For every flow, there is an ebb

We cannot live in a constant flow of the Spirit. It is not how life in Jesus is defined. What is true in the spirit is also true in the natural and vice versa.

Life is seasonal. While it does not match the annual calendar of nature, there are times and seasons. Read Ecclesiastes chapter three. Spiritual life can be seasonal. What we gain in the flow we must be consolidated in the ebb. The Holy Spirit is still magnificently present, just in a different way.

To grow effectively in ministry, we must be pruned so that more fruit may come. When we are cut back it is always to go deeper in our relationship with Jesus.

We are all the makeup of Mary and Martha. We need both identities to work in us; the issue is, which has precedence? That is solely based on the will of God at the time!

There is no downside to life. Only a better way of viewing what God is allowing. We move with him. We learn from him. We stay in Christ.

The secret of learning in the Spirit is to abide in Jesus. As we remain in him and rejoice, wisdom releases us to live in the moment and develop significance.

What is your particular season at this time? What is the father allowing for your development? What is the wisdom you need to process this necessary part of your journey? How will you position yourself before the Holy Spirit?

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