Foundations of breakthrough

There are spiritual principles that have to become a way of life in order for us to come into sonship. They are foundational for us to learn or we will not progress spiritually in the Lord.

The foundations of breakthrough are first of all repentance, then love, then grace, then faith, and then hope.

The lord wants to teach us about the foundations of breakthrough.

Many of the children of God cry out for breakthrough, but they do not understand the way that it works.

The lord will initiate that breakthrough for his people. But they have to learn how to walk in breakthrough constantly and continuously on an individual basis so they can begin to release it everywhere they walk and to everyone they come in contact with.

A good mans steps are ordered of the lord. As we are learning how to walk with the lord, all the situations that we are put in are designed for a purpose.

A walk with the lord is a walk into sonship. So we go through difficult situations for a purpose, to bring us into sonship.

There are no difficult situations in heaven; we experience them here so that we can grow in our appropriation of the Lord.

When we die physically, our spiritual state will be set. If we die a baby in the lord, when we get to heaven we are not going to be a fully mature son. We need to obtain sonship here upon the earth. Sonship is being led by the Spirit of the Lord, where we are an overcomer in everything.

There are different realms and levels in heaven. Jesus said to the thief on the cross today you will be with me in paradise. When babies die they go to a place in heaven where they are brought up and grow up. So there is growth in heaven.

But the conditions of planet earth are the perfect conditions in which God can produce sons of God.  We have been born into the world for such a time as this, we are a unique generation. We are entering into the best of times and the worst of times.

Our growth in God is dependent upon certain conditions or situations where we grow from a baby, to a little child, to a young adult, to a fully mature son of God. And the spiritual stature that we develop in this life we take with us. If you die a spiritual baby, you will enter into heaven as a spiritual baby.

The children of the Lord cry out for breakthrough so the lord puts them in the situation they are in so they might surrender, change and appropriate more of God’s life, which is their breakthrough.

They ask for breakthrough, the lord initiates it and then they ask to be taken out of it. Lord rescue me I am a Christian get me out of here. The way out is appropriating more of God, so that you do not have to keep going through the same thing over and over again. We are in the school of the Spirit. God what do you want to become to me and in me, that couldn’t happen if I was not in this situation.

The first principle we need to learn is repentance. Repentance is a gift from the lord. It is the result of the thoughts and feelings of God flowing into our mind, so that our thinking comes into line with God’s perspective.

There are all kinds of different levels of repentance, because we are learning how to walk with God upon the earth.

The revelation of the lord flows into our heart and reveals how we are to respond to situations in life, he reveals the darkness in our soul, so that our thinking can come into the mind of Christ, so that we can respond to all of our life situations in the Spirit of God, and no longer in our soul independently of God. We have a contrite spirit

Our ability to hear the lord is directly related to the condition of our heart.

When our spirit is open to God, with an attitude of submission we will know when God is speaking. We will have this deep innate realization: “God is in this Word. This is a Living Word from God. Our attitude is in our spirit. Our spirit has to do with our attitudes and intentions.

Our spirit desires to be near to the Lord so that he can communicate with us.

Psalm 34:18The LORD is nigh (near- of place, of time, of personal relationship) unto them that are of a broken (to break, break in pieces) heart; and saveth (to give victory to) such as be of a contrite (humble, repentant, godly sorrow, crushed, to grind, bruise; to rub) spirit. 19Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.

What is a contrite spirit? It is a state of spirit that is humble; any quality in it that is not like God is crushed and broken off of it. It is the anointing breaking any yoke on it not of God. The spirit is in a state of being pliable, flexible and easily molded, easily influenced by the Spirit of God, adaptable to change. It is poor in spirit, so that any pride or independence in it is broken off. It is a spirit that is totally yielded to God’s Spirit.

What does it mean to be poor in spirit or have a broken spirit? To be poor in spirit means we are totally dependent upon the flow of God’s Spirit into our spirit. Unless our spirit is communing with His we have no fellowship of life.

To have a broken spirit means that we are in a place of humility, and carefulness so as to maintain a right spirit with the Lord, a spirit that is communing with him, so that we do not move independently of the Lord. We have a repentant spirit that is listening and yielding the Holy Spirit.

A broken spirit is soft and pliable, able to be shaped and molded. The opposite of a broken spirit is a proud or bitter spirit, a person with a hard heart.

The opposite of bitterness is brokenness. The bitter resist everything; the broken experience the Lord in it. Nothing of God’s presence penetrates the hard heart.

A broken spirit is more perceptive, because a broken spirit does not evaluate circumstances by a reasoning process. A broken spirit evaluates everything in its relationship to the Lord.

If we do not have a broken spirit, we evaluate every circumstance, wondering, “Who’s to blame? Who’s at fault? Why this? Why that?”

Anything less than a broken spirit will be less perceptive because it looks for answers in the wrong direction. But a broken spirit does not do this; it continually looks to the lord. When we are broken before the Lord, we see what we ought to.

The broken are now listening. God has their attention; they have an ear to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying.

 A broken spirit is very perceptive; its revelation and judgment are better. Thus the broken spirit becomes a vessel of divine compassion. A heart that is bitter contains little to bless anyone.

 When we learn how to have a broken spirit before the Lord we find that we can tune in to Him: it is not just experiences; it is a relationship.

Divine Love is the foundation and the principle in which the kingdom of God functions. In learning how to relate to God and to people we always need more love.

We have to learn how to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. We do not love God with a human love, but with the divine love he puts in our heart.

The love of God flows out of heaven into our spirit and usually finds blockage in our soul. The self-life is centered in the soul.

As we come to understand the nature of God, we no longer get angry at him, or blame him for the difficult circumstances of life.

 We desire for the things in our soul that hinder us from expressing our love to him to be removed. As the gateways of our spirit, soul and body are opened, cleansed and made whole; we enter into the ecstasy of a first love relationship with him.

In relating to difficult people we always need more divine love. Until the love of God is perfected in us, God will not entrust us with the authority to govern his creation.

Moses was the meekest person on the face of the earth, and God entrusted him with authority so that when he struck the rock twice, it still brought forth water but he was not permitted to enter the Promised Land, only to see it from the distance. His authority functioned, but because he moved in human anger and disobeyed the word of the Lord he was not allowed to lead the people of God into the Promised Land. This authority was given to Joshua and Caleb.

The love of God flows out of heaven into our spirit and then into our soul, but the moment our focus is distracted from God’s Spirit, our soul can become hurt, threatened or offended and we move in self.

In learning how to walk with God, the moment we feel our soul becoming agitated we have to pause and step back into our spirit because our soul has come out in the front of us. We have to be continually aware of our spirit, so that our soul stays in submission to it.

We have to learn the difference between our spirit and our soul. Learn how to expand our spirit so that it hosts our soul.

When divine love manifests it manifests in the form of light and sound.

God is love, God is light and in him there is no darkness. There is no greater love than Gods love.

God loves us first. The revelation of God’s love for us increases through time spent in his presence.  As we become aware of God’s presence we become aware of his love for us. As our awareness of God’s love for us increases, we are partaking of that love.  Revelation has to do with seeing; it has to do with light. God imparts his Spirit to us through revelation.

As our awareness of God’s love for us increases then the light proceeding out of us will grow brighter and the frequency we emanate will change and initiate breakthrough.

 At all times in our life we will be going through different situations. In those situations we are at one level or another in the breakthrough process.

Love is a foundation. Until we gain the revelation of the love that God has for us in the specific situation we are walking through the next phase of breakthrough cannot occur. This all happens through intimacy with him. Everything that we are going through is first of all relational.

If we do not learn how to be rightly related to God, then we are not going to know how to respond correctly to the life situations that we find ourselves in.

If we do not learn how to be rightly related to God, then we cannot relate rightly to other people.

The planet earth is the perfect place to learn how to love.

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