Filled with the Spirit

We can speak in tongues and still not be filled with the Spirit. It is through the intensity of our spirit, and our desire to be wholly indwelt by the Spirit of God and our laser focus on him in love and worship which releases His fullness within us. When we are really filled with the Spirit, a counterforce goes out from us and meets and overcomes everything that comes against us. The fullness will also overcome everything within us which rises up against the will of God. To the extent that we are filled with the Holy Spirit, to that extent a counter tide is created against the weakness which would overwhelm our life, whether it is some lust or some habit or problem. Being filled with the Spirit is a counterforce so powerful that it sweeps away and forces back everything which would come against us.

When the enemy comes in against us and we are being overwhelmed, we must remember- Greater is he that is in us, than he that is in the world. God is within us. We have the initiative of faith to turn a force loose within us that will overcome anything in the world. This is God’s destiny for us.

It is important that we learn how to be an over comer, how to walk with God and overcome the world. Much of it is dependent upon our initiative. We have to turn it loose.

The fullness of the Spirit is not forced upon us by God. We have to seek it. We have to hunger after it. We have to start to hunger after God with all our heart. Being filled with the Spirit is not just to make us feel good; it is a force that must be within us for us to overcome the world, the flesh and the devil.

The fullness of God is a key to start the promises of God working in our lives. How do we get Him to do abundantly above all that we can ask or think? It is by the power that works within us which comes about by being filled with the Spirit.

We need to understand the rhythm of the spirit world. When we begin to move in the Spirit, the enemy will bring a counter attack.  Satan comes against us because we are moving in the Lord.

 In spiritual warfare, for a little while we may seem to be overwhelmed. But if we just wait on God and become filled with the Spirit, and we learn how to activate that fullness, then we have the key to overcoming every oppression that would come against us. If the battle is great we do not want to stay discouraged, but seek the lord until we create a counter tide greater than that which has come against us.

The law of transference is a spiritual law that exists for a purpose, so that God can convey His power to us. God has given unto us exceeding great and precious promises, that by these we might become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

 It is as we are partaking of the divine nature that we are escaping the death that is in the world. When we are filled with the Spirit, there is no room in our heart for the spirit of this world.

All that the Lord is can be transferred to us. The lord makes Himself available to us so that we can have His nature imparted to us.

God does not interfere with the law by which one thing can be transferred to another. When the enemy comes against us we create the counterattack by being so filled with the Spirit that we can come against everything of negative transference. This is something that we have to do deliberately, and we have to understand what we are doing.

 We cannot live on yesterdays blessing. We have to learn how to be continually filled with the Spirit. We have to learn how to live in the fullness of the Spirit continually and then send it out.

We cannot send back the oppression that comes against us; we have to move in the opposite spirit. If we get angry at the enemies assault on a subjective level and strike back we are moving on a human level and it accomplishes nothing. If ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another. Galatians 5:15.

We cannot come against the powers of the devil as a human being or we will be defeated. We are not strong enough or wise enough in ourselves. With our limited human wisdom and our limited human capacity, we do not know how to come against the powers of darkness, against demons who work against us with their scheming. This is why God fills us with Himself. Then the need can be met.  

It is the fullness of the Lord and our initiative of faith to meet the enemy objectively in the Spirit that makes the difference. If it is a feud, a subjective human action, we will never have the victory. When we decide that the battle is God versus Satan, and we face the problems objectively, with full dedication to do the will of the Lord, then we will win.

The fourth chapter of Acts tells us that the apostles were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak the Word of God with boldness. They were all of one heart, and not one of them claimed anything as belonging to themselves. There is nothing but victory in a situation like that.

The fifth chapter tells how the devil came into the situation with Ananias and Sapphira. Verse 3a: But Peter said, “Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit?” Verse 12: And at the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were taking place among the people; and they were all with one accord in Solomon’s portico. Verse 18 tells about the counterattack by Satan; the disciples were put into prison again. An angel opened the prison doors, and again the apostles went into the Temple to teach. Next they were brought before the council, who flogged them (the disciples) and ordered them to speak no more in the name of Jesus, and then released them. So they went on their way from the presence of the Council, rejoicing that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame for His name. And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they kept on teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ. Verses 40b–42.

This chapter shows the rhythm: they were filled, they spoke, the enemy counterattacked by having them put in jail and beaten, they waited on God to become filled with the Spirit again.

In the rhythm of battle, we just keep waiting on the Lord; being filled with the Spirit. When discouragement comes we do not focus upon it. We Let the powerful presence and fullness of the Holy Spirit within us meet every need. The Holy Spirit was given to us for judgment because the prince of this world is judged (John 16:11).

 The judgment of Satan was accomplished by Jesus upon the cross. But we find it being executed by Christ being glorified within us. It is His fullness within us that does it. We do not sit by and wait for the Lord to move. We must take the initiative.

We must be objective, and not subjective, in our emotions. If we are subjective, it means that our emotions are unsanctified; we still manifest emotions such as jealousy, revenge, and egotism. Our emotions are sanctified when they are filled with the Spirit.

If we become angry on a human level, it will render us totally ineffective. When God is ready to judge a situation, our emotions can be the same as God’s. But concerning those who oppose us, the Lord says that we should love our enemy (Luke 6:27), because we will never win any battle if we meet our enemy on the same level that they are on.

 Human being meeting human being or human being meeting a devil-possessed human being does not solve anything. We solve the problem when we objectively determine that God’s will is going to be done for the glory of the Kingdom, for His Kingdom to come upon this earth, and to fulfill the promises that God has set before us. This is the reason that we should minister restraint upon evil; and it will happen if we are being objective. We are not to minister on the basis of human emotions, but rather because the will of God has to be done. Then God can move through us to do His will, and the counter tides of Satan will be swept away.

This is a key to spiritual warfare, and it is very simple to apply. In applying this principle we must stay off of the human level of emotions and defeat by waiting on God and by being filled with the Spirit. We must meet every problem in the fullness of the Holy Spirit within us with a real initiative of faith; then the answer will be ours. It remains to be seen how many changes we could see in one week’s time if we would apply this principle with all of our hearts.

We want to see our lives loosed into the supernatural level and the power of God manifested in our lives. We do not want to spend the next ten, fifteen, or twenty years preaching about what can be and fail to walk in it now.

This is a spiritual principle that makes it practical to do the will of God and see the kingdom of God advanced upon the earth, what we want to see eliminated are the things that hinder us from moving in this principle now.

 If we learn this principle, then we will know how to defeat the devil and walk in the victory of Jesus over him. Let us not be moved by our own emotions, but rather leave them upon the altar so that God can sanctify them.

We are not to hate witches as persons, but we must hate witchcraft and all the other things that Satan does against God’s people and the hindrances he brings to slow them down.

With the fullness of the Spirit, we can create a counterforce so great that it will sweep over the whole world like a tidal wave. There is no protection as great as His fullness within.

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