Faith gate

The life of God flows into our first love gate in our spirit, and then through our faith gate in our spirit out into our soul.

We cannot separate the faith of God from the eternal life of God. It is a fruit of our spirit in communion with God’s Spirit.

1tim 6: 12Fight  the good (expresses beauty as a harmonious completeness) fight of faith, lay hold on (command to begin this moment, middle tense-yielding to the moving of the Spirit, to take hold of, maintain connection) eternal (1-the 2-eternal) life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.

The definite article refers to the life God possesses.  When we are filled with the Spirit we are filled with His life. Contained within the life of God is the faith of God. The more we are filled with God’s life the more we are filled with God’s ability to believe His word.

Mark 11: 22And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have (command for continuous action, to have and to hold implying continuous possession) faith in God.

The word “in” is not in the Greek; young’s literal translation says have faith of God.  The Greek word for God here is in the genitive case, indicating that faith is a possession of God. It is the faith that belongs to God.

Within the life of God is the ability to believe. There is no doubt inherent in the faith of God. The life of God flows into our spirit, but then it must flow out of our spirit into our soul and this is where the problem occurs.

John 10: 24Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, how long dost thou make us to doubt (soul)? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly.

Make us to doubt, the word for doubt is soul. The word doubt here is used as a synonym for soul, a word meaning the same as another word.

 We can see in this verse the fallen condition of our soul, we have a human nature of unbelief.

Before our spirit was born again, our soul has been conditioned from the outside in. Our soul has been conditioned through the five physical senses.

Once our spirit is born again, it influences our soul to believe, but our soul has been conditioned to be fixed on what we can see with our natural eyes. Our soul naturally ministers doubt to our self-consciousness.

Mark 11: 23For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not (a dependent and conditional negative depending on the thought of the subject, and, thus, subjective)doubt ( aorist subjective middle- it refers to the reality of the action not time, conditional depending upon receiving the action of the verb-doubt)( from two words 1-separate 2 to distinguish, decide, judge)( to separate oneself from) in (intimate union with, the idea of rest)his heart (In the New Testament it is used only figuratively of the seat of the desires, feelings, affections, passions, impulses), but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

It is outside human ability and beyond human nature to move in faith. If we do not understand this, we will spend the rest of our lives unsuccessfully struggling to move in faith. We cannot manufacture faith. The only way we can be a man or woman of faith is to be continually filled with the Spirit. This is why Paul instructed Timothy take hold of the eternal life to which you are called. It is not something we work up, but something we hold to.

That is what Jesus was saying here. Jesus was not commanding his disciples to somehow manufacture faith by their own efforts. He knew they could not generate faith themselves. Jesus was saying, listen, God is the perfect believer. He already has perfect faith and is willing to give it to you as a free gift. With this faith, you can speak to mountains and move them out of the way.

When we are filled with the Spirit, where we are aware of God’s presence, our soul can sense the faith of God rising up within us. We need to act upon it.

When we are filled with the Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit begin to operate. But this is something we have to learn how to move in.

When the Spirit of God is upon you and God works miracles through you, after the Spirit lifts off of you and you are no longer full of faith, your soul will start ministering doubt to you. I don’t believe that just happened.

The life of God has to flow into our spirit, into our soul and then out of the body through the words we speak, or through laying hands on someone.

We have to learn how to be filled with the Spirit where we are receiving revelation of the will of God and then speak. I have seen numerous prayers I have prayed come to pass when my mind was not involved. I would speak from my spirit and latter when I observed the manifestation, I would remember that I prayed for that.

Praying is receiving revelation in our spirit concerning the will of God and then speaking it forth in the earth realm. We have to find out what Jesus is praying and then say the same thing.

Our soul is going to minister doubt to us until there is a division of soul and spirit. Through the cleansing of our soul gates a lot of the blockages will be removed, but this is a process.

In the meantime we want to learn how to be more aware of our spirit than our soul, and when we are aware of doubt in our soul we don’t receive it, we focus on being filled with the Spirit and becoming a vehicle for God’s faith to flow through.

When we learn how to be continually filled with the Spirit, then God’s word in our mouth becomes the same as God’s word in God’s mouth. That is what it means to have God’s faith.