Destiny Identity 4 – Slavery Mentality

Individual inheritance. 

Destiny, birthright, calling, purpose.

Redemptive gift – designed to fulfil.

Identity – Sonship.

Journey from slavery of childhood infancy to maturity of sonship.

Where are we?

Rom 8:29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.

It is my destiny to be His son.

Do I feel, think, act like a son?

Who am I? – My identity.

How am I made? – Redemptive gift.

What am I made for? – Destiny or birthright.

Journey, quest, adventure of discovery.

The battle to possess leads to intimacy with God.

Do I think like a son or a slave?

Do I act like a son or a slave?

Do I identify with slavery or sonship?

Do I know my identity as a son?

Do I know my royal identity as a son of the King?

Do I have the spirit of sonship?

Slavery breeds a poverty spirit, fear and lack of identity.

Sonship breeds faith, identity resources, responsibility.

Empowering slaves leads to rebellion and betrayal and treason – no ownership or loyalty Restricting sons stops creativity. 


General characteristics that show the difference in behavior between someone with a spirit of slavery and someone with a spirit of sonship. 

The root issues are in the heart. 

A spirit of slavery is often the product of both poor nurture and unresolved woundedness but can be generational.

External behavioral characteristics typically reflect what is in the heart.

Almost no one will fall completely in one category or the other. 

Questions are designed to help you see where you still need to be reparented, rather than being a tool for you to label anyone else.

Heart of a Slave/Orphan Category Heart of a son.

See God as Master IMAGE OF GOD See God as a loving Father. 

Independent / Self-reliant.

DEPENDENCY Interdependent / Acknowledges Need Live by the Love of Law. 

THEOLOGY Live by the Law of Love.

Insecure / Lack peace. 

SECURITY Rest and Peace.

Strive for the praise, approval, and acceptance of man.

NEED FOR APPROVAL Totally accepted in God’s love and justified by grace.

A need for personal achievement as you seek to impress God and others, or no motivation to serve at all.


Service that is motivated by a deep gratitude for being unconditionally loved and accepted by God.

Duty and earning God’s favor or no motivation at all.


Pleasure and delight.

“Must” be holy to have God’s favor, thus increasing a sense of shame and guilt.


“Want to” be holy; do not want Anything to hinder intimate relationship with God.

Heart of a Slave/Orphan Category Heart of a son.

Self-rejection from comparing yourself to others.

SELF-IMAGE Positive and affirmed because you know you have such value to God.

Seek comfort in counterfeit affections: addictions, compulsions, escapism, busyness hyper-religious activity.


Seek times of quietness and solitude to rest in the father’s presence and love.

Competition, rivalry, and jealousy toward others’ success and position.


Humility and unity as you value others and are able to rejoice in their blessings and success.

Accusation and exposure in order to make yourself look good by making others look bad.


Love covers as you seek to restore others in a spirit of love and gentleness.

See authority as a source of pain; distrustful toward them and lack a heart attitude of submission.


Respectful, honoring; you see them as ministers of God for good in your life.

Difficulty receiving admonition; you must be right so you easily get your feelings hurt and close your spirit to discipline.


See the receiving of admonition as a blessing and need in your life so that your faults and weaknesses are exposed and put to death.

Heart of a Slave/Orphan Category Heart of a son.

Guarded and conditional; based upon others’ performance as you seek to get your own needs met.


Open, patient, and affectionate as you lay your life and agendas down in Order to meet the needs of others Conditional & Distant SENSE OF GOD’S PRESENSE Close & Intimate.

Bondage CONDITION   Liberty.

Feel like a Servant/Slave POSITION. 

Feel like a Son/Daughter.

Spiritual ambition; the earnest desire for some spiritual achievement and distinction and the willingness to strive for it; a desire to be seen and counted among the mature.


To daily experience the Father’s unconditional love and acceptance and then be sent as a representative of His love to family and others.

No choice. 

Fight for what you can get!

Sonship releases your inheritance!

Category A Slave A Son. 

The Response to Pain.

– Runs from pain – Seeks to avoid problems – Sees the cost of failure.

– Embraces pain strategically – Sees opportunities in problems – Sees the benefit of failure.

The Perspective on Work.

– Obeys orders – Looks at the right way to do a job – Consider consequences.

– Solves problems – Looks for a better way to do a job – Sees possibilities

The Use of Resource.

– Sees cost – Wants to receive from those who have – Cares for himself.

– Sees value – Wants to know how they got there – Understands social responsibility.

The Nature of Their Relationships.

– Talks about self – Expects more from others than from self – Extends honor upwards.

– Talks about his team – Personally raises the bar – Extends honor downward.

The View of the Future.

– Looks for immediate gain – Seeks comfort – Wants to be liked now.

– Sows into the future – Seeks fulfilment – Will let history be his judge.

The Exercise of Power.

– Is disloyal when he succeeds – Gives favors – Seeks supernatural for self.

– Initiates sharing success – Shows favor – Use the supernatural for others.

Check list – demonic strongholds.

Defended and empowered by familiar spirits.

Resulting in patterns of behavior.

Downward spiral of an orphan heart.

12 steps of progression behavior.

This has shaped us and blocks our destiny. 

Forgive and Release.

Own it.

Confess it.


Renounce it.

Attack Familiars.

Meditate Truth

Positive Confession.



Restoration Wholeness Peace.

Court Order Divorce mandate.

Nothing can replace Father God.

Father God wants us to truly know our identity as His sons.

He wants us to renounce our slavery and orphan mentalities.

He wants us to receive our security and acceptance from Him.

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