Digging out a well

Manifesting your spirit is a spiritual discipline, one explained by Jesus himself in John 7:37 – 39:

Manifesting our spirit is when the life of God is flowing through our spirit into our soul and body and then it overflows through us to out into the world, touching people with the presence of God! Awesome!

Jesus stood and cried out, saying, if anyone thirst, let him come to me and drink. he who believes in me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. But this he spoke concerning the spirit, whom those believing in him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.

This is talking about being baptized in the Spirit.

Jesus also talked about a similar experience in John 4:14: but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.

This is talking about being born from above. If you have not yet been baptized in the Spirit, this verse says you have a fountain of water in you and once it springs up, you will have an overwhelming experience of the presence of God and out of you spirit will spring up words that you do not understand, this is your heavenly prayer language, the Holy Spirit speaking through you the perfect will of God for you or others.

Life in the spirit is about digging out a well. God wants to Dig into us, removing the dirt and things that cover up the living water he has put within us. It is simple displacement – there are things that he must remove in order for the Holy Spirit to completely fill us. The Lord has to take out of us that which shouldn’t be there so that he can put in what he wants to give us. This displacement ensures that the Holy Spirit has enough room inside of us to move and accomplish what he wants to accomplish.

Opposition attaches to what we don’t remove. We give the enemy certain rights over our lives when we fail to partner with the Lord in our ongoing development. As in the world, water is of crucial importance. In some countries it is power. Water gives life. There can be no quality of life without it. Water is currency. In some nations those who control the water supply, get the wealth.

Similarly, in the Spirit, those who develop their inner well, have power over life and the enemy. When we maintain our well, we are always refreshed. We do not get tired; our bodies are stronger. We are more mentally renewed, and our emotions are balanced. Life in the Spirit is a refreshing journey. We stay fresher, longer. We do not get beaten down, defeated, or dried out.

Too many Christians are dehydrated spiritually. We are prone to dejection, depression, and despondency – too easily downcast, with a negative mindset, and overly cautious. These are the spiritual signs of someone who is not processing the life of Jesus properly.

Rejoicing, praise, and Thanksgiving keep us hydrated and in confidence. There is only one way to live this life, and that is the way that Jesus lives it! Dig out your well, maintain it properly, and drink the water – all day, every day. Take deliberate drinks of the Holy Spirit at specific times and in particular situations.

Digging out a well is about the precise act of displacement: taking out a negative by exposing it to the goodness and kindness of God, and replacing it with one of his own attributes – love instead of fear, trust instead of anxiety, faith instead of doubt, a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning –(being miserable), and a mantle of praise instead of spirit of fainting – depression.

Water creates life. The Holy Spirit generates power. Maintain a great relationship with God through the Holy Spirit. He is a wonderful companion. He is wise, gentle, exuberant, excited by life, and totally enthusiastic about us. He is powerful, funny, and delightful. He adores Jesus and loves to reveal him to us. He loves to take the provision of Jesus and manifest it to us. He loves us incredibly and has incredible esteem in his heart towards us. He is a genius at everything! He is particularly brilliant at establishing the life of Christ in our experience.

Maintaining our inner well properly is mostly concerned with developing our personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. He is a person not a force. He has a fabulous personality, just like the father and Jesus. He helps us with everything. We are in the business of getting to know him, partnering with him., working with him, and listening to him. We get to know the father intimately through the Holy Spirit’s relationship with him. We fully embrace the sovereignty and Majesty of Jesus in our lifestyle through the Holy Spirit’s deep love for him.

We rely on the Holy Spirit. He is our come alongside friend, our comforter when things are going poorly, our personal tutor who trains us for every eventuality and for all aspects of life. Even when we are going through a necessary wilderness experience, it is the Holy Spirit who gives us water, through our own internal well.

Assignment – what are you going through at this time? What is the Lord displacing in you? What is He extracting that is worthless, and what is his precious replacement? How will the Holy Spirit help you with that? Don’t just say, I don’t know. Ask him! Wait around for the answer. Learn how to partner with him.

Commission – take your relationship with the Holy Spirit to the next level of God’s intention. Clean out your well. Make sure you are rehydrated. Ask the father to restore your energy. Joy is infectious and cannot be denied. What needs to grow in relationship between you and the Holy Spirit? Read John 4:14 and 7:37 – 39 again. What do the promises mean to you? How will their daily fulfillment change your lifestyle of spirituality? What must change for that to be accomplished?

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