Flaming sword

The lord placed a flaming sword which turned every way; it looked like a ball of fire to form a barrier, to not allow passing through the fallen nature of Adam, representing the D.N.A of the human race.

God is a consuming fire; this fire separates that which is not like His Spirit from entering the pathway, the way to the tree of life. The tree of life is Yahweh; he sits on top of this pathway upon his throne in the kingdom world of His Spirit. The flaming sword is a being assigned not to let anything pass through that is not the essence of His life. If we were to follow a tip of a sword turning every which way, what would it look like? It would look like a ball of fire.

Gen 3: 23 Therefore the LORD God sent (to send away) him forth from the Garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. 24 So he drove out(to drive out from a possession; to divorce )the man (‘adam- ruddy, a human being ); and he placed( to permanently remain)at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming (lahaṭ- a blaze)sword (root- to burn, to isolate, wipe out, a cutting instrument)which turned every way, to keep ( to hedge about, guard, attend to, to watch over) the way (path, journey) of the tree of life.

The D.N.A of the seed of God in our spirit, allows our spirit to go through the veil into the heavenly places in Christ. But the fire of God has to sanctify our soul, purify our heart so that our soul can also begin to ascend into this realm.

What really happened in the garden when the Lord drove Adam out? So the Lord God sent him forth from the Garden- Eden to till the ground from whence he had been taken.

Eden is the garden of God and is in the heavenly realms. It is different from the garden in the east of Eden that was on the earth. So this means Adam had free access into Eden, he could step In and out of Eden. He was enabled to live in two realms, the spiritual and the natural.  So from that point onwards the access point to Eden in the heavenly realms was shut off.

God sent him out speaking of his spirit being, he could no longer see or enter the kingdom of heaven in his spirit because of the veil of his soul over it. His spirit was on the outside of his soul and body, and now was reversed. Then it says he drove out his human nature, speaking of his soul and body.

So he sent him out, so he drove out the man. He has already been sent out-his being, so now what is he driving out? He sent him out, now he is driving him out, what is he driving out? He is driving out the nature that could be corrupted. So Adam’s soul came out with him. His soul and body was driven out, his spirit sent out.

The father is driving out the nature that had been corrupted, that had the capacity as an everlasting thing to remain in heaven. So he sent him out, then he drives out the nature.

The father drives out the nature that was corrupted in that place, so he was also removing the record. Now he is wiping out and driving out the record of man in its existence in this. So there is no record left in here, because the record is what gives us the empowerment to go back to where you were before.

A record is what has been stored in light. Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world, so the record of our sin is no longer in the heavenly realms in Christ. Although it still exists in the time and space realm.

As we learn how to enter in through the fire, the record of sin in our soul will begin to be cleansed and transformed. The record of sin in our human D.N.A will begin to be removed and displaced with the D.N.A of God and our body will be transfigured.

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