Fixing our eyes on Jesus

We take our eyes off the problem, and fix them on Jesus, and as we fix them on Jesus we will begin to see differently. We will get a different perspective on our current circumstances that will release the joy of the Lord, and faith will start to flow into us and we will come to a point of believing.

The Holy Spirits job is to take the things of Christ and make them real. The unseen realm can dominate the visible one within our heart causing an alignment in us, between us and God. The unseen realm can dominate our heart causing us to be aligned.

There is always a better representation of the truth than the facts. The enemy wants us to concentrate on the facts. Facts do not set us free. The truth sets us free. There is an internal reality that gives permission for God’s truth to become real in our experience.

God’s kingdom establishes the truth in us in order to give us freedom. Darkness establishes a lie in us in order to create bondage.

 Fixing our eyes on Jesus gives us a sustained spiritual focus so that we can become like he is. We become what we behold. So we are yoked to him in restful focus.  We are learning how to live in our spirit, stepping into that refuge, under the shadow of his wings, feeling safe, feeling secure because of the beauty of who he is.

We have got to come into a place of authority in all the circumstances that are around our life. That is what those circumstances are for, to teach us how to take charge. Taking charge of our surroundings means that we know how to access the highest realm of authority and vision and perspective for our circumstances.

We receive no information from any other place but that one. And what happens is authority just rises up within us. Authority is a consequence of what we are seeing. It is like faith, it just comes to us. It rises up within us. We don’t have struggles with faith, it rises up because God is in us, because God is a believer and we are in him it flows into us.

 We are coming into alignment through the joining of our spirit with His. We are coming into that place so that we can start to see the way that God see’s, we can call it the way that God calls it. The proclamation of our spirit takes us up into a place where faith is readily available. It takes us into a place where authority is right there right when we need it. He who began a good work will perfect it in Christ. It is God who works in us both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

God is creating an environment in our life with him at the center. It is important to know that we are not the source of our own strength. We can do all things in Christ Jesus who strengthens us. He is the source of our strength. It does not matter how weak we are, as long as we know how to step into the strength of who we are in Christ Jesus, the anointing of the son within us.

On this journey from the present to who we are becoming in the future, we are responsible for our potential in God. God is in charge of our actual development and growth as we yield to His Spirit; but we must take responsibility for our potential, we can do all things through Christ. We have to know that we have a potential to do this, then we can step into it because of who God is for us. Nothing is impossible in him. If our potential is not positively given to the Holy Spirit, then it will be surrendered to the enemy by default.

What is God developing in us right now? We need to take responsibility for that development. We take responsibility for our development to cooperate with God, to yoke with him, to partner with him, to say yes and to be excited about the whole process.

When we agree with heaven we release heavens resources. It is important that we choose to be with the people that have access to heavens perspective.

We don’t want to be with people who only see us in the past with all our baggage. We want to be with people who understand we have fresh luggage and we are moving into the personality that God has got for us. We cannot walk with people who all they can see is our baggage. All our history ends at the cross. What we are looking at now is our destiny.

We are not at all concerned with what we have been, we are concerned with who we are becoming. Our conversations have to be around destiny not history. We have to break out of being a caterpillar and become that butterfly.

We choose the people who can call us up to a new level of identity and who can refresh us in who we are becoming. All of our conversations can be prophetic. You can’t do that because this is who you are.

We challenge our current behavior from the future, not the present. We cannot do that because this is who we are becoming so we need to bring that mindset into the present so that we are acting in alignment with who we are, and with who we are becoming.

We are becoming a prophetic community. How we see one another is not rooted in our history or our past but it is rooted firmly in the future and we are calling one another up into something bigger and better.

 The question is who is it that can perceive our destiny and help us to realize our inheritance. We need to safeguard our heart from negativity. It is important that we maintain our heart free of doubt, fear, unbelief, judgment and negative fellowship.

If we want to live by faith we must avoid being friends with people who do not see us in the spirit. We can bless them, we can love them, but there is a place beyond which our relationship will not actually be able to go.

We avoid people who are domineering or controlling because there is nothing useful to learn from them. If we want to be strong in the lord and do exploits we must avoid well meaning people who lack powerful vision.

 There are different relationships with different groups of people. So when it comes to sharing the real internal part of ourselves we are very careful of who we do that with.

There are certain people who we can commit our destiny to because we know they will walk it out with us. We cannot commit that essential part of who we are and who we are becoming to the whosoever, because we will get back information that will not be helpful to us.

We need count the cost of not moving forward. We will realize the expense of staying where we are when God wants to move us on. The cost of staying where we are, is always bigger than the cost of moving. What will it take for us to pursue the Lord whole heartedly? Who are going to be our traveling companions in this next stage of our journey? How can we live a life that is more intentional and powerful? What characteristics of God must we be developing in line with our new identity? These are the questions we must ask the Lord, so that we can become the person we are destined to become this new year.

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