Every problem has a provision attached to it

It is impossible to grow in faith unless you have something to overcome. Life in the Spirit is about how we meet problems, difficulties and adversity and the process of learning how to rise up and surmount those obstacles. An authentic life in the Spirit requires both training and proving. Jesus learned obedience by the things that he experienced that’s what the word suffered means in the Greek (Hebrews 5: 8).

Every day we experience situations that form part of our development process. As the lessons take hold of us, the truth we are learning must be established in us so that we are changed into the likeness of the Lord. Truth not established is merely true. We can know what truth is theoretically, but until it has set us free, we have not become it in experience. We must prove that we are the truth in Christ, and we can only do that by exhibiting our freedom.

Every circumstance revolves around the formation of Christ in us. He is our inheritance and we’re joint heirs with him. He is our promise and our provision because he is all and in all. Jesus becomes to us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, everything we need to live a godly life.

When we experience a negative, we must also encounter the positive that comes with it. Our question to the Holy Spirit is, how is this situation going to form Christ in me? Alternatively, we can ask, what does this mean? (Acts 2: 12) and what shall I do? (Acts 2: 37).

What does this circumstance mean for our growth and development? How do we partner with the Holy Spirit to allow breakthrough to occur?

We are embraced, encircled in life by the promise of Christ in us, the expression of glory. Therefore, every situation can have glory as a part of the equation. We stand in the promise of God looking for the provision. We focus on the positive and never the negative situation. We watch, we pray, we confess the word, and we learn how to stand, press in and receive under pressure.

The promise, not the problem, is our primary focus. We gain an awareness of the will of God for us in this situation. The promise allows us to relax, rejoice and respond appropriately in faith. We have a sense of purpose that we are unwilling to relinquish.

Our attitude and approach is that a problem proves the existence of a provision. All we must do is explore the promise that is also present so that we know how to stand and what to confess out loud with our mouth, so that our guardian angels can help us.

The promise details the provision in front of us. As we move out, the faith that works by love encourages us to discover what the father’s intentions towards us are. He is faithful and we are embracing that faithfulness.

Acknowledge with thanksgiving that the problem has a provision. Ask the Holy Spirit for the correct promise, there are over 7000 in the Bible. Be intentional in your confession and purposeful in your application. Love never fails, love wins.

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