Focus and awareness

One night I woke up and decided to pray for a little while. I just continued to lie in bed and began to engage the Lord in conversation. After a little while, I began to talk to Lord about one of my favorite subjects, seeing in the spirit.

The conversation between us was not at all strained and I wasn’t interceding or anything at all like that. Was more like 2 friends just hanging out talking about stuff. Was very relaxed and seemed completely natural to me.

I had heard previously from many others that there are lots of ways to see in the spirit. People like Bob Jones, and Ryan Wyatt and others whom I respect. I generally have a lot of understanding about it though, because I didn’t have a lot of experience with it.

So is asking the Lord to explain to me how we actually see in the spirit and to give me understanding about these things. I soon began to realize that understanding is one of the things that the Lord uses to remove the veils from our eyes. The phrase I see what you’re talking about, is a picture of that. When we understand, we see, more literally than we are aware.

So many ways to see

The Lord responded to me by asking me to open my eyes so he could show me something. I’m going to take you through the experience step-by-step because it was significant for me.

I open my eyes and I could see everything natural around me, just like normal. Then he said now close your eyes. So I close my eyes and when I did I could see the spirit realm around me. Again he said open your eyes. And this time I could see both the natural and spiritual at the same time, layer together. When I close my eyes again, I could still see both realms.

The Lord took me through this process about 8 times of opening and closing my eyes. Each time there was something different about the way I saw I could see the natural with my eyes open or close. I could also see the spirit realm with my eyes open or closed.

I could see both with my eyes open or close. It was an amazing experience!

The Lord told me that I can see in any way he chooses. He is not limited by what I think the guidelines are. There are no rules for him to file.

He also made me very aware that he was showing me things about spiritual site in a way so that I could relate it to natural laws of sight, to make it easy for me to understand. There was far more available!

What it looks like

Visions that I have seen in the spirit have been in full color plus. The experience of seeing something but not necessarily interacting with what you see is what I would call vision.

The reason I say full color plus, is because anything you see in the spirit realm is literally alive. Many times the colors are colors you can’t describe completely because they are so different, so vibrant.

Visions have, so far, only happened to me as I’ve been sleeping. I would wake up suddenly to find myself in another dimension or another place. I would feel the atmosphere around me. I would operate with all my senses, just like you would in the natural room.

With all of your senses heightened, you experience everything differently.

In one of the visions I had, I went into a kind of portrait Gallery. The colors of the portraits were vibrant and amazing and you could feel the spirit of the portrait. The portraits appeared to be alive in semi-motionless as if captured in a moment of time, much like a DVD that plays a little snippet, as it waits for you to select play.


Dreams are much the same as visions, and my opinion, in that they can likewise have a life in the intensity of color in them. Dreams are a little more elusive to figure out also.

Visions tend to have a pretty solid message or theme to them and dreams, not so much. In my own dreams they can be all over the place or be like a scene being played out in a very straightforward manner.

It’s all just a dream

Before I had any understanding about this subject, everything was a dream. Didn’t matter what the experience really was, I would always believe it was some kind of dream. Fire division, it would be while, I had a real life like dream! For a visitation from an angel, it would be I saw an angel in my dream last night.

You get the idea. If the only tool you have is a hammer, then every problem looks like a nail. The same goes for understanding these types of things. As you record the things you experience you begin to notice subtle differences in them. And then you notice, not so subtle differences.

That is some to keep in mind as you move forward in your spiritual site. You are experiencing more now than you know and realize. As you allow yourself to become aware, you will begin to understand them.

Colors and intensity

For me personally, the things I see in the spirit while I am awake look semi-transparent. They are usually white or light blue. However, the more I focus on what I’m looking at, I find the intensity of color in substance increases.

Seeing orbs while driving

Several times while driving around, whether on my way to work or other places, I’ve seen orbs of light. Sometimes their position over cars and traffic, usually very close to, or above the person in the car.

They have been various colors. There was a peach colored orb above a woman who was driving in front of me one day. There was also a huge golden yellowish orb that I saw move through an intersection in front of me why was stopped at the traffic light. Was by itself, no human close by.

I mentioned that focus can bring about a clearer manifestation of what you are seeing, and this is true of the orbs in traffic as well. The problem with that is, you can’t focus on the unseen too well while you’re driving. It’s just not a very good idea.

That being said, I was stopped at a light one day on the way home from work, and I looked up above the traffic light for some reason and saw a barely visible orb of bluelight. Or, rather what I thought might be in order. You just never known to you begin to pay attention.

I was about to just ignore it and move on, but decided to focus for just a moment to see if anything happened. As I began to look at the orb, it began to grow in the intensity of color until it almost appeared as a solid ball hanging in midair. I would’ve missed it had I not given it just a fraction of my time.

It all has a point

In and of itself, what is the benefit from seeing a few supernatural orbs of light floating around? Why is that important? The importance is the acknowledgment. If you realize that things unseen around you, and you begin to see them more clearly, then the important things will also become clearer.

Many would love for everything from God to be sovereign. But that is not always the case. As you begin to notice and make yourself aware of shifts in color around you, or shifts of light or the atmosphere, it breaks it open in your life. It develops for you.

It is crucial that you honor the little things, the little strides you make as you go along. You will then be in a position to receive greater.

As we begin to move into practical application, be very aware of every improvement, everything that your senses pick up helps you develop greater capacity.

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