Earth bound

How much is our thoughts, emotions and desires earthly orientated? Like Enoch, we must become more at home in the heavens than we are here on earth. We were created to walk on this earth in our bodies while our spirits soar into the heavens.

We must seek to walk in Heaven’s standards and ways. We were made to walk with God, and as we do, His realm will become more real than your earthly realm.

Purification is a cooperative process. Jesus’s light and presence will purify us and keep us pure, but we must be diligent to apply the filters.

Sanctification means to be set apart — set apart from that which defiles your mind and emotions. Holiness is simply being separated from that which defile’s, where we are exclusively the Lord’s.

1 Corinthians 1:30 But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God—and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.

The word sanctification means purification, consecration. it is translated Holiness, a spiritual state of purity. Separation unto God. Sanctification of the spirit means produced by the Holy Spirit. When our spirit is sanctified, it is easily filled with the Spirit, through a focus of worship.

The Lord requires holiness in order for you to walk with Him; you must enter the kingdom realm of His Spirit which is pure and un-defiled. The Lord rarely enters the earth realm, we have to enter His realm, like Joshua the high priest, He stood before the angel of the Lord in a filthy garment (Zechariah 3:1.) And the Lord took away his iniquity and changed his raiment (the word means mantle) and put a pure miter upon his head. A miter is a headpiece often worn by persons in authority in the ancient Near East and is figurative of righteousness.

This all happens in the kingdom realm of the Spirit, which is in another dimension, like a parallel universe, in the spiritual realm of the kingdom, everything is enhanced, and we are clothed with His righteousness.

Sanctification happens in the realm of the Spirit, being in the Presence of God.

HEBREWS 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

“We need to obtain mercy, and find grace to help in a time of need.” The throne of grace is in the kingdom realm of the Spirit. We focus our spirit upon the throne of Grace and our spirit is instantly there, and then we can sense standing before the Lord. This tremendously affects our prayer life, because we can now sense His Majesty. And that changes the way that we pray.

In dreams the Lord can speak to us, and bypass our natural, conscious mind. This is what happened to Joseph, even though he was around people who were not sanctified, and his circumstances were not of his choosing. The word the Lord spoke over him through previous dreams, was being tried by the circumstances in which he found himself in.

The natural mind is at enmity with the mind of the Lord. The purer your heart, mind, and emotions, the clearer you will hear God.

Your personal dream life (the screen of your mind in the true sense of our imagination being in a spiritual realm) must become pure in order for the flow of communication from the Lord to be unhindered. Clarity in the spiritual realm requires clarity or purity in your soul life.”

In the days that lie ahead, we will need to be able to hear the Lord’s voice clearly. His voice is our life.

As it is written, my words are spirit and life (John 6; 63.) The season has come where there is no longer time to correct mistakes.”

The Lord has said firmly to me, “Time is short. You must work while it is yet day. Night cometh when no man can work.”

Even though I believe in a happy eschatology and not the doom and gloom of prophets and ministers who misinterpret the Bible, I don’t believe the church at large is mature enough, to operate or function in the governmental authority that has been provided through the finished work of the cross, which stripped naked, the authority of Principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places ((Ephesians 6: 12.)

There are only a few people I know who have attained to governmental sonship. Most Christians do not know how to ascend into the heavenly realms and begin to function there. They have not experienced the feast of Tabernacles where they have a face-to face relationship with Yeshua, Holy Spirit and YHVH. The have only experienced the feast of Passover where their spirit was born from above. And the feast of Pentecost where they were baptized in the Spirit, but not the baptism of Fire, which the Lord is restoring to the church. The early church experienced both. So, I am preparing for the darkness which is coming upon the earth.

“In Josephs Day, the main issue was food, as famine haunted the land. In our day there will be many kinds of famine: famine of the true word of God and famine of true insight and foresight. And also, a famine of food and water.

I do not know how much we can really do in the natural world; we will need supernatural provision. But I would like to buy a solar generator, and stock up on canned food and bottled water.

In many places, water will be so scarce that countries will go to war over water rights. Many will die from hunger.

Prepare for the days that lie ahead, both in the spiritual and the natural.

You must stay connected to the Lord at all times; the pleasures of life and living in a secular world can quickly pollute the true waters of life. That is why every night I have to wash my feet spiritually, being in the world, but not of it (John 8:23; 15:19;17:14,15.)

Seek the Lord, seek to know Him for only in Him is purity. You must forgive those who have hurt you, betrayed you and have spoken against you. Forgive your brethren. If you do not, you will be haunted by these things. When I forgave my brothers and sisters, redemption and reconciliation took place, which affected the destinies of many.

The Lord would ask of us, “Will you be found worthy?” I know that the only way that I can complete my course is to walk with the Lord in purity, love and faith, knowing that He is able to keep me from falling and straying from the pathway of Holiness and Light.

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