Faith is the consequence of being loved

Faith works by love – Galatians 5: 6. When we learn to celebrate being the beloved of God, the action of that love promotes faith. When we receive Christ the object lesson of our life is to become rooted and grounded in the love of God. As we pursue love with God we are built up in his identity, and faith is established as a consequence. The faith of God belongs to God. Love releases the joy and peace and believing- Romans 15: 13. As we learn the lessons of trust, faith and expectancy, our lives overflow with gratitude for his goodness. As we have received the lordship of Jesus we learn to walk in his supremacy -Colossians 2: 5-7.

Love with faith emanates from the relationship of the father with the son and we are caught up in the fellowship-Ephesians 6: 23; John 17: 20- 26. What they share in relationship we inherit and inhabit in our fellowship. The fullness of God’s primary purpose in us (conforming us to the image of Jesus Christ) gives us the whole range of boldness and confident access through faith in him-Ephesians 3: 11-12. The joy of faith is the consequence of becoming the beloved-Philippians 1: 25.

The nature of God initiates the enjoyment of Christ in all life situations. If nothing can separate us from the love of God, and faith which gains its power because of love, will generate the outcome desired by God-Romans 8: 37 -39. When faith is required, we must return to this first love. The love between the father and the son (John 17: 24) is the space that we occupy in their affection.

We must move in faith or we will begin to speculate about our circumstances. Such conjecture will open us up to theorizing about how things will turn out in our situation. When we do not know the mind of the Lord we hazard our own opinion. Guesswork inevitably leads to down double mindedness-James 1: 2-8. It is extremely difficult to receive from God when we lack the wisdom of who he wants to be for us in the incident itself. We weary ourselves in speculation. When we relax into being the beloved we commence to be open to the primary purpose of becoming Christ like in this circumstance. The love of God touches us through primary purpose and faith becomes present. Faith is not self-generated. Love creates confidence. We believe in what God is for us now and faith rises up to experience that truth. The Spirit of revelation (John 16: 13-15) unveils to us the real truth in our present difficulty. He communicates God’s intention towards us. He imparts loving kindness and faith rises up to confess God’s agenda. Finally, he makes faith more powerful than the problem and we are fully persuaded-2Timothy 1: 12. When we allow ourselves to be fully loved in each situation the consequences always lead to breakthrough.

What is the assignment of the Holy Spirit in the situations that are contending against your? What is he disclosing to you? It is time for your next encounter with love and primary purpose. Enjoy his affection, received the confidence that comes with it and the faith attached that empowers you to receive.

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