Yea, prophesy, the Spirit saith, victory to the people of the Lord, let their ears hear it anew that their God hath obtained the victory and He openeth up unto them a walk. Behold the blessings of the Lord is with thee, exalt His name as ye praise His name together, that ye should understand and know the victory of the Lord, the victory that God hath won for thee.
Is it a battle he asketh of thee with a struggle? Art thou in the midst of conflict and turmoil? Yea, the Lord would counsel His people afresh and say, Do not struggle in yourself but look up to the Lord for His victory. Shall it not be by His grace? Shall it not be by His mercy?
In the midst of all thy striving, strive by faith. Ye must not strive by dead works. It must not be the efforts and the energy of the flesh, but it must be the zeal of your own spirit in faith that believes God and rejoices in Christ Jesus and claims the victory that is thine. Oh let it pierce into thine innermost being lest thou wilt seek to perfect that which God has started in thee by thine own efforts and thine own battling.
Draw the grace of God. Draw His victory, for this is the thing that shall bring perfect victory in thy life. Whatsoever thou shalt add to this of thine own fleshly efforts shall diminish from the perfection of the victory that the Lord would give thee. To the extent that thou shalt strive by faith the grace of God shall abound. Oh trust in the Lord. Amen.