the devil).

I had a wrestle with a dragon that was at a volcano some time ago with some prophetic leaders. The mountain was puffing away and they were saying it was going to blow again. I said, no it won’t, I have an appointment with it. I went up there, got in the spirit and went into the volcano. I have met the Dragon that was there 2 or 3 times and it has now become very quiet. You need to understand that we win.

The purpose of demonic attack is to derail us, to immobilize us and destroy our walk with Yahweh and our service for him. Whenever you find desire for Yahweh and the love of Yahweh dwindling in your heart, you may be under spiritual attack. Whenever you find yourself starting to move into a religious system of doing things and not a relationship of being, you may be under spiritual attack. People reject the ways of heaven and get entangled with the ways of man, rejecting the glory, and replacing it with a system. This may make us feel better, and look like we are living a better life, but our works are like filthy rags anyway, it is not going to bring the kingdom in a greater measure of manifestation.

One of the enemy’s ways of attack is when he comes and confronts you, standing in front of you and trying to block you and tell you that you are not worthy to go into heaven, asking you, Who Do You Think You Are? What right do you think you have to go in before the father? – You sinned last night!

One of the things Yahweh said to me was, if you have done it 0. 0 1% son, you have sinned, so just confess it and get it right. Sin, to a Hebrew is not the good and the bad we know with the Greek classification system that says one sin is worse than another. Sin, to a Hebrew, is anything that is not as it should have been, as it was before the fall – it changes the way you see yourself.

I live out of the kingdom, so when the enemy says, you have done this, I say, yes I have and I stand in your presence right now Lord Jesus and confess it, because when I go there he makes me clean. (See courtroom of God in the realms of the kingdom volume 1). We need to go there to get clean. With all our brownie points, trying to do the will of Yahweh here, striving to do the do’s and not to do the don’ts, when you do the don’ts more than you do the do’s, you end up in a big mess because when you do not know what you are, you become a human doing instead of a human being. You do not get clean this side of the glory. The only place you get clean is when you go into the kingdom, and the pathway you learn is going in by faith – when you step in by faith, you become clean.

So when the enemy tries to stand in front of you and derail your going in, as he says, you are not worthy, you are a sinner, the best way to deal with that is to say, yes I am. That is why my father gave me Jesus – would you like me to remind you about what Jesus is to you in the end?

 I’m now fully righteous in Christ – I have that full power. Let’s go and take you back in time and then forward in time and show you what you are going to be like when you burn shall we? Come with me. It is called putting him into his own snare – when he remind you of what you are, you remind him of the future: that we are going to judge him and judge all those that fell with him.

  First Corinthians 6:3do you not know that we shall judge angels?

 The devil is going to burn and he is not going to exist anymore. He will be finished, he will be a nothing. As he reminds me of myself, it does not worry me, because when I step in a Yahweh’s presence I become his son. So when the accuser reminds you about what you are, you remind him about the future: let me prophesy into the spirit world – devil you are a nothing!

That locks an arena of the kingdom, it is called power and eternity; how can I describe this? If you were to take eternity and display it in the natural sense, what you would see is a complete distortion of everything as it goes into a spinning spiral – that is what a black hole is. It spins like that and when you step into eternity you become a black hole to the enemy where there is no end for him to ever get out. When you step into heaven and then step down here, you become his judgment, because he sees his end in you.

When you engage that reality, standing in the realm of the spirit and the enemy comes to you, just stand – go into the glory, come out and open the door of eternity here, because the Bible says Yahweh puts eternity into a man’s heart – Ecclesiastes 3:11.

Therefore it is inside of me, I’m just going to review it; so I reveal the realm of eternity in the enemy sees the whole distortion of his end manifesting. So you walk around in the spirit showing the demonic there end and when you turn up they think, oh no, who is going to die today? You can walk across the face of the earth in the realm of the spirit, manifesting the kingdom and showing the demonic spirit world that there is a son who is going to decree their end. Do not just talk about it – reveal it.

Sieges and blocks are another way that the devil comes against us: often he will lay siege to an area in your personal life, where you have really struggled with issues and you find you have a repetitive failure that you go back to in sin just feeling defeated.

One of the things I’ve learned is that in the middle of your struggle, the Lord is looking you in the face saying, I love you, and not only do I love you, but I’m going to be with you in the middle of what you are doing; and if you will turn to me and step into me, I have made a way of escape for you because I will make you righteous and this thing will fall off your life.

In the middle of your struggle, all you have to do is just turn, step in, receive the garment of righteousness, step out and that righteousness is over your life; you will then find that the thing will just die. It is an amazing way to deal with repetitive sin because it is not full of don’t do this and the disciplines of trying not to do those things.

When you get in the ministry you have got to be wise with what you do, but if any temptation comes out of the spirit world, then you step into the kingdom and bring the kingdom back into that temptation, and then you see the power of it dissipate. The more it persists, the more you go in. When you come back, if it is still there, you go in again. Then you step back here and release the glory and the power of Yahweh against it. Then you become a siege against that thing and you start making ground against it, so you stretch the borders of your tent. Then there comes boundary lines around your life of love, joy and peace, and the conflict is right out there instead of being in here.

In the same way as you have 3 skins and there are 3 layers in the atmosphere of the earth, there are 3 rings or layers you can establish as boundaries around your life: love, joy and peace. As you protect those boundaries, when the boundaries are being disturbed by the enemy you step into the realm of the spirit, right up to their boundaries and you confront them right in there, not out here, which takes the warfare right out of it.


Father we want to thank you today for your kingdom. Father, thank you that we are children of a kingdom and of that kingdom there will be no end.

We are rulers, kings and Lord’s in the kingdom, and you have made us your sons. This is not an option father, we are your sons, we are seeded by you and because we are seated by you we do not sin.

According to first John 3:9, whoever has been born of God does not sin, for his seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.

Lord, because we are seeded by you we do not sin, because in the glory there is no sin. In the glory there is no power of sin, because the glory manifests and destroys the power of sin in us because of the cord of the DNA Jesus has given us.

Father, I ask that the reality of what I am teaching about would become the portion of these men and women reading it today, in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah.

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