Foundations 2


Most of us do not realize the power of revelation. Revelation knowledge is an impartation by the Spirit of God of understanding. In the Greek world they had 2 words for knowledge gnosis and epi-gnosis. Gnosis is intellectual knowledge. Epi-gnosis means knowledge by revelation or impartation. It is knowledge in which we participate in. It is an experiential thing.

Romans 10:2 – they have a zeal of God but not according to epi-gnosis. Not according to revelation. Gnosis is self-knowledge, knowledge that centers in our mind. Epi-gnosis is knowledge from God which flows through our spirit into our soul filling our soul so that we experience it. God manifests himself in this knowledge so that our emotions feel him, our imagination sees him, and our mind experiences the essence of his Spirit through the infilling of God into our mind.

Many preachers are zealous but what they are speaking does not proceed from the Holy Spirit through their spirit into their mind. Their speaking from a knowledge that centers in their self, centers in their mind independent of the Spirit of God and the result is pride. This type of knowledge attracts demons. It has substance that is filled with something other than God.

1 Corinthians 8:1 – concerning idols we all have knowledge – gnosis – it is just ordinary knowledge.

Just ordinary knowledge makes us proud.

1 Corinthians 12:8 – given by the Spirit the word of wisdom to another. The word of knowledge by the same Spirit.

There are two words in the Greek for knowledge, one is by revelation of the Spirit, divine impartation which gives us understanding. Understanding that we could not have unless it was given by the Spirit. It is something that we hear over and over again and then suddenly the light goes on, the Holy Spirit reveals it. It is no longer just knowledge but the revelation of the Holy Spirit in which we participate in that which he reveals.

It is just knowledge until it comes by revelation. We call this self-knowledge something our soul knows but that knowledge is independent of God. It is symbolized by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It is our perception independent of the Spirit of God. This type of knowledge can be inspired by evil spirits. It is the spirit of the world.

When God reveals something to us, he imparts himself in that revelation. As the Holy Spirit reveals we participate in his Spirit, we partake of his Spirit, what he is inter-penetrates us. We are filled with him; we are filled with his Spirit in the revelation.

Ephesians 1:17 – the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him – epi-gnosis of him. The spirit of revelation.

We need to understand that when revelation comes to us it is a spiritual thing, it is a spiritual enactment. Something spiritual takes place when revelation comes to us. And power is released when we receive revelation, and that power is a power to enable us to walk in it.

This only comes when revelation happens. When there is a divine impartation of understanding. Then it isn’t just divine understanding but with it there is released a power and that is a power and an enabling to walk in it. Because God will ask us to do things we can’t do in our own human ability. But when it comes by revelation a power is released to walk in it.

Truth that does not come by revelation it is just truth there is no power to walk in it. This is the result of self-knowledge, no divine ability imparted to walk in it. It is so important to receive things by revelation.

When God gives us a promise a Rhema word, an inheritance word – contained in that promise, is the provision, provision for those promises is released in a revelation. When God quickens the word to us provision is released in the quickening. It may not come instantly into our life, but it is there in the spirit realm. It is set aside and as we take hold of that promise something is released.

A promise is not just a promise when it comes by revelation from God, a personal word imparted to our spirit, something is released when a promise is given by revelation. We need to understand what takes place in the spiritual realm when some of these things happen. There is a power that is released for the fulfillment of that promise. It requires faith and it requires that we take hold of it. But it is released it is not hard to do because there is something that has been given along with the promise that enables us to walk into it, to walk in it.

Revelation is really important. We need to understand the spirit world, the spirit realm has substance. The spirit realm is more real than this physical world. In our understanding we need to appreciate this.


The soul, the mind, emotions and will is where we have the problems. The soul taking dominance in our life. Now what we need to understand is that the soul is a generator. The soul can generate.

For instance, if we get angry, we haven’t just gotten angry, we have release something. Something comes from us. It is like a substance has left us in that anger. And this can clothe other people in it. When a person is wallowing in self-pity substance leaves them. We don’t want to be around people who have that problem with self-pity because it can begin to envelop us. Because it is not just an attitude it releases a power.

Nobody lives unto themselves, and nobody dies unto themselves. We leave a trail wherever we go behind us, whether we like it or not. Which is visible in the spirit realm. Both Angels and spirits in the demonic realm can see our trail very clearly. Anger is a power, it is a vibration, it has a color, it has sound, it has a smell. In the spirit realm anger is a very strong substance. It is not just being angry; you are releasing something.

Our soul becomes a generator to release things. When our soul is pure then our emotions come into place to have and to release the purposes of God. that is very powerful. Earnestly desire certain things it says in the Bible. That is an emotion to be earnest about something. When it is a godly emotion coming through our emotions it has real power.

Fear is a tremendously strong force. Fear can be picked up by demons many miles away, it is so strong in the spirit realm. What goes out from us is like a little lighthouse. Demons can hone in on this. It attracts them and then things get worse. Unless we learn how to stop it. It is picked up for miles away in the spirit realm.

A wolf can pick up the scent of a deer from over 30 miles away. That deer has a smell, has a sent, has a signature and a wolf can pick it up, it can smell that from over 30 miles away. And then he can start to hone in on and follow that smell and find that deer. It is like that in the spirit realm. Fear can come upon us real quickly. Because it is such a strong thing. If we are emanating the love of God, if we are emanating righteousness, we are not can have too much trouble with demons. They will not trouble us too much. Because they don’t like being around us. What is coming from us should be unpleasant to them.


We are dealing with the emotions, the mind, the will, and emotions generate things. Faith is a substance. Hebrews 11:1 – Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, it is the evidence of things not yet seen. It is a substance; it is the underlying element. We release the underlying element for what we are having faith for. We need to understand this. We release faith. If we hold on to this, it will form into a reality. It is a substance. Faith is a substance for something to be seen. We are not seeing it yet, but it is there, it is forming in the spirit realm. Everything forms in the realm of the spirit before we see it in the natural world. Substance is hypostasis in the Greek – The essence, the underlying material – substance. When we have faith, something is released. By speaking it into existence, by speaking forms it. We need to understand the dynamics of the realm of the spirit and how it works.

When we speak a Rhema word we form it in the spirit world, it is a substance. When the Rhema word comes, faith is established. Faith comes by hearing the Rhema of God. When you hear that, and faith is generated, a substance is released. When you speak that out, when you confess that, substance begins to form a new reality. It is all of God, we must cooperate with him. Even the faith comes from God, that is the process of creation. That is how God works, and we are creative beings, and we continue to create one way or another. We cannot stop doing this. We create, we leave a trail behind us. And that trail is there. And the spirit world can pick it up quick. If it is a good trail, Angels will pick it up and work with us. If it is a bad trail the demons will pick it up and work with us. We strengthen it, we empower it and that is how it works.

We don’t live unto ourselves. Everything is connected. Everything is held together by the Lord Jesus Christ, he holds all things. Everything is affected, everything is connected. This is hard to understand sometimes but the material world is really not solid. This desk is not solid. It looks solid but it is not, there is more space than there is substance, physical substance. A propeller on an aircraft goes around and around and speeds up and eventually it becomes solid. No matter where you poke, you are going to hit something. Because by the time you poke it has come around again. In a millisecond it’s back at the same spot. The matter where you hit it is solid. But in reality, it is not solid. Everything is made up of atoms, it is not solid. Turning water into wine was no big deal for Jesus. He just spoke the word and the atoms rearranged themselves. Nature cooperated with him. That is how he could still the storm. Nature cooperated with him. It is important to understand this.

The Baxter effect. Clyde Baxter was head of the New York Institute of polygraph work. He was working with plant reaction. And he found this, and it was tested under laboratory conditions. He decided to burn a leaf on a plant, he got a strong polygraph reaction from the plant. Now he didn’t even burn it, he just thought about burning it and the plant reacted. After long clinical testing he concluded that a plant will react in a measurable way when there is an intent to harm it. This became known as the Baxter effect. It involved the plant in one room and a container of shrimps in another room separated. Both were wired separately independently with polygraph equipment. Then in random acts they took a shrimp and dropped it into boiling water of course it died instantly but the plant in the other room reacted. There was an instant read out in the plant. When that shrimp died, the plant in the other room reacted. The conclusion was that living things react to other living things.

Now with the picking of fruit there was no reaction, but God intended it to be picked. With pruning there was no reaction because God intended for it to be pruned. It is all in the intent of the person. If the intent was linked to thought and emotion it was picked up whether it was good or bad. This was tested under very good clinical conditions.

There was another test they ran with memory. Plants have memory, animals have memory. Two plants were placed in a room, a man came in deliberately and just ripped one plant to shreds, he tore it up and ruined it, and the other plant reacted. Months later when that man came into the same room the plant reacted to the man. It had read his signature. That which was emanating from him. It picked up the signal. The plant reacted because it remembered the man, it remembered what emanated from him. We all have a signature an emotional signature, it is visible in the spiritual realm. If a human was injured in the presence of a plant, if he cut his hand and the blood cells were dying the plant reacted.

Genesis 4:10 – what have you done because the voice of your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground. Cain killed Abel, what have you done, I have heard the voice of his blood crying. Everything is connected. Plants and animals don’t have a spirit, we are not talking about this. We’re talking about connection. Everything is held together by the Spirit of God. The Bible says if a sparrow dies it is noted. It is important.

We leave behind, we emanate, we leave behind, no man is an island unto himself. No one acts in isolation, we may think we do but we do not. It is very visible to the spirit realm. Blessings and curses, destruction or healing. The earth is quite hurt, and it is angry. The earth is hurting. You look at the weather patterns over the last few decades, they are getting worse and worse. There is something going on, the earth is hurting, it is angry. We as humans create our own conditions, either heavenly or hellish. What is emanating from the human race is affecting everything on the planet in which we live. We are going to see an increase of cyclones and we are going to see unbelievable storms. We going to see some of those perfect storms. The whole of creation groans waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. If we love creation, creation will cooperate with us. If creation can feel the love of God coming from us, emanating from us, it will work with us.

Francis of Assisi when he worshiped the Lord, it was natural to him, but he also had a love for natural creation, all things were connected, the birds would come in and worship with him and that natural creation would respond to him.


If we have a love for creation the animals feel it and the whole of creation is waiting for a certain type of person to come forth. Sons of God who are led by the Spirit of God who are led by love and are not going to hurt them. When Jesus walked in this dimension, they knew who he was, he was the creator, now they don’t have a spirit, but they were all connected because the Holy Spirit is in every living thing, he is also in material objects like a pulpit. Because he empowers the atoms.

People say after the rapture the Lord is going to take the Holy Spirit out of the world but then there would be no world. He holds everything together. To take him out, everything will disintegrate. The atoms will fall apart. He empowers everything. It is nothing for the Holy Spirit to reassemble a group of atoms to create a new arm. The problem is our faith, and our mentality hasn’t reached that level because we really don’t understand how it works.

We leave behind a trail. The earnest expectation of the creature is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. The sons of God won’t do anything unless the Holy Spirit is indicating that it shall be done. They are led by the Spirit of God; the whole creation is absolutely safe with them and will cooperate with them. There’s going to come a time when we’re going to have to command storms to stop, for the survival of some of God’s people in these situations. This is not something done out of arrogance or pride because the creation can pick that up right away. It is a vibration, and they react to it. But the creation feels the love of God. They can sense that these people are sons of God, and they respond to them. God wants to bring us to a level of understanding. No one lives to himself. Romans 8:21 – the creature itself shall also be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.

Though creation is waiting. We cannot understand the wonder of God’s created world unless we love it. Some people think you should kill animals, not to eat meat. Should we become vegetarians. But then the salad your eating is going to say don’t eat me. A person in Australia had to kill 1000 kangaroos a year just to keep the numbers down otherwise they overrun all property and start dying of starvation. They eat grass which competes with cattle, so they had 3 days to kill a thousand kangaroos. Those kangaroos are lovely, you don’t want to hurt them. How do I do this Lord. It must be done, that is just the way it is in the world in which we live in. The population is so high it must be done. For their sake and human sake. Just talk to the kangaroo and tell him he’s going to become part of a higher life form when he is eaten. If you eat them, they become part of a human being. This is acceptable. It has to do with the motives. Killing for sport is a different thing again. When you go fishing what you kill is eaten. It becomes part of a higher life form. It becomes part of you.

It is the motive that counts when we are dealing with creation. We must love creation and creation can feel that and they understand that. When man fell creation fell with him. And it is waiting for the sons of God to bring love to an abuse creation. The thing that will emanate from the sons of God will be love. God is love; God is light. When they see this emanating from us, they will cooperate with us.

Faith is a power; it heals, restores and creates. When faith is released through our words and emotions it is very powerful. When we bring together in our prayer, life, faith, strong desire, feeling and emotion we have all the creative elements to bring the thing to pass. They are joined together as a power. They emit from us faith which works by love (Galatians 5:6). We must be rooted and grounded in love, then faith will take hold of substance and form it. The whole creation can read our signature.

We have a signature in the spirit realm. Which can be read very clearly. Who we are is emanating all the time. If we are nasty the signature is very plain in the spirit realm. If we are happy, it is a really strong signature. There is a smell, there is a sound, there is a taste and there is a color that we emanate. This is why our soul must come into submission to our spirit. Because our soul is a creative force within us. Were not just a spirit we are a soul. Because we are made in the image and likeness of God, we can create, and we do this whether we know it or not. We must be in the purposes of God, we have to be very careful what we say and what comes out of our mouth, because God wants to give us a greater authority. Authority works both ways, we have more power, but we become more accountable. Moses had authority but he got some things wrong. He was supposed to speak to the rock, but he struck it. It cost Moses greatly. When we have a level of authority, and we say something, it will come to pass. The level of authority that God wants to bring the church into means their going to have to be very disciplined with our mouth.

One of my mentors went through a stage where the Lord was teaching him some things. He would give him something through a revelation and he would speak it out and then it would come to pass. He was very used to getting things right. It was a stage in his life, he could tell person who their doctors name was, license number on their car, he had no problems with these things, he moved in this kind of level. And then suddenly everything he said was wrong. What are you doing Lord? He was operating the same way, but it wasn’t working. And after about a month of this he thought I cannot deal with this anymore unless I know what is going on. Am I deceived? And the Lord spoke to him in a dream and said I have allowed this to happen. Why did you allow this to happen? Because I want to teach you that what comes out of your mouth has consequences. I have your attention now! In the dream he said I certainly can’t minister like this much longer. I get it wrong every time. Then he went for 2 weeks after that and everything he said came to pass. And this was even worse. This scared him more than anything else. We don’t think about what we’re saying most of the time. And everything he said was coming to pass. Just like that. And he said God stop it. Don’t do this to me. I don’t want this authority. He said now I have your attention. Then he kind of authority. There are Levels of authority. Authority has consequences. Both for good and evil. And if God gives you that authority you are responsible for the consequences. My mentor was not ready for level of authority.

Our soul life, our natural man, the fallen nature must come under the control of our spirit, as our spirit submits to the Lord. Because as we begin to operate outside of the Lord the consequences are going to be very fearful. What we say will come to pass. We want more authority, but there’s a problem with our mouth. once we are given more authority it requires great discipline to only move and to be led by the Spirit of God.  

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