For such a time as this

The Lord is about to manifest Himself to this world like never before, and we have been destined to be a part of this.

Let us not be like Esau, who sold his birth right for mere earthly satisfaction. Instead, like Abraham, may we look for a city whose builder and maker is God.

ESTHER 4:14 For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father’s house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?

Many have been positioned in God for such a time as this. While shockwaves continue to roll through the world’s financial markets, we as Christians should not be shaken.

After all, God said that He would shake all things that could be shaken (Hebrews 12:26-27). A great battle is raging between two kingdoms with opposite values, goals and motives. We should have our eye on the coming new age.

As this age rapidly draws to a close, our focus should be on God’s purposes for this generation. Much has been taught, preached and debated in relationship to the Joseph ministries and the Great Wealth Transfer, much of which has come from wrong motives and misguided goals.

Still, we need to understand that we are now entering a period of grace and favor, in order for God’s purposes on earth to be realized.

The financial systems of this world will continue to be shaken until the Antichrist enforces a new world order, under the guise of stabilizing the global monetary system.

That day is much closer than most Christians think, yet there is a great window of opportunity in which we can take hold of God’s mandate for our time.

 This mandate requires us to reap the final harvest, prepare The Bride and hasten the return of Jesus.

MATTHEW 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

So often, I hear preachers say that Jesus can come back any time now. This is not true. The gospel of the kingdom has to be preached to everyone on this earth (in this present age) before Christ can return.

The gospel of the kingdom has not been preached in all the world, it has not even been preached in America.

What is the gospel of the Kingdom? It is the lordship of Jesus over every area of our life, qualifying us to rule in the coming new age.

The gospel of the Kingdom is teaching on the millennial reign of Jesus Christ. The dying of one age, and the birthing of another one in which the earth will be restored to its original condition.

The outpourings of the Spirit of God will continue throughout the earth until we come into the latter rain and everyone has heard the truth.

In order for this final harvest to be gathered in, vast sums of money and assets will be transferred to those in the church who have been purified and set free from greed and ambition.

These believers have no personal agenda; they are only consumed with being about the Lord’s business. Our goal can never be to establish our own kingdoms and agendas. We must look beyond this present age, seeking our rewards in the next age and laying up our treasure in the kingdom of heaven.

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