Ezekiel’s river

Would you like to know the power that you can build up by realizing one basic spiritual law?

 That is, while things in the physical sciences realm tend to diminish in flow, they tend to increase in the spiritual realm.

The force of electricity, for example, tends to diminish, the further it goes, because of the resistance in the line.

But in the realm of spirit, we do not exhaust ourselves when we give a blessing from the Lord, but instead the blessing is multiplied in the giving.

 When we minister in the spirit to another, then we can receive back again so that the more that the flow continues back and forth, the greater is the force that is built up when we’re blessing and receiving from one another until both the sender and the receiver have a greater spiritual blessing than the sum total of the blessing upon both in the beginning.

Let’s see how this works out in actual practice. You tune into the Lord and then your brother or sister. Then you minister the word and the flow of that should build up until you wouldn’t be giving without receiving.

You would not be diminished by what you gave, but you’d constantly be building up what you had as well as building up what the other person had, whom you were ministering to.

We see this law in operation on the physical plane when the Lord transmitted this spiritual law into the physical realm and He took the loaves and fishes and began to break them.

Each piece was the same size as before it was broken; and it wasn’t long before five thousand men, besides the women and children were fed, and the twelve baskets were still full. And we say, “What a great miracle!” But all that had taken place was transference of a spiritual law so it could operate in a physical realm.

Ezekiel’s river would be an illustration also. When Ezekiel saw the vision of the waters under the door of the temple, a thousand cubits ( a third of a mile) out it was ankle deep. Another thousand cubits further it was up to the knees, then up to the loins, and soon there were waters to swim in that could not be passed over.

 It started as one stream, yet the further it went the larger it became. That’s a spiritual law: the increase is in the flow.

You may say, “Oh, I want to grow.” You won’t grow if you’re a static individual. If you try to keep what you have, right down in your heart, and never give it to anyone, you’ll be lucky to keep any of it yourself.

But if you start giving, giving, giving, you will keep what you have, but you will also be multiplying it and soon you’ll be overwhelmed with it.

 It is a spiritual law, that up to a certain time you grow by what others minister to you, and from that time on you grow by what you give.

What did Jesus say at the well? Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work. John 4:34.

The thing that is meat to me and that feeds me is doing the will of God and blessing others. The more you give, the more you receive. Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, Luke 6:38a.

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