The problem with the church of Jesus Christ is that they are sin conscious because their minds have never been renewed, because they have never really heard the gospel.
The word gospel means good news. News that is so good, that the carnal mind cannot believe it is true.
God is not sin conscious. Jesus did not just die for our sins; He died as us.
Jesus’ soul was made a sin offering, which means our sins were transferred to Jesus on the cross. Which means that our old man, our old nature, was crucified with Christ.
In the kingdom of God there are certain spiritual laws or principles that govern it; one of those principles is transference.
To walk with God, we are going to need to learn how the principle of transference works. Transference is the process of moving something from one place or person to another. To transfer is to pass on from one person to another, to impart.
John 1:29 Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away (lifting away from) the sin of the world.
2Cor 5:21 for He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. The word in means Intimate union with oneness of heart, mind and purpose, the condition or manner, in which one moves or is moved.
Our sin was transferred to Jesus, that His righteousness might be transferred to us.
God is righteous so that He must judge sin, so He took our sin upon Himself and paid the utmost penalty for it, that He might legally give us His righteousness. When our spirit is born from above, we receive the spirit of righteousness, we receive a new nature.
Our spirit has a will, and when it is born from above, it has a yes in it to God, our spirit is willing, but we still have a body of flesh that is weak. Because our brain has been programed by the way we lived before we were born from above.
So, if you are struggling with your flesh, just stop it. Displace those fleshly thoughts by sowing to the spirit. And then fleshly thoughts will be reduced in intensity because we no longer yield to them. But if we yield to them, then we will struggle again because we have given place to the enemy.
The righteousness of God is His standard. God himself is the standard of the believer, and only our newborn spirit can meet His standard, with the help of the Holy Spirit.
We receive the life of Jesus’ spirit in seed form when our spirit is born of His spirit, which then grows and develops in us meeting His standard. The righteousness of the law is fulfilled in us, as we walk in the spirit, as we walk with God.
That we might become, the righteousness of God in Him- It is all about becoming, the result of an intimate relationship with Him.
The Christian life is all about being and then doing, as the salvation of God is worked out in our life. We are learning how to live from the inside (our spirit) to the outside (our soul and body) as they come under the lordship of Jesus over our spirit.
Salvation is the manifestation of transference. Our sin nature was transferred to Him that His divine nature might be transferred to us.
God is not dealing with sin. He dealt with it on the cross, He is dealing with the spirit of righteousness in us that has been joined to His Spirit as one spirit.
Acts 17:28 in him we live and move and have our being.
Our heavenly Fathers desire was to have sons and daughters. The Father did not just send Jesus to die for our sins, but when he died, we died. He just didn’t die for us, he died as us. Jesus took upon himself all our old nature and killed it stone dead. God knows that we are dead because he watched us die on the cross.
Jesus’s spirit did not die on the cross, but the bible says his soul was made a sin offering not his spirit.
When His soul became sin, He was identified with us, but He committed his spirit to his father and then bowed his head and gave up his spirit- John 19:30. When a human being’s body dies their head bows and then their spirit leaves their body. But not so with Jesus. Jesus had complete control of His death; no man took his life from him.
You might not understand what I am saying but meditate on John 19:30 first and then the other gospels of the accounts of His death and search the scriptures for yourself, the Lord will reveal it to you.
If you are willing to do the Father’s will then you will know whether the teaching comes from man or God. But study the original manuscripts. Christianity is the only religion that does not study the original manuscripts.
But Jesus had complete control of his body and could have come off the cross at any time if he chose to, but that was not the Father’s will.
John’s gospel is deep, I do not share a lot of what I believe on Facebook, because it would take a book to explain it.
Unless God became a human being, we could never have become a son or daughter of God by birth. This teaching is a mystery, Christ in us.
Christ is not in the spirits that God created in heaven. That is why I believe our spirit pre-existed and did not come into existence inside our mother’s womb at conception and I have a lot of scriptures to back it up.
But the Father’s plan was to have children and that is why the time and space realm, the heavens and the earth were created. Before the Lord said let there be light we were crucified with Christ and raised up to sit with Him upon His throne as His sons and daughters who inherit His kingdom.
This is the promise of God for us, he who is dead is freed from sin. When Jesus died, we died, and when he was buried, our old nature was buried with him, never to rise from the dead. We rose to newness of life in Him, but the old nature remains in the grave.
Every time we get into that old man stuff and, having two natures, the whole sin stuff, we are resurrecting something that God would prefer to stay dead.
Freedom in Christ means that God is not dealing with our sin because he has already dealt with it- Rom 6:10 says that God has dealt with sin once and for all. This means that he is not dealing with it again. Once was enough.
Is God sin conscious? He dealt with sin once and for all. God has dealt with sin in Jesus and is satisfied with the sacrifice, so He is not conscious of sin in our life. For God to be sin conscious he must tread underfoot the cross. I’m not sure if the cross thing worked, so in case it didn’t let’s focus on behavior.
What God is conscious of, is that we are a new man in Christ, learning how to be totally 100% like Jesus.
God is not dealing with our sin; He is dealing with our righteousness. We have received a new nature, a new spirit, a spirit of righteousness. Our spirit only desires to do what is right.
If we did not have a new nature, the Holy Spirit would not be able to live inside of us. The Holy Spirit has been sent to us to reveal to us our inheritance in Christ. To lead us and teach us who we are in Christ so that we can live accordingly.
The only thing the Holy Spirit has to work with is our new spirit, our new nature, so He is dealing with our righteousness. He teaches us how to come boldly to the throne of grace, to receive mercy and grace in a time of need.
The Holy Spirit has been sent to help us, He gives us a new prayer language and prays through us the perfect will of God for our lives.
He teaches us how to build up our spirit, how to be aware of it, how to enlarge it, how to walk in it. The Holy Spirit teaches us how to walk in our newborn spirit so that it becomes impossible to fulfill the lust of the flesh, because we are living on a higher plane.
Gravity has been reversed, instead of being pulled down to the earthly plane we are being lifted up with wings as eagles to soar in the heavenly realm.
We fly over the mountains and valleys, the circumstances of life that would try to pull us down.
OUR FATHER had this thing all planned out before the foundation of the world, before He said let there be light. It was a done deal before he even created the first Adam, who fell into himself.
Before this happened, we were already in Christ and crucified together with Him and raised together with Him and seated with Him in heavenly places.
The problem is we do not understand the difference between the realm of eternity from the realm of time and space which is temporal.
Hebrews 10:14 For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.
Perfected forever-past tense, it has already happened.
Revelation 13: 8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him (the beast), whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Romans 8: 29 For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; 30 and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.
He also glorified-past tense, it has already happened.
Our life on earth is just the school of the spirit to learn how to grow up into the fullness of Christ. This temporary life is just like a vapor, which appeared for a moment, and then vanishes away. But is working in us an eternal weight of glory as we learn how to walk with God.
In reality our life has already been lived, the Lord knows the beginning from the end, because He lives in the realm of eternity. We have two relationships with God, one in eternity and one on the earth.
Our relationship with God is present-future. As the Holy Spirit who is prophetic, reveals who we are in the future, we see the glory and are changed into the same image, as we learn how to put on Christ, the new man, the manifestation of the sons of God.
Jesus died for us because there is a value in us that is incredible to the lord. We need to understand our sense of value to the lord. Why he adores us, why he loves us? Why is he totally committed to our story and our journey? And why did he get rid of all the things that might be in us that would stop us from knowing him. He put it all on Jesus, so that when Jesus died we died.
So, to come into the kingdom we must be born from above. That means we are not born again like we were the first time. We are not born into a place of sin; we are born into a place of righteousness. This is the gospel, the good news. That anyone who is in Christ is dead to their sin. If sin still attracts them, they are not alive enough yet to him. They have not yet experienced glory on a consistent basis.
The great news is that God is dealing with our new man, not our old one. He is teaching us how to live in righteousness. How to become like Jesus, how to think like heaven thinks. How to see like heaven and speak like heaven. Jesus came from heaven to earth to teach us how to be a citizen of heaven living here on earth.
The good news is that we are dead to sin. And our life is hidden now with Christ in God, and we are learning what that means.
This means that we don’t have a struggle with sin because it is dead. Our struggle really is to learn righteousness.
We don’t have a problem with anger, what we are learning is patience.
We have no issues with fear because we are learning perfect love which casts out fear.
There is no negativity in our life worth talking about. Because God has dealt with all of that to, all our negativity was put on Jesus.
We are free to become like Jesus, to be conformed to the image of his son-romans 8:29. The word conformed means together with- to be jointly formed.
This happens through water and fire. The washing of the water of his word, where we are refreshed through the presence of God in the words, He speaks to us cleansing us from all unrighteousness.
And through the fiery trials, in which we learn how to overcome through putting on the new man and abiding in the spirit.
We are learning to be full of joy in the midst of trials, because we are learning who Jesus becomes for us.
We are going to learn to be as kind as He is. As gentle and as powerful as He is. This is our inheritance. Our inheritance is to become just like Him.
Col 2:9-10 for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily and we are complete in Him.
What we are learning is how to live in Him. We are living in the boss. We are living in the one who rules everything and has complete authority.
If Christ is in us, then so is all his fullness. God doesn’t think like we think on earth. We think that when someone is growing up, they will learn something and then we will give them something. When they do good, we will reward them. It is like growing by installments. God doesn’t do that; he gives us everything up front.
To grow up in the natural take’s years, but our spiritual growth is not dependent upon time but is dependent upon revelation and walking in that revelation so that we become the Word the Lord reveals in the natural realm.
There is power in revelation, you can feel God’s presence in the words that He speaks, the words that He reveals, it renews our mind and erases old programing. We encounter God in the revelation and now it is too late because we have experienced Him. If someone can talk you into something another can talk you out of it. But when God reveals something to us it becomes the rock on which we stand.
The Lord says all of this is yours and you can have it as fast as you want. Partner with me, all of this is yours up-front.
There are things that we can have down the road, but we have access to it all right now, because He wants us to understand what fullness is. It is not fullness eventually; it is fullness now. We have been made complete in him.
The key is learning how to be continually filled with of the Holy Spirit, so that our capacity for transformation is enlarged.
Every experience in God is accumulative. We go from grace to grace, faith to faith, strength to strength and glory to glory in our walk with God.
The problem is that if Christians do not learn how to walk with God they never grow spiritually.
But if we hunger and thirst after righteousness we will be filled. It is fullness now! The question is how full do you want to be?
When we are being filled with the Spirit we have a certain capacity, enough, enough, stop, stop! That is all that we can handle for the moment, but in a little while we want more, more, more!
That is because the things of the spirit are addictive. Once you taste and see, that is when you want more. But if you are just content to live on the level you have already attained, then you will just stay there or even regress (return to a former or less developed state).
It is time for Mother eagle to stir up the nest. Do not get too comfortable. It is better to stir up the gift of God ourselves, if we don’t then the Lord may deal with us, because He wants us to receive all that He has provided for us.
2 timothy 1:6 Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. 7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
When we are talking about faith, our faith has to relax in the fullness of God. The fullness of God is his intention for us, so he wants to give us fullness now.
He dwells in us now, but he is not in us in installment. He is in us in fullness now. In Jesus the gift of God is up front. Everything is available, that means nothing is hidden, it is all yours, the Lord is going to teach us how to find it, how to live in it , but from the start we need to understand that it is all ours as a gift. We have to just start using it and it will multiply.
God rewards those who diligent seek him because it is a spiritual law, seek and you will find, but you have to keep seeking. We tend to give up to easily.
The lord provides the fullness of His Spirit now. This sets us free from performance. It sets us free from the whole sense of that I have to earn it. It is not that we step into things and then we earn the blessing. This is not how the kingdom works.
When we step into things, we are just experiencing the blessing that is already ours.
The kingdom says it all belongs to you, everything. So just relax, the kingdom of God is a kingdom of rest. God is completely relaxed, he has already given fullness away, we just have to learn how to lay hold of it.
1 timothy 6:12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast confessed a good profession before many witnesses.
It doesn’t depend on how good we do; it depends upon how big God wants to be for us.
God will insist on believing his own word. He has exalted his word above his name. When God gives you a word, it is a reality in the spiritual realm. When we learn to hear his voice, he imparts his faith in the word that he speaks.
We don’t focus on faith we focus on intimacy with God, because faith works by love. Faith has to come, but it also has to work. The more we experience God, the more we know God, the more we trust him.
So, what we must do is just focus on knowing him, loving him and then we will find that the blessings follow after us, we don’t have to seek them, but only seek Him.
If we are focused on trying to believe God it will not work. The faith of God is a gift and it comes to us through the intimacy of our relationship with Him.
So just focus on knowing Him, cast the whole of your care on Him until you could care less. And then you will find that God adds to you, because you are no longer focused on the blessing. It is just a by-produce of your relationship with Him.
With him a gift is a gift. He gives us everything not because of our performance as a Christian, he gives us everything because of our placement in Christ.
Christ is in us- all the fullness of God is therefore present in our life. So, we know we have a big account to draw from. God does this because he wants to encourage us to think as big as He thinks. He wants to encourage us in our expectations. And it is all available because of Jesus.
We don’t get anything from our own performance. We get everything by the grace of God. So, we are learning about the grace in which we stand. It is so huge and enormous, the platform is so big you cannot fall off of it.
The place that we stand on before God is so enormous, it is as big as his heart. It is bigger than the earth, it is the kingdom of heaven.
The earth is a small thing inside the all encompassing kingdom of God. We are part of a kingdom so huge it makes America look like a dot on a map. The territory we are in, in the kingdom is so huge, you could fit a billion worlds inside of it.
We are not much of a challenge to the grace of God. God does not have a single problem with any of us, because we are just not up for it. We are not just that much of a challenge to him.
He knows everything about us and completely adores us. He has already proved it by dying for us, to remove any barriers hindering an intimate relationship with him.
God so loved that he gave his only begotten son.
The measure of love in our life is not our performance, it is the fact that we are in Jesus and what he has achieved for us already.
When Jesus hung on the cross his final words were it is finished. Our old nature was finished. What we were independent of him is no longer an issue.
The Lord says I am totally robbing you of any power to be negative. I am robbing you of all your sin, of all your insecurities, all your inadequacies, all your doubts and fears and everything else that is negative in your life. I am taking all of that away from you, it is finished for you. No more negativity, anxiety, fear, inadequacy, anger, it is finished.
You never have to do any of that ever again, because I am going to give you a brand new life and I am going to cause you to be born again into me, so that you are born into my righteousness, holiness, faith, generosity, born into all that that I am, which includes fullness.
In eternity we were crucified in Jesus before we were in the time realm before the natural creation of the world, we now live in.
The new creation existed before the old creation. He saved us before He lost us. The tree of knowledge of good and evil represented an independent life which is the natural result of free will.
As we experienced a life separate from him, we experienced limited pleasure and then the suffering of what we thought was a way that was right, but in the end did not make us happy.
In our emptiness we would be drawn to him and heartily approve of a life in him, where we experience the identical life that he is. This is the abundant life, an impossible life made possible in Him.
There is no breakthrough without follow through, so the Lord gives us a personal tutor, a personal trainer, and he gives us a cheat sheet- the bible and the Holy Spirit is going to instruct us how to become utterly amazing in our life.
He is going to teach us about righteousness, faith, trust, worship, intimacy, power, authority, blessing, grace, favor so that we become like Jesus.
And then we can step into all the fullness of God, which is signs and wonders and miracles. Jesus saved the best for us. Jesus came doing ordinary miracles. We are a race of people in the world set apart for the purposes of God, a habitation of God by the Spirit; this is what is being released from heaven, a whole new covenant, you have been made complete.
The law and the prophets were until john. The prophetic ministry goes into the grave with Jesus and is raised up in a different way.
All new covenant prophets are pointing to the fact that it is fullness now. Fullness now is a major revelation for us to embrace. You have been made complete.
When God looks at us, he sees something in Christ that we are not seeing yet, but we will see it. As we grow up, we see it more and more, and when God looks at us he doesn’t see anything wrong with us because he sees that we have been made complete.
God only sees what is missing from our relationship with him and he is totally committed to giving us that encounter.
He declares us as complete so that we can be free of worry about where we stand with Him. And he has given us the Holy Spirit who will empower us to become complete.
God knows all the empty places in our life, and he is committed to filling everyone of them so that we become complete in reality, in our own reality.
But in God’s reality, he see’s us already complete. It is a paradox, both-and. We are complete and we are being made complete. We are full and we are being filled. It is both-and which means we are totally secure. Because from both ends’ things are happening.
We always know where we are with God because he never changes. We are the most secure people in the world because of the bigness and goodness of God placing us inside of Jesus Christ.
So, when God looks at us and says we are complete, what that means to him is that we are complete, and he is constantly upgrading us so that we experience more and more of that completion.
So, our prayers can be Lord I thank you that I am complete and so I ask for my next encounter and my next experience of you to pull me in that direction.
We have prayed prayers that God hasn’t answered. God doesn’t answer a prayer because he didn’t like it. I love you son, but that is a dumb prayer.
God has his eye on what he wants to say yes to in our life. He does not want to hear a watered-down version of fullness that we are asking for.
It is fullness now, we ask for something bigger. He wants us to give him something to do. The lord wants to answer a certain kind of prayer, that is why Jesus said ask and keep on asking.
We keep asking and we get warmer and warmer until we pray what he wants to hear. The lord is teaching us how to pray in line with his fullness.
We have to stop praying out of measure, because we are not sure if God loves us enough right now. We don’t feel like we are behaving properly. But God doesn’t look at anything like that because that person is already dead.
He says I see you in this way, and I am teaching you how to behave like Jesus. God is not looking at our behavior he is looking at our identity. And our identity is that we are in Christ. He sees fullness and completion. Why are you praying like a dummy when you have all of this available for you.
Jesus took care of our past, so that in us he can take care of our future with the Holy Spirit. We are learning how to be present future, and it is fullness now and fullness then. We are learning to think from a place of fullness. We are learning to pray from a place of fullness. We are learning to step into that fullness consistently. We are learning to expect the fullness of God.
The reason this happens is because God put us into Jesus, which means we have found favor in his eyes.
Being in Christ means that we have favor. When God looks at us he sees us in favor. He looks at us with the eyes of favor.
You’re in Christ what do you want, this is how he thinks. We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus. This makes us a work of art. We have to believe something; we might as well believe something brilliant.
Why believe in measure when you can believe in fullness. If we are going to believe something in Jesus, it might as well be outrageous.
If Christ is in us and his name is wonderful, that makes us wonderful, we might as well believe for something wonderful.
We are citizens of heaven learning the language of heaven. YOU SAY- I hope God doesn’t look at me, he will see what I did yesterday. God’s eyes are to pure to look on that stuff, he see’s the finished product. We are just in the process of learning who we already are in Him, and then acting accordingly.
Religious people get disgusted because we believe in fullness NOW, that we are already made complete, perfect in Christ.
They have all these scriptures that prove their point. When you have an experience of God, you look at scripture completely differently than if you don’t have an encounter with God. The eyes of our heart are enlightened.
An encounter with God is a real eye opener. Hitler justified genocide by using the bible. We can use the bible for anything like that. The bible can reinforce any prejudice that we have, because that is the way that the carnal mind works.
Why are religious people not excited by Jesus? Why are we not excited by the goodness of God. Why are you trying to downgrade the brilliance of God in this way, why are you not amazed? How can you be in Christ and not be astonished?
There are times in the presence of God when we don’t know whether to laugh or cry, so we do both. We are surrounded by goodness. In the presence of God, we feel overwhelmed by the bigness of how God loves us.
Sometimes the presence of God is so thick we cannot get up. It is like God pins us down and we can’t get up. You are going to stay here because I want to say something to you. I want to be something for you. I want you to really, really get it, how much I want to be in your life. How much I want to be with you, how much I want to be in you.
I paid a huge price for you, and I am so glad I did. I want to walk with you. I want to talk to you; I want to live through you.
We think that it is up to us to convince God that we want to walk with him, when I reality it is he who is convincing us that he wants to walk with us.
He wants to be with us. He wants to show us things. He wants us to think like him. He wants us to have better and better conversations and for this to happen we have to think like he thinks. We need to see like he sees.
Then when he talks to us we can use the language that he uses for us in our life and in our circumstances.
He is teaching us all of these things, because he wants to walk with us. He is the one that started this relationship. He drew us to himself, He initiated it. We are complete in him.
We are learning how to dwell, remain, abide. We are learning how to stay where God has put us. Abiding is the number one discipline in the new covenant.
We get an unruly dog, so we must teach it how to sit and stay, how to obey us. We must learn patience, because sometimes it takes a while to train a dog. And then when we are going through spiritual warfare, we hear the lord say sit and stay.
Then as we learn how to rest in the Lord, we get a breakthrough. It is when we wait on the lord and silence our mind, that we can hear the lord. We are learning how to be seated in Christ and how to stay in that place and operate from that place.
When we learn how to sit in Christ then we feel the peace of God that passes all understanding. Peace doesn’t come upon us in the new covenant; it rises up within us because Christ is within us.
God doesn’t speak to us from outside, he speaks from within us. God doesn’t speak to our head, he speaks to our heart. He speaks to the inner man of our spirit and that thought rises and takes possession of our thinking.
We can feel peace filling us up on the inside. Whatever we are going through we don’t want to get our focus off the majesty of God.
When we break through, we are experiencing fullness now. We need to understand what is available to us in Jesus, and being as committed towards that as God is committed towards us.
When God says something to us, everything in him is committed to it. Learning how to dwell and abide in that place of fullness, to stay where God has place us will result in breakthrough.
The enemy comes to try to get us out of what God has put us in. The key word of abiding is to say no, I am staying here. This is the place where I can be resourced, this is the place where I can know presence. This is the place where everything that God has made available to us, will come to us, because we are in Jesus, that is our placement. This is who we are.
We are learning all the peculiarities of the kingdom. The kingdom is completely and utterly different than the world around us.
The world around us has nothing to teach us about walking in God, about spirituality. The kingdom is everything.
If we are building a church without a context of the kingdom we are doing it the wrong way. The church cannot manifest the kingdom. The church comes through the kingdom and is an expression of that kingdom.
You cannot take a part of the kingdom and bolt it on to what you are doing as a community.
Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom, not the gospel of the fellowship.
The kingdom is everything. It is the bigness of God, the fullness of god. Fullness is God saying, everything is everything. I am everything to you.
The kingdom is everything and we are the authorized dealers of the kingdom here on earth. The church has to be pressed through the kingdom, so that we are an expression of that majesty, sovereignty, that fullness and abundance. We are a people group that don’t know any other way to think. There is no plan B.
Fullness means that we allow no empty places in our internal relationship with God. So, our inner space is always filled by one of two realities.
One of them is the reality of God’s actual presence in our experience of him, so all our encounters with God must be turned into an abiding experience that is relational.
The second is the reality of God’s definite promise in Jesus, that we will be filled up to all the fullness of God. God has everything covered.
It is fullness now and fullness all the time as we go. This means every empty place in us has to be filled up with who God is.
1 peter 1: 2 Grace (from the root word-to rejoice, It is that which causes joy, gratification for the blessing granted, unearned and unmerited favor-not only for the forgiveness of sins, but the impartation of a new nature. The grace of God is what transforms us, causing us to hunger and thirst after His righteousness. It is the divine influence of His Spirit, His Ability and His Nature. It is grace to become and grace to do-1 corn15:10) and peace ((a state of tranquility, peace between individuals, harmony, concord, security, safety, prosperity, and felicity)be multiplied(to make full, to increase) unto you through(intimate union, oneness of heart, mind, and purpose, implying contact, remaining in place, primary idea of rest the knowledge( participation in a clear and exact knowledge) of God, and of Jesus our Lord, 3 according(how, in what manner or way) as his divine(what is uniquely God’s and proceeds from Him) power(His ability) hath given(the state brought about by the finished result of the action or process, the free giving, the free giving of the power of God resulting in life and godliness) unto us all things(totality, the whole, perfect provision) that pertain unto(motion towards, resulting in) life(divine life) and godliness(the proper attitude of reverence toward God, devotion, dedication-manifest in a right spirit of reverence and worship to God which does what is well pleasing in His sight, reverence, respect) , through(intermediate cause, intervenes between the act and effect) the knowledge(insight obtained by penetrating knowledge) of him that called(completeness of action, to call authoritatively, call into existence) us to(through, by means of, channel, instrument) glory (the reflection which attracts, the manifested perfection of His character)and virtue(the manifestation of His divine power, the highest glory and virtue of God being conspicuously-easily visible-attracting attention- exhibited, outstanding, remarkable, striking) a virtuous course of thought, feeling and action, virtue, moral goodness, any particular moral excellence, as modesty, purity);
4Whereby(through-whom) are given(completeness of action with permanent results, the free giving of the power of God) unto us exceeding great(preeminent, strong) and precious(desirable, valuable, honorable, held in esteem) promises;(assurance, eternal life) that by(intermediate cause) these(of these things) ye might(momentary-conditional) be(created, change of state) partakers(having in common, partner) of the divine(what is uniquely God’s and proceeds from Him) nature,(natural disposition) having escaped(definiteness of action, to flee away from) the corruption (short lived, the withdrawal of life, brought into a worse condition)that is in the world through lust(strong desire),
We must understand the gift that has been given to us in Christ. By his glory and virtue, he has granted to us his promises. That by the promises we might become partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that it in the world through, uncontrolled desire.
We escape the corruption that is in the world because we are dead. When we are dead to it we are free from it. These are our relational realities. God has granted us everything pertaining to life and godliness.
He is saying all of this is yours, and it is yours now. When God grants us something, he expects us to take receive it.
Everything in him is ours. It is critical for the kingdom that we receive it. The world needs to see us operating in absolute completion and fullness. The world will not read its bible, but it will read its Christians.
The world is looking for us to be a full-on manifestation of who Jesus is. When we are thoroughly enjoying our life, even if it is good, bad or ugly, we are still knowing and receiving the presence of God. When we are thourally immersed in who God is, and how God thinks, and how he sees, and how he speaks, everybody around us catches the overflow of that lifestyle.
All of creation longs to see the appearance of the sons of God. They are dedicated to fullness. Not just for themselves but dedicated to being continually full that no one around them will not be blessed. People are getting touched by the overflow. The sons can take authority over the natural creation.
The sons need to come together, to release creation from futility. Creation is crying out for rain. We can do it because it is fullness now.
We need to understand who we are in the world. We are extraordinary, astonishing, amazing.
In Africa, and Asia, you must pray for the land that the crops would be bigger and better. You go to polluted water sources and throw in a tree and pray for the healing of the water.
Then you drink it, and everybody watches you. In lakes where it has been fished out, you put your hand in the water and pray and fish will appear. The lord made it with a word, and it can be healed with a word.
Isa 61 says we can repair ruined cities. We can go to a city and pray for prosperity. The miracle would be getting 100,000 people to agree. The problem is that we accept what is happening in our country right now. Well, that is how it is, not for the kingdom.
Now are we born again, we belong to a different realm, we are complete in Christ, we are experiencing fullness now, we should be giving it away. This is the perfect time for the church to show how magnificent Jesus is, by giving stuff away, going and praying. By going and releasing fullness.
We are learning this in our own life. We are learning how to have expectations. We are learning that we are in Christ that means we have favor in the eyes of God. He wants to bless us, for our sake and the world. So that the world will see what a blessed life looks like.
Then we can empower others to taste and see that the Lord is good. We cannot be in two minds about the goodness of God. Or the majesty or sovereignty of God. Or the power of the life that God has placed within us. We are born again, that means the old lifestyle should not exist anymore.
We have a new one that we are learning how to be amazing in. We are learning how to be righteous, and holy and powerful and intimate with God. How to be filled with faith, how to live in the favor of God. How to move in the power of God, we are a new person learning the fullness of God. Every opportunity in our life is an opportunity to express fullness, to learn the life that God has given us. Not to be occupied with a life that he killed off, but to learn the life that we are born again into.
This is the good news. We don’t let anybody talk us out of it, by talking about our old nature. Don’t let anyone call you a sinner, when God calls you a saint. Don’t let anyone talk to you about your old man, when God is only talking to your new man. Don’t be sin conscious when you can be God conscious.
We have permission to consider ourselves dead to sin and alive to him. Don’t be sin conscious, be me conscious, because I am totally fixed and focused on you.
God has granted us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through a true knowledge of him. True knowledge means that there is another knowledge that is not true. True knowledge in the bible is a knowledge that comes with an experience. It is something that you have encountered.
If knowledge is just something that we know in our head, but it is not translated into an action in our life then it is not true knowledge. True knowledge is one that we have actually experienced, so that we know that we know, and no one can talk you out of it.
He has granted us his magnificent and precious promises. It makes us wonder what the promises are over our life right now. I wonder in the situations that I am facing, what are the promises that are available to me right now because I am in Jesus in these circumstances.
All of heaven is attracted to Jesus in us. All of heaven is worshiping Jesus, and they are attracted to the Jesus in us. Christ in us is a magnet for blessing. We attract blessings and favor to us. We attract Jesus to us, as we become God conscious; resources are attracted to our identity that is forming.
Provision is attracted to us. God is slowly chipping away at our learned helplessness, at our religious powerlessness. We are learning what it means to be free, and to be gifted and to be complete. And to understand God’s vision for us is way bigger than any vision we have had about ourselves and that is what is changing about us. He has granted us his promises so that. When we have those promises in our life we actually become partakers of his nature. God wants to give us promises that empower us to become even more like Jesus.
God has put promises in our life that compel us and empower us to become like Him.
There are places in our life where God rules and he occupies that place, and it is full of him. There are other spaces that don’t have him in there yet, but what is in there is a promise.
We know the places in our life where God has touched us, and we know that it belongs to him. We know that we have empty places in our life that God doesn’t rule there yet. What he has already done is that he has put a promise in each of those places.
It is fullness now, he has put a promise in those empty places so that when we experience that promise, that favor and that blessing, it will open us up to relationship. It will open us up to his nature. This is generous. What is he saying, he is just making good on fullness now.
Many of us have had amazing experiences, what we may not realize is that we have amazing promises in the places of our life that have yet to have an amazing experience.
When we have a promise God is saying yes, because all things are yes and amen in Christ. We have promises in our life, this is why we need to understand that when God looks at us, he looks at us in favor, we have favor in his sight.
When he looks at us he doesn’t see anything wrong with us, because everything that is wrong he killed off, he only sees what is missing from our experience of him and he allocates a promise to us so that we can have an experience of blessing that will open us up to his nature so that we discover something about him and we become that in our own life. This is how it works.
So, we have an expectation then. Instead of looking at the empty places in our life and getting down by it, we should look at the empty places in our life and say, I wonder what the promises are. This is what it means to have a sense of wonder.
We wonder how big this generosity of God is. God has put promises in all the empty places in our life. The things that we are struggling with, there is a promise in that same space. What we are to be asking the Lord is what is the promise in this area?
We are so used to getting down on ourselves about areas that we are struggling in. God is not down about anything about us. He lives in everlasting joy. He is always laughing. Sometimes he laughs with us, mostly he laughs at us, but he is still laughing.
We need to be curious enough to ask the lord about the areas of our life that have a struggle, what if the bible is actually true. That God has granted us everything pertaining to life and godliness.
So, any area of struggling in our integrity or morality, there is a promise there. He has granted us something in that very place for life and godliness. It is a given, we need to expect it, come to depend upon it. That promise will open us up to the nature of God. Nothing can stop us from being amazing. We need to realize the magnificence of who God is for us.
Knowing the truth will set us free, truth is a person, and realizing who he is for us sets us free. In every area of need and struggle the lord has granted us life and godliness. He has placed a promise there, so that by the exercise of that promise, we would know the fullness of His affection for us, and we would wake up to greater love.
There are promises out there for us, if it was a corvette, we would take it for a spin. If we are going to be believers, then let’s believe something extraordinary, this is the real truth, anything less is below the line of our privilege. Anything less is not the truth that sets us free. We are a new creation, all the old things have passed away, everything has become new, and all those things are of God.
When we become aware of the promises, it is an oh my God! Moment. We need to make a list of these promises. What are the low places in our life that God intends to fill up. What are the struggles I have right now in my relationship with God.
If we are struggling in prayer, there is a promise for that. If we are struggling in morality, there is a promise for that. If we are struggling financially, there is a promise for that. We ask the lord what is the promise in this area.
We have to stay with it until we hear him. He may not talk initially, but he will talk eventually. What is he doing, he is teaching us how to listen.
Sometimes spiritually we have the attention span of a nat. When God doesn’t say anything, it is because he is watching us listen. He is building up our listening capacity.
Never get worried that God isn’t saying anything, just enjoy listening. The God, who doesn’t speak initially, will always speak eventually. He promises us my sheep will know my voice. When he doesn’t say anything, he is teaching us to filter out all the other voices, our own fear, inadequacy. All of that religious stuff. He is filtering all of that away, so that as we stay with it, suddenly we come into this place of stillness, where we can hear.
I asked the lord and listened, but I did not hear anything, you need a little more practice in listening. God is not reluctant to speak to us, the truth is that He is speaking to us all of the time, it is just that we have so many voices crowding it out in our heads and our hearts. We have to get rid of all of those voices, and let them dissipate, that is when we listen.
We are going to like listening, just being still. You listen and you can worship. You can rejoice and you can listen. You can bless the lord and you can listen. You can give thanks and you can listen. We always put our listening in the context of worship.
We worship, we listen. Worship allows us to focus on God, so that our listening can get more and more pure, and all those thoughts that shouldn’t be there get filtered out and then we are going to hear him.
He is not reluctant to speak to us. He is just tuning us in to his voice. We must tune it until we get to the right alignment. And worship does this for us.
The lord will speak, so we ask him for a promise. We ask him for a promise in all those low places. And when we see that we know what that promise is, then we have something specific to start praying about.
Lord, in line with your promise I pray this. And then we are putting God in the place that he loves to be in, which is the place to answer prayer. We ask the Holy Spirit to help us because he is a genius at this.
If we want to get control again of our life from the enemy, if we want to bring our life under the fullness of God, this is an amazing exercise. There are promises in our life that are significant. We need to meditate on 2pet 1:2-4, think about it, give ourselves to it. God loves us to put him on the spot. He has granted us things already, that means his intention is pretty clear. So now our intention has to match the kind intention of his will.
We are designed in Christ to be astonishing, to live in his delight, favor, and goodness. We are destined to live in a place where we can be astonished by God, and we can learn to enter in to the fullness of all that he has set aside for us in him.
He is calling us to wholeness. He is calling us to fullness, abundance as a way of life. A lifestyle that is fully centered on everything that God wants to be for us. That we are as committed to that relationship as he is. You have touched us in some brilliant and amazing way, and the parts of our life that belong to you, we have been scared about the parts that don’t, but we now understand that you have allocated a promise, a great and magnificent promise in every space in our life that does not contain your presence.
So that as that promise is realized, we will understand your nature towards us and we can be transformed to become like you. It is a lifestyle exercise that you thoroughly enjoy. And the Holy Spirit adores the training and the learning. We ask for a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus, so that we may know all the things that are freely given to us by you. We ask for that spirit of wisdom and revelation to come into our lives that we may know the promises that are already present in our circumstances and as we joyfully partner with the Holy Spirit in the release and fulfillment of those promises, so our lives may explode with your presence, and we will be changed into a different person.
This is the lifestyle he created; this is what it means to be in Christ. That we are complete in him, learning how-to live-in fullness.
Open the eyes of our heart, enlighten us that we may see the fullness of the majesty of your love, kindness, provision for us in Christ. That in this new season we would come into a place of release and blessing and favor and fullness that we have never experienced before and couldn’t imagine but now we can. Open our eyes that we may see, change our lens that we may see who we really are in Jesus. We want the lord to be glorified in us. We want him to be glorified in the lifestyle we are now about to embark on. So we ask it in his name and for his sake.