Exhortation and prophecy

We are going to grasp a new concept of how to deal with sin. We have approached it wrong. We must minister to people who have been overtaken in a fault or a sin with the same simple faith with which we would lay hands upon them to heal them, and take dominion over their sin that it be absolved, that it be forgiven and blotted out. This is a truth that has been abused by the Roman church, and the Protestants have erred as well in their extreme turning away from everything that seemed Roman. But the truth of the matter often lies in the middle of the road.

There is a power that God designates to His ministries to forgive sin (John 20:21–23; Luke 24:45–47). There is a power that He designates to His ministries to heal diseases (James 5:14–16). There is an authority that must rest there. We should move to see people forgiven of that which is oppressing them, of that for which they feel guilty or self-condemned. There should be a definite ministry by faith; and there should be faith on your part too, for unless you believe that God can do it and that God will do it in this manner, you will not accept it. We must recognize what the blood of Jesus can do to sin in washing it away and removing it from you. (See Romans 3:21–26; 5:8–9; Colossians 2:13–15; Hebrews 9:11–14; I Peter 1:18–21; I John 1:7; Revelation 1:4–6.)

Turn ye from the wicked way, saith the Lord. Search thy heart that it shall be upright before the Lord. For the Lord hath called thee that thou shouldst be a people separated unto the Lord (II Corinthians 6:14–7:1; II Timothy 2:19–21). Yea, behold how thou hast wasted the hours; behold, thou hast fallen short of those things that the Lord has set before this people (Ephesians 5:8, 15–17; Colossians 4:2–5). Yea, He hath called for prayer and there has been little prayer. He hath called for walking uprightly before the Lord, and thou hast wondered why thou hast not been able to put aside those things of the flesh. Thou hast wondered at the torment and the power that thy flesh has had to hinder thee from the will of the Lord (Romans 7:18–8:4).

Yea, the hour is upon thee, the Lord saith, that I shall move upon thee by My Spirit and I shall cause thee to utterly abhor the way of the flesh, and to despise it with a perfect hatred. Yea, thou shalt turn away from that which hindereth thee from receiving the joy and the blessing of the Lord. Give thyself to walk in the ways of the Lord. Yea, saith the Lord, the time is upon thee that thou shalt be sanctified and set apart unto the Lord so that thou shalt enter into the holy place (Hebrews 4:16; 9:11–14).

Yea, thou shalt remember how that when the priesthood was chosen of the Lord and entered into the sanctuary without the preparation of the heart, without the sanctifying work, behold they were smitten before the presence of the Lord (Leviticus 10:1–2). Yea, thou shalt recall in the Word of the Lord how even Moses, when he assayed to go down, chosen of the Lord to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt, yet the Lord did meet him and seek to kill him because he had not obeyed the Word of the Lord and separated his own household by circumcision unto the ways of the Lord (Genesis 17:9–14; Exodus 4:24–26).

Yea, thou shalt perceive how that the Lord shall search out His camp. He shall come even with a broom and He shall sweep out the leaven from the corners (Matthew 3:11–12; I Corinthians 5:7). He shall deal with everything that remaineth that shall hinder the people of the Lord. Yea, thou shalt beware of the hypocrisy of the Pharisees (Luke 12:1). Thou shalt not go after the leaven of the Pharisees which pretendeth and assumeth a righteousness that is not in their hearts. But thou shalt look unto the Lord who shall sanctify thee wholly, who shall cause thee to be presented before His presence sanctified in spirit, soul and body, so that thou shalt be preserved blameless unto the hour thy Lord cometh (I Thessalonians 5:23–24).

Open thy heart unto the Lord, for the Lord shall search thee out and rid thee of every unclean thing so that thou shalt walk in uprightness before the Lord. Yea, it is good for thee to put away from thee evil thoughts and nurse not the way of the flesh (II Corinthians 10:4–5). Yea, the Lord saith, shall not the axe be laid unto the root of the tree, and that which the Lord hath not planted shall be pulled down (Matthew 3:10; 15:13). Every stumbling block shall be taken out of the way (Isaiah 57:13b–15).

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