Pathway of relationship that leads to deeper intimacy with God. Flowing from inside out – heaven to our gateways of spirit, soul, body to the world around us. Our first love gate is a 2 way gate heaven accesses us but we also access heaven.
Journaling – keeping a record, notes or a dated journal .Write – your perception vision, feelings, impressions, thoughts you hear .Review go back and meditate over the experience ask God questions for deeper revelation
Revisit, go back into experience through the meditation as a doorway. Testimony anchors your experience. Testimony becomes a doorway to future experience. Testimony when given to others enables them to enter into the encounter and have their experiences.
We are a spirit (breath of life) – makes us God and spiritual realm conscious. We have a soul – that is our personality, minds, emotions, wills memories and epigenetic hereditary encoding – makes us self-conscious. We live in a physical body that is world conscious through our 5 senses.
Everything has flowed from the outside in. We have learned to relate to world around us through our 5 physical senses. Interpret the world through electrical impulses in the brain. See – interpret spatial awareness. Hear – interpret waves pressure. Smell – interpret chemical particles.
Taste – sweet, sour, salty, bitter, savory. Touch – hot, cold, soft, hard. Memories of those repeated experiences are stored & then reused to enable us to relate. Learned through practice to train our senses. Soul also has senses that have been trained, from the outside in by nature, nurture & trauma – good and bad. Spirit also has to be trained from inside out.
Learn to tune into God’s voice inside. Learn to see from the inside. Learn to hear from the inside. Learn to feel from the inside. Learn to be guided from the inside. Learn to smell from inside. Learn to touch from inside.
Spiritual senses – are trained through our relationship with God in us. All knowing, Omni-present, All powerful. Spontaneous flow of revelation knowledge. Thoughts of God dance in our mind. Visions & Pictures form in our imagination. Feelings of God move our emotions. Impressions of God motivate our wills.
Gifts & callings are linked to gateway activity. Prophetic – revelation gate, hope gate. Spiritual gifts flow – Intuition gate – Words knowledge, wisdom, distinguishing spirits. Healing, miracles – Faith Gate.
We all need reverence, fear of God, prayer gates open for an intimate relationship. Will we be worshippers –obeisant & obedient? We must create our own personal pathway of relationship by repeatedly walking that way with God. I can only share my testimony and the prayers that were helpful to me on my journey. Use them as a basis to develop your own ways and wordings
It is important to understand the basic processes for engaging our gateways. Daily choice to create a lifestyle where we live in the natural realm but are directed and guided from the spiritual realm. We then daily live out of the intimacy of our relationship with God within.
What if I can’t see anything? To “see” can mean to perceive not just have a visual experience. We must always engage by faith. Heb 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.
Heb 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. If our hope, desire or expectation is to engage our gates and we choose to believe without seeing God will reward us. What is the reward? Our conviction will produce fruit in our lives and we will learn to perceive and flow.
How do we engage our soul gates? Act in faith and meditate on each gate from the inside through your spirit. Invite Jesus to stand in each gate to give you revelation about how each gate functions in you. Invite the flow of the river of life to wash and cleanse each gate. Invite the light, glory and fire of God to purify and refine each gate. Invite Jesus to be Lord of each gate
Engage by acting in faith & speaking to my soul yielding control to the direction of my spirit. By declaring – soul you will not motivate me or control me or block the flow of the spirit. By taking possession of the gateway and place at the center of it.
Cleansing the gateways using the blood of Jesus is a key to fully flowing from the inside. Repent by acknowledging our sin and take responsibility for not guarding and using our gates correctly is another key. Take the blood of Jesus by faith and wipe the gateway clean and redeem it.
The soul gates are usually influenced by demonic familiar spirits and our sin nature (this has been crucified with Christ but must be reckoned dead daily). We have to take back possession of our souls and dispossess anything residing there, demonic spirits, blockages, strongholds, controls systems etc.
There will be legal rights that the enemy has to occupy or block the flowing of the river of life through our gateways. We need to understand how to use the court system and judicial process. This will give us authority over spiritual forces, mind-sets and habitual behavior patterns and addictions.
As our gateways begin to open there may be some conflict between soul and spirit as kingdom rule and influence begins to exert itself. Internal pressure often squeezes things to the surface. Things may appear to get worse before they get better. Don’t be intimidated or fearful and back off.
Matt 11:12 …the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force. Begin to enforce the kingdom of God, the authority of our spirit, over the soul, and then the body and out into the world.
Matt 6:33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Rom 8:37 But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. In the spirit by faith raise the banner of victory over each gate as a declaration that Jesus rules.
Rom 5:17 For if by the transgression of the one, death reigned through the one, much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. Don’t give up it is a marathon not a sprint.
What will shut a gate and stop the flow? Having a wrong focus by trying to meet your own needs by drawing from the outside. Independence living your way. Not seeking first the kingdom is idolatry. Not having a kingdom focus not opening your first love gate daily. Unconfessed sin gives the enemy the right to accuse you – guilt shame condemnation.
How do we keep a gate open and flowing? Keep short accounts, by confession and repentance as soon as our conscience picks up sin. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, through conviction and being sensitive to warnings, intuition, lack of peace, heaviness etc. Spend as much time as possible strongly praying in tongues inside & out, to keep the spirit flowing.
Luke 11:17 “A house divided cannot stand.” We are referred to as a house or temple, a dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. Important to remove division and separation within our spirit, soul and body so we can stand firm in oneness.
Eph 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Don’t wrestle with your flesh, wrestle with spirit beings who operate in our soul and use it to fulfil their purposes. We must recognize our responsibility to exercise authority and rule over the gates of our lives.
Don’t expect to take a nation until you have taken a city. Don’t expect to take the city unless you have taken your church. Don’t expect to take your church unless you have taken your family. Don’t expect to take your family unless you have taken your own gates. It starts in you and develops outward, not from the outside in. – Ian Clayton.
Act 1:8 but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” God equips us to expand outwards from the centre.
Example prayer for conscience gateway. Today I bring my conscience into submission to my spirit. I release the life of God to flow from my spirit, through the gateways of reverence and of the fear of God to produce a consciousness of God’s righteousness and truth. Where my soul has been seared by sin. I now take the sword of the spirit and cleave the gateway open to allow the flow of God through it, to dictate my actions.
Father, make me aware of my actions that I may submit to your authority in my soul. Today I take authority over the spiritual force or condition that is resistant to the flow of God in me. I loose it and cast it out of this gateway in Jesus name. I make Jesus Lord over my conscience gateway today.
Father I thank You that my conscience gateway is full of Your glory. I apply reverence and fear of God to my conscience so it will now dictate my bodies actions in the world. I thank You that my reverence activated conscience receives and releases the flow of godliness and holiness through it.
This type of praying needs to be forceful determined and persistent to maintain victory and widen the gateways flow. You have lived controlled and influenced by these inner issues all your life it will take some determination and persistence. Inner healing, deliverance, Lie Busting. Be deliberate about your transformation.
Imagination gateway. A key area because it feeds into the storage of everything we see, do, feel and hear etc. God gives us most visual image revelation on the screen of our imaginations. Once clean, revelation and the ability to perceive the realms of the kingdom are heightened considerably. Negative images are a major area the enemy uses to stop the flow of the spirit.
Deal with the images from our pasts. Acknowledge their presence in your life. Own the sin and bring the image into the light. Take the blood of Jesus and apply to the image like a paintbrush obliterating the image. Memories and the neural pathway broken.
Reason gateway. Beliefs, doctrines and values. 2 Cor 10:5 5 We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. We must take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.
Father today I release the glory of the kingdom of God and the cleansing river of life into my reason gate to purge and clean my negative values, mind-sets and belief systems. Demolish all the strongholds that argue against Your truth. I repent and renounce doubt, unbelief, rationalism, skepticism, cynicism, denial.
Father cleanse me of all false doctrine, philosophies & ideas. I receive a flow of supernatural wisdom from Your word to change my life. I ask you to renew & restore my ability to reason with You. I choose to use my reason gate to interpret Your thoughts & understand Your ways.
Subconscious Mind gateway – Heart soil – hard, stones, weeds. Example prayer. – Strongholds, Mind-sets, beliefs. Father today I release the glory of the kingdom of God and the cleansing river of life into my subconscious mind and into my memories to purge and clean them so that I may receive supernatural revelation from Your word to change my life.
I release the life of God through the gateway of revelation in my spirit like a river to flush out, wash and restore my mind so that I may have the Mind of Christ operating in me. So that the actions of my body reflect the kingdom of God and its outworking in my behavior and to those around me.
Emotions gateway – Feelings, hurts, pains. Father today I release the glory of Your kingdom and the cleansing healing waters of the river of life into my emotions. I repent and renounce all unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, anger & self-pity .I ask you to heal my hurts and painful memories and purify & restore my emotions. Use my emotions to feel Your heart & guide me through intuition.
Will gateway. Father today I release the glory of the kingdom of God and the cleansing healing river of life into my will. I repent and renounce all Sin, Rebellion, Stubbornness, Wilfulness, Defiance, Control, Fear, Doubt, Unbelief, Indecision. I ask you to purify & restore my will & restore courage, perseverance and persistence. Use my will to enable me to do Your will through obedience & true worship.
Body Gateways. We need to relearn to see from the inside out, hear from the inside out etc. The body must become a servant of the soul as the soul becomes a servant of the spirit. The spirit must become a bond servant of Jesus in the centre of our being. Joined to the Lord and one spirit with Him.
Body Gateways – Example Prayer for eye gateway. Father today in the name of Jesus I release the flow of the glory of God through the gateway of first love and the gateway of revelation, into the gateway of my imagination and out through the gateway of my eyes, that I might see into the kingdom of realm with renewed spiritual sight. May my eyes become like a flame of fire to the demonic world as I reflect the glory of God from inside me.
Father. today I release the flow of the glory of God through the gateway of first love and the gate of reverence, into the gateway of my conscience to protect the gateway of my eyes, ear, touch etc. to guard the windows and entrance points into my soul and to direct the flow of the river of life out into the world through what I say and touch.