Destiny Identity 13

Individual inheritance. Identity, redemptive gift and destiny.

Who am I – my identity.

How am I made – redemptive gift.

What am I made for – destiny or birthright.

Jer 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.”  Psa 139:16 Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book (scroll) were all written the days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them. 17 How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! 

Many people lost their destiny. Disobedience, unbelief, lacking faith. Jacob chose financial security over destiny – disaster. Esau despised destiny – no value. Lot coveted Abraham’s destiny.

Some people just don’t seem to fit. Nothing seems to work out. There always seems to be obstacles, roadblocks, mountains in the way. They don’t seem to be able to get connected. Why? What is going on?

One cause is an alien destiny. Alien birthright belongs to someone else in addition to or instead of our own. God did not intend it for us. Creates obstacles, it obstructs you, hinders you, trips you up, blocks your path. Frustration, confusion.

Have a field you are trying to cultivate. In field there is an immaculately engineered train track. It looks good is well designed and built but goes nowhere. It is an obstacle and hindrance superimposed over your field.

Generationally or individually. Occult covenant exchange bloodshed – in our generational blood line. Masonic oaths and curses. Fortune telling, tarot cards, tea leaves. Cult involvement does away with individual identity in favor of group identity. Buy into vision of the group – lose identity.

Parents wanted another gender child. Parents wanted you to fulfil their unfulfilled dreams. Parents wanted to force you into conforming to the family tradition or business. We were not content with our destiny, did not connect to it.

We wanted someone else’s anointing, mantles, gifts, position etc. We despised our own calling and yearned to be like someone else. We coveted what someone else was doing because it looked more glamorous, visible, or offered more kudos.

How do you know?  Deep down yearning for something else: daydreams, wishes, feel unfulfilled. Design seems fit for somewhere else. Life is not fulfilling even with achievement. Succeed in an area not designed for you feels like mockery or vanity. Alien destiny causes highly resistant obstacles within us.

Ps 139 your timeline is designed for your success. There are events, people, structures, assets and resources at certain points to facilitate our destiny. Divinely ordered appointments to help us.  Alien destiny causes you to run into obstacles infiltrating your life. Internal and external.

Heroes of faith? Why? Inspire your destiny or do you want theirs? Mantles, impartation services and false prophetic readings – short cuts. Laziness – don’t want to develop character to deal with issues – price is too high. Instead of being willing to pay the cost for unpacking our destiny we look at a sparkly destiny of someone who has paid the price.

Short cut – zapped, build track in us that is not connected. There are many who prey on the lazy. Someone is looking for legitimacy by giving away destiny, mantles and anointing etc. that don’t fit in our lives. Culture of the instant – no value and not willing to pay price.

There is the legitimate laying on of hands to impart gifts, passing on the baton, or mantles to release your own destiny. Constantly tripping over others’ tracks. Have I pursued, lusted for someone else’s destiny?  Repent, renounce it, get deliverance from the alien part. Who did it? Me, others, past generation? 

Lot’s destiny was not in Canaan. Abram was told leave family behind. Lot’s destiny was in Ur or Haran. Wanted a part in Abraham’s destiny. Prospers on the back of Abraham. Took best part of the land. Lost everything at Sodom, lost wife. Incest produced Moab, Ammon.

No-one said it would be easy. Gen 1:28 God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; James 1:2 Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. 4 And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking in nothing.

Every battle on the pathway of our destiny was designed to create dependence and intimacy with God. Jesus has been there and knows. Avoiding the battles, conflicts, trials and tribulations hinders our maturity. We are cheating ourselves of experiential intimacy, growth and transformation.

God gives us a vision. We don’t get to see the whole of God’s purposes – need to pursue Him for more revelation. God often gives encounter to attract our attention. Introduction to get us on the path. Often there is initial opposition. Press through to overcome.

Adam lost inheritance but… Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel.” Promise restoration through conflict – enemy. Abraham – journey to inheritance.

Jacob lost inheritance, spent 400 years in slavery of Egypt. Wilderness journey – Promised Land inheritance restored. Promised Land needed to be conquered. Where are you? Egypt, wilderness or Promised Land.

David – family opposition, fight a giant, king trying to kill him, lived in a cave with a bunch of oddballs, Philistines trying to rob him etc. Jesus, birth illegitimate, Herod tried to kill him, temptation of Satan, religious, politicians, family, disciples, garden. We have to be willing to fight for our destiny.

Joseph – vision – negative family reaction to daddy’s pet. Dad reacts angrily to the notion of bowing before him. Believed vision – it all went downhill, betrayal, in a pit, sold into slavery. Egypt: Potier’s house – false accusation. Prison: forgotten, let down etc.

Joseph – coat of many colors, double portion, blessing, favor. Betrayal – lost his coat. New favor clothes – faithful. Accusation – removal of clothes. Prison – faithful. Abandoned and forgotten.

What is Joseph’s attitude? Is he reduced to making the best of a bad situation?  No, God’s plan is alive and well. Reality is his destiny for ruling could never be learnt under his father’s protection. So, God removed him to train him to rule.

Problem that he was green and naïve. Needed prison experience to teach him about people. Animosity, political, jealousy – became streetwise. The prison prep school was the fast track to destiny. He never let opposition rob him of his dreams.

Joseph exalted, restored, new clothes, favor. Didn’t sulk, continued in faith, used his gifts to bless even in captivity. Forgiveness – did not hold his past against people. Saw God’s purpose in it all. God’s plan fulfilled – nations saved.

Zelophehad’s 5 daughters. Men only culture girls could not inherit land. Num 27:4 Why should the name of our father be withdrawn from among his family because he had no son? Give us a possession among our father’s brothers.” 5 So Moses brought their case before the Lord.

Girls were not content to go with the status quo in their culture. What the law said was not whole story. God’s heart is bigger than what is currently revealed. Go to a higher authority – Moses takes it to God, who says ‘you must certainly give them property as inheritance’.  

Num 27:6 Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 7 “The daughters of Zelophehad are right in their statements. You shall surely give them a hereditary possession among their father’s brothers, and you shall transfer the inheritance of their father to them. 8 Further, you shall speak to the sons of Israel, saying, ‘If a man dies and has no son, then you shall transfer his inheritance to his daughter’”. 

Esther seemingly on a fast track to nowhere. Orphaned. Kidnapped to a harem, separated, no dialogue, year of purification to spend rest of her life in futility? ‘Esther… you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?’ Saved a whole nation.

You do not know the significance of your destiny. Be an agent for change. Be a world-changer. Be transformed, come into maturity. Don’t be hindered, restricted. Don’t give up, press on.

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