Destined for victory

We shall worship the Lord and prophesy, for the Body cometh together to be strengthened mutually by what each shall bring forth in the Spirit.

 Behold, the battle is given to thee to prevail over all the enemy. This is thy heritage in the Lord. Thy destiny is that thou shalt walk in the victory of the Lord Jesus Christ.

 Behold, thou art not raised up by God, He did not send His Son to shed His blood, that Satan should be the conqueror of thy life.

He hath raised thee up, he hath begun a good work within thee that He might finish it. Man may begin a thing and turn aside from it, but God beginneth and He maketh an end to the matter.

He is the beginning and the end, the first and the last. What the Lord hath begun in thee, he shall perfect it. He shall perfect that which concerneth thee.

He hath a plan in His heart; yea, a plan and a destiny that He hath predestined for thee, that thou shalt be conformed to the image of His Son. Behold, thou art the people that the Lord foreknew and He loveth thee. Rejoice and prophesy together the victory of the Lord. Strengthen your arms for the battle, be strong.

Cast off the works of darkness and the Lord shall enable thee now to raise a wall against everything that cometh against thee. Yea, it is given unto thee right now to put up a wall against everything that cometh against thee. Thou shalt curse it and bring it down in the name of the Lord.

For thou are destined for victory and you shall walk in it!

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