Defilements of spirit

When our spirit was generated, made alive with the eternal life of God, we were born of the spirit. That which is born of the Spirit is spirit. But when our spirit is not drawing the life of God it can become defiled, no longer clean and pure and holy.

The eternal life of God is incorruptible and perfect and when our spirit is in contact with the Holy Spirit this life is flowing in our spirit, and we can sense it as we learn how to be aware of our newborn spirit.

1 thes 5:22 Abstain from every form of evil.23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.

We need to learn how to keep our spirit, in a proper condition so that it is active and growing where it is full of the life of God. The life of God flowing in our spirit is what sanctifies it and enables us to keep our soul and body is a state of sanctification.

We have to be able to discern our spirit and its senses, or we will not be able to walk in the Spirit. If we are not able to discern the sense of our spirit from the feeling or thought of our soul, we will not be able to walk in the Spirit but will automatically walk according to the soul.

We must be able to discern the senses of our spirit, what they mean and what they require so that we can meet the need. Our spirit has desires, it cries out for the things of God, so that we need to follow its leadings so that God can continually fill it and meet the need.

When our spirit is active, the life of God is flowing in it and the Holy Spirit will lead us in God’s perfect will. So, we must learn our spirit’s activities and how to walk according to it.

It is more important to learn the activities of our spirit than the activities of our mind; we must become aware of the moving of our spirit, and then our mind can assist us instead of misleading us.

The life of God in our spirit is different from the natural created life in our soul. The eternal life of God is the uncreated life of God; it is the life of God’s Spirit which is on a higher- deeper level than our natural emotions and thought and attitude level. As we become aware of our spirit, we will begin to be able to sense God’s love, joy, peace and all his divine attributes in our spirit moving.

When our spirit is in contact with God’s Spirit, His life is flowing in and out of it. In order to keep our spirit in contact with God we must learn how to keep our spirit in a free condition. When our spirit is active and not being suppressed (to prevent something from happening, operating, or becoming apparent, or restrain something and limit its effects), we can feel it moving and it uplifts our whole being. A walk in the Spirit is a flow of the Spirit, if feels like our spirit is soaring or we are just being carried along and floating. Only then as it is moving is it growing, and we can walk or work accordingly.

Our spirit needs to be light, so we need to understand weights upon it. A weight is not the same as a burden from the Lord in our spirit. A weight is something that is suppressing it, so that we lose the joy of the Lord and His peace in our spirit.

When our spirit is in a proper condition, we can sense its fruit-the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians.

Unless we understand the source of this weight and the meaning of the suppression on our spirit, we will not know how to deal with it, so that our spirit can be restored to its normalcy.

Under this suppression, spiritual senses become very dull. Satan wants to weigh down our spirit and take away its freedom. If our spirit is weighted down in the morning, and we are not able to remove the weight we will be defeated the rest of the day.

The key to keeping our spirit free is the basis for victory. When our spirit is free and not bound, suppressed, or restrained, the life of God will continually flow out of it.

If there is any pressure upon our spirit, we will lose our power of discernment and genuine leadings from God. When our spirit is suppressed (to prevent from operating or becoming apparent) it affects our thinking, and we cannot function properly.

Once our spirit becomes suppressed, unless we learn how to deal with this condition, spiritual things will become burdensome. Unless we learn how to keep our spirit free, we will not progress in spiritual life, but our condition will get worse, we are now walking in darkness. When our spirit is communing with God’s Spirit, we are continually receiving light.

Our spirit requires our soul and body to be the organs for its expression. If our soul is under oppression our spirit will be blocked and not have an outlet. The enemy attacks our soul or body to get to our spirit.

When our mind is under attack it becomes confused. When our emotions are attacked, we may feel lonely or sad or depressed. When our body is under attack we feel pain and tiredness all the time. When our soul or body loses its normality, it can get to our spirit so that it blocks the flow of the Spirit.

When our spirit is suppressed or blocked, we must press into the lord until our spirit is free.

When our spirit is blocked, we lose its strength, we become withdrawn and don’t want to do anything. We read the word, and it no longer is alive, we have no desire to pray, there is no anointing on our words.

Every spiritual experience and feeling has a cause to it, even when it is in the negative sense.

When there is a blockage of spirit, our soul is tied to something. The soul and body outside the spirit are oppressed, bound or locked up; the spirit has no chance to express itself. Our spirit is imprisoned in a dark place, and our soul can no longer sense the leadership of the Lord.

Once the thing that blocks the spirit has been removed and the outlet is clear, our spirit becomes free, and the life of God is flowing out influencing our soul and body.

Because our spirit is directly related to our will, we can activate it and come against what has been blocking it. Once our spirit is activated, we can channel its strength to deal with the impasse.

Until we learn how to deliver over our soul life over to death, it will continually hinder the flow of the Holy Spirit in our spirit.

When we die to sin experientially and learn to die to our self-life daily, there will be nothing hindering the continuous flow of God’s Spirit in our life.

All the fiery darts of the enemy are aimed at our spirit. He operates through our soul-flesh, but his goal is to disable our spirit.

Our spirit can be poisoned by the enemy. A wounded spirit who can bear-prov18:14. Resentment, unforgiveness, and fears are things of the spirit that break our connection with God.  These are things that get into our spirit and block us from communion with God. When we have a bad spirit, we lose our spiritual condition and are operating from our soul.

In order to walk in the spirit, we need to maintain a spirit of watchfulness in everything; we must study all our thoughts and feelings and find out where they come from. Thoughts come from our spirit from our soul or from the evil spirit.

Our spirit can become hard, complaining, stubborn, narrow, selfish, undisciplined and disobedient.

If the spirit is poisoned, and the poison is not quickly dealt with, it will turn into sins of the spirit. Sins in the spirit are more serious than any other sins because the spirit can become set when there is no longer any room for repentance.

Sins of the spirit are what disconnect us from God, and when a person has an unforgiving revengeful spirit, they begin to hate others and do not realize that this is a result of Satan’s work, and do not think that they can change.

Our spirit can become narrow, where we don’t want to fellowship with other Christians because they are not on our level. If our spirit is open the river of life will flow everywhere. If our spirit is not big enough to see the whole body of Christ as the object of our love, our spirit has been poisoned.

Our spirit can become proud-a haughty spirit-pr 16:18.

The kind of spirit we have is very important, once the spirit errs, everything else errs.

A wrong spirit is very easily detected in our words, especially the tone of our voice. When we lose a right spirit, our tone will lose its gentleness. All harsh voices, rash voices, and sharp voices do not come from the Holy Spirit.

A spirit of criticism, condemnation, dishonesty, unwillingness, wrath and jealousy are all defilements of spirit. The spirit behind all of our actions is very important.

We need to keep our spirit pure and meek, sweet and gentle so that we can speak the truth in love. As we learn how to maintain a right spirit, we will stop what we are doing the moment we sense that our spirit is wrong.

When our spirit is right we have a shield of faith to quench all the fiery darts of the enemy.

Our spirit becomes depressed when we turn inward to look at ourselves or our circumstances. Our spirit must be communizing with God’s Spirit in order to search our heart properly.

If the believer’s spirit turns inward instead of outward, God’s power will immediately stop. Once our spirit turns inward it becomes surrounded by our soul.

Our spirit becomes defiled when it indulges in the flesh, that union of soul and body independent of the lord. We can recognize this mostly in a spirit of lust. We come under the deception of evil spirits, we take on their spirit whether they are actually in us or not. By practicing the sins of the flesh, it opens the door for the evil spirit to enter. Thoughts and feelings are spirit, and when we are oppressed with certain thoughts or feelings that won’t stop then an evil spirit is at work.

Our spirit should always be in a place of ascendency. We are seated with Christ in heavenly places, so the spirit of Christ in us is the spirit of resurrection. When our spirit is not uplifted and soaring we become depressed in spirit and fall into the realm of the soul.

When we experience the power of the Holy Spirit infused into our spirit our whole attitude and outlook changes, a whole new world opens up to us.

Then enemy has to stop us from walking in the spirit, living in the heavenly places in Christ because this is where we have authority over him to destroy his works and kingdomOnce we become defeated in our spirit we are not a threat to Him.

When the spirit is depressed or suppressed its senses are suppressed, and the senses of the spirit will be buried under the strong feelings of the soul and the body.

We have to reject everything that kills the spirit’s senses. We must learn how to maintain our spirit in a constant outward posture toward the Lord; it should never turn inward. Only when our spirit is flowing outward are we worshiping God and ministering to others. When our spirit is suppressed, the life of the Holy Spirit will not be able to flow forth.

Our spirit is to be continually filled with the Spirit, so we need to be aware of God’s life being drained out of us.

When there is leakage in our spirit, instead of being filled we are being drained, we need to realize that our spirit is in a sickly condition, and it needs to be refocused.

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