Definition of the kingdom

The spiritual principles of the Old Testament are carried into the kingdom because they were always new covenant. Abraham lived in the New Covenant. We got to get out of time and allow God to carry us in spirit in to the realm of eternity, so that we see things in a different way. The things which are seen are temporary and the things which are not seen are eternal. When God is able to start to get us to be eternal in spirit we start to see things with a total different perspective.

So Abraham could reach up into the eternal realm and grab hold of the power of the cross and live as a new covenant believer. He gave tithes to the priest of the new covenant who is Melchizedek and had bread and wine as elements of that new covenant and live as a new covenant believer 430 years before Moses law was established.

When David came at last to sit on his throne, the first thing he did was to establish the tabernacle of David. Everything about David’s tabernacle is new covenant. It was totally illegal according to the law and once again the high priest of David’s tabernacle was Melchizedek, it was not a Levitical priesthood.

When we read the psalms almost all of them were written during that brief period in which David’s tabernacle was erected. The theology of the psalms is actually the theology of the New Covenant or the kingdom.

Where does it say in the New Testament that we should raise our hands and sing and clap and come against principalities and powers-in the psalms. Psalm 149 New covenant theology. Now these things move into the New covenant because they are New covenant without any change whatsoever.

Matthew 6:9 and Luke 11:2 is where Jesus gives us the basic definition of the kingdom.

If we are going to learn to pray we have to pray our Father. And we cannot learn to pray our Father until we have a revelation of the Father.

When we have a revelation of the Father then we pray like a son. And when a son asks his dad for something, his dad has to answer.

It is a totally different prayer relationship which Jesus taught us in john 16:23- whatsoever you shall ask the Father in my name, he will give you.

In John 11:42 Jesus spoke very clearly when he stood before the empty tomb of Lazarus. Father I thank you that you always hear me. And we are told why he said that, he said that so those listening might hear him say it so that they might know how Jesus always got his prayers answered. Sons always get their prayers answered.

 When we move from being a petitioner to a son and ask our Father things which he has put within our heart, we know that he is going to hear us and we know that he is going to give us the petition that we have asked of him so we have a guaranteed 100% success rate in our prayer life. And we learn all of that by learning to say our father.

Then we go on to exalt the Father and then the next line is we are to pray for his kingdom to come and then we are given a definition of what that means by the next phrase,  your will be done on earth even as it is done in heaven.

Heaven by definition is a place where Gods will is perfectly done. It is an environment where God’s will is perfectly done. That is what makes heaven heaven, that is what makes heaven so wonderful.

So we are going to pray for the kingdom to come on earth and for Gods will to be done on earth the way that it is done in heaven. The sphere of our prayer is for it to happen on earth.

This gives us very powerful biblical credence for seeking to be what some people call the kingdom now people.

It is legitimate to want the kingdom to come upon earth because Jesus told us to pray that way. And when it comes on earth it means that God’s will is done on earth the way that it is done in heaven and what it means is that earth then becomes heavenly in its environment. And who wouldn’t want to live in a heavenly environment.

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