Feeding your spirit

John 6:63 – it is a spirited quick enough; the flesh profiteth nothing; the words that I speak on you, they are spirit in their life.

There are the things that should be more obvious, like prayer and Bible study. Another things like church attendance and fellowship as well. These things are a given for Christian life in general, as well as for opening your spiritual eyes.

In my own journey, there were several other things that I considered very significant in causing Mize to open. I meant to start with perhaps one of the most important things.


In an atmosphere of testimonies of God’s greatness, anything can happen. Bill Johnson of Bethel church in Redding California says that the root word of testimony means – to do it again. Testimonies will inspire you to believe for the things you desire. God is no respecter of persons, what he does for another he will do for you.

Fellowship with people who love testimonies

My wife gordana, has a friend who we get together with for fellowship. As we talk about the greatness of God, ensure testimonies of what we have seen and heard, her face gets covered in gold sparkles. It’s one of the coolest things! The Lord confirms his word with signs and wonders.

Sharing and repeating testimonies of miracles and signs and wonders that you are aware of or have experience will cause had to come upon your life as well. Under the things God is done and he will manifest it in your life as well. You don’t honor it, he won’t force it upon you.

Her friends also told us about an amazing television program that presents weekly programs highlighting incredible miracles, signs and wonders that God is doing upon your today!

It supernatural

Evangelist, creator and host of the television program, it supernatural, Sid Roth is fulfilling the mandate of the Lord to propel the willing into the supernatural things of God. I don’t recall which program was the first one I watch, but my wife and I have not missed very many in the past 4 years.

I can honestly say that watching and participating with this program is taking her family into the most incredible things we’ve ever experienced! Again, it’s the power of the testimony! Watching these programs fueled both my hunger and my faith. Everyone under programs, and Sid really makes is clear, emphasizes that this is for everyone! This is not just for the superstar ministry or evangelist.

All this is for us! Spiritual site and senses, signs and wonders, healings and miracles are supposed to be normal in the life of a believer.

This program is food for your spirit man. It is my advice that you consume all the bread available from the archived programs as well. Go through each and everyone. Fill yourself on testimonies of the power of God. Learn from those who see openly in the spirit. Pray all the prayers of dedication and impartation along with the guests. The key is that you are not watching the program as if it were entertainment, but as a source to feed your spirit man.

Encounter with the Lord

Really Mike, how life-changing can a television program really be? I’m glad you asked. While watching Sid interviewed Dr. Bruce Allen, a man the Lord is using to teach people how to move around the earth supernaturally for the cause of the kingdom, I learned one key thing that I immediately tried. Bruce talked about sitting quietly, waiting on the Lord with your eyes closed, and looking to see what the Lord shows you. You said that you should expect the Lord to show you something.

Next morning I had a little time, so I did as he instructed. After about 40 minutes, I became aware that I was moving somewhere at a high rate of speed yet also sitting still at the same time. It freaked me out. I got up, walked around for a few minutes and then repented of my fear. I sat back down and did it again. This time after 20 minutes, I again was aware that I was sitting in my home in complete silence, yet I was also hearing incredible sounds at the same time. I again freaked out then I repented.. I wasn’t used to experiencing 2 realities.

The third time I did it nothing happened. I thought well I blew it. God gave me a chance and I messed it up. I lay down in the bed and told the Lord how sorry I was that I’d let fear take what he had so freely given me. What happened next was beyond what I could’ve hoped for.

Immediately I was caught up into the stars. I flew to the highest places you could imagine, with no fear whatsoever. Then I dissented into the ocean and got to see the wonders there. As I stood there at the bottom of the ocean the Lord Jesus spoke to me. It’s the only time so far, I have literally heard his actual voice. He said see, I’m with you even to the depths of the ocean. The Lord himself had taken me into Psalm 139.

Where can I go from your spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; for make my bed in the depths you are there – Psalm 139:7, 8

Watch it supernatural!

That atmosphere the supernatural

Being around people who see in the spirit or those who manifest any spiritual gift, causes a gift to be manifested in your own life. You should cultivate friendships with people of like mind – spirit. You should go to conferences and classes where the power the Lord is honored. Get close to the people who move in the gifts that you desire for your own life. If you go to a conference, get close to the speaker. If they have a prayer line, get in it. If they don’t have a prayer line, politely asked them to lay hands on you anyway. I found that most people who really moving God’s power very gracious.

Angelic shield

2010, went to a conference in Ohio hosted by prophet psalmist, John belt and his wife Brandi.’s one of the speakers was evangelist/pastor Ryan Watt. He was teaching on being naturally supernatural. He was teaching on seeing in the spirit realm. He explained the way he does it and how to engage that in your own life. It was a great time. After the first day, I went to the hotel to sleep. On awakening the next morning, I open my eyes and right there next my bed was around, semi transparent shield hanging in midair! After a few seconds it faded from site. I’ve seen this type of thing happen over and over. Just being in that atmosphere opens your eyes to that realm.

Life altering conference

The kingdom foundations conference conducted by Randy Clark, L Johnson, will heart, Tom Jones and Steve Swanson, it dayspring church in Springfield Missouri in November 2011 was probably the most life altering conference we have been to, to date.

There were 1000 people, from all over the country, hungry for the deep things of God. The atmosphere was thick and tangible. Great things were happening. The Lord had graciously given me a word of knowledge that I got to share, and I also had a prophetic dream the first night there. Was very nice.

On the second day of the conference, I believe, 11/11/11, my wife Gord Dana was crying out, during a time of prayer and worship and impartation. Our lives have never been the same.

My wife Gordana had been raised in a church that doctrinally excepted things like miracles and tongues but it was not anywhere in evidence in the church body. After she had seen up close, God do amazing things, she had a hunger for it and for living in the reality of it. But after a couple years of asking the Lord to give her an experiential reality of it, and not seeing it come to pass, she was weary. She was wrestling with the idea of giving up the pursuit of God, and just living a good, religious life. That was the place she was in spiritually when we went to the conference in Missouri.

During the time of prayer and impartation, she was crying out to the Lord. Lord you can’t let me go back home the same. You have to do something. She was weeping and travailing and it was heartbreaking to watch. But, got hurt her prayer.

To be honest, I can’t recall the exact order of who prayed when, but I know that both Randy Clark and will heart laid hands on her and prayed a prayer of impartation. All of a sudden, where Dana started shaking violently side to side, moving in ways that appear not to be humanly possible. This continued the first day for about 2 hours, then also the following days about 2 to 3 hours per day. She cannot speak or walk. She had virtually no control over body.(I later found out that this is a common thing among intercessors.)

I found out after she could talk, then Angel had come and stuck his hand into her chest and shook her. There are actually 2 angels involved in this and they still come to this day. She sees them on a regular basis. Our lives have never been the same since. They don’t ask us when it might be convenient today show up. They serve God’s agenda. I could write an entire book just on this one event and what has come from it.

The conference atmosphere is one you should drink deep from. Don’t listen to naysayers who tell you that you are chasing after a new word, or a sign in wonder. Of at some of my closest friends tell me that I shouldn’t go here and there to receive from God. The God will give me everything I need without going anywhere. Your hungry for God, go wherever you have to. You are hungry to see, get around the people who already do. I like how pastor Bill Johnson addresses this subject.

Everyone says you should follow after signs and wonders. I say file them until they start following you!


This is another big resource to draw upon from the Lord. There are people who spend incredible amounts of time in God’s presence. These people have tangible power flowing in, around and through them. They, by God’s power, can break chains off of you are bring down veils that would hinder you. If you have the opportunity and any of these people come to within a couple hundred miles of where you are, go see them. Let them impart to you. And when you stand before them, drawn their gift!

Pack your bags you’re going to Brazil

Pastors/evangelist Michael kaylor’s was told by many well-meaning people not to go to Brazil with Randy Clark, for God to touch them. That God could do it right where he was. Michael said, I know we can, but he’s not. So I’m going to Brazil! It was a very good choice. God move big time. After a prayer of impartation, Michael’s eyes were open to the angelic realm, extra angels were assigned to his ministry, and he was baptized and fire several times! He moves in a powerful anointing now that he didn’t have before. You can read all about it in his book, the adventure of supernatural discovery.

School of Sears

Authors/evangelist Jonathan Welton went to a meeting and was prophesied over by profit/evangelist Dennis cramer. After the prophetic word was given to him that his eyes would be open even more than he would like them to be, his eyes were open. They were so open that he was freaked out by the fact that he could continually see in the spirit. He can see angels, demons, and a lot of stuff he had no understanding for! The Holy Spirit taught him. I know that he is glad now that he went.

Why didn’t you drink?

A few years ago I attended a conference were profit Bob Jones taught and ministered. Bob spoke a word that people should come up who felt that they were to be used in ministry but that Satan headstone opportunities from them. The Holy Spirit prompted me to go up. Bob laid his hands on both sides of my head and prayed, broke curses and prophesied over me for 2 minutes! When I got back to my seat the Lord told me this, my servant had his hands on your head for a full 2 minutes. Why didn’t you draw from him? I didn’t have a good excuse. For some reason I went up with the attitude that whatever God wanted to do, he would do. I would receive it. That is not the attitude God likes. He wants us to be hungry. He wants us to contend for his presence. He wants us to draw from him and drink from his provision. Keep that in mind as those who possessed a gift you desire, pray over you.

People can only impart what they possess. Many of pressed through and broken chains and pull down strongholds that block spiritual site. When they pray for others they carry an anointing to bring that same thing to manifest and others. Find out who walks in clear spiritual site and asked them to pray in part to you. There are many people right now who God has commissioned to teach and impart supernatural gifts for the end time harvest about to take place. Get in line to be prayed to receive!

Atmosphere in your home

The atmosphere in your home is another way to feed your spirit. Your home is filled with the atmosphere of heaven it will break down barriers that will affect the entire family and everyone letters your home.

We set the atmosphere through all the things we talked about. We set them through prayer and worship, praise and testimonies. The reading of the word is another way we set the atmosphere. We apply those things to the atmosphere of our homes.

Continuous praise

For about a 2 year period, we played worship music in our home 24 hours a day, and seventies week. In addition, we read the Bible aloud, we also sang praises and worship. What difference could this make? For starters, even people weren’t following the Lord have seen angels in her house. Friend of my sons stayed the night one night and told us the next day that we have ghosts in our house. I told him that’s not possible. He said that we do have ghosts because he saw them walking around in the basement. I again told him that we can not have ghosts because they angels in our home would never allow it. He saw the Angels, and because he had no frame of reference, he thought they were ghosts, and was afraid.

One night my cousin whom we hadn’t seen for a long time came over and spent the night. The next morning he told me you’re not going to believe this. I said try me. He said last night I woke up in the middle of the night and I saw this being standing over me looking at me. I asked him if he was scared at this and he told me that he was completely at peace and rolled over and went back to sleep. He shall give his angels charge over the…

Full and overflowing

If you want your home to be a place where you see angels and even strangers feel the presence of God, you have to make it so. Tonight your home with oil. Anoint every room in every doorway. Anoint your property. Prophesied over your home. Make your sanctuary a place where you can’t help but see the unseen. Make it a place where there is so much spiritual activity going on it overwhelms the atmosphere.

Here’s the type of prayer that I pray over my house.

Father in heaven, call upon the resources of heaven. A call upon the angelic armies to minister in our household. Let the Angels of the Lord manifest their presence and their power openly in our home. Father let the Saints and the prophets, the men in white linen, the living creatures in the cloud of witnesses minister your will to our household. Let your light in your glory feel displaced overflowing in Jesus name.


In the past you wouldn’t have near the resources that we have today and all things prophetic and supernatural. With CDs and MP3s in books and e-books, U2 and websites, we can learn things from every corner of the earth from the most anointed people on the earth.

CDs and MP3s and podcasts

In today’s busy world, these resources work out great to take advantage of times like driving or doing chores working around the house. Listening to scriptures every day is a great way to go through the Bible. Driving to work is a great time to sing along with worship music and driving home a great time to listen to teachings from your favorite ministers. Also like to listen to worship on MP3 and earbuds as I’m falling asleep. Great way to pave the way for revelation from heaven. There also podcasts that you should take advantage of from places like the company of burning hearts and chiswick Christian Center.

Television, DVDs, and you tube programs

You may not be able to attend a conference on the obstacles, but chances are you can you get a DVD of it or see it on YouTube. There are ministries like Paul Keith Davis – white of ministries that put out a webinar to teach and equip people to walk in the supernatural things of God. Sadhu sundar selvaraj’s Jesus ministries also puts out incredible teachings on Angel TV. Bethel church and running California has teachings that they offer over the web. Also Ryan Watt, Novell Johnson, Todd White and voice of the light ministries also put out incredible teachings, very many of them are at no cost.


My favorite source of gleaning teaching! Get a marker and a pen, and study the books of people to God is given revelation. Many of Scripture references the verify the teachings that they present. There is an incredible amount of teaching available that you should take advantage of. Books by people that see the spirit realm, talk to the Lord face-to-face, and moving the things of God as a lifestyle, not an event.

I like to recommend just a few books that I believe have helped me in my quest to increase my spiritual site.

Open my eyes Lord by Gary Oates

The school the Sears by Jonathan Welton

Fasting and prayer by Stephen Brooks

Gazing into glory by Dr. Bruce Allen

Visions, visitations and the voice of God by Lynn Packer

The seer anointing by Brenda McDonald

How to see in the spirit world by mail by

Quantum fasting by Emerson Farrell

Eyes that see by Patricia King

Iniquity by and Mendez Farrell

Regions of captivity by Anna Mendez Farrell

Engaging the kingdom

Testimonies – get in a place where you can hear her shirt testimonies of the supernatural things to God. That’s not possible, write down some miracles you’ve heard about or are aware of and meditate on them.

The atmosphere of the supernatural – plan to attend a conference or a meeting or church service where the supernatural things of God are in evidence. Make it a point to fully engage with everything available.

Impartation’s – do a little research and find out who will be coming to your area that moves in the power of God or who has the gifts that you desire. Even if you can only go for the evening to receive an impartation, do it

Atmosphere in your home – invest in an inexpensive DVD player and put it on continuous play to play worship music. Even when you are not listening to it, keep it playing very low anyway. That increase the volume when you leave the house. Sometimes not everyone is on the same page concerning this. Don’t blast the music at a level to make others feel uncomfortable. You don’t want people to continually want to turn it down or off.

Teachings – get a book if you like to read, or a CD, or MP3 if you like to listen, but get a Steady diet of teachings from those who are where you want to be. Do the work and you will also receive what they have received. God is no respecter of persons

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