First love-transformation

We are following this is journey about how to learn to engage God to discover him in the realms of the spirit around us, in us. to understand that God has taken us into relationship so he can bring us into rulership and responsibility where on the the module which is called first love and we’ve been looking at this in various stages first part of to the house of God in us being a mountain and a dwelling God gateway of heaven and is now looking at first love itself and going to that more detail why first love what is first love why is first love so important questions that we need to find answeres to. hope you’re finding some of those in as were going on our eternal destiny in the right destination that will end up in is at stake on the basis of the experience that we have those questions. Have we experienced first love? do we know what it is? Is it a present reality in our lives so we actually looked at what it is. Last week we looked at identity and intimacy. Today we are going to look at transformation. how God’s love transforms us. how it changes us and brings us into his image. so the very power of first love is God’s grace. his supernatural ability to heal us restore us and make us whole. that power is available today to set us free from bondages, blockages, prisons of our souls, our minds, emotions, our wills, anything that’s hindering us or holding us back from being who God has created us to be. at work and that in our destiny God’s power through his love set us free.the power to transform us into the true image that he had for us and of us before the foundation of the world son ship being sons of God children of God and embracing what that means to be a joint heir Jesus to do the things that Jesus did and greater things he tells that we would do as being part of his true first love with love himself because God is love is where we find who I am. my identity is found in his love why am I here my value worth esteem are found in his acceptance what is my purpose my significance redemptive gift all the restorative assignments that God has for us to bring creation back into its original condition are found in that relationship of love with him. so where do come from? my eternal destiny is found in him now when you talk about eternity your not talking about something limited to time and space so everything about that is found in God who is an eternal God and everything is an intimate love relationship with first love himself so that we can experience that we can express that we can come into the goodness of what that is.  so God is love God is spirit God is light Bible says clearly  as a statement in vareous Scriptures love carries a vibrational frequency, it is a frequency of the spirit, as wavelengths of light, now we can go into the technical things of that but I haven’t got time, but you can look at it yourself and see how understanding quantum physics describes everything as a vibrational. that through observance comes into form of matter. as God observes me and God spoke about me I exist without God I would not exist nor would anything else . so it is really important to get on the right side of God, because we want to make sure he keeps  looking at us. we can experience the presence or the frequency of love and love is the highest frequency there is when we go on in these teachings I will do a whole session on frequency and what that means love is the highest frequency and it brings our low frequencies and sometimes we can be low in frequency maybe in emotions maybe in our thinking and attitudes maybe actually in our physical bodies actually each of our organs as a frequency which is optimum for its function in those frequencies can be low because of various things in our lives but it’s through the frequency of love that we can resonate  with that. we can come into alignment with his frequency and our frequency changes so our frequency can be lifted higher. and we can become filled with love so we can become who God created us to be, we can be embraced by love and it will change us and transform us if we let it but God wont ever force his love on us he gives us the opportunity to choose to receive it and to accept it. therefore if we receive God’s love and we begin to vibrate at that frequency , then we can carry love so we can be a channel for that love that frequency to vibrate and engage others around us so that his love doesn’t remain stuck inside of us but flows out through us John 1335 says it is by your love for one another that others will know you are my disciples paraphrased. We can only radiate through us what we receive through our personal experience so lets get up close and intimate with love because then that will change us and then that will flow through us . now there is a word called cardio Genesis cardio Genesis is the technical term for the development of the embryonic heart formed from the genetic record of our earthly parents and the heart forms and grows, but it carries the record that is come from our past generations but we can undergo a new cardio Genesis with a new but eternal record of our heavenly father because he wants us to receive the record as our parent our eternal parent if you like so that we can actually be formed into that image but we need to get get his heart and go heart-to-heart with him, deep to deep with him to engage that. and that’s why God is calling us into a relationship which goes deeper and  experience a relationship that can enable us to be transformed and changed Psalm 84 five says how blessed is the man whose strength is in you in whose heart are the highways to zion. so our very heart can contain pathways that engage relationship and flow. ancient paths of life flowing in and through us. it is described in the Bible as the tree of life, and the fruit of the tree of life brings wholeness and healing and the leaves bring revelation and destiny Proverbs 23:7 says as he thinks within himself another version says in his heart so is he. So how you think about yourself and what you’re thinking is aligned to determines who you are. if we come close to God and get his heart for us and we get his thoughts about us then we can become like those thoughts  but if were reliant on the things that other people have said about us or to us things we believed about ourselves as a result of our upbringing and experiences of life then we can behave and act like that and we don’t need to because God wants to reveal to us those things which will enable us to be who we really are. You see our heart radiates 10 times more powerful electromagnetic fields than our brain so most people think most of the thinking we do goes on in our mind, you see most of the storage goes on there, but the electromagnetic frequency can be detected about 12 inches from our brain , but about 10 feet from our heart. question is what sort of atmosphere are we radiating what is coming from us doom and gloom despair despondency heaviness miserableness if that is a word. Misery lets say or love, joy,peace, patience, goodness kindness what is it that we are radiating because it is determined by what we are thinking and that is determined by what were focused on .and God wants to engage us and embrace us so that we can be transformed by that frequency of his heart. this is not just in relationship with God and is also in relationship with each other because when we come close enough to each other lets say within 10 feet then we begin to interact with the fields which are expressed from us. now those interactions can be those that draw us together or push us apart like the poles of a magnet so when you’re exuding misery and miserable and bad attitudes and things people tend to stay away because they pick up the vibes we say. if you go around with a dark cloud over your head and everything is always doom and gloom people stay away but if you’re exuding love and radiating light and a frequency which is full of joy and peace then people get drawn to us and when people come together there is an interaction of those magnetic fields, it is just science but actually those fields contain things the emotional information is actually coded and modulated into those energy fields. and we become sensitive to them and when you’re trained, and your senses are trained you can tune in to see and experience what those things are by learning to flow from the inside out from our spirits we can change the information coded in those fields and then those things are radiated by our hearts because that’s what were thinking about those positive things it says think on these things think on those things which are from above it says in the Bible those things which are good pleasent those things which express who God is those things can be radiated from our heart and can impact those around us and impact the world to bring transformation to it so there can be healing frequencies that flow from our physical bodies that can touch people’s lives hence it says in acts that Peter’s shadow healed people well it wasn’t just a shadow it was an expression of the fields that was coming from him Paul actually touched things like aprons and Hank achieves and something of the field that he contained was imparted into that material so when it was laid on other people they were healed and restored and made whole so there are plenty of biblical examples of how this works people came close to Jesus touched the hem of his garment and he felt power flowing from the inside of him, we just have to begin to focus on these things and engage them, see we can be intimately connected to the heart and mind of God which will change what flows out of us from that frequency that vibration of God’s love we can vibrate love but we also are connected with each other and the very planet because were connected to God to the whole universe because God’s power holds the whole universe together and he is waiting for sons to be revealed to take there place of authority within his created order that’s why he wants to transform us and change us into that image because we are all frequencies that sound strange but it’s true, it is just the way we learned to perceive and understand those frequencies that we then can engage with them. Now I want to look at a couple of Scriptures in revelation Revelation 320 we use a lot because it’s the Scripture was talked about opening the first love gate. Behold I stand at the door and knock. Jesus, God talking, if anyone hears my voice so God is also speaking to us and opens the door that is our part, that is a choice I will come in with him and will dine with him, so there will be a relationship there we be fellowship that we will be sharing if we hear his voice open the door and invite him in.we need to do that on a daily basis, because it is a daily relationship we are looking to establish. But I want to look at the two versus one before and one after that first because they give us some insights into why this verse is so important Revelation 319 those whom i love I reprove and discipline therefore be zealous and repent, oh no I thought this was all good, and all nice, what do you mean you are going to reprove me and discipline me and I need to repent zealously I don’t get that when you’re talking about love because we have a wrong understanding of what it means to be reproved and disciplined because its come from our natural lives and we have probably a wrong  understanding of what it is to repent because this is the result, when you do receive correction and discipline and you repent and you open the door to relationship verse 21 he who overcomes I will grant to him to sit down with me on my throne and also as a also I overcame and sat down with my father on his throne so Jesus is our example of what love is and we looked last week at love being very self-sacrificing of what happens when we respond correctly we get to rule we get to overcome all obstacles, of everything in our way and we get to operate on a throne , now later on in this course  we are going  to learn a lot about throne’s and mountains  and of different things that we operate on in authority and power but this is the key that enables us to understand that and to outwork it love and receiving the correct understanding of love love equals reproof and discipline we shouldn’t think oh no. we should say oh yes don’t equate discipline with punishment because it isn’t . you see discipline is training confirmation and transformation. it is equipping us, it is encouraging us and supporting us its strengthening us. repentant negative or positive see will always have a negative perspective because it’s about, oh no I have been caught at doing something wrong therefore I need to repent but actually if we think about it in a different way, if we are zealous and passionate about how and why repentance works and we get a different perspective on it see repentance just needs changing our mind and turning so whenever we look at God and it causes us to change our mind about how we view ourselves and to turn away from that old way of thinking old behaviors those old patterns and we turn to him we get to be transformed we get relationship we get changed into his image that’s what love brings love brings transformation and change love heals and restore’s us. so embracing his loving discipline and the root word  of that is disciple so becoming a disciple we can look at that much more in the next couple sessions receiving correction because were not always right helps us to be transformed and that’s preparation for even deeper intimacy because the closer we get to God the more we can be changed and the closer we can get to God. and we can get closer and closer deeper and deeper the more we allow him to change us because that creates the desire for intimacy it helps us choose today to open that first love gate and engage first love . by turning away from the other sources of things in our lives and focusing on the major source the source of life God himself and the reward of intimacy is rulership we overcome and we rule on thrones and that’s our responsibility as children joint heirs with Christ in the kingdom so God’s first love is nothing like what we truly experience in human relationships we’ve all experienced love in various forms some of us may feel  well I’ve never experienced love. Well you have just experienced the absence of love. So we have all experienced positives and negatives to do with it,but none of it will match up to God and in fact our human first love probably caused  us rejection emotional damage pain created our insecurities fears and our trust issues . so it is really important that we understand how to deal with those things that will separate us from love and separate us from God Romans 835 who will separate us from the love of Christ will tribulation distress persecution, famine, nakedness peril or sword. They are all questions. Romans 839 nor height nor depth or any created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Now there is a gap between those two versus that gap is filled with verse 37 in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through him who loved us. you see there will be tribulation and difficulties and problems in our lives because we live in a fallen broken world that’s why we need to restore it. but with the power of God’s love we can overcome and conquer each of those situations because God’s love is more powerful than anything else and can be so powerful it can change and transform us and deal with those things but the truth is are we experiencing and living that truth? do we know the love of God in its overcoming power? Because if it is a theory to us then it won’t be out worked in our lives. do we really know that we are more than conquerors? is that what we think about ourselves or do we think of ourselves as victims or failures or disappointments or any other things that may have been thrown our way? we can overcome because of his love. Now the question is are there things that have in the past and still are continuing to separate us from experiencing God’s love. For who God always is, he’s always love, he has never changed, he never will change, he will always be love. But are there things that are separating us from that love now? if there are, there will be mindsets, there will be pain, hurt, experiences in the past. John 10:10 says this, the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy , that was talking about the devil, because he doesn’t want us to experience love, he wants to mess everything up in our lives so there is a negative force seeking to damage and hurt us but then that’s a positive which is so much more powerful that Jesus said, I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. You see God wants us to have an overflowing abundance of life and love. first love releases our destiny it releases us into being who god called us to be. damaged love blocks destiny when some people try to open their first love gates those gates can appear to be blocked if you have an image of it or you have thoughts about in your mind, those thoughts can Sometimes be negative and the images can be negative those blockages are all projections of the soul your spirit is your spirit it is who you are and as you operate from your spirit you can open that first love gate but if your soul is predominant in your life then you begin to operate out of that soul and the soul will project images because of fear hurt, pain and rejection that has been received in your life, because it won’t want you to enter into love again because love damaged you and hurt you, so it will try and protect itself from further hurt by showing you that you can’t open the gate, so the door can appear to be locked up, people have had pictures all it being nailed up and all sorts of things our soul tries to block, to protect us because our belief systems and behavior patterns hurts, pains rejections parents friends first love relationships they set up those defense mechanisms to keep us safe and they actually lock us up, put us in prisons to keep us from love and many of us of been in those prisons and some of still are, because we are on a journey to be set free blockages can be seen as images so when you engage first love some of you may feel that the door was nailed up that is bared, that there are brambles all over it so you can’t get through it those images are trying to stop us opening that first love gate.  Our soul’s protection mechanism is projection that creates fear and apprehension because of our past experiences of love our soul is what will keep us out of heaven and experiencing heaven because of fear and apprehension, fear, hurt, pain rejection fear and mistrust we’ve all experienced. Now i want to share this picture it will help you understand how we get in the state Jeremiah 2:13 says my people have committed two evil’s they  have forsaken me the fountain of living water to hue for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water that’s what Adam and eve did by following the wrong pathway .the pathway where they had to provide everything for themselves we start off with our soul and heart which has natural needs built-in for love acceptance affirmation significance purpose and we have a body to out work those things in but our spirit is dead and separated from God that’s how we start. so where are we actually going to get any of those things to me our needs? from the world ,that’s our only source so were looking to the world for love acceptance security significance and purpose. now we get those things by what we do, our work our relationships money power things things the world offers to meet our needs but none of them quite managed to do so because there is an emptiness, a hole in us that can only be filled by God because that’s how he created us to be, to have a relationship with him so there is a yearning for relationship  that we try and out work through the world. of  course that causes damage the hurt the pain the rejection the security the fear disappointment guilt shame all things that take place and damage us and our operating in our lives. now when we get born again we become resurrected our spirit gets life so now we have access to a new source we have this fountain of living water that is in us, we have the Holy Spirit we have gods presence in us so now we need to learn to draw from the inside out where all those things can be found purpose security significance love acceptance but now we are somewhat pulled in two directions the flesh and the spirit are in conflict with one another to who is going to be the source and if we keep looking to the outside we keep fueling and feeding the damage if we look to the inside and we choose to be transformed restored renewed to our original condition by the love of God then we won’t need those things anymore and we have to choose where we’re going to have our needs met when we choose life then we can be healed and restored and made whole not only that we can be changed and transformed and transfigured so that what is on the inside of us will be manifest around us as we radiate the love and the frequency of God around to the world around us to bring transformation to the world that’s God’s purpose but if we continue to draw from a cistern or a tank that has got a hole in it we will never be fulfilled and we will continue to be damaged. so God wants us to draw from him on the inside of us look at your life see it as a tree, it has lots of fruit on it, that’s what people see and experience when they get to know you or they get close enough to you if you let them. some of those fruits are the things were talking about rejection anger fear anxiety worry low self-esteem insecurity sickness depression addiction . now if some of those things are still operating we have to look at where they came from what are the roots that created that fruit because that’s what God wants us to deal with so we can be free think about it what you still connected or chained to, that you do not want to be. what experiences what memories what emotions what Hurts, pains rejections betrayals. see unforgiveness is a yoke that keeps us tied to our past. Because if we have not forgiven and dealt with those experiences those memories those emotions then we will still be connected to them and yoked to them. and they will still affect our lives and they will still negatively influence us, but God has forgiven us, and he encourages us to forgive everybody else. there is a parable called the unforgiving servant in Matthew chapter 18 have the time to go into it if you read it God forgave this man everything virtually the whole national debt of Israel at the time so much money but he wouldn’t forgive someone who owed him a days wages as a result he ended up in the torture chamber because his own emotional connection to something did not allow him to forgive he was in a sense tied to that and could not be free. see we may be rejected abandoned betrayed disappointed hurt letdown abused in many different ways all of us are probably have those experiences but the question  is are we still yoked to them, are they still affecting us are we allowing people in our past to still damage us today because we’ve not separated ourselves from them by forgiving them and releasing them. Isaiah 58: six is this is this not the fast which I choose to loose the bonds of wickedness to undo the bands of the yoke and let the oppressed go free and break every yoke. see every connection that were tied to the past those memories, that pain that hurt will keep us locked up and unable to change. but when those yokes are broken by forgiveness then we can be set free Isaiah 61:1 the spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord’s anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted what good news to the afflicted you don’t need to be afflicted anymore that is good news he sent me to bind up the brokenhearted is good news that our hearts can be healed and restored. to proclaim liberty to the captives so there can be freedom for people who are in captivity to anything from our past. freedom to the prisoners what are you imprisoned in. and to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord that’s the year of Jubilee when all debts are canceled every debt outstanding in your life can be canceled because of God’s love and what Jesus did on the cross so that we could be free but we have to receive that freedom and we have to embrace that good news allow God to restore us to heal us to make us whole so we can receive his love Isaiah 61 four they will rebuild the ancient ruins your life might be like a ruin, smashed down.

 they will raise up former devastations that we may have received devastation in our lives through other people other situations and circumstances they will repair the ruined cities the desolation of many generations your whole family line may have been a mess but those things can be restored if we allow God’s love to restore us how can they be restored by embracing the transforming power of his love for us. forgiveness he is the given us everything you may not think that because you may be suffering from guilt and shame because you don’t know the depth of God’s love but he has forgiven everything for everybody we just need to receive and accept that in a relationship of love from him.forgive release and be free see the wounds caused by our father’s mother’s friends lovers can be healed the heart of stone that we may have because of the damage can be replaced and renewed. our heart can be restored and made new. our hearts can receive forgiveness and then release forgiveness to be free because that’s what we need to do to release forgiveness to other so we can be free . here is a diagram to explain how this happens.

 our heart is described in the Bible as soil .resulting from the lack of love acceptance affirmation affection appreciation encouragement identity that heart can be a soil of insecurity which is open very much for negative things to take root in that negative soil. you have soil which is acid you have soul which is alkaline in natural circumstances certain plants don’t thrive in acid soil certain plants do we need to make sure that the good soil of our heart enables the good plants and the good fruit to grow in our lives. because what happens is a seed of offense comes along and things happen to us that cause us to have negative experiences those seeds of offense if we don’t deal with them stay in the soil of our heart. they affect our emotions. Now what happens is our responses to that negative experience that seed of offense causes us to feel something angry, bad attitudes hurt resentment perhaps fear, insecurity that produces in us roots of bitterness those roots go down deep into our heart. they affect our will and they affect our subconscious mind. And once they are there, they just don’t stay under the surface they produce fruit of resentment so our behavior is coming from those roots which came from the seed because we been hurt that results in us behaving, what we say, what we do comes out of  that fruit of resentment . some people respond in different ways to what goes on in our lives but they generally become reason filters. we see the world through all those things, the root of bitterness the fruit of resentment, that’s how we see the world. may see the world, everyone is against me. we may feel a victim we may feel useless and a failure and it filters everything through those things and which make our choices based on those filters and most of the time those choices are bad choices and they get us into deeper trouble they draw us to more of the things of the world to try to fix it or to cover it up or to blot it out. but actually what we must do is forgive and release we have to deal with the seed of offense. you can try and dig up the roots, you can try and keep cutting off fruit but all it does is just prune it and it re-grows. we have to get rid of the seed once you forgiven and released the person the situation then that seed can be removed. if the seed is removed then there is nothing to produce the roots. all we then need to do is repent for the bitterness in our heart, and those roots will be removed then we just need to renounce the behaviors and the patterns and the coping mechanisms that we have developed and the filters that we have in place and that fruit can be removed then God can put into our hearts a new seed the truth of who we really are the revelation of his love and our identity and our destiny in him and that will bring security to our hearts, because we will know who we are and when rubbish comes along we won’t receive it. because we know that God loves us and then that will produce good roots that draw down from the inside and draw on the river of life and draw on the bread of life and draw on God and his love to bring transformation. what happens ? is talks about the peaceable fruit of righteousness we live and we appear totally different because we been transformed by the power of love when we choose to forgive and release and be free so we may be owned by those who have hurt us. we want to get payback because unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die, it only affects us. it doesn’t affect the person that has hurt us or damaged us. it ties us to the memory and the pain of the event .we may be owed. there may be many invoices out standing where people have not done nice things us, they have not given us what we deserved. they may have given us bad things. We have to settle accounts, we  have to deal with those invoices. what they did or didn’t do. choose to forgive them how it’s affected your life what happened to in the past it is still affecting you now, choose to release them from it so you can then feel and think differently. make an invoice of those memories that come to mind ask God to show you those things remove the offense by choosing to forgive those people cancel the debt by choosing to release them from what they owe you. let them go free. Well I can’t Do that because they owe me. they are either going to owe you, or you are going to set them free. If they owe you , they will keep owing you for the rest of your life and you’ll be tied and affected by what they owed you for. so let it go then allow God’s love to heal you, break your chains, remove the wounds and the scars that were in our hearts and our emotions to set us free to be who God called us to be. forgive release and be free. break the chains to the person, the memory, all the pain, we are then no longer tied and chained to our past. the wounds can be healed God’s love that vibrating frequency will bring restoration as we resonate with it. because we will be able to experience it and feel it in a totally different way, psakn 139: 23 this is a prayer that I would encourage you to pray today search me thoroughly of God know my heart try me and know my anxious thoughts see if there’s any hurtful way in me and lead me in the everlasting way. bring us back to our eternal destiny. we have to be willing to allow God to bring to the surface and show us anything that we are tied to from our past in our heart in our thoughts in our ways. lets invite God to access our lives every thought every emotion every memory every experience, to penetrate the deepest recesses of our lives to engage every fiber of our being,lets let the barriers down, lets let him in, we can choose today to open ourselves up to God, it may be a scary thing for your soul but will bring you into place of peace and joy once you have received his healing love. choose to embrace first love choose to give ourselves to him choose to surrender the past to him choose to receive his healing love choose to forgive and release and behold.

 Now we are going to spend some time in the presence of God, I would encourage you to fix your thoughts on him he’s knocking at the door of your heart right now don’t let your past, or your fear or anything that the enemy will try and do to rob you and to steal and destroy because God wants to give you life Jesus is knocking let him in today. Let him heal you and restore you . he is in our spirit that doorway is that the handle is on our side are we willing to open that door so  I encourage you just to close your eyes just still your thoughts in your mind.just picture Jesus knocking and just make a choice you may see this visually you may just think about it but make a choice in your mind to open up the first love gate and to invite his presence into your spirit right now and as his presence just fills you just receive love, the very person of love just feel that place of security, the power and strength of his love around you just let him embrace you feel his unconditional love for you right now just feel the fire of his love burn in your heart ,feel his embrace love you, surround you, let that embrace just engage your heart right now ,just let all those things that have been in your heart just melt. now  I would encourage you just for a few moments just to meditate and think and allow God to show you those things he might want to deal with today. You can’t deal with it all today, it is a journey and a process. but you can start that journey of restoration, rebuilding the ruins dealing with the devastation of the past, because you stand in the light of his truth right now. just ask him to show you the seeds of offense, maybe the sin that has taken root in your heart. Just let him reveal those things that you are still connected to allow your heart be open to him. you may have thoughts, you may have pictures you have impressions you may have memories coming to yor mind where people have hurt you. Let you down. said negative things about you, but make that commitment right now, to choose and forgive and release that. and all the offenses that may be in your life and even in your generation line, just make a choice to forgive each seed that comes to your mind. each person or memory make that choice not because you feel it, or maybe even want to, but choose and be empowered by God’s love to choose to forgive. once you’ve chosen to forgive then just weight up the effect  that this memory the situation has had in your life as you weigh up its effects as an invoice out-standing against you choose to release and cancel the debt choose to be free from that person that memory that situation. just ask God to show you all roots of bitterness that may have grown in your heart. Just let him show you how you feel, how you think in your own heart, about yourself, and about others , just commit yourself to a lifestyle of repentance by starting now, to repent of all those negative roots, all the negative emotions, all those negative attitudes in your heart, maybe anger, or fear, whatever it is just repent and turn from it, allow  his love , joy, and peace come into your heart replaceing those negative emotions with the fruit of his love, now just ask him to show you all the fruits of resentment that have developed as your behavioral patterns  as your defense mechanisms. As your coping mechanisms, as your barriers and your shields . ask him to show you that fruit in your life. just commit yourself to a lifestyle that renounces all those negative behaviors, chooses not to live in those behaviors again. renounce all your defense mechanisms coping mechanisms, just renounce those things as your way of life. just allow God’s love to bring you the revelation of who you really are as his child just ask him to give you a secure heart, in knowing who you are, knowing your Identity. Just as him to renew your bond, that you will have his thoughts about you, just let him meet all your unmet needs right now. that need for love and acceptance, that need for affirmation and approval, those things that you have been looking for in the wrong places just turn to him and allow him  to pour in the healing oil of his grace and mercy into your heart to meet your needs in him to heal all those unmet needs and hurts to heal your heart to restore your soul  just allow him to speak and give you unconditional love right now ,surrender embrace it, feel his acceptance of you as a person, just feel the love, the affirmation of who you are, the approval that he looks down from heaven and he embraces you within your own spirit and he speaks words of affirmation over you. you are his beloved children and he loves you , that he values and appreciates you just be willing to stand naked and transparent before him right now , that nothing but who you are and who he is just hear his words to your heart I see you and I love you I love I love you I love you I love you. just let each statement of his love removes the wounds and scars in your heart I love you I love you I love you I love you I love, just let his love fill you with the value and the worth  and the esteem  that comes from your relationship with him, just make a choice, a conscious decision to choose to live a lifestyle of forgiveness, goodness repentance renouciation, and choose to walk in intimate love  to walk in that wonderful relationship that will see his glory manifest through you, that you will radiate the frequency of his light, you will vibrate with the frequency of his love on earth as it is in heaven your eternal destiny will be out worked just listen to him as he unveils those hidden mysteries to you , he reveals how special you are to him and he shows you how important you are in his plans and purposes just let him transform you just feel his love burning in your heart just choose daily to  open the first love gate without fear let him embrace you, let him draw near, let him continue to heal and restore you and make you whole. i encourage you don’t see this is a one-off , see this as an opportunity to continue a journey where he will release you and bring you into who you really are in him.

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