Expanding your boundaries

A little clip of on some angelic activity as we have just been talking angels and engaging with the whole angelic realm when I was in Phoenix and there was a strong angelic presence and you couldn’t see it with the natural eyes but cameras seem to pick things up. they were live streaming the session and while they were Lifestreaming of the session people started to phone in saying are you aware of what’s on the Lifestream so when we sort of got the video and had a look  and it was like forget my dancing you you can see some of the lights, moving around the room. Now you can see some of them are actually coming in and out the screen and they are behind people and in front of people and the lighting in the room was very very subdued so there was no spotlight, there was nothing you could see with the natural eyes, although spiritually I was aware of what was going on it but it was really interesting to see all these lights flashing around the room. it is quite interesting but shows actually when you actually going to look at some of these things, you actually find that they are available on camera that aren’t necessary available to the natural eyes so there there wavelengths of light which you can begin to pick up and engage with but you can’t necessarily see them but you can tune into them. because spiritually i was aware of what was going on in those things but not everyone is, not everyone was aware was going on. There was a few people afterwards who actually testified about the things that were moving around the room , now they came as lights, but actually when you slow down the lights and if you, because you got them on video, you slow them down, they are like orbs and they have almost like shimmering faces in them and when you engage them, so I’m going to pick up on that in a little bit, I thought I would just  show it at the beginning just to give us a starting point.

So this is the last session of the pathway of relationship engaging God. We been going deeper and deeper in intimacy looking to see a flow from heaven flowing through the gateways of our spirit soul and body out to the world around us and I am going to focus on that whole part today.

 so the rivers of living water from the river of life which isn’t H2O it’s the essence of God’s life, are to water the earth and now we don’t have a physical garden all of us have a garden within our heart that becomes a place for that to flow out so we looked at the gateways of spirit soul and body looked at various sessions and we looked to actually see that we have a spirit which is God conscious and our first love place of first love the kingdom in us God’s presence in us needs opening to flow outwards we have our self-conscious our soul to engage the world and to be self-aware we have world consciousness to engage the world now most of what we learned is come from the outside in. now God wants it to flow from the inside out so we will engage the world and ourselves from a different perspective a perspective of the spirit. so we need the river of life flowing therefore we need to open up a first love gate. we can engage Jesus and take his yoke upon us his burdens easy and his yoke is light way around and we need the throne god on the throne of our lives so we sort of been looking at the pathway where the garden of our heart, dance floor , soaking room the bridal chamber, is this process of going deeper and deeper with God more intimacy transformation being transformed into the image of son ship everything has been leading up to that dark cloud experience and I shared that last time, where there  was a surrender of self death to self-rule and control as a principle of life. so I became untethered from the earth, and soul and spirit became separated and reintegrated together in unity. And then living in dual realms, being able to live in the realms of heaven and realms of earth at the same time became possible. Because as my soul and spirit became unified United and connected, heaven and earth are connected. Now I have learned over the last five years to live that way but there’s a lot more to it, so my soul and spirit were engaging heaven together daily in visionary cognitive experiences I was in heaven in my soul but because my soul was ruling then I couldn’t stay there, I kept having to step in and step out, so I was going into the veil and back out, engaging that every day, wonderful experiences but there was a limit to how far I could go. because of the nature of my soul being in charge so I was visiting heaven, the heavenly realms but not inhabiting them consistently which is what you need to do if you’re going to flow from heaven to earth in a consistent way. So my redemptive gift a prophet and teacher I needed to know how things function to explain that to other people, this is how I am wired, God made me that way. I’m aware of the physical world in that way, I look at the world and I look to see how it out works. It is just how God made me. other people look at the world look to think how can I help people, how can I bless people, how can i do this. for me that’s how I look at the world I’m wired that way but my soul would get its identity from that, from its redemptive gift and that was ruling until I got to this point engaging that dark cloud and essentially coming into crucifixion of myself. And Galatians 2:20 describes this, I have been crucified with Christ, now we know that took place in principle on the cross that he died for all of us, in our place and as us. and then it goes on to say it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me, the life which I now live. So I’ve died to one way of living and now I’m alive to a new way of living. I now live in the flesh, I live by faith of the son of God who loved me and gave himself up for me.

 So if he did that for me my response has been well I want to love you and give myself up for you that means that I no longer live in the same way, my soul is no longer functioning in the same way as it was. So now I live together with Christ in a union, a mystic union is a one way of describing it, being unity of one heart. So my soul surrendered- died and is now resurrected, integrated with my spirit in a right relationship. I wasn’t doing anything wrong in what I was doing I was just doing it from the wrong motivation and now that motivation changed. So when I no longer needed to know, then god was free to unveil so much more than I ever imagined or thought , I got to a point where I couldn’t go any further because my soul needed to be cognitively engaged in that process and that wasn’t possible. You know, it is possible to go into that realm in the soul and the spirit and enjoy the thing, but I couldn’t live there because my soul has to live here. My soul is the connection point for my spirit to the world. And if my soul was in heaven then I’m not much use on the earth. So there has to be a point where you live in both realms. So the whole veiled places in heaven which I’d never been to started to unveil and I began to walk in different places in son ship. Zechariah 37 if you walk in my ways so I started to walk in his ways then you will perform my service govern my house, take charge of my courts and I’ll give you free access among these who are standing here. Those realms of government and courts and access to the councils of God opened up. Whereas before I was limited in my experience .so at this point time God gave me an orb that thing the Queen holds in our official pictures with a aglow and he gave me a throne in the realm of the kingdom of heaven and I suddenly started to be able to engage in a legislative governmental way in son ship rather than more the experiential way that I was engaging before so I started to engage wisdom who I had not engage before this point and I engaged on her Heights and I found lots of doorways there and pathways and different things that took me into different realms of heaven everything I have accessed previously all went to deeper level because I could  now experience something of the revelation of that it wasn’t being hindered by my soul and I was able to access so many different levels of courts, you know before I was operating in the mobile court of accusation, like most of us are engaging in then I was able to access many other courts, court of Kings, court of chancellors  and the court of the upright having been sort of free now, because I didn’t need to know, God was free to show me all sorts of things and unveil that. so I was able to go deeper into the holy of holies not just engaging the ark for a mandate of what to do on the earth, because that’s what i was doing before I would go engage with the ark of the presence of God resonate with his will and then step out and try to do his will. It so hard to do his will when you spirit is not in heaven because you’re doing it in the power of the soul. Even though it was his will I was trying to work it out. so then I learned to go and step into the four faces of God and engage the heavenly government of God, the lion the ox the eagle and man and begin to engage that and I was able then to engage eternity

 I had never engaged eternity before, I went back into the heart of God where is not linear there’s no space time continuum in the same way as we have here my soul could never have coped with eternity because you just get completely fried with a nonlinear way of engaging things but my spirit was birthed in eternity and it is designed to engage eternity and this opened up so I could go back into eternity and engage that so then I get an eternal perspective for life that enables me to begin to frame and order my life from that perspective, rather than the perspective that my souls engage with. so I started to live and practice living in dual realms so that I could flow from heaven to earth because my spirit was there and engaging and then I started to learn how to frame my day from what I received from the oracles and legislation of heaven so that order started to take place around me and then things started to expand. That’s what I want to talk about today expanding our boundaries so the whole dual realms living became possible as daily my soul stepped in and then stepped out and left my spirit dwelling there.

 John 312 Jesus was talking to Nicodemus he said I told you earthly things that is things that happen right here on earth and you do not believe how will you believe and trust me if I tell you heavenly things. so there is so much more in the realms of heaven then you can just get from earthly perspectives now I believe we have a lot more earthly perspectives that gives us the parables of the day quantum physics and that type of thing that opens up new realms of understanding in parables because we now have a deeper understanding about the spiritual physical things that aren’t seen operate. but that can’t be what we form our things from it must be the experience of those things that go beyond what we experience in this earthly realm Jesus said no one has gone up into heaven but there is one who came down from heaven the Son of Man himself whose home is in heaven so Jesus was dwelling in heaven in his spirit while his body and soul were on the earth. And there were occasions where he stepped back into that realm with his soul. He went to the top of the mountain he went into the mountain he stepped into that realm in a different dimension when his physical body engaged that realm and he was transfigured on top of the mountain, again all talking about mountains which are places of authority. That mountain is where God dwells mount Zion the city of God is where God’s kingdom is and he was able to access that mountain sometimes physically, sometimes spiritually and with his soul, at different times. So we also have that same pattern for us. if we’re going to do the things Jesus did the way he did them, then we need to follow the same pattern so in John 519 Jesus says therefore answered them saying truly truly I say to you the son can do nothing himself, unless it is something he sees the father doing that’s why he was able to do what he was doing because he was seeing what the father was doing continuingly because his was spirit was engaged in that realm he sees what the father is doing, for whatever the father does these things the son also does in like manner. So we can do the things that God is doing in the way that he’s doing them when he shows us. To show us we have to step into where he is, then he engages in us and then that flows through us verse 20 says for the father loves the son and shows him all things. Are we all sons of God? So he loves us and will show us all things. If were willing to engage in that. for the father loves the son he shows all things he himself is doing and the father will show him greater works than these so that you will marvel and that’s the key there is so much more greater works than we’ve seen from an earthly perspective that will cause us to marvel and wonder when we begin to engage in the same way Jesus engaged so we can engage in the realms of heaven see what the father is doing once our spirit and soul are functioning in correct order. So our spirit leads and directs and the soul flows. Therefore our body and everything around us comes into alignment with that. So then we can learn to use our kingdom authority authority we have in the realm of the kingdom to rule over the circumstances and situations of our daily lives not be subject to them, because we carry an authority of heaven which is higher than what we are on the earth. and if were connected and flowing everything can flow from that realm into this realm so we have a greater capacity to outwork the kingdom on a daily basis to expand and contract time to do everything that we need to do what we been authorized and mandated to do by God what we see him doing we have authority to be able to administrate the kingdom around those situations so if God tells me I want you to do 24 hours of work today I either stay out for 24 hours or I have to make sure I can do 24 hours of things in the hours I have got available so I begin to frame life from the perspective of God says you can do this that’s impossible from a natural perspective but nothing is impossible with God and if I’m seeing things from his perspective then I can do those things. and therefore I actually rule my time to contract and expand it so if I need to travel somewhere and there’s a need for me to be there at a particular time and I am late, then what am I going to do, be late or am I actually going to say I need to travel there quicker and I have actually done that several times where God has shown me to do that so he  is taking me in a journey and shortened the journey even though I couldn’t understand it and then when I was late for a plane in the air traveling and not going to get connecting flight you know I sent angels ahead of the plane to enable that plane to get there in an hour and 40 minute journey we got there 25 minutes because I took authority. Now then you can learn, because your spirit is in the realm of heaven you can be translated in time and space and used by God while you’re doing things in your daily life. now sometimes we are aware of that and when I engage in worship here I just switch into another dimension and I’m was going to places because I can do that, I am just relaxing in this place and everyone else’s doing there stuff and I can be translated in time and space and there has been many times because my spirit is in that realm I just choose to focus on being engaging with it so I can see what I’m doing but people come up to me online all the time and say I saw you the other day in this realm you were doing this, that is interesting, what was I doing, what was i wearing I’ll ask questions because sometimes I’m aware of it,oh yeah I remember that and other times totally unaware of it, because I am focused here like now. I am focused here looking at you, engaging with you speaking to you but my spirit is in the realm of heaven flowing into this realm which is why very often I don’t really need to think about what I’m going to say, because it’s already prepared for me what I need to say in that realm but it doesn’t automatically happen, we have to engage it so I can expand the kingdom because I’m a gateway of heaven because I’m a house of God and a mountain a place of authority and I can expand heaven all that became possible when I started to learn to be joined to the Lord in one spirit with him. Therefore I started to rule by filling the spheres of government that god has given me. So we all have our seven mountains and the seventh Sub Mountains, of those mountains, and some of us are on benches of three that are involved with other spheres of government. therefore when I rule because I have a mandate from God to be fruitful and to multiply and to fill and to subdue and to rule Genesis 1:28 I can then begin to fill those spheres take authority expand those spheres because those spheres are supposed to increase so I start to frame my life for blessing to be fruitful and to multiply because that’s God’s will God’s will is that we’re all fruitful to fulfill our destiny and to multiply to increase and to fill the spheres because the kingdom of God is going to fill the earth. How is it going to fill the earth? As we fill the spheres that God given has us of that kingdom rule. so my spirit is like living in the creative light realm of heaven because it’s operating creative light because God is light that living in that realm is both before this realm in time and authority because heaven operates on a different timescale so I can be always ready for what is needed here if I’m in that realm and I can have the authority of that realm which is always higher than this realm because the spiritual realm has greater authority than the natural realm and that is how Jesus did all his miracles he brought the spiritual realm of heaven it’s at hand it’s here and when he said it’s at hand the hand is the symbol of authority to rule to act so he said it is at hand, it is here so he did miracles signs and wonders nature miracles he multiplied food he did go through the Scriptures and see all the things that he did. How did he do it?

 As he was ruling from heaven on his throne even when he was here on the earth and we can do the same. so everything needed to fulfill everything that were called to do on a daily basis every mandate we been given by God can be prepared and ready to flow from creative light into these created light realms and scientifically you can look at all the different things, that are very interesting when you look at holograms and you look at diffraction light patterns of light how they interact all those things are now being discovered to show us actually this actually is what happens quantum entanglement is the theory that two particles that are connected can be separated by dimensions millions billions of miles and function instantly at the same time so my spirit is quantumly entangled with my soul and body separated by a dimension but completely connected which is exactly what the spiritual and physical realms are connected and the spiritual realm keeps this physical realm into order if this was not observed it wouldn’t exist so God is continually observing this realm from another realm .so that this one exists, all those things we have learned. acts 1728 says for in him we live and move and exist and we will find the more we understand of living in him and living in that realm, the more we will exist in a way of son ship rather than the existence that we been used to on the earth. so literally residence is where two things come together they resonate residence of creative and created light the kingdom of heaven and earth soul and spirit brings alignments it brings an alignment agreement and unity and where there is always unity there is blessing that’s the empowerment to succeed and prosper .so my spirit resonates with God in heaven my soul resonates with my spirit and comes into agreement peace shalom, unity, unity. United being in unison is what it feels like when my soul and spirit function this way, true wholeness is the manifestation of son ship and son ship is where we function the same way as Jesus, where we’re coheirs with him in the kingdom and that’s what Romans says we are coheirs joint heirs fellow heirs. therefore we can do the same things he did in the same way so we been looking at the flow from our spirit and when we truly worship it truly means we are surrender to God’s will and purpose we are in obeisance we bow down and  knowledge his kingship therefore his kingdom and his rule in us that flows through us through the river of life through the garden of our heart and by choice of soul we can say yes to God or we can say no to God because we have free will to choose every single day of our lives which ever pathway we choose will be the pathway we follow until we repent and turn from the negative pathway to follow the right path but we have a choice free will be given to it by God so every day we need to flow from worship that our soul then chooses to acknowledge and accept God’s will for us come into full agreement so our conscience imagination reason mind emotions will all function together in oneness of saying yes to God and what we see the father doing so it can flow through us in the realm of heaven so we have the opportunity of our soul engaging the world as our spirit connects so we have a body with different senses site hearing smell taste touch those are physical senses which we are used to engaging the world from an outside in perspective. I see something because light is coming in from the outside I hear something because sound waves are coming in from the outside I smell because there are particles in the air that are coming from the outside. Everything comes from the outside in but now we need to start to see and engage the world from the inside out so were no longer subject to what’s coming from outside in we then can begin to see things from a spiritual perspective, a heavenly perspective which changes how we engage the world. now as the flow comes through us we will find that you begin to engage different realms around you there a difference spiritual dimensions that you can’t see with your natural eyes but you can learn to tune into with your spirit so there is the realm of the Holy Spirit , we are very used to functioning in that realm then there is the realm of our personal atmosphere, that spiritual realm we create by what flows through us and that can be good or bad and depending on what flows through us actually will determine what attracts around us. now positive things attract positive things negative things attract negative things so we need to make sure that what we’re developing in an atmosphere is conducive to positive things engaging with us so the spiritual atmosphere that surround us contains both the angelic and the demonic now what is going to be drawn to you if you are miserable negative angry unforgiving resentful bitter well guess what is going to come just like a shark with a drop of blood in the water can engage that miles away if you are exhibiting love and joy and peace you are going to have the angelic realm all around you. But we have to be responsible for what’s flowing through us. We are responsible for the atmosphere we create and we can engage in these atmospheres to begin to understand the spiritual dimensions that are happening around us. be sensitive to them and start to rule and establish the kingdom in those atmospheres not be subject to them. we can do all this. everything flows there through us. so our spirit engage the spiritual realms around us they operate a higher frequency a high wavelength you can’t see but your spirit can engage with. we can engage them through the eyes of our heart so we can choose to engage our imagination and begin to see that through the eyes of our heart that’s why we’re learning to use our imagination as a doorway to engage these things but also you can engage with the eyes of your spirit your spirit has the ability to perceive frequencies of light and sound that are not available to us through a natural realm so we can begin to engage the atmosphere, the angelic and as we saw earlier cameras can pick up things that we can’t see with our natural eyes until there made in a form that we can so in a way a camera seems to be able to pick up something that our natural eyes can’t and turn it into something that our natural eyes can see our spirit can do the same thing we can begin to engage so were aware what’s going on so that we can become sensitive to the frequencies of those spiritual realms around us so we tuned into those vibrational frequencies of the realms and perceive or sense the activity it’s like our spirit is light we are made in the image of God God is light God is spirit it can send out like a vibrational pulse or radar or sonar wave into the atmosphere of let’s say this room and receive back an image or impression of what’s here I’ve learned to do this over a period of time and I have taught in the first modules of engaging God how to do that we have to practice it so if I tune into that right now I can actually see all that is going on here and the angelic realms and the portals that are open and the different things that are here. You have to learn to engage it and tune into to receive because we are an amplifier frequency changes to discern things we have discernment to discern those things of the different realms spiritual realm natural realm emotional realm we can discern where things are coming from and what there there we just have to learn to tune in and begin to engage to become sensitive to it so there three realms I commonly engage, there is the Holy Spirit realm. That’s what were most familiar with, we are use to engaging the Holy Spirit realm and getting things from the Holy Spirit. our personal atmosphere is where our angels dwell, we can engage with them . And then the spiritual atmosphere the angelic and demonic realm around us. the holy spirit realm is where the Holy Spirit knows what’s going on, so the Holy Spirit knows exactly what’s going on in this spiritual realm and in every one of us. so the Holy Spirit knows exactly what’s going on in your mind in your emotions right now in every minute detail more than you probably understand and know yourself. so when we engage the Holy Spirit realm we are dependent on the Holy Spirit passing some of that information on. and we can learn to do that and is called the gifts of the spirit. so the Holy Spirit can gift us the ability to know what’s going on in someone else’s life or in the situation. so we can tune in to receive words we call the words of knowledge words of wisdom prophetic words pictures visions gifts to administer healing, miracles,but it is all as he wills and the more we spent time tuning into his will, then the easier it is to receive spiritual gifts. but that is his will. now he wants us and wants to train us to be able to tune into our spirit so that our spirit can engage those realms and also receive the same information or information in a different way.now we got books and books written on spiritual gifts but very little written on our spirit and our spiritual abilities, that we been given to develop because we are made in the image of God to be able to do and engage the same things so our personal atmosphere we can engage in, it is where we are flowing with the vibrations that we are radiating from inside out. hopefully love joy and peace which will attract the angelic realm your own personal angels interact with you in that atmosphere , you can engage them assign them they are there ministering spirits on behalf of those who inherit salvation that’s us so that there to minister with us for us and on our behalf but if we don’t direct them then most of the time they just keep us out of trouble, and they have done pretty good job. but they  want more than that. they want us to interact with them and it is actually send them out into our day to prepare our day send them out to prepare the things we need ahead of time. the relationships we need the connections we need so that things will be ordered our angels can do that they have the ability to do that but they need to be directed and most of the time there waiting for us to direct them to give them some direction. now what we see in the realm of heaven then they can get involved in so if you start to see what the father is doing they get really excited because they have an opportunity of being involved in what the father is doing through us with our destiny every day so warning those negative atmospheres attract negative spirits so we are responsible for making sure that we have the right attitude keeping our self in love joy and peace. so the spiritual realm is occupied with the angelic, like we saw earlier that’s around us now angels are designed to be involved with earth from heaven Genesis 28:12 jacob had a dream behold the latter was set on earth so the latter was on earth interestingly he didn’t say the latter started in heaven. so there is an interaction here that we are responsible to engage with. with its top reaching to heaven and behold the angels of God were ascending and descending on it so the angels of God ascend on ladders that we establish, that we connect, and behold the Lord stood above it and said I am the Lord so this is the latter that we can engage in all the time to engage in the realm of heaven and go through the veil that is open and engage the Lord in that doorway which is open but not to be forgetting the fact that angels are ascending and descending when we connect. this happened with Jesus John 1:51 truly truly I say to you will see the heavens opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man so he was use to engaging with the angelic realm as part of his way of doing things. now because his disciples couldn’t see in the same way they couldn’t see how he was doing a lot of what he was doing until he opened their eyes to begin to engage in certain things so Jesus lived under an open heaven with angelic involvement around his life at various times, so we get some glimpses of that Jesus is the pattern, the model for us. so we need to learn to tune in. in the wilderness Matthew 11:4,11 then the devil left him and behold angels came and ministered to him. so in our lives we can expect angels to minister. in the garden of Gethsemane Luke 2243 now an angel from heaven appear to him strengthing him. so we need to expect that Matthew 2653 do you not think that I cannot appeal to my father and he will at once put at my disposal more than 12 legions of angels, that is a lot of angels. well as a son do you not think that we can engage with our father he will give us access to at our disposal to do the things that were called to do legions of angels are waiting for us to be involved so when the angelic realm recognizes the kingdom that gods on the throne of our lives that whole angelic canopy comes around us and we can learn to engage with it. so we have a whole canopy of different angels you see these are the myriad upon myriads and the 10,000s upon 10,000s and there are lots of different orders of them there angels who are heading those orders they have specific functions you can learn to engage it, we will pick up this much more once we engage into the realm of heaven where these things are more interactive, and you can go into those different realms of canopies and engage the different angels and learn their functions and how to interact with them but they are around us when they see the kingdom. so the whole corporate angelic realm is open when we gather. now we gather here and  we had it prophesied that were a landing strip for the angelic and different things like that. so we have our church angels that we can engage with. we have a four angels of transformation and transition that we can engage with. we have a healing pool angel that comes that we can engage with, are we just waiting for them to turn up or are we actually administrating what there doing and interacting with them. last week when mike Bryant was here, he engaged with the angel that he said had a big axe . now I saw that angel because that’s the angel of transformation but, he sits on the right-hand side of the room on his left as he described it and actually had a big axe,now I have seen it with a big axe once before which was there to set us free from different tethers and I was waiting to see whether he would pick up on it, he did saw it and offered people to come and get their chains cut. so those angels are there we can interact sometimes there sent with a purpose sometimes we can order and bring direction to them the order of the k’ll angels which are the living creatures they are not all like people with wings most of them aren’t. they come in the form of fiery swords and whirlwinds and pillars and golden ladders and clouds and fiery chariots and firey horses and many others those you can be interactive with and you can find that right through out Scripture the angels come in many shapes and forms we can engage with them when we gather and sometimes when we worship and when Joe does the flags and different things, portals open in some of these things turn up and we get fiery whirlwinds in the middle the room people can start to engage with, all different things that open up avenues and opportunities for us to embrace and engage. so once we have established that God’s kingdom is flowing through us then we need to fill the spiritual realms around us not just engage them it is great to see what’s going on but we have responsibility to do something about was in them. so it needs to flow through us one Corinthians 617 the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with him, that flow begins when we live in oneness with God and heaven and ourselves so I every day I look to come into agreement with God in me, so the bench of three the government of heaven is actually dwelling in me so when I come into agreement with that I create a window or doorway or portal for that to flow through me if I don’t come into agreement, there’s a limit to what can happen through my life I have to agree so that creates a flow. so the door the gate, the  portal of heaven is open and can flow through me around me. which is really really important for us, because were not looking to fill those atmospheres with things which are just our own ideas were looking to see heaven flowing from one to another and you begin then to engage with the manifestation of the four faces of God through our lives so we begin to be a royal priesthood we begin to carry the government of heaven the apostolic and the prophetic foundations to bring things onto the earth. so the kingdom of God needs to flow through me and around me as rivers of living water now we got those Scriptures we have those Scriptures. John4 we drink from a fountain John seven it becomes a river flowing through us, rivers, so it can touch the world around us and this is the whole point of the kingdom it is supposed to touch the world, it is not supposed to stay inside us making us happy and a nice place actually it is supposed to engage the world Peters shadow Peter shadow healing people is an example of what was flowing through him or was radiating around his life people could come within that sphere and be healed that can happen to us if we create and fill that sphere so basically I first started to engage in my day I thought to engage in first love I get baptized into the father son spirit I drink living water from the wells of salvation John four I yoke myself to Jesus to be discipled by him, for him to lead and direct me I surrender the seat and rest of the government of God the throne of my spirit to the father so he can father me. he can show me what he is doing that’s my daily life if you like I come into agreement with the father as a bench of three that creates this doorway I then become a gateway of the kingdom to increase in me through me and around me. that life is something that God intends me to have. so essentially I then can see as we look at this the kingdom expanding so I yield and open all the gateways of my spirit soul and body to heavens flow. I expand my spirit in oneness with the Holy Spirit. now this took me a while to learn how to do because I sort of didn’t get it immediately, I would just okay I’m a channel God flows through me great, he will do what he wants. But then actually no, I am a co-heir, I have to be involved in the process, more than just a conduit, he wants my active involvement with what goes on, so then it was like, okay, if you have all these spheres of government , how do you begin to act, engage them, so he showed me. that my spirit needs to expand because my spirit is a place of government and there’s no end to the increase of his government, so I have to increase, so I expand my spirit every day so my spirit extends around my soul around my body and then creates that atmosphere. so I populate that atmosphere with what I say what I engage in heaven so it can flow through me. Isaiah 54:2this Scripture has come to us, quite a lot of times, enlarge the place of your tent stretch out the curtains of your dwellings so God is dwelling in me and he wants that to extend further than just my physical body or the little atmosphere that I create he wants it to expand spare not lengthen the cords and strengthen your pegs for you will spread abroad to the right and left so there’s a sense where the kingdom needs to expand Isaiah 97 there will be no end to the increase of his government and peace so if I’m at peace I can create an atmosphere of peace because there is an expansion of God’s kingdom and that can expand into every area, that god has called me to have government in. on the throne of David and over his kingdom to establish it and uphold it with justice and righteousness that’s the foundation of God’s kingdom. living from a perspective of love which is the fullest expression of righteousness in justice bringing God’s will and purpose into the earth and then on forever more so this isn’t going to end we have this available to us today. acts also describes this in acts 1:8 you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem Judea and Samaria and even to the utter most parts of the earth, there is supposed to be an expansion isn’t supposed to stay inside me it’s got to go to Jerusalem. Well what is my Jerusalem around me. it has got to go to Judea what’s my Judea ?Samaria, the ends of the earth.those are the spheres that I’ve been given authority to administrate the seven mountains and beyond Daniel 2:35 the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth that’s God’s desire that his kingdom the mountain of God the mountain of the house of the Lord will be raised up above all the other mountains . how is that going to take place? as each of us administrate our own personal spheres of government as each of us engage that expanding the kingdom so the earth will be filled with the glory of God answering creations groan for freedom we start to bring order the whole of creation starts to respond to son ship and it’s like, we have testimonies today of creation responding to son ship. doug engaged God for an end to his segal problem and God engages creation and releases crows to come and nest and drive off all the segals that is a demonstration of exactly this creation answering son ship when you respond from a place of authority actually creation responds. God responds to it. Genesis 128 here’s our mandate God bless them he empowered them and said to them be fruitful and multiply fill the earth subdue it and rule so we have to begin to learn how to fill that. everyone of us has the capacity to fill the spheres the circles of influence around us from that which flows from the fountain of life that you drink if you drink from the right source that becomes rivers that will flow now it starts off as a trickle. the trickle comes under the threshold of the door it says in Ezekiel 47 why because we haven’t learned to open the door. we have to open first love we have to open the door that Jesus said in Revelation 320 behold I stand at the door and knock, we have to open that door every day and allow him in then he can flow in us and through us and around us. but most of us have operated on the trickle, we had a trickle that trickle has been the gifts and fruit of the spirit. as wonderful as that is, that’s a trickle what happens when it becomes a flood? things will change the capacity that we have will increase and grow so I extend and expand my spirit outwards to create that atmosphere I then extend it around my seven mountains and the corporate benches and spheres I’m operating in those influences I extend outwards I’m creating a place by extending my tent pegs my curtain,so it can be filled. All I am doing is extending the place where it can be filled, I have to fill it, it has to flow so I can extend it but I don’t do anything to fill it nothing will happen so that’s what happens when I go into the realms of heaven every day,and I am sitting  on a throne of heaven I am actually creating and seeing what will fill those spheres, now those spheres for me are my home and family  the ecclesia here the area, the region and all our freedom apostolic resources, spheres I have those spheres of government and their extending no I am not responsible for everything that goes on in those areas just what I mandated to have authority over. so I’m preparing the space to be fruitful, to fruit. I’m expanding and preparing that space to multiply and to be filled I must not be a Dead Sea the river Jordan flows into a sea but nothing flows out, and it is dead, nothing lives in it because of the concentration of what’s in it which was never designed to stay in one pool it was designed to flow out and water the rest of the earth. And that is an illustration actually what happened with Israel it all stuck with them, and they didn’t give it away. they were designed to be a light to the Gentiles and to the nations and they didn’t do it .and God took the kingdom from them because they didn’t produce the fruit and gave it to those who would. now we need to be those who would otherwise he will take the kingdom from us and give it to another generation so I’m expanding my boundaries around and my increasing spheres of influence because is no end to the increase of his government those are the spheres of my destiny, I am not going to extend anything that doesn’t belong to me in my life. so I need to know what I’m destined to fulfill. so is not a good idea or even. Look at all those problems over there , I need to do something about it, I don’t unless that is a part of my mandate to do something about it now I sometimes get moved by things I see and I saw , I remember the Mexican Hurricane the biggest hurricane they ever recorded. I looked at the pictures and saw this big red mass coming into Mexico  and was going to hit the South of the US and I thought wow that’s a huge hurricane , I need to do something about that so I went to God and said , do you want me to do something about it and he said no, I got someone else to deal with it. now I spoke to the person who was one of the people who were dealing with it. that hurricane was called Patricia and God has such a sense of humor, he chose someone called Patricia to actually engage it and stop it and literally the whole thing changed direction and when up into the mountains and petered out before ever got to do what the destruction it could have done. but it wasn’t my responsibility even though I asked it was someone else’s because it was within their sphere because one of their seven mountains is weather. I haven’t got a weather mountain. Now I can cause favor and blessing around my life so I have a certain degree of control over the weather around me. but other people have authority over those things so we operate within the spheres that we have so I’m preparing the spheres so that what I establish in the heavenly realms can then flow through me into those spheres and touch the world and bring the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven now I want that river of life to go from a trickle to a stream to a river to a torrent because that’s what the Scripture describes in Ezekiel 47 49;29

so we engage the spiritual realms around us with our spirit joined to the Lord, we do not then have to be affected by the atmosphere on the earth associated with the culture of the earth we’re supposed to affect that and bring change and transformation to it to rule our circumstances and we can do that if we fill them and subdue whatever’s in there which is not in alignment with God’s will and purpose and we have authority to overcome any obstacle or hindrance that’s hindering and out working .but we need to use that and Jesus said if there is a mountain in the way speak to it and tell it to go so if you have an obstacle within your sphere that shouldn’t be there. you can command it to be moved to go somewhere else so we all need to see that, that sphere can expand and increase to cover all the heavenly mountains that we are responsible for and every corporate bench we have authority for we can see an expansion to fill the spheres we will need to be a gateway, if there is no opening of our gateways, there is nothing to flow. so the river of life becomes ankle-deep stream to fill Jerusalem around us. it becomes increased and knee-deep to fill Judea, it comes waist deep to fill samaria and it deepens to fill the ends of the earth, out of its depths. I do not know what is the limit of your sphere will be. could be the whole solar system or the galaxy who knows, you know mine at the moment is extended to the region that we live in and other spheres the lord has given influence for. ezekial 47 this is the Scripture that we use then he brought me back to the door of the house and there was water trickling from under the threshold because the door was not opened. he measured 1000 cubits led me to water reaching the ankles and measure a thousand, and now why a 1000? well in multiples of 10 and 10 is a number of government then measured again water reaching the knees measured again water reaching the loins verse five he measured a thousand and a river could not afford the water had risen enough to swim in a river that not to be forwarded the whole of the bank of the river were many trees on one side and on the other. carries on ,then the waters go out to the Eastern region because everything always flows out from the east side. that’s where the blessing flows out of the temple. being made to flow into the sea and the waters of the sea became fresh. so what comes through us can actually turn the things that are not livable in, into being filled with life. it will come about that every living creature with swarms in every place where the river goes will live so if we start to administrate the spheres of government around us then we can bring life into them. heavens life into those spheres. And we have lots of Scriptures that share about this Zechariah 910 he will speak peace to the nations and his dominion will be from sea to sea from the river to the ends of the earth this is what were about. Genesis 210 now river flowed out of Eden to water the garden. Eden is from heaven, God’s garden to water the garden on earth that was given to Adam, from there it divided and became four rivers to water the earth it says. that river is increasing and expanding the kingdom. Isaiah 4118 I will open up rivers on bear heights and springs in the midst of valleys I will make a wilderness a pool of water and dry land fountains of water. where there is no life we’re supposed to bring life, it is supposed to flow through us and around us Isaiah 43:19 behold I will do something new now it will spring forth will you not be aware of it, I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert. so if we’re living in a desert whose responsibility is it to bring life to it? ours and we have every capacity to do it. Ephesians 2:6 talks about where we’re seated in the heavens with Christ, the flow of the of the river is created from your throne in your heavenly position of  authority . where your seated with Christ that is where you establish what can fill those spheres, your throne is where your mountain is you can release the spiritual blessings according to Ephesians 1:3 that are available to you in the heavenly realms into those spheres into the expansion that you are creating or you can take it yourself and that will be the end of it. you might have an interesting life but it won’t be the fulfillment of your destiny, and it won’t fill the earth. we need to fill our expanded boundaries, so we must always be looking to see life and how we frame and create that life fill those spheres and you begin to release it with your words your declarations your decrees, what you call into being what you create because in reality you have the authority then to assign angels to it. every one of us has our individual mountains and spheres we have some of us have corporate mountains and spheres were on benches for we then can use the authority that we gain in our personal lives. because if we’re not functioning in authority in your own life it isn’t going to function out into those spheres so we need to have the government of God established in our own life. then we can start to see our personal spheres and our corporate spheres begin to function correctly we need to live beyond the veil so that everything is under our feet . when we live and our spirit is inhabited in heaven everything is under us which is where Jesus said it should be the enemy cannot harm us if he’s in the right place and that’s under our feet in subjection to our rule and authority in our lives. Isaiah 9:6 for a child will be born to us ,a son will be given to us the government will rest on his shoulders his name will be called wonderful Counselor mighty God eternal father now it was resting on his shoulders, well who’s his body now? Us. he is our head we are his body both corporately and individually to express his kingdom it’s like that’s what is now he’s Prince of peace so now peace can be established on the earth, through us he’s our head he places his governmental authority on our shoulders individually and corporately so let’s look at this as a picture we are body soul and spirit everything is supposed to flow from the inside out to create an atmosphere around my life. that every one of us can do that .we all do it actually whether we know we’re doing it or not. and sometimes you can pick up what those atmospheres are. Now i can see what those atmospheres are as I tune into that so I can see the colors that are on people and the different flame that they carry when I choose to .  I don’t choose to do it because I think sometimes I don’t want to impose on people’s personal space. Unless God inspires me. I don’t look, but I can so that is supposed to increase . therefore we have a Jerusalem, for me that is my family my home. I can begin to expand by government around that then that is Judea which for me is the church here that I have authority, that is a part of the bench for the church and I can go out to samaria which is our area, because I have authority in our area it is a part of the bench three for this local area and also to my ends of the earth, that is the region and the regions I’m responsible for in other nations because that is also a part where I have authority some is a mandated authority and I am part of a regional bench of three so that is my expansion if you like I’ve learned to expand my spirit around that every day set the boundary stones around it now also looking at that you have your seven mountains within the sphere of your life and you want those mountains increasing and you may have a corporate bench that your part of within those mountains like the church, you are all part of that church some of you got mountains that you’re responsible for some of those mountains are further out for me. there out into the air and out into the region. I got all of them God’s desire is they increase that there  governmental spheres are increasing day by day by day and the fruit and gifts of the spirit flowing through us can interact so that were demonstrating  the character and the nature of God in those spheres all our senses the functions of our spirit soul and body come together in unity so I’m a whole person engaging peace into those areas so we’re  functioning as a spirit being, as a living being with my soul and spirit maturing into a godlike being, because God wants me to be a son. Now I need to mature, we may all be sons but most of us still are children and we need to mature into adult hood to have the full functioning of God’s government around us and through us so our spheres operate in relation to our specific mandates I do not have authority to go beyond what I’m called to do so I may have some authority in this region. But it is not for everything that is going on. it’s for me my authority is to establish government to help establish a ecclesia and ambassadors of heaven that is what I’m called to do

 that’s what I can administrate I can’t administrate into things that I’m not responsible for I don’t have authority for everything just that which  I am authorized, now others will have different responsibilities within the same region and the same sphere that I don’t have. that’s how God does it through different people with different gifts and different callings which is why it’s so important that we all find out what were all individually called to do. now none of this functions unless were enthroned in the heavenly realms we have to establish that as it is in heaven first before it can come to the earth. that’s the whole pathway of responsibility which is the whole next part of this teaching which will be how do we do that? how do we establish as it is in heaven how do we go into heaven and how do we engage the mountains of heaven? How do we engage the courts and the government of heaven because that’s what were called to do. as Lord’s kings and sons so true worship is not singing songs true worship is the outworking of our destiny through it daily mandates that were given to reveal heavenly realms onto the earth that’s true worship Romans 12:1,2 describes true worship, our true service of worship is finding out what God’s will is and doing it, by being transformed in the renewing of our mind and not being conformed to the earth that’s the process that brings us as living sacrifices the desires of our hearts can be aligned and resonate with God’s heart we can see what he’s doing and then begin to release that. So all of us can radiate energy frequency light vibrations of love and joy and peace and healing power miracles through our lives as we see what the father is doing. if the father does no miracles today through me then I do not have to do them. So I am only responsible for what the father is doing and there are seasons where he does certain things and their are seasons where he does other things. we need to be like sons of Issachar who determine the signs and seasons to know what we should do so we need to manifest son ship which is the glory of the sons of God that’s what God wants to do manifest us on the earth to do that we need to establish the boundaries of our spheres and to do that we need to therefore know the government of heaven. Joshua basically, Joshua 24:25 so Joshua made a covenant with the people and we are talking about the Joshua generation. so it’s significant what he does, that day and made for them a statue an ordinance I checkm, so this is government when he talks about statutes and ordinances covenants are government he established government for the Joshua nation which is the earth there for them, it should have been the beginning of what then expanded and fill the earth , but it stayed in one place. David and Solomon expanded it, but then contracted it all back so Joshua 24:26 Joshua wrote these things these words in a book of the law and he took a large stone he set it up there under the oak tree that was a sancturary of the Lord and Joshua said to all the people behold this stone shall be a witness for us and for its heard all the words of the Lord he spoke. so when we establish these things around us it becomes boundary stones, that we speak into that create the protection around our spheres of government we have authority to speak into those tent pegs if you like the things that you are establishing then you rule you don’t allow things to come into your sphere that you have authority over . so we set up those boundary stones we speak declarations establish the boundaries protection occupation colonization, because we are supposed to fill and establish God’s kingdom there. God is calling us to do that individually and corporately every one of us can actually do this we can engage our spirit, those spiritual atmospheres, tune into them and see of the disturbances that go on there. What is going on in our region in our area in the church are we aware of it, are we sensitive to it because we can begin to tune into those things that we can engage and understand and then begin to do something about so that everything flows and ultimately this is the purpose of this Romans 816 the spirit testifies with our spirit that we are children of God if children heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ if indeed we suffer with him so that we may be glorified with him for the anxious longing of creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God for creation was subjected to futility not willingly but because of him who subjected it in home that creation itself will also be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God that is the pathway of relationship that enables us to be manifested as  his son to walk in heavenly responsibility so that’s the end of that whole section I encourage you to go over and over and practice it until you can do this yourself establish your own boundaries extend the kingdom rule and govern the circumstances around you and make sure that you fill that atmosphere of the river of life inside out and don’t be subject to what comes from outside in amen.

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